132 research outputs found

    A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers

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    This monograph aims at providing an introduction to key concepts, algorithms, and theoretical results in machine learning. The treatment concentrates on probabilistic models for supervised and unsupervised learning problems. It introduces fundamental concepts and algorithms by building on first principles, while also exposing the reader to more advanced topics with extensive pointers to the literature, within a unified notation and mathematical framework. The material is organized according to clearly defined categories, such as discriminative and generative models, frequentist and Bayesian approaches, exact and approximate inference, as well as directed and undirected models. This monograph is meant as an entry point for researchers with a background in probability and linear algebra.Comment: This is an expanded and improved version of the original posting. Feedback is welcom

    K-means based clustering and context quantization

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    Äriprotsesside ajaliste nĂ€itajate selgitatav ennustav jĂ€lgimine

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    Kaasaegsed ettevĂ”tte infosĂŒsteemid vĂ”imaldavad ettevĂ”tetel koguda detailset informatsiooni Ă€riprotsesside tĂ€itmiste kohta. Eelnev koos masinĂ”ppe meetoditega vĂ”imaldab kasutada andmejuhitavaid ja ennustatavaid lĂ€henemisi Ă€riprotsesside jĂ”udluse jĂ€lgimiseks. Kasutades ennustuslike Ă€riprotsesside jĂ€lgimise tehnikaid on vĂ”imalik jĂ”udluse probleeme ennustada ning soovimatu tegurite mĂ”ju ennetavalt leevendada. TĂŒĂŒpilised kĂŒsimused, millega tegeleb ennustuslik protsesside jĂ€lgimine on “millal antud Ă€riprotsess lĂ”ppeb?” vĂ”i “mis on kĂ”ige tĂ”enĂ€olisem jĂ€rgmine sĂŒndmus antud Ă€riprotsessi jaoks?”. Suurim osa olemasolevatest lahendustest eelistavad tĂ€psust selgitatavusele. Praktikas, selgitatavus on ennustatavate tehnikate tĂ€htis tunnus. Ennustused, kas protsessi tĂ€itmine ebaĂ”nnestub vĂ”i selle tĂ€itmisel vĂ”ivad tekkida raskused, pole piisavad. On oluline kasutajatele seletada, kuidas on selline ennustuse tulemus saavutatud ning mida saab teha soovimatu tulemuse ennetamiseks. Töö pakub vĂ€lja kaks meetodit ennustatavate mudelite konstrueerimiseks, mis vĂ”imaldavad jĂ€lgida Ă€riprotsesse ning keskenduvad selgitatavusel. Seda saavutatakse ennustuse lahtivĂ”tmisega elementaarosadeks. NĂ€iteks, kui ennustatakse, et Ă€riprotsessi lĂ”puni on jÀÀnud aega 20 tundi, siis saame anda seletust, et see aeg on moodustatud kĂ”ikide seni kĂ€sitlemata tegevuste lĂ”petamiseks vajalikust ajast. Töös vĂ”rreldakse omavahel eelmainitud meetodeid, kĂ€sitledes Ă€riprotsesse erinevatest valdkondadest. Hindamine toob esile erinevusi selgitatava ja tĂ€psusele pĂ”hinevale lĂ€henemiste vahel. Töö teaduslik panus on ennustuslikuks protsesside jĂ€lgimiseks vabavaralise tööriista arendamine. SĂŒsteemi nimeks on Nirdizati ning see sĂŒsteem vĂ”imaldab treenida ennustuslike masinĂ”ppe mudeleid, kasutades nii töös kirjeldatud meetodeid kui ka kolmanda osapoole meetodeid. Hiljem saab treenitud mudeleid kasutada hetkel kĂ€ivate Ă€riprotsesside tulemuste ennustamiseks, mis saab aidata kasutajaid reaalajas.Modern enterprise systems collect detailed data about the execution of the business processes they support. The widespread availability of such data in companies, coupled with advances in machine learning, have led to the emergence of data-driven and predictive approaches to monitor the performance of business processes. By using such predictive process monitoring approaches, potential performance issues can be anticipated and proactively mitigated. Various approaches have been proposed to address typical predictive process monitoring questions, such as what is the most likely continuation of an ongoing process instance, or when it will finish. However, most existing approaches prioritize accuracy over explainability. Yet in practice, explainability is a critical property of predictive methods. It is not enough to accurately predict that a running process instance will end up in an undesired outcome. It is also important for users to understand why this prediction is made and what can be done to prevent this undesired outcome. This thesis proposes two methods to build predictive models to monitor business processes in an explainable manner. This is achieved by decomposing a prediction into its elementary components. For example, to explain that the remaining execution time of a process execution is predicted to be 20 hours, we decompose this prediction into the predicted execution time of each activity that has not yet been executed. We evaluate the proposed methods against each other and various state-of-the-art baselines using a range of business processes from multiple domains. The evaluation reaffirms a fundamental trade-off between explainability and accuracy of predictions. The research contributions of the thesis have been consolidated into an open-source tool for predictive business process monitoring, namely Nirdizati. It can be used to train predictive models using the methods described in this thesis, as well as third-party methods. These models are then used to make predictions for ongoing process instances; thus, the tool can also support users at runtime

