2,667 research outputs found

    Landmark-based approaches for goal recognition as planning

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    This article is a revised and extended version of two papers published at AAAI 2017 (Pereira et al., 2017b) and ECAI 2016 (Pereira and Meneguzzi, 2016). We thank the anonymous reviewers that helped improve the research in this article. The authors thank Shirin Sohrabi for discussing the way in which the algorithms of Sohrabi et al. (2016) should be configured, and Yolanda Escudero-Martın for providing code for the approach of E-Martın et al. (2015) and engaging with us. We also thank Miquel Ramırez and Mor Vered for various discussions, and Andre Grahl Pereira for a discussion of properties of our algorithm. Felipe thanks CNPq for partial financial support under its PQ fellowship, grant number 305969/2016-1.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Cooperative planning in multi-agent systems

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Automated planning is a centralized process in which a single planning entity, or agent, synthesizes a course of action, or plan, that satisfies a desired set of goals from an initial situation. A Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a distributed system where a group of autonomous agents pursue their own goals in a reactive, proactive and social way. Multi-Agent Planning (MAP) is a novel research field that emerges as the integration of automated planning in MAS. Agents are endowed with planning capabilities and their mission is to find a course of action that attains the goals of the MAP task. MAP generalizes the problem of automated planning in domains where several agents plan and act together by combining their knowledge, information and capabilities. In cooperative MAP, agents are assumed to be collaborative and work together towards the joint construction of a competent plan that solves a set of common goals. There exist different methods to address this objective, which vary according to the typology and coordination needs of the MAP task to solve; that is, to which extent agents are able to make their own local plans without affecting the activities of the other agents. The present PhD thesis focuses on the design, development and experimental evaluation of a general-purpose and domain-independent resolution framework that solves cooperative MAP tasks of different typology and complexity. More precisely, our model performs a multi-agent multi-heuristic search over a plan space. Agents make use of an embedded search engine based on forward-chaining Partial Order Planning to successively build refinement plans starting from an initial empty plan while they jointly explore a multi-agent search tree. All the reasoning processes, algorithms and coordination protocols are fully distributed among the planning agents and guarantee the preservation of the agents' private information. The multi-agent search is guided through the alternation of two state-based heuristic functions. These heuristic estimators use the global information on the MAP task instead of the local projections of the task of each agent. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness of our multi-heuristic search scheme, obtaining significant results in a wide variety of cooperative MAP tasks adapted from the benchmarks of the International Planning Competition.[ES] La planificación automática es un proceso centralizado en el que una única entidad de planificación, o agente, sintetiza un curso de acción, o plan, que satisface un conjunto deseado de objetivos a partir de una situación inicial. Un Sistema Multi-Agente (SMA) es un sistema distribuido en el que un grupo de agentes autónomos persiguen sus propias metas de forma reactiva, proactiva y social. La Planificación Multi-Agente (PMA) es un nuevo campo de investigación que surge de la integración de planificación automática en SMA. Los agentes disponen de capacidades de planificación y su propósito consiste en generar un curso de acción que alcance los objetivos de la tarea de PMA. La PMA generaliza el problema de planificación automática en dominios en los que diversos agentes planifican y actúan conjuntamente mediante la combinación de sus conocimientos, información y capacidades. En PMA cooperativa, se asume que los agentes son colaborativos y trabajan conjuntamente para la construcción de un plan competente que resuelva una serie de objetivos comunes. Existen distintos métodos para alcanzar este objetivo que varían de acuerdo a la tipología y las necesidades de coordinación de la tarea de PMA a resolver; esto es, hasta qué punto los agentes pueden generar sus propios planes locales sin afectar a las actividades de otros agentes. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación experimental de una herramienta independiente del dominio y de propósito general para la resolución de tareas de PMA cooperativa de distinta tipología y nivel de complejidad. Particularmente, nuestro modelo realiza una búsqueda multi-agente y multi-heurística sobre el espacio de planes. Los agentes hacen uso de un motor de búsqueda embebido basado en Planificación de Orden Parcial de encadenamiento progresivo para generar planes refinamiento de forma sucesiva mientras exploran conjuntamente el árbol de búsqueda multiagente. Todos los procesos de razonamiento, algoritmos y protocolos de coordinación están totalmente distribuidos entre los agentes y garantizan la preservación de la información privada de los agentes. La búsqueda multi-agente se guía mediante la alternancia de dos funciones heurísticas basadas en estados. Estos estimadores heurísticos utilizan la información global de la tarea de PMA en lugar de las proyecciones locales de la tarea de cada agente. La evaluación experimental muestra la efectividad de nuestro esquema de búsqueda multi-heurístico, que obtiene resultados significativos en una amplia variedad de tareas de PMA cooperativa adaptadas a partir de los bancos de pruebas de las Competición Internacional de Planificación.[CA] La planificació automàtica és un procés centralitzat en el que una única entitat de planificació, o agent, sintetitza un curs d'acció, o pla, que satisfau un conjunt desitjat d'objectius a partir d'una situació inicial. Un Sistema Multi-Agent (SMA) és un sistema distribuït en el que un grup d'agents autònoms persegueixen les seues pròpies metes de forma reactiva, proactiva i social. La Planificació Multi-Agent (PMA) és un nou camp d'investigació que sorgeix de la integració de planificació automàtica en SMA. Els agents estan dotats de capacitats de planificació i el seu propòsit consisteix en generar un curs d'acció que aconseguisca els objectius de la tasca de PMA. La PMA generalitza el problema de planificació automàtica en dominis en què diversos agents planifiquen i actúen conjuntament mitjançant la combinació dels seus coneixements, informació i capacitats. En PMA cooperativa, s'assumeix que els agents són col·laboratius i treballen conjuntament per la construcció d'un pla competent que ressolga una sèrie d'objectius comuns. Existeixen diferents mètodes per assolir aquest objectiu que varien d'acord a la tipologia i les necessitats de coordinació de la tasca de PMA a ressoldre; és a dir, fins a quin punt els agents poden generar els seus propis plans locals sense afectar a les activitats d'altres agents. La present tesi doctoral es centra en el disseny, desenvolupament i avaluació experimental d'una ferramenta independent del domini i de propòsit general per la resolució de tasques de PMA cooperativa de diferent tipologia i nivell de complexitat. Particularment, el nostre model realitza una cerca multi-agent i multi-heuristica sobre l'espai de plans. Els agents fan ús d'un motor de cerca embegut en base a Planificació d'Ordre Parcial d'encadenament progressiu per generar plans de refinament de forma successiva mentre exploren conjuntament l'arbre de cerca multiagent. Tots els processos de raonament, algoritmes i protocols de coordinació estan totalment distribuïts entre els agents i garanteixen la preservació de la informació privada dels agents. La cerca multi-agent es guia mitjançant l'aternança de dues funcions heurístiques basades en estats. Aquests estimadors heurístics utilitzen la informació global de la tasca de PMA en lloc de les projeccions locals de la tasca de cada agent. L'avaluació experimental mostra l'efectivitat del nostre esquema de cerca multi-heurístic, que obté resultats significatius en una ampla varietat de tasques de PMA cooperativa adaptades a partir dels bancs de proves de la Competició Internacional de Planificació.Torreño Lerma, A. (2016). Cooperative planning in multi-agent systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/65815TESISPremiadoCompendi

