767 research outputs found

    Iso-damping fractional-order control for robust automated car-following

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    This work deals with the control design and development of an automated car-following strategy that further increases robustness to vehicle dynamics uncertainties. The control algorithm is applied on a hierarchical architecture where high and low level control layers are designed for gap-control and desired acceleration tracking, respectively. A fractional-order controller is proposed due to its flexible frequency shape, fulfilling more demanding design requirements. The iso-damping loop property is sought, which yields a desired closed-loop stability that results invariant despite changes on the controlled plant gain. In addition, the graphical nature of the proposed design approach demonstrates its portability and applicability to any type of vehicle dynamics without complex reconfiguration. The algorithm benefits are validated in frequency and time domains, as well as through experiments on a real vehicle platform performing adaptive cruise control.This research is supported by the Vehicle Technology Office (VTO), U.S. Department of Energy, under the Energy Efficient Mobility Systems (EEMS) initiative of the SMART Mobility Program, through the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The contents of this paper reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein

    Fractional Order State Feedback Control for Improved Lateral Stability of Semi-Autonomous Commercial Heavy Vehicles

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    With the growing development of autonomous and semi-autonomous large commercial heavy vehicles, the lateral stability control of articulated vehicles have caught the attention of researchers recently. Active vehicle front steering (AFS) can enhance the handling performance and stability of articulated vehicles for an emergency highway maneuver scenario. However, with large vehicles such tractor-trailers, the system becomes more complex to control and there is an increased occurrence of instabilities. This research investigates a new control scheme based on fractional calculus as a technique that ensures lateral stability of articulated large heavy vehicles during evasive highway maneuvering scenarios. The control method is first implemented to a passenger vehicle model with 2-axles based on the well-known “bicycle model”. The model is then extended and applied onto larger three-axle commercial heavy vehicles in platooning operations. To validate the proposed new control algorithm, the system is linearized and a fractional order PI state feedback control is developed based on the linearized model. Then using Matlab/Simulink, the developed fractional-order linear controller is implemented onto the non-linear tractor-trailer dynamic model. The tractor-trailer system is modeled based on the conventional integer-order techniques and then a non-integer linear controller is developed to control the system. Overall, results confirm that the proposed controller improves the lateral stability of a tractor-trailer response time by 20% as compared to a professional truck driver during an evasive highway maneuvering scenario. In addition, the effects of variable truck cargo loading and longitudinal speed are evaluated to confirm the robustness of the new control method under a variety of potential operating conditions

    Cognitive Vehicle Platooning in the Era of Automated Electric Transportation

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    Vehicle platooning is an important innovation in the automotive industry that aims at improving safety, mileage, efficiency, and the time needed to travel. This research focuses on the various aspects of vehicle platooning, one of the important aspects being analysis of different control strategies that lead to a stable and robust platoon. Safety of passengers being a very important consideration, the control design should be such that the controller remains robust under uncertain environments. As a part of the Department of Energy (DOE) project, this research also tries to show a demonstration of vehicle platooning using robots. In an automated highway scenario, a vehicle platoon can be thought of as a string of vehicles, following one another as a platoon. Being equipped by wireless communication capabilities, these vehicles communicate with one another to maintain their formation as a platoon, hence are cognitive. Autonomous capable vehicles in tightly spaced, computer-controlled platoons will lead to savings in energy due to reduced aerodynamic forces, as well as increased passenger comfort since there will be no sudden accelerations or decelerations. Impacts in the occurrence of collisions, if any, will be very low. The greatest benefit obtained is, however, an increase in highway capacity, along with reduction in traffic congestion, pollution, and energy consumption. Another aspect of this project is the automated electric transportation (AET). This aims at providing energy directly to vehicles from electric highways, thus reducing their energy consumption and CO2 emission. By eliminating the use of overhead wires, infrastructure can be upgraded by electrifying highways and providing energy on demand and in real time to moving vehicles via a wireless energy transfer phenomenon known as wireless inductive coupling. The work done in this research will help to gain an insight into vehicle platooning and the control system related to maintaining the vehicles in this formation

    Sähköbussin nopeuden ja ohjauskulman säätö edellä ajavan ajoneuvon liike-radan seuraamisessa

