398 research outputs found

    The Effects of Ant Colony Optimization on Graph Anonymization

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    The growing need to address privacy concerns whensocial network data is released for mining purposes hasrecently led to considerable interest in varioustechniques for graph anonymization. These techniquesand definitions, although robust are sometimes difficultto achieve for large social net-works. In this paper, welook at applying ant colony opti-mization (ACO) to twoknown versions of social network anonymization,namely k-label sequence anonymity, known to be NPhardfor k ≥ 3. We also apply it to the more recent workof [23] and Label Bag Anonymization. Ants of the artificialcolony are able to generate successively shortertours by using information accumulated in the form ofpheromone trails deposited by the edge colonies ant.Computer simu-lations have indicated that ACO arecapable of generating good solutions for known hardergraph problems.The contributions of this paper are two fold: welook to apply ACO to k-label sequence anonymity andk=label bag based anonymization, and attempt to showthe power of ap-plying ACO techniques to socialnetwork privacy attempts. Furthermore, we look tobuild a new novel foundation of study, that althoughat its preliminary stages, can lead it ground breakingresults down the road

    Privacy and Anonymization of Neighborhoods in Multiplex Networks

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    Since the beginning of the digital age, the amount of available data on human behaviour has dramatically increased, along with the risk for the privacy of the represented subjects. Since the analysis of those data can bring advances to science, it is important to share them while preserving the subjects' anonymity. A significant portion of the available information can be modelled as networks, introducing an additional privacy risk related to the structure of the data themselves. For instance, in a social network, people can be uniquely identifiable because of the structure of their neighborhood, formed by the amount of their friends and the connections between them. The neighborhood's structure is the target of an identity disclosure attack on released social network data, called neighborhood attack. To mitigate this threat, algorithms to anonymize networks have been proposed. However, this problem has not been deeply studied on multiplex networks, which combine different social network data into a single representation. The multiplex network representation makes the neighborhood attack setting more complicated, and adds information that an attacker can use to re-identify subjects. This thesis aims to understand how multiplex networks behave in terms of anonymization difficulty and neighborhood attack. We present two definitions of multiplex neighborhoods, and discuss how the fraction of nodes with unique neighborhoods can be affected. Through analysis of network models, we study the variation of the uniqueness of neighborhoods in networks with different structure and characteristics. We show that the uniqueness of neighborhoods has a linear trend depending on the network size and average degree. If the network has a more random structure, the uniqueness decreases significantly when the network size increases. On the other hand, if the local structure is more pronounced, the uniqueness is not strongly influenced by the number of nodes. We also conduct a motif analysis to study the recurring patterns that can make social networks' neighborhoods less unique. Lastly, we propose an algorithm to anonymize a pair of multiplex neighborhoods. This algorithm is the core building block that can be used in a method to prevent neighborhood attacks on multiplex networks

    Transforming Graph Representations for Statistical Relational Learning

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    Relational data representations have become an increasingly important topic due to the recent proliferation of network datasets (e.g., social, biological, information networks) and a corresponding increase in the application of statistical relational learning (SRL) algorithms to these domains. In this article, we examine a range of representation issues for graph-based relational data. Since the choice of relational data representation for the nodes, links, and features can dramatically affect the capabilities of SRL algorithms, we survey approaches and opportunities for relational representation transformation designed to improve the performance of these algorithms. This leads us to introduce an intuitive taxonomy for data representation transformations in relational domains that incorporates link transformation and node transformation as symmetric representation tasks. In particular, the transformation tasks for both nodes and links include (i) predicting their existence, (ii) predicting their label or type, (iii) estimating their weight or importance, and (iv) systematically constructing their relevant features. We motivate our taxonomy through detailed examples and use it to survey and compare competing approaches for each of these tasks. We also discuss general conditions for transforming links, nodes, and features. Finally, we highlight challenges that remain to be addressed

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis on Social Network Anonymization: Current Approaches and Future Directions

