2,088 research outputs found

    Current challenges in software solutions for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics

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    This work was in part supported by the PRIME-XS project, grant agreement number 262067, funded by the European Union seventh Framework Programme; The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, embedded in The Netherlands Genomics Initiative; The Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre; and the Centre for Biomedical Genetics (to S.C., B.B. and A.J.R.H); by NIH grants NCRR RR001614 and RR019934 (to the UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility, director: A.L. Burlingame, P.B.); and by grants from the MRC, CR-UK, BBSRC and Barts and the London Charity (to P.C.

    Tear proteome analysis in ocular surface diseases using label-free LC-MS/MS and multiplexedmicroarray biomarker validation

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    We analyzed the tear film proteome of patients with dry eye (DE), meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), and normal volunteers (CT). Tear samples were collected from 70 individuals. Of these, 37 samples were analyzed using spectral-counting-based LC-MS/MS label-free quantitation, and 33 samples were evaluated in the validation of candidate biomarkers employing customized antibody microarray assays. Comparative analysis of tear protein profiles revealed differences in the expression levels of 26 proteins, including protein S100A6, annexin A1, cystatin-S, thioredoxin, phospholipase A2, antileukoproteinase, and lactoperoxidase. Antibody microarray validation of CST4, S100A6, and MMP9 confirmed the accuracy of previously reported ELISA assays, with an area under ROC curve (AUC) of 87.5%. Clinical endpoint analysis showed a good correlation between biomarker concentrations and clinical parameters. In conclusion, different sets of proteins differentiate between the groups. Apolipoprotein D, S100A6, S100A8, and ceruloplasmin discriminate best between the DE and CT groups. The differences between antileukoproteinase, phospholipase A2, and lactoperoxidase levels allow the distinction between MGD and DE, and the changes in the levels of annexin A1, clusterin, and alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1, between MGD and CT groups. The functional network analysis revealed the main biological processes that should be examined to identify new candidate biomarkers and therapeutic targets

    The APEX Quantitative Proteomics Tool: Generating protein quantitation estimates from LC-MS/MS proteomics results

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    Mass spectrometry (MS) based label-free protein quantitation has mainly focused on analysis of ion peak heights and peptide spectral counts. Most analyses of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data begin with an enzymatic digestion of a complex protein mixture to generate smaller peptides that can be separated and identified by an MS/MS instrument. Peptide spectral counting techniques attempt to quantify protein abundance by counting the number of detected tryptic peptides and their corresponding MS spectra. However, spectral counting is confounded by the fact that peptide physicochemical properties severely affect MS detection resulting in each peptide having a different detection probability. Lu et al. (2007) described a modified spectral counting technique, Absolute Protein Expression (APEX), which improves on basic spectral counting methods by including a correction factor for each protein (called O(i) value) that accounts for variable peptide detection by MS techniques. The technique uses machine learning classification to derive peptide detection probabilities that are used to predict the number of tryptic peptides expected to be detected for one molecule of a particular protein (O(i)). This predicted spectral count is compared to the protein's observed MS total spectral count during APEX computation of protein abundances. Results: The APEX Quantitative Proteomics Tool, introduced here, is a free open source Java application that supports the APEX protein quantitation technique. The APEX tool uses data from standard tandem mass spectrometry proteomics experiments and provides computational support for APEX protein abundance quantitation through a set of graphical user interfaces that partition thparameter controls for the various processing tasks. The tool also provides a Z-score analysis for identification of significant differential protein expression, a utility to assess APEX classifier performance via cross validation, and a utility to merge multiple APEX results into a standardized format in preparation for further statistical analysis. Conclusion: The APEX Quantitative Proteomics Tool provides a simple means to quickly derive hundreds to thousands of protein abundance values from standard liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry proteomics datasets. The APEX tool provides a straightforward intuitive interface design overlaying a highly customizable computational workflow to produce protein abundance values from LC-MS/MS datasets.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) N01-AI15447National Institutes of HealthNational Science Foundation, the Welsh and Packard FoundationsInternational Human Frontier Science ProgramCenter for Systems and Synthetic Biolog