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    Buses face problems when the capacity of a bus is limited but it should be larger to be able to carry more passengers. The capacity of a bus is already increased to its maximum that is allowed by the infrastructure. The capacity of a bus line could be increased by driving buses more frequently but it would increase costs, that is unwanted. Costs could be reduced by driving buses as platoons consisting of two buses where only the first bus would be operated by a professional driver and the second would be driven autonomously. Autonomous driving requires longitudinal and lateral control of a vehicle. The follower bus should be able to follow the path driven by the leader bus precisely and avoid inter-vehicular collisions while still driving as close together as possible to indicate other traffic that they move as a platoon. Lateral control is usually divided into path following and direct following methods in the literature. Path following methods include obtaining the path of the leader vehicle and following of that path. Path following methods are usually accurate in terms of lateral error but are complex and require a lot of computational capacity. Direct following methods are easy to compute but they do not guarantee precise path following. A simulation model consisting of two identical buses was developed. One longitudinal controller and four lateral control laws were proposed. Longitudinal controller was designed to work also in tight turns which is not usually investigated. Lateral control laws proposed were geometrical in nature and required only input as the relative position of the leader bus. Therefore, they did not require inter-vehicular communication. Longitudinal controller worked well for initialization of the system with inter-vehicular distances from 2 to 10 m. It worked well in acceleration and deceleration tests when both buses were loaded similarly but failed to prevent collisions when follower bus was loaded more heavily than the leader. In lateral controller tests, Pure Pursuit and Modified Pure Pursuit methods were able to follow the leader producing following lateral errors: 0,8 m and 1,1 m (steady-state tests), 0,8 m and 0,7 m (u-turn maneuver) and 0,3 m/0,4 m and 0,4 m/0,5 m (double lane change maneuver, 5 m/s/10 m/s respectively). Spline Pursuit method showed oscillatory behavior and did not follow the leader well. Circular Pursuit method showed also oscillatory behavior and did not follow the leader well. However, it showed better performance than the Spline Pursuit. It remains to be studied whether Pure Pursuit or Modified Pure Pursuit can challenge more sophisticated path following methods.Linja-autojen matkustajakapasiteetti on rajallinen, mikä aiheuttaa ongelmia, sillä sen tulisi olla suurempi. Kapasiteetti on jo nostettu suurimmalle mahdolliselle tasolle, mitä nykyinen infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa. Linja-autolinjan kapasiteettia voisi nostaa ajamalla linja-autoja tiheämmin. Tämä kuitenkin johtaa suurempiin kustannuksiin. Kustannuksia voisi vähentää ajamalla linja-autoja kahden ajoneuvon jonoina, joissa ensimmäistä ajo-neuvoa ohjaisi ammattilaiskuljettaja ja toinen olisi autonomisesti ohjattu. Autonominen ajaminen vaatii ajoneuvon nopeuden ja ohjauskulman säätöä. Seuraajalinja-auton pitää pystyä seuraamaan johtajalinja-auton ajamaa ajouraa tarkasti ja välttää törmäämistä johtajaan. Linja-autojen välinen etäisyys on kuitenkin oltava riittävän pieni, jotta se viestisi muulle liikenteelle, että ajoneuvot ajavat jonona. Kirjallisuus jakaa ohjauskulman säädön yleensä ajouran seuraamiseen ja suoraan seuraamiseen. Ajouran seuraaminen koostuu johtaja-ajoneuvon ajouran saamisesta ja tämän uran seuraamisesta. Ajouran seuraamisen metodit ovat yleensä tarkkoja poikittaisen virheen suhteen, mutta ovat monimutkaisia ja vaativat paljon laskennallista kapasiteettia. Suoran seuraamisen metodit ovat laskennallisesti kevyitä, mutta eivät takaa tarkkaa ajouran seuraamista. Kahdesta identtisestä linja-autosta koostuva simulaatiomalli kehitettiin. Yksi nopeussäädin ja neljä ohjauskulman säätölakia esitettiin. Nopeussäädin suunniteltiin toimimaan myös tiukoissa käännöksissä, mitä ei ole yleensä tutkittu. Ohjauskulman säätölait perustuivat geometriseen päättelyyn ja ne tarvitsivat vain johtajalinja-auton suhteellisen asentotiedon. Säätölait eivät vaatineet ajoneuvojen välistä kommunikaatiota. Nopeussäädin toimi järjestelmän alustamisessa ajoneuvojen välisen etäisyyden ollessa 2-10 m. Se toimi hyvin kiihdytys- ja jarrutustesteissä, kun molemmat linja-autot olivat lastattu identtisellä kuormalla, mutta epäonnistui estämään törmäämisen, kun seuraajalinja-auto oli lastattu suuremmalla kuormalla kuin johtaja. Ohjauskulman säädön testeissä Pure Pursuit ja Modified Pure Pursuit pystyivät seuraamaan johtajaa seuraavilla poikittaissuuntaisilla virheillä: 0,8 m ja 1,1 m (steady-state-testit), 0,8 m ja 0,7 m (u-käännös) ja 0,3 m/0,4 m ja 0,4 m/0,5 m (kaksoiskaistanvaihto, 5 m/s/10 m/s vastaavasti). Spline Pursuit käyttäytyi värähtelevästi eikä seurannut johtajaa hyvin. Circular Pursuit käyttäytyi värähtelevästi eikä seurannut johtajaa hyvin, mutta kuitenkin paremmin kuin Spline Pursuit. Jää nähtäväksi pystyykö Pure Pursuit tai Modified Pure Pursuit haastamaan monimutkaisempia ajouran seuraamisen metodeja