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    In recent decades, social network anonymization has become a crucial research field due to its pivotal role in preserving users' privacy. However, the high diversity of approaches introduced in relevant studies poses a challenge to gaining a profound understanding of the field. In response to this, the current study presents an exhaustive and well-structured bibliometric analysis of the social network anonymization field. To begin our research, related studies from the period of 2007-2022 were collected from the Scopus Database then pre-processed. Following this, the VOSviewer was used to visualize the network of authors' keywords. Subsequently, extensive statistical and network analyses were performed to identify the most prominent keywords and trending topics. Additionally, the application of co-word analysis through SciMAT and the Alluvial diagram allowed us to explore the themes of social network anonymization and scrutinize their evolution over time. These analyses culminated in an innovative taxonomy of the existing approaches and anticipation of potential trends in this domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first bibliometric analysis in the social network anonymization field, which offers a deeper understanding of the current state and an insightful roadmap for future research in this domain.Comment: 73 pages, 28 figure

    Audio-Visual Dataset and Method for Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos

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    We introduce the first audio-visual dataset for traffic anomaly detection taken from real-world scenes, called MAVAD, with a diverse range of weather and illumination conditions. In addition, we propose a novel method named AVACA that combines visual and audio features extracted from video sequences by means of cross-attention to detect anomalies. We demonstrate that the addition of audio improves the performance of AVACA by up to 5.2%. We also evaluate the impact of image anonymization, showing only a minor decrease in performance averaging at 1.7%

    Robust input representations for low-resource information extraction

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    Recent advances in the field of natural language processing were achieved with deep learning models. This led to a wide range of new research questions concerning the stability of such large-scale systems and their applicability beyond well-studied tasks and datasets, such as information extraction in non-standard domains and languages, in particular, in low-resource environments. In this work, we address these challenges and make important contributions across fields such as representation learning and transfer learning by proposing novel model architectures and training strategies to overcome existing limitations, including a lack of training resources, domain mismatches and language barriers. In particular, we propose solutions to close the domain gap between representation models by, e.g., domain-adaptive pre-training or our novel meta-embedding architecture for creating a joint representations of multiple embedding methods. Our broad set of experiments demonstrates state-of-the-art performance of our methods for various sequence tagging and classification tasks and highlight their robustness in challenging low-resource settings across languages and domains.Die jüngsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache wurden mit Deep-Learning-Modellen erzielt. Dies führte zu einer Vielzahl neuer Forschungsfragen bezüglich der Stabilität solcher großen Systeme und ihrer Anwendbarkeit über gut untersuchte Aufgaben und Datensätze hinaus, wie z. B. die Informationsextraktion für Nicht-Standardsprachen, aber auch Textdomänen und Aufgaben, für die selbst im Englischen nur wenige Trainingsdaten zur Verfügung stehen. In dieser Arbeit gehen wir auf diese Herausforderungen ein und leisten wichtige Beiträge in Bereichen wie Repräsentationslernen und Transferlernen, indem wir neuartige Modellarchitekturen und Trainingsstrategien vorschlagen, um bestehende Beschränkungen zu überwinden, darunter fehlende Trainingsressourcen, ungesehene Domänen und Sprachbarrieren. Insbesondere schlagen wir Lösungen vor, um die Domänenlücke zwischen Repräsentationsmodellen zu schließen, z.B. durch domänenadaptives Vortrainieren oder unsere neuartige Meta-Embedding-Architektur zur Erstellung einer gemeinsamen Repräsentation mehrerer Embeddingmethoden. Unsere umfassende Evaluierung demonstriert die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Methoden für verschiedene Klassifizierungsaufgaben auf Word und Satzebene und unterstreicht ihre Robustheit in anspruchsvollen, ressourcenarmen Umgebungen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Domänen

