366 research outputs found

    Enhanced Fireworks Algorithm-Auto Disturbance Rejection Control Algorithm for Robot Fish Path Tracking

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    The robot fish is affected by many unknown internal and external interference factors when it performs path tracking in unknown waters. It was proposed that a path tracking method based on the EFWA-ADRC (enhanced fireworks algorithmauto disturbance rejection control) to obtain high-quality tracking effect. ADRC has strong adaptability and robustness. It is an effective method to solve the control problems of nonlinearity, uncertainty, strong interference, strong coupling and large time lag. For the optimization of parameters in ADRC, the enhanced fireworks algorithm (EFWA) is used for online adjustment. It is to improve the anti-interference of the robot fish in the path tracking process. The multi-joint bionic robot fish was taken as the research object in the paper. It was established a path tracking error model in the Serret-Frenet coordinate system combining the mathematical model of robotic fish. It was focused on the forward speed and steering speed control rate. It was constructed that the EFWA-ADRC based path tracking system. Finally, the simulation and experimental results show that the control method based on EFWAADRC and conventional ADRC makes the robotic fish track the given path at 2:8s and 3:3s respectively, and the tracking error is kept within plus or minus 0:09m and 0:1m respectively. The new control method tracking steady-state error was reduces by 10% compared with the conventional ADRC. It was proved that the proposed EFWA-ADRC controller has better control effect on the controlled system, which is subject to strong interference


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    Nature inspired and bio-inspired algorithms have been recently used for solving low and high dimensional search and optimization problems. In this context, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) and Differential Evolution (DE) have been widely employed as global optimization techniques inspired from social foraging behavior of Escheria coli bacteria and evolutionary ideas such as mutation, crossover, and selection, respectively. BFOA employs chemotaxis (tumble and run steps of a bacterium in its lifetime) activity for local search whereas the global search is performed by elimination-dispersal operator. Elimination-dispersal operator kills or disperses some bacteria and replaces others randomly in the search space. This operator mimics bacterium’s death or dispersal in case of high temperature or sudden water flow in the environment. DE employs the mutation and crossover operators to make a local and a global search that explore the search space. Exploration and exploitation balance of DE is performed by two different parameters: mutation scaling factor and crossover rate. These two parameters along with the number of population have an enormous impact on optimization performance. In this thesis, two novel hybrid techniques called Chemotaxis Differential Evolution Optimization Algorithm (CDEOA) for low dimensions and micro CDEOA (μCDEOA) for high dimensional problems are proposed. In these techniques, we incorporate the principles of DE into BFOA with two conditions. What makes our techniques different from its counterparts is that it is based on two optimization strategies: exploration of a bacterium in case of its failure to explore its vicinity for food source and exploitation of a bacterium in case of its achievement to exploit more food source. By means of these evolutionary ideas, we manage to establish an efficient balance between exploration of new areas in the search space and exploitation of search space gradients. Statistics of the computer simulations indicate that μCDEOA outperforms, or is comparable to, its competitors in terms of its convergence rates and quality of final solution for complex high dimensional problems

