841 research outputs found

    Augmented reality in healthcare education: an integrative review

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    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Video-Based Education of Venous Gas Embolism for Nurse Anesthesia Trainees

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    Background/Significance: Video-based learning is a growing method being utilized to train nurse anesthesia trainees (NATs) in crisis management, such as a venous gas embolism (VGE). Use of this educational modality may improve crisis management skills, competence, and confidence in the NAT. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational video in enhancing the appropriate crisis management of VGE among NATs as measured by their knowledge and confidence levels. Methods: A quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design on a single group of participants was utilized for this project. A total of 14 first year NATs were recruited from NorthShore University HealthSystems School of Nurse Anesthesia (NSUHS) and participated in this study. An instructional video that simulates the proper management of VGE, a knowledge assessment tool (KAT) to assess non-technical skills knowledge pertaining to VGE, and a student confidence survey were developed for implementation of this study. Results: A Wilcoxon Signed Matched-Pairs Ranks Test demonstrated that the median post-test scores were statistically higher that the median pre-test scores between pre and post-instructional video [Z= -3.301; p=0.001 (2- tailed)]. The knowledge questionnaire had an adequate post-test Kuder-Richardson-20 (KR-20) coefficient value =0.678. Conclusion: NATs that participated in the study gained knowledge and confidence from pre and post video implementation. The mean scores improved in every knowledge category (prevention, recognition, decision-making, and prioritization) and confidence category (identification, management, and learning crisis management). Key Words: video-education, venous gas embolism, teaching-methods, crisis management, confidence levels, nurse anesthesia trainees, non-technical skill

    Effect of Designing and Implementing Nursing Guidelines on Nurses' Performance in Caring Women with Ectopic Pregnancy

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    Context: Ectopic pregnancy is a condition presenting a significant health problem for women of the childbearing period. Ectopic pregnancy remains one of the primary causes of maternal mortality. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of nursing guidelines for improving maternity nurses' performance regarding ectopic pregnancy. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used to achieve the aim of the study. The study was conducted at Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Benha University Hospital. A convenient sample of all nurses (90 nurses) working in Obstetrics and Gynecology departments at Benha university hospital. Tools of data collection included a structured self-administered questionnaire to assess nurses' knowledge regarding ectopic pregnancy, an observational checklist to evaluate nursing practice regarding ectopic pregnancy before and after implementing the nursing guidelines. Results: 78.9% of the studied nurses had a total incorrect knowledge preprogram, which improved to 88.9% of them and had correct knowledge post-program. The study also shows that 47.2% of the studied nurses had unsatisfactory total practice score preprogram, which improved to 54.4% of the studied nurses who had high satisfactory total practice post-program. There was a highly statistically significant difference before and after nursing guidelines of the studied nurses’ knowledge and practice regarding ectopic pregnancy (P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: The study concluded that nursing guidelines positively affect the nurses' performance in terms of their knowledge and practice regarding ectopic pregnancy. The study recommended that simple guidelines regarding ectopic pregnancy nursing care should be distributed to nurses in the emergency obstetrics department to standardize and optimize nursing care provided to women with ectopic pregnancies. Continuous refreshment courses and follows up programs for nurses regarding ectopic pregnancy

    Education in laparoscopic surgery:All eyes towards in vivo training

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    Tegenwoordig worden steeds meer buikoperaties d.m.v. laparoscopische (knoopsgat) chirurgie uitgevoerd. Omdat deze manier van chirurgie zo anders is dan conventionele chirurgie staat tegenwoordig de manier van selectie, training en beoordeling van artsen in opleiding tot chirurg ter discussie in de wetenschap. Uit dit proefschrift blijkt dat neuropsychologische testen voor ruimtelijk inzicht en psychomotorische vaardigheden een voorspellende waarde hebben in de laparoscopische chirurgie. Beoordeling van applicaties voor de opleiding chirurgie zouden daarom gebaat zijn bij een neuropsychologische test van deze vaardigheden. De training van chirurgen kan mogelijk worden verbeterd door het gebruik van het Pareto-principe, een principe dat veel gebruikt wordt in de bedrijfseconomie en verondersteld dat 20% van de verschillende oorzaken verantwoordelijk is voor 80% van de gevolgen. Ook op de operatiekamer blijkt namelijk 20% van de laparoscopische vaardigheden verantwoordelijk te zijn voor 80% van de verbale correcties gegeven door supervisoren. Ten behoeve van trainingsefficiëntie lijkt het dus verstandig om traininginstrumenten (VR simulator taken, boeken, cursussen, etc.) te ontwikkelen die juist deze 20% aanpakken. In het huidige trainingsysteem wordt een algemeen beoordelingsformulier gebruikt voor het geven van feedback, de OSATS. Alhoewel dit een duidelijke vooruitgang is t.o.v. de meer subjectieve beoordelingen van vroeger kan het formulier niet gebruikt worden voor procedure specifieke feedback. Uit dit proefschrift blijkt dat het beoordelen van de mate van fysieke en verbale ondersteuning die een arts in opleiding tot chirurg nodig heeft van zijn supervisor een goed beeld geeft van zijn/haar niveau tijdens een laparoscopische operatie en tevens kan worden gebruikt voor het geven van procedure specifieke feedback

