59 research outputs found

    Advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI)

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    Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICGround deformation measurements can provide valuable information for minimization of associated loss and damage caused by natural and environmental hazards. As a kind of remote sensing technique, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) SAR is able to measure ground deformation with high spatial resolution, efficiently. Moreover, the ground deformation monitoring accuracy of PSI techniques can reach up to millimeter level. However, low coherence could hinderthe exploitation of SAR data, and high-accuracy deformation monitoring can only be achieved by PSI for high quality pixels. Therefore, pixel optimization and identification of coherent pixels are crucial for PSI techniques. In this thesis, advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms have been investigated. Firstly, a full-resolution pixel selection method based on the Temporal Phase Coherence (TPC) has been proposed. This method first estimates noise phase term of each pixel at interferogram level. Then, for each pixel, its noise phase terms of all interferograms are used to assess this pixel’s temporal phase quality (i.e., TPC). In the next, based on the relationship between TPC and phase Standard Deviation (STD), a threshold can be posed on TPC to identify high phase quality pixels. This pixel selection method can work with both Deterministic Scatterers (PSs) and Distributed Scatterers (DSs). To valid the effectiveness of the developed method, it has been used to monitor the Canillo (Andorra) landslide. The results show that the TPC method can obtained highest density of valid pixels among the employed three approaches in this challenging area with X-band SAR data. Second, to balance the polarimetric DInSAR phase optimization effect and the computation cost, a new PolPSI algorithm is developed. This proposed PolPSI algorithm is based on the Coherency Matrix Decomposition result to determine the optimal scattering mechanism of each pixel, thus it is named as CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI need not to search for solution within the full space of solution, it is therefore much computationally faster than the classical Equal Scattering Mechanism (ESM) method, but with lower optimization performance. On the other hand, its optimization performance outperforms the less computational costly BEST method. Third, an adaptive algorithm SMF-POLOPT has been proposed to adaptive filtering and optimizing PolSAR pixels for PolPSI applications. This proposed algorithm is based on PolSAR classification results to firstly identify Polarimetric Homogeneous Pixels (PHPs) for each pixel, and at the same time classify PS and DS pixels. After that, DS pixels are filtered by their associated PHPs, and then optimized based on the coherence stability phase quality metric; PS pixels are unfiltered and directly optimized based on the DA phase quality metric. SMF-POLOPT can simultaneously reduce speckle noise and retain structures’ details. Meanwhile, SMF-POLOPT is able to obtain much higher density of valid pixels for deformation monitoring than the ESM method. To conclude, one pixel selection method has been developed and tested, two PolPSI algorithms have been proposed in this thesis. This work make contributions to the research of “Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer InterferometryLes mesures de deformació del sòl poden proporcionar informació valuosa per minimitzar les pèrdues i els danys associats causats pels riscos naturals i ambientals. Com a tècnica de teledetecció, la interferometria de dispersors persistents (Persistent Scatter Interferometry, PSI) SAR és capaç de mesurar de forma eficient la deformació del terreny amb una alta resolució espacial. A més, la precisió de monitorització de la deformació del sòl de les tècniques PSI pot arribar a arribar a nivells del mil·límetre. No obstant això, una baixa coherència pot dificultar l’explotació de dades SAR i el control de deformació d’alta precisió només es pot aconseguir mitjançant PSI per a píxels d’alta qualitat. Per tant, l’optimització de píxels i la identificació de píxels coherents són crucials en les tècniques PSI. En aquesta tesi s¿han investigat algorismes avançats de selecció i optimització de píxels. En primer lloc, s'ha proposat un mètode de selecció de píxels de resolució completa basat en la coherència temporal de fase (Temporal Phase Coherence, TPC). Aquest mètode estima per primera vegada el terme de fase de soroll de cada píxel a nivell d’interferograma. A continuació, per a cada píxel, s'utilitzen els termes de la fase de soroll de tots els interferogrames per avaluar la qualitat de fase temporal d'aquest píxel (és a dir, TPC). A la següent, basant-se en la relació entre el TPC i la desviació estàndard de fase (STD), es pot plantejar un llindar de TPC per identificar píxels de qualitat de fase alta. Aquest mètode de selecció de píxels es capaç de detectar tant els dispersors deterministes (PS) com els distribuïts (DS). Per validar l’eficàcia del mètode desenvolupat, s’ha utilitzat per controlar l’esllavissada de Canillo (Andorra). Els resultats mostren que el mètode TPC pot obtenir la major densitat de píxels vàlids, comparat amb els mètodes clàssics de selecció, en aquesta àrea difícil amb dades de SAR de banda X. En segon lloc, per equilibrar l’efecte d’optimització de fase DInSAR polarimètrica i el cost de càlcul, es desenvolupa un nou algorisme de PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat de PolPSI es basa en el resultat de la descomposició de la matriu de coherència per determinar el mecanisme de dispersió òptim de cada píxel, de manera que es denomina CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI no necessita buscar solucions dins de l’espai complet de la solució, per tant, és molt més eficient computacionalment que el mètode clàssic de mecanismes d’igualtat de dispersió (Equal Scattering Mechanism, ESM), però amb un efecte d’optimització no tant òptim. D'altra banda, el seu efecte d'optimització supera el mètode BEST, el que te un menor cost computacional. En tercer lloc, s'ha proposat un algoritme adaptatiu SMF-POLOPT per al filtratge adaptatiu i l'optimització de píxels PolSAR per a aplicacions PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat es basa en els resultats de classificació PolSAR per identificar primer els píxels homogenis polarimètrics (PHP) per a cada píxel i, alhora, classificar els píxels PS i DS. Després d'això, els píxels DS es filtren pels seus PHP associats i, a continuació, s'optimitzen en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase d'estabilitat de coherència; els píxels classificats com PS no es filtren i s'optimitzen directament en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase DA. SMF-POLOPT pot reduir simultàniament el soroll de la fase interferomètrica i conservar els detalls de les estructures. Mentrestant, SMF-POLOPT aconsegueix obtenir una densitat molt més alta de píxels vàlids per al seguiment de la deformació que el mètode ESM. Per concloure, en aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat i provat un mètode de selecció de píxels, i s’han proposat dos algoritmes PolPSI. Aquest treball contribueix a la recerca en "Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry"Postprint (published version

