95,952 research outputs found

    Storing RDF as a Graph

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    RDF is the first W3C standard for enriching information resources of the Web with detailed meta data. The semantics of RDF data is defined using a RDF schema. The most expressive language for querying RDF is RQL, which enables querying of semantics. In order to support RQL, a RDF storage system has to map the RDF graph model onto its storage structure. Several storage systems for RDF data have been developed, which store the RDF data as triples in a relational database. To evaluate an RQL query on those triple structures, the graph model has to be rebuilt from the triples. In this paper, we presented a new approach to store RDF data as a graph in a object-oriented database. Our approach avoids the costly rebuilding of the graph and efficiently queries the storage structure directly. The advantages of our approach have been shown by performance test on our prototype implementation OO-Store

    “Bread or Freedom”: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA, and the Arabic Literary Journal Ḥiwār (1962-67)

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    Abstract In 1950, the United States Central Intelligence Agency created the Congress for Cultural Freedom, with its main offices in Paris. The CCF was designed as a cultural front in the Cold War in response to the Soviet Cominform, and founded and fiinded a worldwide network of literary journals (as well as conferences, concerts, art exhibits and other cultural events). From 1962 until its scandalous collapse over the course of 1966 and the early months of 1967, Tawfiq Säyigh edited the CCF's Arabic outpost Hiwdr from Beirut, joining a growing web of CCP journals, including London's Eneounter, Kampala's Transition, Bombay's Quest, and the Latin American, Paris-based Mundo Nuevo. Hiwdr, a journal fiinded by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and thus covertly by the CIA, sought to co-opt the Arab avant-garde, offering authors both material compensation for their writing, as well as the much lauded cultural freedom. By 1966, Hiwdr'% promise to writers of both bread and freedom collapsed in the pages of the Arabic press under the weight of paradox and a worldwide scandal on the eve of the 1967 Arab defeat

    Web development evolution: the assimilation of web engineering security

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    In today’s e-commerce environment, information is an incredibly valuable asset. Surveys indicate that companies are suffering staggering financial losses due to web security issues. Analyzing the underlying causes of these security breaches shows that a significant proportion of them are caused by straightforward design errors in systems and not by failures in security mechanisms. There is significant research into security mechanisms but there is little research into the integration of these into software design processes, even those processes specifically designed for Web Engineering. Security should be designed into the application development process upfront through an independent flexible methodology that contains customizable components

    Web development evolution: the assimilation of web engineering security

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    In today’s e-commerce environment, information is an incredibly valuable asset. Surveys indicate that companies are suffering staggering financial losses due to web security issues. Analyzing the underlying causes of these security breaches shows that a significant proportion of them are caused by straightforward design errors in systems and not by failures in security mechanisms. There is significant research into security mechanisms but there is little research into the integration of these into software design processes, even those processes specifically designed for Web Engineering. Security should be designed into the application development process upfront through an independent flexible methodology that contains customizable components

    “Bread or Freedom”: The Congress for Cultural Freedom, the CIA, and the Arabic Literary Journal Ḥiwār (1962-67) (complete)

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    In 1950, the United States Central Intelligence Agency created the Congress for Cultural Free- dom, with its main offices in Paris, lhe CCF was designed as a cultural front in the Cold War in response to the Soviet Cominform, and founded and funded a worldwide network of literary journals (as well as conferences, concerts, art exhibits and other cultural events). From 1 962 until its scandalous collapse over the course of 1966 and the early months of 1967, Tawfîq Sãyigh edited the CCF s Arabic outpost Hiwãr from Beirut, joining a growing web of CCF journals, including London's Encounter , Kampala's Transition , Bombay's Quest , and the Latin American, Paris-based Mundo Nuevo. Hiwãr , a journal funded by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, and thus covertly by the CIA, sought to co-opt the Arab avant-garde, offering authors both material compensation for their writing, as well as the much lauded cultural freedom. By 1966, Hiwãr s promise to writers of both bread and freedom collapsed in the pages of the Arabic press under the weight of paradox and a worldwide scandal on the eve of the 1967 Arab defeat

    Trade and the Americas

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    CRS ReportCRSTradeAmericas12Sept03.pdf: 220 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020