    Education in laparoscopic surgery:All eyes towards in vivo training

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    Education in laparoscopic surgery:All eyes towards in vivo training

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    Training laparoscopic skills : Changes in gynecological surgery

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    During recent decades, gynecological surgery has changed considerably, and this development affects surgical training. In Finland, the total number of gynecological procedures has decreased by 30% during the last ten years. An increasing number of basic procedures are now done under local anesthesia at outpatient clinics where training is much more demanding than in the operating room. Laparotomies are frequently replaced by laparoscopic procedures that require more complex skills than open surgery. Furthermore, operating room efficiency causes time constraints, while patients in general have more co-morbidities and the surgical procedures needed are more complex. Thus, for trainees all these factors make training more challenging, and the traditional apprenticeship model alone no longer ensures that trainees learn the needed skills. In this dissertation study our aim was to assess developments in gynecological surgery in Finland and other Nordic countries by evaluating trends in hysterectomies. In addition, we investigated outcomes of traditional surgical training, as compared to systematic cognitive and manual pre-training on laparoscopic skills. We assessed separately the effect of pretraining on the trainee’s first operative laparoscopy, and on the other hand, on laparoscopic hysterectomy, which is the most demanding laparoscopic procedure trainees perform. In Study I, we assessed the numbers of different hysterectomies from the Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee and Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare databases. We compared outcomes of different hysterectomy methods between trainees and specialists collected from the FINHYST 2006 survey. In Finland, hysterectomy rates started to decline in 2003 and reached the rate of other Nordic countries in 2008. The rate of hysterectomy in Finland declined until 2017, and the laparoscopic method has been the most common method since 2013. In the outcome comparison, it was noted that the overall operative time was longer in trainees’ operations. In the vaginal method, blood loss was higher in the trainees’ group whereas in other hysterectomy methods or in total complication rates there were no differences between the groups. In Study II, we evaluated the effectiveness of a cognitive web-course ‘Basics in Gynecological Laparoscopy’ for trainees at various levels of experience. All trainees in Finland were invited to participate in this web-based anonymous study where the level of knowledge was evaluated before and after taking the course. Participants were allocated into three groups according to their experience. After the course, improvement in knowledge gain was detected in all three groups; the less experienced group reached the starting level of the middle group and the middle group reached the starting level of the most experienced group. In Studies III and IV, the effect of simulator training on operative skills was evaluated. Trainees with no experience in operative laparoscopy were recruited for Study III. Half of the group comprised the intervention group. They did the web-based course ‘Basics in Gynecological Laparoscopy’ and trained basic skills with a virtual reality simulator. The control group took part in the traditional training only. The first live laparoscopic salpingectomy was video-recorded and evaluated. We found no differences in the surgical outcomes between the groups. In Study IV, the participants recruited were more experienced, but had not done laparoscopic hysterectomy as a first surgeon. All participants did the basic training as the intervention group in Study III. Furthermore, the intervention group trained with the hysterectomy module in a virtual reality simulator. The intervention group performed significantly better as evaluated by the Objective Assessment of Technical Skills and Visual Analog scale. Our findings indicate that the traditional apprentice model alone is no longer sufficient in trainee education due to changes in gynecological surgery. In Study III, we did not detect differences in outcomes between the groups. However, in Study IV evaluating learning of a more advanced procedure, we demonstrated better performance after training with the procedural module in a simulator. Based on these studies, we suggest that simulator training should be mandatory, with allocated training time for the trainee and supervision time for the trainer for providing feedback. As innate skills are different, a proficiency-based curriculum results in more homogeneous skills. Less experienced trainees seem to benefit the