    Landslide monitoring using multi-temporal SAR interferometry with advanced persistent scatterers identification methods and super high-spatial resolution terraSAR-X Images

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    Landslides are one of the most common and dangerous threats in the world that generate considerable damage and economic losses. An efficient landslide monitoring tool is the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) or Persistent Scatter Interferometry (PSI). However, landslides are usually located in mountainous areas and the area of interest can be partially or even heavily vegetated. The inherent temporal decorrelation that dramatically reduces the number of Persistent Scatters (PSs) of the scene limits in practice the application of this technique. Thus, it is crucial to be able to detect as much PSs as possible that can be usually embedded in decorrelated areas. High resolution imagery combined with efficient pixel selection methods can make possible the application of DInSAR techniques in landslide monitoring. In this paper, different strategies to identify PS Candidates (PSCs) have been employed together with 32 super high-spatial resolution (SHR) TerraSAR-X (TSX) images, staring-spotlight mode, to monitor the Canillo landslide (Andorra). The results show that advanced PSI strategies (i.e., the temporal sub-look coherence (TSC) and temporal phase coherence (TPC) methods) are able to obtain much more valid PSs than the classical amplitude dispersion (DA) method. In addition, the TPC method presents the best performance among all three full-resolution strategies employed. The SHR TSX data allows for obtaining much higher densities of PSs compared with a lower-spatial resolution SAR data set (Sentinel-1A in this study). Thanks to the huge amount of valid PSs obtained by the TPC method with SHR TSX images, the complexity of the structure of the Canillo landslide has been highlighted and three different slide units have been identified. The results of this study indicate that the TPC approach together with SHR SAR images can be a powerful tool to characterize displacement rates and extension of complex landslides in challenging areasPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    A temporal phase coherence estimation algorithm and its application on DInSAR pixel selection