    Resilience, reliability, and coordination in autonomous multi-agent systems

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    Acknowledgements The research reported in this paper was funded and supported by various grants over the years: Robotics and AI in Nuclear (RAIN) Hub (EP/R026084/1); Future AI and Robotics for Space (FAIR-SPACE) Hub (EP/R026092/1); Offshore Robotics for Certification of Assets (ORCA) Hub (EP/R026173/1); the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Chair in Emerging Technologies scheme; Trustworthy Autonomous Systems “Verifiability Node” (EP/V026801); Scrutable Autonomous Systems (EP/J012084/1); Supporting Security Policy with Effective Digital Intervention (EP/P011829/1); The International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Unifying control in a layered agent architecture

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    In this paper, we set up a unifying perspective of the individual control layers of the architecture InteRRaP for autonomous interacting agents. InteRRaP is a pragmatic approach to designing complex dynamic agent societies, e.g. for robotics Müller & Pischel and cooperative scheduling applications Fischer et al.94. It is based on three general functions describing how the actions an agent commits to are derived from its perception and from its mental model: belief revision and abstraction, situation recognition and goal activation, and planning and scheduling. It is argued that each InteRRaP control layer - the behaviour-based layer, the local planning layer, and the cooperative planning layer - can be described by a combination of different instantiations of these control functions. The basic structure of a control layer is defined. The individual functions and their implementation in the different layers are outlined. We demonstrate various options for the design of interacting agents within this framework by means of an interacting robots application. The performance of different agent types in a multiagent environment is empirically evaluated by a series of experiments

    CBR and MBR techniques: review for an application in the emergencies domain

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    The purpose of this document is to provide an in-depth analysis of current reasoning engine practice and the integration strategies of Case Based Reasoning and Model Based Reasoning that will be used in the design and development of the RIMSAT system. RIMSAT (Remote Intelligent Management Support and Training) is a European Commission funded project designed to: a.. Provide an innovative, 'intelligent', knowledge based solution aimed at improving the quality of critical decisions b.. Enhance the competencies and responsiveness of individuals and organisations involved in highly complex, safety critical incidents - irrespective of their location. In other words, RIMSAT aims to design and implement a decision support system that using Case Base Reasoning as well as Model Base Reasoning technology is applied in the management of emergency situations. This document is part of a deliverable for RIMSAT project, and although it has been done in close contact with the requirements of the project, it provides an overview wide enough for providing a state of the art in integration strategies between CBR and MBR technologies.Postprint (published version

