17 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Model to Extend Vehicular Intercommunication V2V through D2D Architecture

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    In the recent years, many solutions for Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication were proposed to overcome failure problems (also known as dead ends). This paper proposes a novel framework for V2V failure recovery using Device-to-Device (D2D) communications. Based on the unified Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architecture, LTE-based D2D mechanisms can improve V2V dead ends failure recovery delays. This new paradigm of hybrid V2V-D2D communications overcomes the limitations of traditional V2V routing techniques. According to NS2 simulation results, the proposed hybrid model decreases the end to end delay (E2E) of messages delivery. A complete comparison of different D2D use cases (best & worst scenarios) is presented to show the enhancements brought by our solution compared to traditional V2V techniques.Comment: 6 page

    Car-to-Cloud Communication Traffic Analysis Based on the Common Vehicle Information Model

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    Although connectivity services have been introduced already today in many of the most recent car models, the potential of vehicles serving as highly mobile sensor platform in the Internet of Things (IoT) has not been sufficiently exploited yet. The European AutoMat project has therefore defined an open Common Vehicle Information Model (CVIM) in combination with a cross-industry, cloud-based big data marketplace. Thereby, vehicle sensor data can be leveraged for the design of entirely new services even beyond traffic-related applications (such as localized weather forecasts). This paper focuses on the prediction of the achievable data rate making use of an analytical model based on empirical measurements. For an in-depth analysis, the CVIM has been integrated in a vehicle traffic simulator to produce CVIM-complaint data streams as a result of the individual behavior of each vehicle (speed, brake activity, steering activity, etc.). In a next step, a simulation of vehicle traffic in a realistically modeled, large-area street network has been used in combination with a cellular Long Term Evolution (LTE) network to determine the cumulated amount of data produced within each network cell. As a result, a new car-to-cloud communication traffic model has been derived, which quantifies the data rate of aggregated car-to-cloud data producible by vehicles depending on the current traffic situations (free flow and traffic jam). The results provide a reference for network planning and resource scheduling for car-to-cloud type services in the context of smart cities

    Efficient Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks with Privacy Protection

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    Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a key component of intelligent transportation System (ITS). In VANETs, vehicles and roadside units exchange information for the purpose of navigation, safe driving, entertainment and so on. The high mobility of vehicles makes efficient and private communications in VANETs a big challenge. Improving the performance of information dissemination while protecting data privacy is studied in this research. Meet-Table based information dissemination method is first proposed, so as to improve the information dissemination, and to efficiently distribute information via utilizing roadside units, Cloud Computing, and Fog Computing. A clustering algorithm is proposed as well, to improve the stability for self-organized cluster-based dissemination in VANETs on highways. Then, fuzzy neural networks are used to improve the stability and security of routing protocols, AODV, and design a novel protocol, GSS-AODV. To further protect data privacy, a multi-antenna based information protection approach for vehicle-to-vehicle(V2V) communications is also proposed

    dSDiVN: a distributed Software-Defined Networking architecture for Infrastructure-less Vehicular Networks

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    In the last few years, the emerging network architecture paradigm of Software-Defined Networking (SDN), has become one of the most important technology to manage large scale networks such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Recently, several works have shown interest in the use of SDN paradigm in VANETs. SDN brings flexibility, scalability and management facility to current VANETs. However, almost all of proposed Software-Defined VANET (SDVN) architectures are infrastructure-based. This paper will focus on how to enable SDN in infrastructure-less vehicular environments. For this aim, we propose a novel distributed SDN-based architecture for uncovered infrastructure-less vehicular scenarios. It is a scalable cluster-based architecture with distributed mobile controllers and a reliable fall back recovery mechanism based on self-organized clustering and failure anticipation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in I4CS201