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Pixel selection is a crucial step of all advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) techniques that have a direct impact on the quality of the final DInSAR products. In this paper, a full-resolution phase quality estimator, i.e., the temporal phase coherence (TPC), is proposed for DInSAR pixel selection. The method is able to work with both distributed scatterers (DSs) and permanent scatterers (PSs). The influence of different neighboring window sizes and types of interferograms combinations [both the single-master (SM) and the multi-master (MM)] on TPC has been studied. The relationship between TPC and phase standard deviation (STD) of the selected pixels has also been derived. Together with the classical coherence and amplitude dispersion methods, the TPC pixel selection algorithm has been tested on 37 VV polarization Radarsat-2 images of Barcelona Airport. Results show the feasibility and effectiveness of TPC pixel selection algorithm. Besides obvious improvements in the number of selected pixels, the new method shows some other advantages comparing with the other classical two. The proposed pixel selection algorithm, which presents an affordable computational cost, is easy to be implemented and incorporated into any advanced DInSAR processing chain for high-quality pixels' identification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Remote Sensing for Landslide Investigations: An Overview of Recent Achievements and Perspectives

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    Landslides represent major natural hazards, which cause every year significant loss of lives and damages to buildings, properties and lifelines. In the last decades, a significant increase in landslide frequency took place, in concomitance to climate change and the expansion of urbanized areas. Remote sensing techniques represent a powerful tool for landslide investigation: applications are traditionally divided into three main classes, although this subdivision has some limitations and borders are sometimes fuzzy. The first class comprehends techniques for landslide recognition, i.e., the mapping of past or active slope failures. The second regards landslide monitoring, which entails both ground deformation measurement and the analysis of any other changes along time (e.g., land use, vegetation cover). The third class groups methods for landslide hazard analysis and forecasting. The aim of this paper is to give an overview on the applications of remote-sensing techniques for the three categories of landslide investigations, focusing on the achievements of the last decade, being that previous studies have already been exhaustively reviewed in the existing literature. At the end of the paper, a new classification of remote-sensing techniques that may be pertinently adopted for investigating specific typologies of soil and rock slope failures is proposed

    Assessment of landslide susceptibility in Structurally Complex Formations by integration of different A-DInSAR techniques