    Quantitative mass spectrometry-based proteomics: An overview

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    In recent decades, mass spectrometry has moved more than ever before into the front line of protein-centered research. After being established at the qualitative level, the more challenging question of quantification of proteins and peptides using mass spectrometry has become a focus for further development. In this chapter, we discuss and review actual strategies and problems of the methods for the quantitative analysis of peptides, proteins, and finally proteomes by mass spectrometry. The common themes, the differences, and the potential pitfalls of the main approaches are presented in order to provide a survey of the emerging field of quantitative, mass spectrometry-based proteomics

    Proteomic profiling of the rat renal proximal convoluted tubule in response to chronic metabolic acidosis

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    2013 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.The human kidneys contain more than one million glomeruli which filter nearly 200 liters of plasma per day. The proximal tubule is the segment of the nephron that immediately follows the glomeruli. This portion of the nephron contributes to fluid, electrolyte and nutrient homeostasis by reabsorbing 60-70% of the filtered water and NaCl and an even greater proportion of NaHCO3. The initial or convoluted portion of the proximal tubule reabsorbs nearly all of the nutrients in the glomerular filtrate and is the site of active secretion and many of the metabolic functions of the kidney. For example, the proximal convoluted tubule is the primary site of renal ammoniagenesis and gluconeogenesis, processes that are significantly activated during metabolic acidosis. Metabolic acidosis is a common clinical condition that is characterized by a decrease in blood pH and bicarbonate concentration. Metabolic acidosis also occurs frequently as a secondary complication, which adversely affects the outcome of patients with various life-threatening conditions. This type of acidosis can occur acutely, lasting for a few hours to a day, or as a chronic condition where acid-base balance is not fully restored. Chronic metabolic acidosis, where the decrease in blood pH and bicarbonate last for 7 days, was the main focus of these studies. Acid-base homeostasis is achieved, in part, by the reabsorption of bicarbonate and excretion of ammonium ions and acids by the proximal convoluted tubule. Metabolic acidosis is partially compensated by an adaptive increase in renal ammoniagenesis and bicarbonate synthesis. During acidosis, there is increased extraction and mitochondrial catabolism of plasma glutamine within the renal proximal convoluted tubule. This process generates ammonium and bicarbonate ions that facilitate the excretion of acid and partially restore acid-base balance. This response is mediated by a pronounced remodeling of the proteome of the proximal convoluted tubule that also produces an extensive hypertrophy. Previous studies identified only a few mitochondrial proteins, including two key enzymes of glutamine metabolism, which are increased during chronic acidosis. Here, a workflow was developed to globally characterize the mitochondrial proteome of the proximal convoluted tubule. Two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (2D/LC-MS/MS) was utilized to compare mitochondrial enriched samples from control and chronic acidotic rats. Label-free quantitative strategies are commonly used in shot-gun proteomics to detect differences in protein abundance between biological sample groups. In this study we employed a combination of two such approaches, spectral counting (SpC) and average MS/MS total ion current (MS2 TIC). In total, forty nine proteins were observed to be significantly altered in response to metabolic acidosis (p-value < 0.05). Of these, 32 proteins were uniquely observed as significantly different by SpC, 14 by MS2 TIC, and only 3 by both approaches. Western blot analysis was used to validate the fold changes of eight of the proteins that showed an increase upon acidosis. Furthermore, using an antibody specific to acetylated lysine modifications indicated that chronic acidosis causes a 2.5 fold increase in this modification specifically in mitochondria. Western blot analysis established that the observed alterations in both protein abundance and lysine acetylation are not due to the associated hypertrophy. This study represents the first comprehensive analysis of whole mitochondrial proteome of the rat renal proximal convoluted tubule and its response to metabolic acidosis. Additionally, our analysis demonstrates an innovative dual approach for protein quantitation. To further our understanding of the impact of acidosis on the mitochondrial proteome, mitochondrial inner membranes were isolated from control and acidotic rat proximal convoluted tubules. Additional LC-MS/MS analysis was performed, representing the first proteomic characterization of the mitochondrial inner membrane proteome of the rat renal proximal convoluted tubule. Specific sites of lysine acetylation were identified both in the inner membrane and whole mitochondria, the majority of which are novel sites. The results presented here showed successful enrichment of mitochondrial inner membranes and described the proteins and the known biological processes of this compartment of the mitochondria. Previous proteomic analysis was performed on brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from proximal convoluted tubules from control, 1 d and 7 d acidotic rats. To validate the observed protein alterations, western blot analysis was performed on freshly isolated apical membrane. Additionally, the results from three independent proteomic studies focused on the apical membrane, mitochondrial, and soluble cytosolic fractions of the proximal convoluted tubules were compiled. Bioinformatics analysis was performed to describe predominate cellular processes and pathways that respond to chronic metabolic acidosis. The results of these studies demonstrate that the physiological response to the onset of metabolic acidosis requires pronounced changes in the renal proteome. The observed proteomic adaptations within the proximal convoluted tubule support the increased extraction of plasma glutamine and the increased synthesis and transport of glucose and of NH4+ and HCO3- ions. Overall, this dissertation describes the profiling of the proximal convoluted tubule proteome in response to chronic metabolic acidosis and provides the framework for future studies