    Quality of service aware data dissemination in vehicular Ad Hoc networks

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    Des systĂšmes de transport intelligents (STI) seront Ă©ventuellement fournis dans un proche avenir pour la sĂ©curitĂ© et le confort des personnes lors de leurs dĂ©placements sur les routes. Les rĂ©seaux ad-hoc vĂ©hiculaires (VANETs) reprĂ©sentent l'Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© des STI. Les VANETs sont formĂ©s par des vĂ©hicules qui communiquent entre eux et avec l'infrastructure. En effet, les vĂ©hicules pourront Ă©changer des messages qui comprennent, par exemple, des informations sur la circulation routiĂšre, les situations d'urgence et les divertissements. En particulier, les messages d'urgence sont diffusĂ©s par des vĂ©hicules en cas d'urgence (p.ex. un accident de voiture); afin de permettre aux conducteurs de rĂ©agir Ă  temps (p.ex., ralentir), les messages d'urgence doivent ĂȘtre diffusĂ©s de maniĂšre fiable dans un dĂ©lai trĂšs court. Dans les VANETs, il existe plusieurs facteurs, tels que le canal Ă  pertes, les terminaux cachĂ©s, les interfĂ©rences et la bande passante limitĂ©e, qui compliquent Ă©normĂ©ment la satisfaction des exigences de fiabilitĂ© et de dĂ©lai des messages d'urgence. Dans cette thĂšse, en guise de premiĂšre contribution, nous proposons un schĂ©ma de diffusion efficace Ă  plusieurs sauts, appelĂ© Dynamic Partitioning Scheme (DPS), pour diffuser les messages d'urgence. DPS calcule les tailles de partitions dynamiques et le calendrier de transmission pour chaque partition; Ă  l'intĂ©rieur de la zone arriĂšre de l'expĂ©diteur, les partitions sont calculĂ©es de sorte qu'en moyenne chaque partition contient au moins un seul vĂ©hicule; l'objectif est de s'assurer que seul un vĂ©hicule dans la partition la plus Ă©loignĂ©e (de l'expĂ©diteur) est utilisĂ© pour diffuser le message, jusqu'au saut suivant; ceci donne lieu Ă  un dĂ©lai d'un saut plus court. DPS assure une diffusion rapide des messages d'urgence. En outre, un nouveau mĂ©canisme d'Ă©tablissement de liaison, qui utilise des tonalitĂ©s occupĂ©es, est proposĂ© pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme du problĂšme de terminal cachĂ©. Dans les VANETs, la Multidiffusion, c'est-Ă -dire la transmission d'un message d'une source Ă  un nombre limitĂ© de vĂ©hicules connus en tant que destinations, est trĂšs importante. Par rapport Ă  la diffusion unique, avec Multidiffusion, la source peut simultanĂ©ment prendre en charge plusieurs destinations, via une arborescence de multidiffusion, ce qui permet d'Ă©conomiser de la bande passante et de rĂ©duire la congestion du rĂ©seau. Cependant, puisque les VANETs ont une topologie dynamique, le maintien de la connectivitĂ© de l'arbre de multidiffusion est un problĂšme majeur. Comme deuxiĂšme contribution, nous proposons deux approches pour modĂ©liser l'utilisation totale de bande passante d'une arborescence de multidiffusion: (i) la premiĂšre approche considĂšre le nombre de segments de route impliquĂ©s dans l'arbre de multidiffusion et (ii) la seconde approche considĂšre le nombre d'intersections relais dans l'arbre de multidiffusion. Une heuristique est proposĂ©e pour chaque approche. Pour assurer la qualitĂ© de service de l'arbre de multidiffusion, des procĂ©dures efficaces sont proposĂ©es pour le suivi des destinations et la surveillance de la qualitĂ© de service des segments de route. Comme troisiĂšme contribution, nous Ă©tudions le problĂšme de la congestion causĂ©e par le routage du trafic de donnĂ©es dans les VANETs. Nous proposons (1) une approche de routage basĂ©e sur l’infonuagique qui, contrairement aux approches existantes, prend en compte les chemins de routage existants qui relaient dĂ©jĂ  les donnĂ©es dans les VANETs. Les nouvelles demandes de routage sont traitĂ©es de sorte qu'aucun segment de route ne soit surchargĂ© par plusieurs chemins de routage croisĂ©s. Au lieu d'acheminer les donnĂ©es en utilisant des chemins de routage sur un nombre limitĂ© de segments de route, notre approche Ă©quilibre la charge des donnĂ©es en utilisant des chemins de routage sur l'ensemble des tronçons routiers urbains, dans le but d'empĂȘcher, dans la mesure du possible, les congestions locales dans les VANETs; et (2) une approche basĂ©e sur le rĂ©seau dĂ©fini par logiciel (SDN) pour surveiller la connectivitĂ© VANET en temps rĂ©el et les dĂ©lais de transmission sur chaque segment de route. Les donnĂ©es de surveillance sont utilisĂ©es en entrĂ©e de l'approche de routage.Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be eventually provided in the near future for both safety and comfort of people during their travel on the roads. Vehicular ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), represent the key component of ITS. VANETs consist of vehicles that communicate with each other and with the infrastructure. Indeed, vehicles will be able to exchange messages that include, for example, information about road traffic, emergency situations, and entertainment. Particularly, emergency messages are broadcasted by vehicles in case of an emergency (e.g., car accident); in order to allow drivers to react in time (e.g., slow down), emergency messages must be reliably disseminated with very short delay. In VANETs, there are several factors, such as lossy channel, hidden terminals, interferences and scarce bandwidth, which make satisfying reliability and delay requirements of emergency messages very challenging. In this thesis, as the first contribution, we propose a reliable time-efficient and multi-hop broadcasting scheme, called Dynamic Partitioning Scheme (DPS), to disseminate emergency messages. DPS computes dynamic partition sizes and the transmission schedule for each partition; inside the back area of the sender, the partitions are computed such that in average each partition contains at least a single vehicle; the objective is to ensure that only a vehicle in the farthest partition (from the sender) is used to disseminate the message, to next hop, resulting in shorter one hop delay. DPS ensures fast dissemination of emergency messages. Moreover, a new handshaking mechanism, that uses busy tones, is proposed to solve the problem of hidden terminal problem. In VANETs, Multicasting, i.e. delivering a message from a source to a limited known number of vehicles as destinations, is very important. Compared to Unicasting, with Multicasting, the source can simultaneously support multiple destinations, via a multicast tree, saving bandwidth and reducing overall communication congestion. However, since VANETs have a dynamic topology, maintaining the connectivity of the multicast tree is a major issue. As the second contribution, we propose two approaches to model total bandwidth usage of a multicast tree: (i) the first approach considers the number of road segments involved in the multicast tree and (ii) the second approach considers the number of relaying intersections involved in the multicast tree. A heuristic is proposed for each approach. To ensure QoS of the multicasting tree, efficient procedures are proposed for tracking destinations and monitoring QoS of road segments. As the third contribution, we study the problem of network congestion in routing data traffic in VANETs. We propose (1) a Cloud-based routing approach that, in opposition to existing approaches, takes into account existing routing paths which are already relaying data in VANETs. New routing requests are processed such that no road segment gets overloaded by multiple crossing routing paths. Instead of routing over a limited set of road segments, our approach balances the load of communication paths over the whole urban road segments, with the objective to prevent, whenever possible, local congestions in VANETs; and (2) a Software Defined Networking (SDN) based approach to monitor real-time VANETs connectivity and transmission delays on each road segment. The monitoring data is used as input to the routing approach