    Audiovisual processing for sports-video summarisation technology

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    In this thesis a novel audiovisual feature-based scheme is proposed for the automatic summarization of sports-video content The scope of operability of the scheme is designed to encompass the wide variety o f sports genres that come under the description ‘field-sports’. Given the assumption that, in terms of conveying the narrative of a field-sports-video, score-update events constitute the most significant moments, it is proposed that their detection should thus yield a favourable summarisation solution. To this end, a generic methodology is proposed for the automatic identification of score-update events in field-sports-video content. The scheme is based on the development of robust extractors for a set of critical features, which are shown to reliably indicate their locations. The evidence gathered by the feature extractors is combined and analysed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM), which performs the event detection process. An SVM is chosen on the basis that its underlying technology represents an implementation of the latest generation of machine learning algorithms, based on the recent advances in statistical learning. Effectively, an SVM offers a solution to optimising the classification performance of a decision hypothesis, inferred from a given set of training data. Via a learning phase that utilizes a 90-hour field-sports-video trainmg-corpus, the SVM infers a score-update event model by observing patterns in the extracted feature evidence. Using a similar but distinct 90-hour evaluation corpus, the effectiveness of this model is then tested genencally across multiple genres of fieldsports- video including soccer, rugby, field hockey, hurling, and Gaelic football. The results suggest that in terms o f the summarization task, both high event retrieval and content rejection statistics are achievable

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    Machine learning based digital image forensics and steganalysis

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    The security and trustworthiness of digital images have become crucial issues due to the simplicity of malicious processing. Therefore, the research on image steganalysis (determining if a given image has secret information hidden inside) and image forensics (determining the origin and authenticity of a given image and revealing the processing history the image has gone through) has become crucial to the digital society. In this dissertation, the steganalysis and forensics of digital images are treated as pattern classification problems so as to make advanced machine learning (ML) methods applicable. Three topics are covered: (1) architectural design of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for steganalysis, (2) statistical feature extraction for camera model classification, and (3) real-world tampering detection and localization. For covert communications, steganography is used to embed secret messages into images by altering pixel values slightly. Since advanced steganography alters the pixel values in the image regions that are hard to be detected, the traditional ML-based steganalytic methods heavily relied on sophisticated manual feature design have been pushed to the limit. To overcome this difficulty, in-depth studies are conducted and reported in this dissertation so as to move the success achieved by the CNNs in computer vision to steganalysis. The outcomes achieved and reported in this dissertation are: (1) a proposed CNN architecture incorporating the domain knowledge of steganography and steganalysis, and (2) ensemble methods of the CNNs for steganalysis. The proposed CNN is currently one of the best classifiers against steganography. Camera model classification from images aims at assigning a given image to its source capturing camera model based on the statistics of image pixel values. For this, two types of statistical features are designed to capture the traces left by in-camera image processing algorithms. The first is Markov transition probabilities modeling block-DCT coefficients for JPEG images; the second is based on histograms of local binary patterns obtained in both the spatial and wavelet domains. The designed features serve as the input to train support vector machines, which have the best classification performance at the time the features are proposed. The last part of this dissertation documents the solutions delivered by the author’s team to The First Image Forensics Challenge organized by the Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. In the competition, all the fake images involved were doctored by popular image-editing software to simulate the real-world scenario of tampering detection (determine if a given image has been tampered or not) and localization (determine which pixels have been tampered). In Phase-1 of the Challenge, advanced steganalysis features were successfully migrated to tampering detection. In Phase-2 of the Challenge, an efficient copy-move detector equipped with PatchMatch as a fast approximate nearest neighbor searching method were developed to identify duplicated regions within images. With these tools, the author’s team won the runner-up prizes in both the two phases of the Challenge

    Dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in computer vision

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    The proliferation of camera equipped devices, such as netbooks, smartphones and game stations, has led to a significant increase in the production of visual content. This visual information could be used for understanding the environment and offering a natural interface between the users and their surroundings. However, the massive amounts of data and the high computational cost associated with them, encumbers the transfer of sophisticated vision algorithms to real life systems, especially ones that exhibit resource limitations such as restrictions in available memory, processing power and bandwidth. One approach for tackling these issues is to generate compact and descriptive representations of image data by exploiting inherent redundancies. We propose the investigation of dimensionality reduction and sparse representations in order to accomplish this task. In dimensionality reduction, the aim is to reduce the dimensions of the space where image data reside in order to allow resource constrained systems to handle them and, ideally, provide a more insightful description. This goal is achieved by exploiting the inherent redundancies that many classes of images, such as faces under different illumination conditions and objects from different viewpoints, exhibit. We explore the description of natural images by low dimensional non-linear models called image manifolds and investigate the performance of computer vision tasks such as recognition and classification using these low dimensional models. In addition to dimensionality reduction, we study a novel approach in representing images as a sparse linear combination of dictionary examples. We investigate how sparse image representations can be used for a variety of tasks including low level image modeling and higher level semantic information extraction. Using tools from dimensionality reduction and sparse representation, we propose the application of these methods in three hierarchical image layers, namely low-level features, mid-level structures and high-level attributes. Low level features are image descriptors that can be extracted directly from the raw image pixels and include pixel intensities, histograms, and gradients. In the first part of this work, we explore how various techniques in dimensionality reduction, ranging from traditional image compression to the recently proposed Random Projections method, affect the performance of computer vision algorithms such as face detection and face recognition. In addition, we discuss a method that is able to increase the spatial resolution of a single image, without using any training examples, according to the sparse representations framework. In the second part, we explore mid-level structures, including image manifolds and sparse models, produced by abstracting information from low-level features and offer compact modeling of high dimensional data. We propose novel techniques for generating more descriptive image representations and investigate their application in face recognition and object tracking. In the third part of this work, we propose the investigation of a novel framework for representing the semantic contents of images. This framework employs high level semantic attributes that aim to bridge the gap between the visual information of an image and its textual description by utilizing low level features and mid level structures. This innovative paradigm offers revolutionary possibilities including recognizing the category of an object from purely textual information without providing any explicit visual example

    Less is More: Restricted Representations for Better Interpretability and Generalizability

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    Deep neural networks are prevalent in supervised learning for large amounts of tasks such as image classification, machine translation and even scientific discovery. Their success is often at the sacrifice of interpretability and generalizability. The increasing complexity of models and involvement of the pre-training process make the inexplicability more imminent. The outstanding performance when labeled data are abundant while prone to overfit when labeled data are limited demonstrates the difficulty of deep neural networks' generalizability to different datasets. This thesis aims to improve interpretability and generalizability by restricting representations. We choose to approach interpretability by focusing on attribution analysis to understand which features contribute to prediction on BERT, and to approach generalizability by focusing on effective methods in a low-data regime. We consider two strategies of restricting representations: (1) adding bottleneck, and (2) introducing compression. Given input x, suppose we want to learn y with the latent representation z (i.e. x→z→y), adding bottleneck means adding function R such that L(R(z)) < L(z) and introducing compression means adding function R so that L(R(y)) < L(y) where L refers to the number of bits. In other words, the restriction is added either in the middle of the pipeline or at the end of it. We first introduce how adding information bottleneck can help attribution analysis and apply it to investigate BERT's behavior on text classification in Chapter 3. We then extend this attribution method to analyze passage reranking in Chapter 4, where we conduct a detailed analysis to understand cross-layer and cross-passage behavior. Adding bottleneck can not only provide insight to understand deep neural networks but can also be used to increase generalizability. In Chapter 5, we demonstrate the equivalence between adding bottleneck and doing neural compression. We then leverage this finding with a framework called Non-Parametric learning by Compression with Latent Variables (NPC-LV), and show how optimizing neural compressors can be used in the non-parametric image classification with few labeled data. To further investigate how compression alone helps non-parametric learning without latent variables (NPC), we carry out experiments with a universal compressor gzip on text classification in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, we elucidate methods of adopting the perspective of doing compression but without the actual process of compression using T5. Using experimental results in passage reranking, we show that our method is highly effective in a low-data regime when only one thousand query-passage pairs are available. In addition to the weakly supervised scenario, we also extend our method to large language models like GPT under almost no supervision --- in one-shot and zero-shot settings. The experiments show that without extra parameters or in-context learning, GPT can be used for semantic similarity, text classification, and text ranking and outperform strong baselines, which is presented in Chapter 8. The thesis proposes to tackle two big challenges in machine learning --- "interpretability" and "generalizability" through restricting representation. We provide both theoretical derivation and empirical results to show the effectiveness of using information-theoretic approaches. We not only design new algorithms but also provide numerous insights on why and how "compression" is so important in understanding deep neural networks and improving generalizability

    Deep architectures for feature extraction and generative modeling

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