197,763 research outputs found

    Sistem Pengukuran Arus dan Tegangan pada Rangkaian Kombinasi Virtual Lab

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the education system in Indonesia. The education system that was originally carried out face-to-face changed to an online system (online). With an online system that seems one-way, many students are unable to absorb the material taught optimally. The purpose of this virtual lab project is to create a practicum trainer with a system of measuring electric current and voltage on a combination circuit that can be measured remotely based on the internet of things. Students can access the practicum trainer through the virtual lab android application to measure the electric current or voltage. Based on the test results of electric current measurement using the INA219 sensor, the highest percentage of error was found when measuring against a resistor of 1200 Ω with an error percentage of 2.5%. While in the voltage measurement using a 25 Volt voltage sensor, the highest percentage of error was found at the time of measurement of the resistor of 500 Ω with an error percentage of 1.43%.Pandemi COVID-19 telah mempengaruhi sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Sistem pendidikan yang semula dilakukan secara tatap muka berganti menjadi sistem daring (dalam jaringan). Dengan sistem daring yang terkesan satu arah mengakibatkan banyak pelajar tidak mampu menyerap materi yang diajarkan secara maksimal. Tujuan dari proyek virtual lab ini adalah membuat trainer praktikum dengan sistem pengukuran arus listrik dan tegangan pada rangkaian kombinasi yang dapat diukur dari jarak jauh berbasis internet of things. Pelajar dapat mengakses trainer praktikum melalui aplikasi android virtual lab untuk mengukur arus listrik atau tegangannya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian pengukuran arus listrik menggunakan sensor INA219, presentase error tertinggi terdapat pada saat pengukuran terhadap resistor 1200 Ω dengan presentase error sebesar 2.5%. Sementara pada pengukuran tegangan menggunakan sensor tegangan 25 Volt, presentase error tertinggi terdapat pada saat pengukuran terhadap resistor 500 Ω dengan presentase error sebesar 1.43%

    Improving statistical skills through students’ participation in the development of resources

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    This paper summarizes the evaluation of a project that involved undergraduate mathematics students in the development of teaching and learning resources for statistics modules taught in various departments of a university. This evaluation regards students’ participation in the project and its impact on their learning of statistics, as characterized in terms of statistical reasoning, statistical thinking, and skills for statistical consultancy. The participation of students is evaluated from the viewpoint of communities of practice. The evaluation resulted in a characterization of the benefits of such a project and suggestions for implementations of future projects, and in addition brought to light new theoretical elements both as regards the learning of statistics and as regards communities of practice. In particular, the analysis highlighted contributions of the students involved to resource development practice in the community of university statistics teachers, as well as contributions to students’ learning as a result of participation in this community

    Active learning based laboratory towards engineering education 4.0

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    Universities have a relevant and essential key role to ensure knowledge and development of competencies in the current fourth industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. The Industry 4.0 promotes a set of digital technologies to allow the convergence between the information technology and the operation technology towards smarter factories. Under such new framework, multiple initiatives are being carried out worldwide as response of such evolution, particularly, from the engineering education point of view. In this regard, this paper introduces the initiative that is being carried out at the Technical University of Catalonia, Spain, called Industry 4.0 Technologies Laboratory, I4Tech Lab. The I4Tech laboratory represents a technological environment for the academic, research and industrial promotion of related technologies. First, in this work, some of the main aspects considered in the definition of the so called engineering education 4.0 are discussed. Next, the proposed laboratory architecture, objectives as well as considered technologies are explained. Finally, the basis of the proposed academic method supported by an active learning approach is presented.Postprint (published version