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    Instability events are recurring phenomena in Southern Italy due to its geological history and tectonic-geomorphological evolution leading to the occurrence of several formations identified as Structurally Complex Formations (SCFs; Esu, 1977) in a territory mainly composed of densely populated areas also in mountainous and hilly regions. SCFs are clay-dominant terrains that, usually, give origin from very-slow to extremely-slow phenomena (Cruden and Varnes, 1996) with a long evolutionary history made up of multiple reactivations that makes difficult their identification, monitoring and susceptibility evaluation. The study has been carried out from point-wise (Bisaccia, Costa della Gaveta and Nerano cases) to wide areas (Palermo province case) where crops out SCFs as the Termini sandstones Formation (CARG, 2011), the Varicoloured Clays of Calaggio Formation (Ciaranfi et al., 1973), the Varicoloured Clays Unit (Mattioni et al., 2006) the Sicilide Unit (Vitale and Ciarcia, 2013 and references therein), the Numidian Flysch (Johansson et al., 1998) and the Corleone Calcarenites (Catalano R. et al., 2002). The aim of this thesis is to produce updated Landslide Inventory Maps and, whenever possible, Landslide Susceptibility Maps following a new approach during the landslide mapping and landslide monitoring stages. The Landslide Inventory Maps have taken into account the combination of geological, geomorphological, and stereoscopic surveys, as well as engineering geological investigations, namely conventional techniques. In addition innovative Advanced-Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (A-DInSAR) techniques have been used: the Coherent Pixels Technique – CPT (Mora et al., 2003; Blanco et al., 2008), the Intermittent Small BAseline Subset – ISBAS (Sowter et al., 2013) and the Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar. Finally, the Weight of Evidence method (van Westen, 1993) has been chosen to generate the Landslide Susceptibility Maps only for the point-wise studies. In the case of Nerano (Province of Naples), the ISBAS analysis on ENVISAT images (for the period 2003-2010) has been carried out and compared with inclinometric and rainfall data. These have revealed several reactivations of a rotational slide + earth flow (Cruden and Varnes, 1996) that involves reworked clay olistostromes and limestone olistoliths inside the Termini sandstones Formation; even in recent years the landslide, despite many engineering works, has given evidence of a continuing activity. The results highlight a very slow movement in the detachment zone (<1 mm/yr), which assumes slightly higher values in the accumulation area (5 mm/yr). The Landslide Susceptibility Map confirms the high levels in the flow track and the accumulation area. In Bisaccia (Province of Avellino), a conglomeratic slab undergoes a Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD; Pasuto and Soldati, 2013 and references therein) due to the bedrock consolidation, made of the Varicoloured Clays of Calaggio Formation. Here the CPT processing on ENVISAT images (covering the period between 2002 and 2010), displays a vertical displacement for the town center, suffering a progressively increasing velocity from the southern (4.2 mm/yr) to the northern (15.5 mm/yr) portion of the slab that localizes four different sectors. The pattern is confirmed from the building damage map. The landslides susceptibility reaches the highest values in the adjacent valleys and at the edges of each sector. Multiple datasets have been employed for the Costa della Gaveta case-study (Province of Potenza), these encompass: ENVISAT, TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed constellations together with Ground Based Synthetic Aperture Radar (GBSAR). The A-DInSAR data have been compared with stereoscopic analysis and the available rainfall and inclinometric data. The analysis allows for the identification of 16 landslides (complexes and earth flows; Cruden and Varnes, 1996) developed in the Varicoloured Clays Unit that show, according to all the existing instruments, velocities between 1.5 and 30 mm/yr. The western side of Costa della Gaveta slope is the portion which suffers the highest landslides susceptibility levels. In the Province of Palermo (northwestern Sicily) information deriving from A-DInSAR processing, specifically the ISBAS technique, have been focused on three subareas (Piana degli Albanesi, Marineo and Ventimiglia di Sicilia) for a total extension of 182 Km2 where standard A-DInSAR algorithms showed limitations due to the widespread presence of densely vegetated areas. The radar-detected landslides have been validated through field geomorphological mapping and stereoscopic analysis proving to be highly consistent especially with slow phenomena. The outcome has allowed to confirm 152 preexisting landslides, to detect 81 new events and to change 133 previously mapped landslides, modifying their typology, boundary and/or state of activity. The study demonstrates how a better knowledge of landslide development and their cause-effect mechanisms provided by new Earth Observation techniques is useful for Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Maps. The research project has been carried out at the University of Naples "Federico II", including nine months (September 2013 – May 2014) spent in the United Kingdom, at the British Geological Survey under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Cigna and Dr. Jordan Colm and at the University of Nottingham (Department of Civil Engineering), under the supervision of Dr. Andrew Sowter where the ISBAS technique has been recently developed

    Ground deformation and associated hazards in NW peloponnese (Greece)