    Autonomous Flight Rules Concept: User Implementation Costs and Strategies

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    The costs to implement Autonomous Flight Rules (AFR) were examined for estimates in acquisition, installation, training and operations. The user categories were airlines, fractional operators, general aviation and unmanned aircraft systems. Transition strategies to minimize costs while maximizing operational benefits were also analyzed. The primary cost category was found to be the avionics acquisition. Cost ranges for AFR equipment were given to reflect the uncertainty of the certification level for the equipment and the extent of existing compatible avionics in the aircraft to be modified

    Communication and interaction with semiautonomous ground vehicles by force control steering

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    While full automation of road vehicles remains a future goal, shared-control and semi-autonomous driving – involving transitions of control between the human and the machine – are more feasible objectives in the near term. These alternative driving modes will benefit from new research towards novel steering control devices, more suitable where the machine intelligence controls only partially the vehicle. In this paper it is proposed that when the human shares the control of a vehicle with an autonomous or semi-autonomous system, a force control or non-displacement steering wheel (i.e., a steering wheel which does not rotate but detects the applied torque by the human driver) can be advantageous under certain schemes: tight rein or loose rein modes according to the Hmetaphor. We support this proposition with the first experiments, to the best of our knowledge, in which human participants drove in a simulated road scene with a force control steering wheel. The experiments exhibited that humans can adapt promptly to force control steering and are able to control the vehicle smoothly. Different transfer functions are tested, which translate the applied torque at the force control steering wheel to the steering angle at the wheels of the vehicle; it is shown that fractional order transfer functions increment steering stability and control accuracy when using a force control device. Transition of control experiments are also performed with both, a conventional and a force control steering wheel. This prototypical steering system can be realized via steer-by-wire controls, which are already incorporated in commercially available vehicles

    Experimental Application of Hybrid Fractional-Order Adaptive Cruise Control at Low Speed

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    International audienceThis brief deals with the design and experimen-tal application of a hybrid fractional adaptive cruise control (ACC) at low speeds. First, an improved fractional-order cruise control (CC) is presented for a commercial Citroën C3 prototype—which has automatic driving capabilities—at low speeds, which considers a hybrid model of the vehicle. The quadratic stability of the system is proved using a frequency domain method. Second, ACC maneuvers are implemented with two different distance policies using two cooperating vehicles— one manual, the leader, and the other, automatic—also at very low speeds. In these maneuvers, the objective is to maintain a desired interdistance between the leader and follower vehi-cles, i.e., to perform a distance control—with a proportional differential (PD) controller in this case—in which the previously designed fractional-order CC is used for the speed control. Simulation and experimental results, obtained in a real circuit, are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies. Index Terms— Adaptive cruise control (ACC), fractional-order control (FOC), hybrid system and control, stability

    Decoupled Fractional Super-Twisting Stabilization of Interconnected Mobile Robot Under Harsh Terrain Conditions

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    The four-wheel omnidirectional mobile robot usually suffers disturbed or unstable lateral motion under harsh terrain conditions (such as uneven or oiled ground). Generally for such a challenging situation, the lumped disturbances and interconnected states render available coupling solutions difficult to achieve demand-satisfied performance. This paper proposes a novel decoupled fractional super-twisting sliding mode control (FST-SMC) method by (i) constructing an inverse system-based decoupling to form a pseudolinear composition system; (ii) presenting an enhanced nominal sliding law for chattering mitigation and (iii) designing an unbiased multi-layer fuzzy estimator with gain-learning capacity to compensate for the lumped disturbances actively. Given that the identified disturbances can be directly reflected in the FST-SMC law, this method guarantees an accurate and robust control without causing gain overestimation. Theoretical analysis is offered to verify the asymptotic stability. Under harsh terrain conditions, experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed FST-SMC method
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