    Mitigation of Redundant Handovers to Femtocells by Estimation of throughput Gain

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    More is Different: Modern Computational Modeling for Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    La combinació d'observacions experimentals i estudis de la Density Functional Theory (DFT) és un dels pilars de la investigació química moderna. Atès que permeten recopilar informació física addicional d'un sistema químic, difícilment accessible a través de l'entorn experimental, aquests estudis es fan servir àmpliament per modelar i predir el comportament d'una gran varietat de compostos químics en entorns únics. A la catàlisi heterogènia, els models DFT s'utilitzen habitualment per avaluar la interacció entre els compostos moleculars i els catalitzadors, vinculant aquestes interpretacions amb els resultats experimentals. Tanmateix, l'alta complexitat trobada tant als escenaris catalítics com a la reactivitat, implica la necessitat de metodologies sofisticades que requereixen automatització, emmagatzematge i anàlisi per estudiar correctament aquests sistemes. Aquest treball presenta el desenvolupament i la combinació de múltiples metodologies per avaluar correctament la complexitat d'aquests sistemes químics. A més, aquest treball mostra com s'han utilitzat les tècniques proporcionades per estudiar noves configuracions catalítiques d'interès acadèmic i industrial.La combinación de observaciones experimentales y estudios de la Density Functional Theory (DFT) es uno de los pilares de la investigación química moderna. Dado que permiten recopilar información física adicional de un sistema químico, difícilmente accesible a través del entorno experimental, estos estudios se emplean ampliamente para modelar y predecir el comportamiento de una gran variedad de compuestos químicos en entornos únicos. En la catálisis heterogénea, los modelos DFT se emplean habitualmente para evaluar la interacción entre los compuestos moleculares y los catalizadores, vinculando estas interpretaciones con los resultados experimentales. Sin embargo, la alta complejidad encontrada tanto en los escenarios catalíticos como en la reactividad, implica la necesidad de metodologías sofisticadas que requieren de automatización, almacenamiento y análisis para estudiar correctamente estos sistemas. Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo y la combinación de múltiples metodologías con el objetivo de evaluar correctamente la complejidad de estos sistemas químicos. Además, este trabajo muestra cómo las técnicas proporcionadas se han utilizado para estudiar nuevas configuraciones catalíticas de interés académico e industrial.The combination of Experimental observations and Density Functional Theory studies is one of the pillars of modern chemical research. As they enable the collection of additional physical information of a chemical system, hardly accessible via the experimental setting, Density Functional Theory studies are widely employed to model and predict the behavior of a diverse variety of chemical compounds under unique environments. Particularly, in heterogeneous catalysis, Density Functional Theory models are commonly employed to evaluate the interaction between molecular compounds and catalysts, lately linking these interpretations with experimental results. However, high complexity found in both, catalytic settings and reactivity, implies the need of sophisticated methodologies involving automation, storage and analysis to correctly study these systems. Here, I present the development and combination of multiple methodologies, aiming at correctly asses complexity. Also, this work shows how the provided techniques have been actively used to study novel catalytic settings of academic and industrial interest

    Hybrid Advanced Optimization Methods with Evolutionary Computation Techniques in Energy Forecasting

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    More accurate and precise energy demand forecasts are required when energy decisions are made in a competitive environment. Particularly in the Big Data era, forecasting models are always based on a complex function combination, and energy data are always complicated. Examples include seasonality, cyclicity, fluctuation, dynamic nonlinearity, and so on. These forecasting models have resulted in an over-reliance on the use of informal judgment and higher expenses when lacking the ability to determine data characteristics and patterns. The hybridization of optimization methods and superior evolutionary algorithms can provide important improvements via good parameter determinations in the optimization process, which is of great assistance to actions taken by energy decision-makers. This book aimed to attract researchers with an interest in the research areas described above. Specifically, it sought contributions to the development of any hybrid optimization methods (e.g., quadratic programming techniques, chaotic mapping, fuzzy inference theory, quantum computing, etc.) with advanced algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization algorithm, etc.) that have superior capabilities over the traditional optimization approaches to overcome some embedded drawbacks, and the application of these advanced hybrid approaches to significantly improve forecasting accuracy

    Exploring the topical structure of short text through probability models : from tasks to fundamentals