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    In the last decades, ground deformations were investigated, analysed and monitored using several methods. As a consequence of a spreading urbanization, several phenomena, e.g. landslide and subsidence, were emphasized or triggered causing not only socio-economic damages, but, in some cases, also casualties. The investigation and mapping of these phenomena are important for both local authorities and civil protection in order to promote a higher conscientious urban planning and to highlight the more hazardous areas. Furthermore, the information are a key point for social development connected to the awareness of the environment and the related risk. The Achaia prefecture, in the north-eastern Peloponnese (Greece), close to the Gulf of Patras, is an area strongly affected by subsidence and landslides. Furthermore, this is an earthquake-prone area, a factor that can trigger some mass movements. For this region, a landslide inventory was realized with the help of the interpretation of Persistent Scatterers data, for the period 1992–2008, and high-resolution optical satellite images, available until 2016, in addition to the investigation of the landslide State of Activity. Moreover, for the coastal area, a section was investigated to evidence subsidence

    Vulnerability analysis of buildings in areas affected by slow-moving landslides and subsidence phenomena

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    2015 - 2016Slow-moving landslides and subsidence phenomena yearly induce huge damages both direct (on structures and/or infrastructures with them interacting) and indirect (corresponding to the associated economic losses). For this reason, studies aimed at analyzing and predicting the aforementioned damages are of great interest for Scientific Community and Authorities in charge of identifying the most suitable strategies for the land-use planning and management of urban areas affected by slowmoving landslides and subsidence phenomena. However, carrying out the activities related to the pursuit of those goals is not straightforward since it usually requires high costs due to the great amount of data to be collected for setting up reliable forecasting models as well as the development of proper procedures that take into account i) the identification and quantification of the exposed elements; ii) the definition and estimation of an intensity parameter; iii) the prediction of the damage severity level (generally associated with the attainment of a certain limit state). In this PhD Thesis some original procedures are proposed. In particular, on the basis of empirical and numerical methods, fragility and vulnerability curves are generated in order to predict the damage to buildings in subsidence- and slow-moving landslide-affected areas. The proposed empirical procedures, based on the joint use of DInSAR data (provided from the processing of images acquired by Synthetic Aperture Radar via Differential Interferometric techniques) and information on damages suffered by buildings (recorded and classified during in situ surveys), were tested on case studies in The Netherlands, affected by subsidence phenomena, and in Calabria Region (southern Italy) for slow-moving landslide-affected areas. The procedure based on the adoption of a numerical method was applied on a structural model representative of a single building. With reference to subsidence phenomena, the analyses were carried out for a densely urbanized municipality following a multi-scale approach. In particular, at medium scale, the subsiding areas that are most prone to ground surface settlements along with their spatial distribution and rates, were preliminarily detected. The above ground surface settlements (here considered as subsidence intensity parameter) combined with the results of an extensive damage survey on masonry buildings, allowed first retrieving, at large-scale (on building aggregates) and at detailed scale (on single buildings), the relationships between cause (settlements/differential settlements) and effect (damage severity level); then, empirical fragility curves were generated for structurally independent single buildings. These latter were validated via their comparison with fragility curves generated, with reference to two others densely urbanized municipalities, for buildings with similar structural typology (masonry) and foundation type (shallow or deep). Finally, fragility and vulnerability curves for masonry buildings were generated by using the entire database of damages. As for slow-moving landslides, the analyses were carried out at large scale. In particular, the joint use of DInSAR and damage surveys data allowed analyzing the consequences induced on the buildings (either of masonry or reinforced concrete) with shallow foundations by retrieving the causeeffect relationships and generating empirical fragility and vulnerability curves. Finally, the numerical analyses carried out on a structural model representative of a single masonry building, allowed to go in-depth in the different aspects contributing to the onset and development of building damages as well as to quantify the uncertainties inherent to the addressed issue. The obtained results highlight the huge