    Statistical methods for differential proteomics at peptide and protein level

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    Data analysis tools for mass spectrometry proteomics

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    ABSTRACT Proteins are large biomolecules which consist of amino acid chains. They differ from one another in their amino acid sequences, which are mainly dictated by the nucleotide sequence of their corresponding genes. Proteins fold into specific threedimensional structures that determine their activity. Because many of the proteins act as catalytes in biochemical reactions, they are considered as the executive molecules in the cells and therefore their research is fundamental in biotechnology and medicine. Currently the most common method to investigate the activity, interactions, and functions of proteins on a large scale, is high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS). The mass spectrometers are used for measuring the molecule masses, or more specifically, their mass-to-charge ratios. Typically the proteins are digested into peptides and their masses are measured by mass spectrometry. The masses are matched against known sequences to acquire peptide identifications, and subsequently, the proteins from which the peptides were originated are quantified. The data that are gathered from these experiments contain a lot of noise, leading to loss of relevant information and even to wrong conclusions. The noise can be related, for example, to differences in the sample preparation or to technical limitations of the analysis equipment. In addition, assumptions regarding the data might be wrong or the chosen statistical methods might not be suitable. Taken together, these can lead to irreproducible results. Developing algorithms and computational tools to overcome the underlying issues is of most importance. Thus, this work aims to develop new computational tools to address these problems. In this PhD Thesis, the performance of existing label-free proteomics methods are evaluated and new statistical data analysis methods are proposed. The tested methods include several widely used normalization methods, which are thoroughly evaluated using multiple gold standard datasets. Various statistical methods for differential expression analysis are also evaluated. Furthermore, new methods to calculate differential expression statistic are developed and their superior performance compared to the existing methods is shown using a wide set of metrics. The tools are published as open source software packages.TIIVISTELMÄ Proteiinit ovat aminohappoketjuista muodostuvia isoja biomolekyylejä. Ne eroavat toisistaan aminohappojen järjestyksen osalta, mikä pääosin määräytyy proteiineja koodaavien geenien perusteella. Lisäksi proteiinit laskostuvat kolmiulotteisiksi rakenteiksi, jotka osaltaan määrittelevät niiden toimintaa. Koska proteiinit toimivat katalyytteinä biokemiallisissa reaktioissa, niillä katsotaan olevan keskeinen rooli soluissa ja siksi myös niiden tutkimusta pidetään tärkeänä. Tällä hetkellä yleisin menetelmä laajamittaiseen proteiinien aktiivisuuden, interaktioiden sekä funktioiden tutkimiseen on suurikapasiteettinen massaspektrometria (MS). Massaspektrometreja käytetään mittaamaan molekyylien massoja – tai tarkemmin massan ja varauksen suhdetta. Tyypillisesti proteiinit hajotetaan peptideiksi massojen mittausta varten. Massaspektrometrillä havaittuja massoja verrataan tunnetuista proteiinisekvensseistä koottua tietokantaa vasten, jotta peptidit voidaan tunnistaa. Peptidien myötä myös proteiinit on mahdollista päätellä ja kvantitoida. Kokeissa kerätty data sisältää normaalisti runsaasti kohinaa, joka saattaa johtaa olennaisen tiedon hukkumiseen ja jopa pahimmillaan johtaa vääriin johtopäätöksiin. Tämä kohina voi johtua esimerkiksi näytteen käsittelystä johtuvista eroista tai mittalaitteiden teknisistä rajoitteista. Lisäksi olettamukset datan luonteesta saattavat olla virheellisiä tai käytetään datalle soveltumattomia tilastollisia malleja. Pahimmillaan tämä johtaa tilanteisiin, joissa tutkimuksen tuloksia ei pystytä toistamaan. Erilaisten laskennallisten työkalujen sekä algoritmien kehittäminen näiden ongelmien ehkäisemiseksi onkin ensiarvoisen tärkeää tutkimusten luotettavuuden kannalta. Tässä työssä keskitytäänkin sovelluksiin, joilla pyritään ratkaisemaan tällä osa-alueella ilmeneviä ongelmia. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan yleisesti käytössä olevia kvantitatiivisen proteomiikan ohjelmistoja ja yleisimpiä datan normalisointimenetelmiä, sekä kehitetään uusia datan analysointityökaluja. Menetelmien keskinäiset vertailut suoritetaan useiden sellaisten standardiaineistojen kanssa, joiden todellinen sisältö tiedetään. Tutkimuksessa vertaillaan lisäksi joukko tilastollisia menetelmiä näytteiden välisten erojen havaitsemiseen sekä kehitetään kokonaan uusia tehokkaita menetelmiä ja osoitetaan niiden parempi suorituskyky suhteessa aikaisempiin menetelmiin. Kaikki tutkimuksessa kehitetyt työkalut on julkaistu avoimen lähdekoodin sovelluksina

