21 research outputs found

    Les derniers grands feux (?) d'une maison comtoise et bourguignonne : Guillaume de Vienne, seigneur de Saint-Georges et de Sainte-Croix, 1362-1437

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    The character fits into the history of the Second House Vienna (since the mid-thirteenth century), from the countseponymous little studied. The various branches were animated by some famous characterslike Jean de Vienne, admiral of France. Three facts: the death of Admiral (Nicopolis, 1396),the fabulous legacy of his brother Huguenin, and robust health, allowed William to assertitself as "leader" of the House of Vienna. He distinguished himself by service multiforme(military, diplomatic, counseling) from the Dukes of Burgundy, Philip the Bold, John theFearless and Philip the Good, from 1379 to his death, and by careful management of hisimmense estates with the Duchy (almost all Bresse louhannaise; Arc-en-Barrois, probably thefirst Income duchois lands), and the county, which must be added two hotels in Dijon andParis. Olivier de la Marche spread the fame of Guillaume de Vienne "Grand" and "wisdom."His two successive wives brought him into prestigious families: Thoire-Villars (allied to theCounts of Geneva) and Dolphins Auvergne. On the battlefield and as a diplomat, the "lord ofSaint George" achieved fame and stardom: from Scotland to Mahdia (in present-day Tunisia),from Normandy to Milan, he established himself as a high part of the Burgundian State ingestation. Loaded with honors by the Dukes (order of the Golden Tree in 1403, the firstknight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in 1430), receiving the highest pension (3000 francs/ year), intimate the sovereign, he was also an active member of the Grand Council of Royaland Governor of the two Burgundies, he distinguished himself in the Crusades (Mahdia,1390), in the service of the Church (familiar Clement VII head of the embassy Burgundy theCouncil of Constance (1415), benefactor of Colette of Corbie to the founding of severalmonasteries) and was the last Bourguignon which John the Fearless spoke on the bridge ofMontereau (1419). His second wife bore him a son, also named William, and lord of Saint-Georges and St. Croix in the death of his father - which was a problem in more than onehistorian. This character provided a solid background, but also military intellectual (sent in"Germany" to learn the language), had a startling rise in the lifetime of his father, in theservice of John the Fearless and Philip the Good. No less startling was from 1440, thesquandering of movable and immovable property of the "Comte de Saint-George" the newGuillaume de Vienne and his son John, who led, it seems, a dissolute life, and fell into thesnares of multiple riders, primarily the "forensic people and finances." Vienna Marguerite,sister of John, was very close to marrying the Count of Eu, brother of Philip the Good. Shejoins Rudolph Hochberg, from a powerful family in the Black Forest, and became Count ofNeuchâtel in succession to his cousin John, Count of Burgundy and Marshal of Fribourg.Marguerite and Rudolf joined forces and managed to rebuild much of the stately heritage"Guillaume Grand Vienna", they transmitted to their son Philippe, famous for his service toCharles the Bold and Louis XI. Philippe's daughter, Jeanne de Hochberg, by his marriagebrought the family legacy of Orleans-Longueville. Other branches "Vienna" went out, butsuch a study would emerge from the shadows of the characters in this House, as Guillaume deVienne, lord of Montby and Montbis (d. 1471), the Vienna lords Listenois (Bourbonnais),without forgetting Girard (d. 1545), lord of Commarin, founder of the Vienna Chapel of theSainte-Chapelle in DijonLe personnage s'inscrit dans l'histoire de la seconde Maison de Vienne (depuis le milieu du XIIIe siècle), issue des comteséponymes, peu étudiée. Les diverses branches furent animées par quelques personnagesprestigieux, comme Jean de Vienne, amiral de France. Trois faits : la mort de l'amiral(Nicopolis, 1396), le fabuleux héritage de son frère Huguenin, et une robuste santé, permirentà Guillaume de s'affirmer comme "chef " de la Maison de Vienne. Il se distingua par unservice multiforme (militaire, diplomatique, de conseil) auprès des ducs de BourgognePhilippe le Hardi, Jean sans Peur et Philippe le Bon, de 1379 à sa mort, et par une gestionavisée de son immense patrimoine terrien, dans le Duché (presque toute la Bresselouhannaise ; Arc-en-Barrois ; sans doute le premier revenu domanial duchois), et dans leComté, auquel il faut ajouter deux hôtels, à Dijon et à Paris. Olivier de La Marche propagea larenommée de Guillaume de Vienne "le Grand" et "le Sage". Ses deux épouses successives lefirent entrer dans des familles prestigieuses : Thoire-Villars (alliée aux comtes de Genève) etles Dauphins d'Auvergne. Sur les champs de bataille et comme diplomate, le "sire de SaintGeorge" connut la gloire et la célébrité : de l'Ecosse à Mahdia (en l'actuelle Tunisie), de laNormandie à Milan, il s'affirma comme un haut cadre de l'Etat bourguignon en gestation.Comblé d'honneurs par les Ducs ( ordre de l'Arbre d'or en 1403, premier nommé chevalier del'ordre de la Toison d'or en 1430), recevant la plus forte pension ( 3000 francs/an), intime deces souverains, il fut aussi un membre actif du Grand conseil royal et gouverneur des deuxBourgognes ; il s'illustra à la croisade (Mahdia, 1390), au service de l'Eglise (familier deClément VII ; chef de l'ambassade bourguignonne au concile de Constance (1415) ;bienfaiteur de Colette de Corbie pour la fondation de plusieurs couvents) et fut le dernierBourguignon auquel s'adressa Jean sans Peur sur le pont de Montereau (1419). Sa secondeépouse lui donna un fils, lui aussi prénommé Guillaume, et seigneur de Saint-Georges et deSainte-Croix à la mort de son père – ce qui a posé problème à plus d'un historien. Cepersonnage, pourvu d'une solide formation, militaire mais aussi intellectuelle (envoyé en"Allemagne" pour y apprendre la langue), connut une foudroyante ascension, du vivant de sonpère, au service de Jean sans Peur puis de Philippe le Bon. Non moins foudroyante fut, dès1440, la dilapidation du patrimoine mobilier et immobilier du "sire de Saint-George" par lenouveau Guillaume de Vienne et son fils Jean, lesquels menèrent, semble-t-il, une viedissolue, et tombèrent dans les rets de multiples profiteurs, au premier chef les "légistes etgens de finances". Marguerite de Vienne, une soeur de Jean, fut bien près d'épouser le comted'Eu, beau-frère de Philippe le Bon. Elle s'unit à Rodolphe de Hochberg, issu d'une puissantefamille de Forêt Noire, et devenu comte de Neuchâtel en succession de son cousin Jean,comte de Fribourg et maréchal de Bourgogne. Marguerite et Rodolphe unirent leurs efforts etparvinrent à reconstituer une bonne partie du patrimoine seigneurial de "Guillaume de Viennele Grand", qu'ils transmirent à leur fils Philippe, célèbre par ses états de service auprès deCharles le Téméraire puis de Louis XI. La fille de Philippe, Jeanne de Hochberg, par sonmariage apporta l'héritage à la famille d'Orléans-Longueville. D'autres branches "Vienne"s'éteignirent, mais une semblable étude permettrait de sortir de l'ombre des personnages decette Maison, comme Guillaume de Vienne, seigneur de Montby et de Montbis (décédé en1471), les Vienne seigneurs de Listenois (Bourbonnais), sans oublier Girard (mort en 1545),seigneur de Commarin, fondateur de la chapelle de Vienne en la Sainte-Chapelle de Dijon