potential of the fragility and vulnerability curves generated according to the proposed procedures that, once further calibrated/validated and jointly used with a continuous monitoring of the intensity parameter via conventional (e.g., inclinometers, GPS, topographic leveling) and/or innovative (e.g., SAR images processed via DInSAR techniques) systems, can be valuably used as tools for the analysis and prediction of the damage to buildings for land-use planning and urban management purposes in subsidence- and slow-moving landslide-affected areas. [edited by author]Le frane a cinematica lenta e i fenomeni di subsidenza causano annualmente ingenti danni sia diretti (su strutture e/o infrastrutture con essi interagenti) che indiretti (quali si configurano le associate perdite di natura economica). Per tale ragione, gli studi volti ad analizzare e a prevedere i predetti danni sono di indubbio interesse per le Comunità e gli Enti impegnati nella individuazione delle più idonee strategie di pianificazione e di gestione delle aree urbanizzate affette dai suddetti fenomeni. Tuttavia, lo svolgimento delle attività connesse al perseguimento dei predetti obiettivi è tutt’altro che agevole in quanto richiede costi elevati, dovuti alla grande quantità di dati da acquisire per la generazione di modelli previsionali affidabili, nonché lo sviluppo di procedure che contemplino i) l’identificazione e la quantificazione degli elementi esposti, ii) la definizione e la stima di un parametro di intensità e iii) la previsione del livello di severità del danno (generalmente associato al raggiungimento di uno stato limite). La presente Tesi di Dottorato propone alcune procedure originali che, sulla base di metodi empirici e numerici, conducono alla generazione di curve di fragilità e vulnerabilità quali strumenti di previsione del danno a edifici in aree affette da frane a cinematica lenta e fenomeni di subsidenza. Le procedure empiriche proposte, basate sull’integrazione congiunta di dati DInSAR (ovvero derivanti dalla elaborazione di immagini acquisite da radar ad apertura sintetica montati su piattaforme satellitari mediante tecniche interferometriche differenziali) e sul danno subito da edifici (a sua volta classificato sulla base degli esiti di rilievi in sito dei quadri fessurativi esibiti dalle facciate), sono state testate con riferimento a casi di studio dei Paesi Bassi, affetti da fenomeni di subsidenza, e della Regione Calabria (Italia meridionale), interessati da frane a cinematica lenta. La procedura basata sull’impiego di metodi numerici è stata, invece, applicata su un modello strutturale rappresentativo di un edificio singolo. Con riferimento ai fenomeni di subsidenza, le attività svolte con un approccio multi-scalare hanno consentito preliminarmente di rilevare (a media scala) le aree che risultano essere maggiormente predisposte a cedimenti dovuti a fenomeni di subsidenza. La conoscenza della distribuzione spaziale e della entità di tali cedimenti è stata, poi, combinata con i risultati di un esteso rilievo del danno agli edifici in muratura di un’area comunale in modo da i) risalire – sia a grande scala (su aggregati di edifici) che a scala di dettaglio (singoli edifici) – alle relazioni funzionali che si stabiliscono tra causa (cedimenti assoluti/differenziali) ed effetti (livello di severità del danno) e ii) generare per singoli edifici strutturalmente indipendenti curve di fragilità su base empirica. Le curve di fragilità così calibrate sono state, poi, validate operandone un confronto con curve di fragilità generate, con la medesima procedura, per altre due aree comunali caratterizzate dalla presenza di edifici con la stessa tipologia strutturale e fondale (superficiale o profonda). Si è, infine, provveduto alla generazione di curve di fragilità e di vulnerabilità di edifici in muratura utilizzando l’intero campione di dati a disposizione. Per quanto riguarda le frane a cinematica lenta, le analisi sono state svolte esclusivamente a grande scala, dove l’uso congiunto dei dati DInSAR e del rilievo del danno a edifici in cemento armato e in muratura con fondazioni superficiali ha consentito, ancora una volta, di risalire alle relazioni causa-effetto e di generare curve di fragilità e di vulnerabilità su base empirica. Infine, l’analisi numerica effettuata su un modello strutturale rappresentativo di un singolo edificio in muratura con fondazioni superficiali ha consentito di approfondire il ruolo esercitato da alcuni fattori nella generazione e nello sviluppo del danno nonché di quantificare le incertezze che intervengono nel problema esaminato. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano l’enorme potenzialità delle curve di fragilità e vulnerabilità ottenute che, laddove ulteriormente calibrate e validate, possono essere impiegate congiuntamente con tecniche di monitoraggio in continuo dei parametri d’intensità – sia di tipo convenzionale (quali, ad esempio, inclinometri, GPS, livellazione topografica) che innovative (come quelle derivanti dall’elaborazione di immagini satellitari mediante tecniche DInSAR) – per la messa a punto di modelli previsionali utili alla pianificazione territoriale e alla gestione di aree urbane affette da frane a cinematica lenta e fenomeni di subsidenza. [a cura dell'autore]XV n.s