most from simulator training, thus the training should be started in the earliest stage of training.Gynekologinen kirurgia on muuttunut huomattavasti viimeisinä vuosikymmeninä: toimenpiteiden vuosittaiset kokonaismäärät ovat huomattavasti vähentyneet, polikliinisten toimenpiteiden osuudet kasvavat, avoleikkaukset ovat pääosin korvaantuneet vaativammilla tähystysleikkauksilla ja leikkaussalin tehokkuusvaatimukset ovat nousseet. Kaikki nämä muutokset vaikuttavat gynekologiaan erikoistuvien lääkäreiden kirurgiseen koulutukseen siten, ettei perinteinen oppipoikamalli ainoana koulutusmuotona enää ole riittävä Tässä väitöskirjatutkimuksessa selvitimme gynekologisen kirurgian muutoksia Suomessa sekä muissa Pohjoismaissa käyttäen esimerkkinä kohdunpoistoleikkausten suuntauksia. Arvioimme perinteisen leikkauskoulutuksen onnistumista ja toisaalta ennen leikkaussalityöskentelyä tapahtuvan systemaattisen tiedollisen ja taidollisen koulutuksen vaikutusta tähystysleikkauksen oppimiseen. Ensimmäisessä osatyössä totesimme, että Suomessa kohdunpoistomäärät alkoivat vähentyä vuoden 2003 jälkeen ja määrät saavuttivat pohjoismaisen tason vuonna 2008. Tähystysleikkaus on yleisempi toimenpidetapa Suomessa kuin muissa Pohjoismaissa ja vuoden 2013 jälkeen se on ollut yleisin kohdunpoistotapa Suomessa. Erikoistuvien ja erikoislääkäreiden tekemien kohdunpoistoleikkausten vertailututkimuksessa todettiin, että erikoistuvien lääkäreiden tekemät leikkaukset kestivät pidempään. Emättimen kautta tehdyissä leikkauksissa oli enemmän verenvuotoa erikoistuvien lääkäreiden ryhmässä, kun taas muissa kohdunpoistotavoissa tai komplikaatioiden kokonaismäärissä ei ollut eroja ryhmien välillä. Toisessa osatyössä selvitimme ’Gynekologisen laparoskopian perusteet’ -verkkokurssin vaikuttavuutta eri kokemustason omaaville erikoistuville lääkäreille. Tietotaso tutkittiin ennen ja jälkeen kurssin läpikäymisen. Osallistujat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään kokemustason mukaisesti, ja kaikissa kolmessa ryhmässä tietotaso nousi merkittävästi. Kurssin käytyään kokemattomin ryhmä saavutti samat pisteet kuin keskiryhmä tutkimuksen alussa. Vastaavasti keskiryhmä saavutti kokeneiden ryhmän lähtötason. Sekä kolmannessa että neljännessä osatyössä tutkimme simulaattoriharjoittelun vaikutusta leikkaustaitojen oppimiseen. Kolmannen tutkimuksen osallistujat olivat kokemattomia erikoistuvia lääkäreitä, joista puolet muodosti interventioryhmän. Interventiona oli ’Gynekologisen laparoskopian perusteet’ -verkkokurssi sekä perusharjoiteohjelma virtuaalisella simulaattorilla. Ensimmäinen tähystysteitse tehty munanjohtimen poistoleikkaus videoitiin ja arvioitiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa interventioryhmän ja kontrolliryhmän tekemien leikkausten tuloksissa ei todettu eroja. Neljänteen tutkimukseen otetut erikoistuvat lääkärit olivat kokeneempia, ja kaikki osallistujat suorittivat saman harjoitusohjelman kuin interventioryhmä kolmannessa osatyössä. Tämän tutkimuksen interventioryhmä harjoitteli lisäksi virtuaalisen simulaattorin kohdunpoisto-ohjelmalla. Interventioryhmän tekemät kohdunpoistoleikkaukset sujuivat paremmin, kun ne arvioitiin leikkaustaitojen arviointilomakkeita käyttäen. Tutkimustuloksemme mukaan oppipoikamalli yksistään ei enää turvaa riittävää koulutusta johtuen gynekologisessa kirurgiassa tapahtuneista muutoksista. Internet-pohjaisia verkkokursseja voi hyödyntää myös kirurgian opetuksessa. Simulaattoriharjoittelu vaikuttaa parantavan leikkaustaitoja, mutta koska synnynnäiset taidot yksilöiden välillä ovat erilaiset, osaamisperustainen harjoitteluohjelma johtaa tasalaatuisempiin taitoihin. Simulaattoriharjoittelun tulisi olla pakollista, ja siihen pitäisi varata työaikaa sekä erikoistuvalle lääkärille että ohjaajalle palautteen antamisen mahdollistamiseksi. Kokemattomammat erikoistuvat lääkärit tuntuisivat hyötyvän simulaattoriharjoittelusta eniten, joten systemaattinen harjoittelu pitäisi aloittaa heti erikoistumisvaiheen alussa

    Medical Education for the 21st Century

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    Medical education has undergone a substantial transformation from the traditional models of the basic classroom, laboratory, and bedside that existed up to the late 20th century. The focus of this text is to review the spectrum of topics that are essential to the training of 21st-century healthcare providers. Modern medical education goes beyond learning physiology, pathophysiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and how they apply to patient care. Contemporary medical education models incorporate multiple dimensions, including digital information management, social media platforms, effective teamwork, emotional and coping intelligence, simulation, as well as advanced tools for teaching both hard and soft skills. Furthermore, this book also evaluates the evolving paradigm of how teachers can teach and how students can learn – and how the system evaluates success