    Novel analysis and modelling methodologies applied to pultrusion and other processes

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    Often a manufacturing process may be a bottleneck or critical to a business. This thesis focuses on the analysis and modelling of such processest, to both better understand them, and to support the enhancement of quality or output capability of the process. The main thrusts of this thesis therefore are: To model inter-process physics, inter-relationships, and complex processes in a manner that enables re-exploitation, re-interpretation and reuse of this knowledge and generic elements e.g. using Object Oriented (00) & Qualitative Modelling (QM) techniques. This involves the development of superior process models to capture process complexity and reuse any generic elements; To demonstrate advanced modelling and simulation techniques (e.g. Artificial Neural Networks(ANN), Rule-Based-Systems (RBS), and statistical modelling) on a number of complex manufacturing case studies; To gain a better understanding of the physics and process inter-relationships exhibited in a number of complex manufacturing processes (e.g. pultrusion, bioprocess, and logistics) using analysis and modelling. To these ends, both a novel Object Oriented Qualitative (Problem) Analysis (OOQA) methodology, and a novel Artificial Neural Network Process Modelling (ANNPM) methodology were developed and applied to a number of complex manufacturing case studies- thermoset and thermoplastic pultrusion, bioprocess reactor, and a logistics supply chain. It has been shown that these methodologies and the models developed support capture of complex process inter-relationships, enable reuse of generic elements, support effective variable selection for ANN models, and perform well as a predictor of process properties. In particular the ANN pultrusion models, using laboratory data from IKV, Aachen and Pera, Melton Mowbray, predicted product properties very well

    Diagnosis As Planning: Two Case Studies

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    Diagnosis of discrete event systems amounts to finding good explanations, in the form of system trajectories consistent with a given set of partially ordered observations. This problem is closely related to planning, and in fact can be recast as a classical planning problem. We formulate a PDDL encoding of this diagnosis problem, and use it to evaluate planners representing a variety of planning paradigms on two realistic case studies. Results demonstrate that certain planning techniques have the potential to be very useful in diagnosis, but on the whole, current planners are far from a practical means of solving diagnosis problems

    Software agents & human behavior

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    People make important decisions in emergencies. Often these decisions involve high stakes in terms of lives and property. Bhopal disaster (1984), Piper Alpha disaster (1988), Montara blowout (2009), and explosion on Deepwater Horizon (2010) are a few examples among many industrial incidents. In these incidents, those who were in-charge took critical decisions under various ental stressors such as time, fatigue, and panic. This thesis presents an application of naturalistic decision-making (NDM), which is a recent decision-making theory inspired by experts making decisions in real emergencies. This study develops an intelligent agent model that can be programed to make human-like decisions in emergencies. The agent model has three major components: (1) A spatial learning module, which the agent uses to learn escape routes that are designated routes in a facility for emergency evacuation, (2) a situation recognition module, which is used to recognize or distinguish among evolving emergency situations, and (3) a decision-support module, which exploits modules in (1) and (2), and implements an NDM based decision-logic for producing human-like decisions in emergencies. The spatial learning module comprises a generalized stochastic Petri net-based model of spatial learning. The model classifies routes into five classes based on landmarks, which are objects with salient spatial features. These classes deal with the question of how difficult a landmark turns out to be when an agent observes it the first time during a route traversal. An extension to the spatial learning model is also proposed where the question of how successive route traversals may impact retention of a route in the agent’s memory is investigated. The situation awareness module uses Markov logic network (MLN) to define different offshore emergency situations using First-order Logic (FOL) rules. The purpose of this module is to give the agent the necessary experience of dealing with emergencies. The potential of this module lies in the fact that different training samples can be used to produce agents having different experience or capability to deal with an emergency situation. To demonstrate this fact, two agents were developed and trained using two different sets of empirical observations. The two are found to be different in recognizing the prepare-to-abandon-platform alarm (PAPA ), and similar to each other in recognition of an emergency using other cues. Finally, the decision-support module is proposed as a union of spatial-learning module, situation awareness module, and NDM based decision-logic. The NDM-based decision-logic is inspired by Klein’s (1998) recognition primed decision-making (RPDM) model. The agent’s attitudes related to decision-making as per the RPDM are represented in the form of belief, desire, and intention (BDI). The decision-logic involves recognition of situations based on experience (as proposed in situation-recognition module), and recognition of situations based on classification, where ontological classification is used to guide the agent in cases where the agent’s experience about confronting a situation is inadequate. At the planning stage, the decision-logic exploits the agent’s spatial knowledge (as proposed in spatial-learning module) about the layout of the environment to make adjustments in the course of actions relevant to a decision that has already been made as a by-product of situation recognition. The proposed agent model has potential to be used to improve virtual training environment’s fidelity by adding agents that exhibit human-like intelligence in performing tasks related to emergency evacuation. Notwithstanding, the potential to exploit the basis provided here, in the form of an agent representing human fallibility, should not be ignored for fields like human reliability analysis