    Synthetic Aperture Radar für Monitoring in städtischen Gebieten und im Bergbau

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    Considering it is hazardous to the environment and people, monitoring land movements at urban area become more and more significant. On the other hand, studying of land movements in non-urban area is also important. Synthetic aperture radar using interferometric technique, which is known as InSAR, is capable of providing a quite denser measurement over large areas. More specifically, Interferometric SAR (InSAR), Differential InSAR (DInSAR), Persistent Scatterers InSAR (PSI) techniques are developing to meet people¡¯s requirements of detecting land movements. Due to the different features of urban and non-urban area, the application of InSAR for land movements monitoring may come cross different challenges. D¨¹sseldorf was used as the urban test site by processing 20 TerraSAR-X images using PSI. Levelling results provided by the State Capital of D¨¹sseldorf validated the PSInSAR result, when two time series showed similar progress with very few discrepancies. Xishan mining region was chosen as the non-urban test site in this project, because of clear advantages. Such as well served mining schedule and literature and rapid movements with big phase gradients. In the experiments carried out in Xishan mine, InSAR fulfilled the aim of mining parameters derivation. GPS surveying was collated for the coordinates of corner reflectors, which can validate and improve the accuracy of geocoding (better than 5 m).Die Überwachung von Setzungen in städtischen Gebieten wird immer wichtiger, da es sich um eine potenzielle Bedrohung für die Umwelt und den Menschen handelt. Die Untersuchung von Landsenkungen in nicht-städtischen Bereichen sind ebenfalls sehr wichtig. Mit interferometrischen Auswertungen von Synthetic Aperture Radar Messungen (InSAR) ist man in der Lage große Bereiche hochauflösend zu beobachten. SAR Systeme können während des Tages, der Nacht und unter allen Wetterbedingungen arbeiten. Heutzutage gibt es zunehmendes Interesse an der Anwendung von SAR für das Monitoring von Veränderungen der Erdoberfläche. Hierzu wurden speziell die Techniken des Interferometrischen SAR (InSAR), Differential InSAR (DInSAR) und Persistent Scatterers InSAR (PSI) entwickelt. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Merkmale von urbanen und nichturbanen Gebieten, kann die Anwendung von InSAR für das Monitoring von Bewegungen unterschiedliche Herausforderungen stellen. Die Stadt Düsseldorf wurde als Testfeld für die Verarbeitung von 20 TerraSAR-X Bilder mit PSI ausgewählt. Die Ergebnisse aus dem Nivellement der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf wurden für die Validierung der PSInSAR Ergebnisse genutzt. Zwei Zeitreihen zeigen einen ähnlichen Verlauf mit sehr geringen Abweichungen. Die Bergbauregion Xishan wurde als nichturbanes Testgebiete in diesem Projekt ausgewählt, weil es die Möglichkeit bietet an Informationen über den Bergbau, die Zeitpläne und Literatur zu kommen und es dort schnelle Oberflächenbewegungen mit großen Phasengradienten gibt. Die durchgeführten Experimente im Xishan Gebiet zeigen, dass man mit der InSAR Auswertung auch Bergbauparameter ableiten kann. Für die Koordinatenbestimmung der Corner Reflektoren wurden GPS Messungen durchgeführt, die auch zur Verbesserung der Satellitenbasislinien dienen und die Genauigkeit der Geokodierung (kleiner 5 m) verbessern
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