    Transformations thématiques et stylistiques dans les entrées solennelles de Charles Quint (1515-1541) : l'idée du triomphe, survivance ou re-naissance

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    Agnès Sorel : mythe et réalité

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    "Faire les nopcesℓ : pratiques religieuses et laïques du mariage noble en France à la fin du Moyen-Âge

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Le « Traité de l’amitié » - Guillaume Fillastre sur l’idéal de l’amitié

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    From war to peace: archery and crossbow guilds in Flanders c.1300-1500

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    This thesis engages with a broad range archival source from across Flanders to analyse poorly understood urban groups, the archery and crossbow guilds. The development and continuing importance of the guilds, as military and social groups, and as agents of social peace, will be analysed over six chapters. Chapter one traces the guilds’ origins and continuing military service. Proving a foundation date or a definitive origin for most guilds has proved impossible, but their enduring military importance can be established. In contrast to the assumptions of Arnade (1996), stating that after 1436 the guilds rarely served in war, I have shown that guilds served across the fifteenth century. Chapter two examines the guild-brothers themselves, through a prosopographical study of the members of the Bruges guilds. Many writers have assumed guilds to be ‘elite’ but no study to date has attempted to prove the status of guild-brothers. My use of several hundred different sources reveals numerous important details about guilds’ composition. Many ‘elites’ were present, but so too were members of all crafts and, in comparison with the militia records of 1436, many richer crafts were greatly underrepresented, but crucially no profession was excluded. Chapters three and four analyse respectively the devotions and community of the guilds. Both show the centrality of choice; that guilds were reactive and complex groups changing in response to the needs of members, who could include women, children and priests. Chapter five steps back from the guilds to examine their relationships with authorities. The rulers of Flanders granted privileges to guilds, but they also socialised with them. Great lords patronised and joined guilds, helping them gain rights and lands, but such relationships were mutually beneficial. Urban authorities also supported their guilds, through money, wine, cloth and even land the towns cherished their guilds not just as defenders, but as representatives of civic ideology. Chapter six demonstrates the guilds’ displays of honour and civic prestige at their best, through a study of their competitions. Competitions brought hundreds of armed men together, yet they did not provoke violence, rather, through the language of brotherhood and symbols of commensality, competitions rebuilt damaged communities. A study of competitions is far more than a study of spectacles; it is an analysis of the greatest forms of civic representation and the guilds becoming agents of social peace