    Utility-Preserving Anonymization of Textual Documents

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    Cada dia els éssers humans afegim una gran quantitat de dades a Internet, tals com piulades, opinions, fotos i vídeos. Les organitzacions que recullen aquestes dades tan diverses n'extreuen informació per tal de millorar llurs serveis o bé per a propòsits comercials. Tanmateix, si les dades recollides contenen informació personal sensible, hom no les pot compartir amb tercers ni les pot publicar sense el consentiment o una protecció adequada dels subjectes de les dades. Els mecanismes de preservació de la privadesa forneixen maneres de sanejar les dades per tal que no revelin identitats o atributs confidencials. S'ha proposat una gran varietat de mecanismes per anonimitzar bases de dades estructurades amb atributs numèrics i categòrics; en canvi, la protecció automàtica de dades textuals no estructurades ha rebut molta menys atenció. En general, l'anonimització de dades textuals exigeix, primer, detectar trossos del text que poden revelar informació sensible i, després, emmascarar aquests trossos mitjançant supressió o generalització. En aquesta tesi fem servir diverses tecnologies per anonimitzar documents textuals. De primer, millorem les tècniques existents basades en etiquetatge de seqüències. Després, estenem aquestes tècniques per alinear-les millor amb el risc de revelació i amb les exigències de privadesa. Finalment, proposem un marc complet basat en models d'immersió de paraules que captura un concepte més ampli de protecció de dades i que forneix una protecció flexible guiada per les exigències de privadesa. També recorrem a les ontologies per preservar la utilitat del text emmascarat, és a dir, la seva semàntica i la seva llegibilitat. La nostra experimentació extensa i detallada mostra que els nostres mètodes superen els mètodes existents a l'hora de proporcionar anonimització robusta tot preservant raonablement la utilitat del text protegit.Cada día las personas añadimos una gran cantidad de datos a Internet, tales como tweets, opiniones, fotos y vídeos. Las organizaciones que recogen dichos datos los usan para extraer información para mejorar sus servicios o para propósitos comerciales. Sin embargo, si los datos recogidos contienen información personal sensible, no pueden compartirse ni publicarse sin el consentimiento o una protección adecuada de los sujetos de los datos. Los mecanismos de protección de la privacidad proporcionan maneras de sanear los datos de forma que no revelen identidades ni atributos confidenciales. Se ha propuesto una gran variedad de mecanismos para anonimizar bases de datos estructuradas con atributos numéricos y categóricos; en cambio, la protección automática de datos textuales no estructurados ha recibido mucha menos atención. En general, la anonimización de datos textuales requiere, primero, detectar trozos de texto que puedan revelar información sensible, para luego enmascarar dichos trozos mediante supresión o generalización. En este trabajo empleamos varias tecnologías para anonimizar documentos textuales. Primero mejoramos las técnicas existentes basadas en etiquetaje de secuencias. Posteriormente las extendmos para alinearlas mejor con la noción de riesgo de revelación y con los requisitos de privacidad. Finalmente, proponemos un marco completo basado en modelos de inmersión de palabras que captura una noción más amplia de protección de datos y ofrece protección flexible guiada por los requisitos de privacidad. También recurrimos a las ontologías para preservar la utilidad del texto enmascarado, es decir, su semantica y legibilidad. Nuestra experimentación extensa y detallada muestra que nuestros métodos superan a los existentes a la hora de proporcionar una anonimización más robusta al tiempo que se preserva razonablemente la utilidad del texto protegido.Every day, people post a significant amount of data on the Internet, such as tweets, reviews, photos, and videos. Organizations collecting these types of data use them to extract information in order to improve their services or for commercial purposes. Yet, if the collected data contain sensitive personal information, they cannot be shared with third parties or released publicly without consent or adequate protection of the data subjects. Privacy-preserving mechanisms provide ways to sanitize data so that identities and/or confidential attributes are not disclosed. A great variety of mechanisms have been proposed to anonymize structured databases with numerical and categorical attributes; however, automatically protecting unstructured textual data has received much less attention. In general, textual data anonymization requires, first, to detect pieces of text that may disclose sensitive information and, then, to mask those pieces via suppression or generalization. In this work, we leverage several technologies to anonymize textual documents. We first improve state-of-the-art techniques based on sequence labeling. After that, we extend them to make them more aligned with the notion of privacy risk and the privacy requirements. Finally, we propose a complete framework based on word embedding models that captures a broader notion of data protection and provides flexible protection driven by privacy requirements. We also leverage ontologies to preserve the utility of the masked text, that is, its semantics and readability. Extensive experimental results show that our methods outperform the state of the art by providing more robust anonymization while reasonably preserving the utility of the protected outcome