    Development and Integration of Informatic Tools for Qualitative and Quantitative Characterization of Proteomic Datasets Generated by Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    Shotgun proteomic experiments provide qualitative and quantitative analytical information from biological samples ranging in complexity from simple bacterial isolates to higher eukaryotes such as plants and humans and even to communities of microbial organisms. Improvements to instrument performance, sample preparation, and informatic tools are increasing the scope and volume of data that can be analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). To accommodate for these advances, it is becoming increasingly essential to choose and/or create tools that can not only scale well but also those that make more informed decisions using additional features within the data. Incorporating novel and existing tools into a scalable, modular workflow not only provides more accurate, contextualized perspectives of processed data, but it also generates detailed, standardized outputs that can be used for future studies dedicated to mining general analytical or biological features, anomalies, and trends. This research developed cyber-infrastructure that would allow a user to seamlessly run multiple analyses, store the results, and share processed data with other users. The work represented in this dissertation demonstrates successful implementation of an enhanced bioinformatics workflow designed to analyze raw data directly generated from MS instruments and to create fully-annotated reports of qualitative and quantitative protein information for large-scale proteomics experiments. Answering these questions requires several points of engagement between informatics and analytical understanding of the underlying biochemistry of the system under observation. Deriving meaningful information from analytical data can be achieved through linking together the concerted efforts of more focused, logistical questions. This study focuses on the following aspects of proteomics experiments: spectra to peptide matching, peptide to protein mapping, and protein quantification and differential expression. The interaction and usability of these analyses and other existing tools are also described. By constructing a workflow that allows high-throughput processing of massive datasets, data collected within the past decade can be standardized and updated with the most recent analyses
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