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    Recent technological advances have radically changed the way we communicate. Today’s communication has become ubiquitous and it has fostered the need for information that is easier to create, spread and consume. As a consequence, we have experienced the shortening of text messages in mediums ranging from electronic mailing, instant messaging to microblogging. Moreover, the ubiquity and fast-paced nature of these mediums have promoted their use for unthinkable tasks. For instance, reporting real-world events was classically carried out by news reporters, but, nowadays, most interesting events are first disclosed on social networks like Twitter by eyewitness through short text messages. As a result, the exploitation of the thematic content in short text has captured the interest of both research and industry. Topic models are a type of probability models that have traditionally been used to explore this thematic content, a.k.a. topics, in regular text. Most popular topic models fall into the sub-class of LVMs (Latent Variable Models), which include several latent variables at the corpus, document and word levels to summarise the topics at each level. However, classical LVM-based topic models struggle to learn semantically meaningful topics in short text because the lack of co-occurring words within a document hampers the estimation of the local latent variables at the document level. To overcome this limitation, pooling and hierarchical Bayesian strategies that leverage on contextual information have been essential to improve the quality of topics in short text. In this thesis, we study the problem of learning semantically meaningful and predictive representations of text in two distinct phases: • In the first phase, Part I, we investigate the use of LVM-based topic models for the specific task of event detection in Twitter. In this situation, the use of contextual information to pool tweets together comes naturally. Thus, we first extend an existing clustering algorithm for event detection to use the topics learned from pooled tweets. Then, we propose a probability model that integrates topic modelling and clustering to enable the flow of information between both components. • In the second phase, Part II and Part III, we challenge the use of local latent variables in LVMs, specially when the context of short messages is not available. First of all, we study the evaluation of the generalization capabilities of LVMs like PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) and propose unbiased estimation methods to approximate it. With the most accurate method, we compare the generalization of chordal models without latent variables to that of PFA topic models in short and regular text collections. In summary, we demonstrate that by integrating clustering and topic modelling, the performance of event detection techniques in Twitter is improved due to the interaction between both components. Moreover, we develop several unbiased likelihood estimation methods for assessing the generalization of PFA and we empirically validate their accuracy in different document collections. Finally, we show that we can learn chordal models without latent variables in text through Chordalysis, and that they can be a competitive alternative to classical topic models, specially in short text.Els avenços tecnològics han canviat radicalment la forma que ens comuniquem. Avui en dia, la comunicació és ubiqua, la qual cosa fomenta l’ús de informació fàcil de crear, difondre i consumir. Com a resultat, hem experimentat l’escurçament dels missatges de text en diferents medis de comunicació, des del correu electrònic, a la missatgeria instantània, al microblogging. A més de la ubiqüitat, la naturalesa accelerada d’aquests medis ha promogut el seu ús per tasques fins ara inimaginables. Per exemple, el relat d’esdeveniments era clàssicament dut a terme per periodistes a peu de carrer, però, en l’actualitat, el successos més interessants es publiquen directament en xarxes socials com Twitter a través de missatges curts. Conseqüentment, l’explotació de la informació temàtica del text curt ha atret l'interès tant de la recerca com de la indústria. Els models temàtics (o topic models) són un tipus de models de probabilitat que tradicionalment s’han utilitzat per explotar la informació temàtica en documents de text. Els models més populars pertanyen al subgrup de models amb variables latents, els quals incorporen varies variables a nivell de corpus, document i paraula amb la finalitat de descriure el contingut temàtic a cada nivell. Tanmateix, aquests models tenen dificultats per aprendre la semàntica en documents curts degut a la manca de coocurrència en les paraules d’un mateix document, la qual cosa impedeix una correcta estimació de les variables locals. Per tal de solucionar aquesta limitació, l’agregació de missatges segons el context i l’ús d’estratègies jeràrquiques Bayesianes són essencials per millorar la qualitat dels temes apresos. En aquesta tesi, estudiem en dos fases el problema d’aprenentatge d’estructures semàntiques i predictives en documents de text: En la primera fase, Part I, investiguem l’ús de models temàtics amb variables latents per la detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter. En aquest escenari, l’ús del context per agregar tweets sorgeix de forma natural. Per això, primer estenem un algorisme de clustering per detectar esdeveniments a partir dels temes apresos en els tweets agregats. I seguidament, proposem un nou model de probabilitat que integra el model temàtic i el de clustering per tal que la informació flueixi entre ambdós components. En la segona fase, Part II i Part III, qüestionem l’ús de variables latents locals en models per a text curt sense context. Primer de tot, estudiem com avaluar la capacitat de generalització d’un model amb variables latents com el PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) a través del càlcul de la likelihood. Atès que aquest càlcul és computacionalment intractable, proposem diferents mètodes d estimació. Amb el mètode més acurat, comparem la generalització de models chordals sense variables latents amb la del models PFA, tant en text curt com estàndard. En resum, demostrem que integrant clustering i models temàtics, el rendiment de les tècniques de detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter millora degut a la interacció entre ambdós components. A més a més, desenvolupem diferents mètodes d’estimació per avaluar la capacitat generalizadora dels models PFA i validem empíricament la seva exactitud en diverses col·leccions de text. Finalment, mostrem que podem aprendre models chordals sense variables latents en text a través de Chordalysis i que aquests models poden ser una bona alternativa als models temàtics clàssics, especialment en text curt.Postprint (published version