    Consideration of IEEE 802.11p and proposed 5G for holograms in vehicular communication

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    © Institution of Engineering and Technology.All Rights Reserved. Vehicular communication is the technology that allows vehicles to exchange information with other cars and its surroundings to enhance safety and efficiency of transportation systems. Informative communication, which includes vehicle's position, velocity, and location, enables the sensing of hazards and traffic congestion. In this paper, two vehicular communication standards, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11p and the proposed next-generation cellular network 5G are compared for vehicular networking. A detailed comparative study of the standards concerning latency, coverage, scalability, and mobility. The results indicate that IEEE 802.11p offers acceptable performance with limited mobility support. Whereas, 5G meets most of the vehicular application requirements regarding latency, coverage, scalability, and mobility. 3D holographic communication in 5G would allow users to experience live and interactive meetings. The bandwidth requirement of 3D holograms is predicted to be in terabyte level. With compression techniques, the delivery of real-time holograms has been researched to require 10Gbps or higher

    Clustering and 5G-enabled smart cities: a survey of clustering schemes in VANETs

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    This chapter highlights the importance of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) in the context of the 5Genabled smarter cities and roads, a topic that attracts significant interest. In order for VANETs and its associated applications to become a reality, a very promising avenue is to bring together multiple wireless technologies in the architectural design. 5G is envisioned to have a heterogeneous network architecture. Clustering is employed in designing optimal VANET architectures that successfully use different technologies, therefore clustering has the potential to play an important role in the 5G-VANET enabled solutions. This chapter presents a survey of clustering approaches in the VANET research area. The survey provides a general classification of the clustering algorithms, presents some of the most advanced and latest algorithms in VANETs, and it is among the fewest works in the literature that reviews the performance assessment of clustering algorithms

    Smart Vehicles, Technologies and Main Applications in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs) belong to a subcategory of traditional Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs). The main feature of VANETs is that mobile nodes are vehicles endowed with sophisticated “on-board” equipments, traveling on constrained paths (i.e., roads and lanes), and communicating each other for message exchange via Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication protocols, as well as between vehicles and fixed road-side Access Points (i.e., wireless and cellular network infrastructure), in case of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. In this chapter we will introduce the state-of-the-art of recent technologies used in vehicular networks, specifically for smart vehicles, which require novel functionalities such as data communications, accurate positioning, control and decision monitoring

    Integrated wireless access and networking to support floating car data collection in vehicular networks

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    Collecting data from a large number of agents scattered over a region of interest is becoming an increasingly appealing paradigm to feed big data archives that lay the ground for a vast array of applications. Vehicular Floating Car Data (FCD) collection, a major representative of this paradigm, is a key enabler for a wide range of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) services and applications aiming at enhancing safety, efficiency and sustainability. Obtaining real time, high spacial and temporal resolution vehicular FCD information is becoming a reality thanks to the variety of communication platforms that are being deployed. Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) are the most prominent communication technologies able to support periodic and persistent FCD collection. DSRC technology was mainly proposed for safety applications and is specifically tailored for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). The first parts of this work are dedicated to assessing the suitability of DSRC to support FCD collection in real urban scenarios. We first study the basic communication paradigm that takes place in VANETs to populate vehicles’ local data bases with FCD information, named beaconing, and the trade-off between the beaconing frequency and the congestion induced in the wireless shared channel used to exchange these beacons. The primary metric to measure the information freshness inside every vehicle’s local data base is the Age-of-Information (AoI). We define an analytical model to evaluate the AoI of a VANET, given the connectivity graph of the vehicles, and validate the model by comparing it with realistic simulations of an urban area. Then, we propose an integrated DSRC-based protocol that disseminates queries and collects FCD messages from vehicles roaming in a quite large city area efficiently and timely by using a single network structure, i.e., a multi-hop backbone network made up of only vehicle nodes. The proposed solution is distributed and adaptive to different traffic conditions, i.e., to different levels of vehicular traffic density. One of the main protocol advantages is that for the dissemination of queries it exploits an existing standardized data dissemination algorithm, namely the GeoNetworking Contention-Based Forwarding (CBF). The proposed protocol is evaluated with reference to a real urban environment. The main parameters are dimensioned and an insight into the protocol operation is given. One of the main outcomes of this part of the thesis is the confirmation of the fact that DSRC is suitable to support not only safety applications, but also periodic FCD collection. The main issue with DSRC is the low penetration rate. LTE on the other hand is pervasive and has been identified as a good candidate technology for non-safety applications. However, a high number of vehicles intermittently reporting their information via LTE can introduce a very high load on the LTE access network. The second part of this work addresses the design and performance evaluation of heterogeneous LTE-DSRC networking solutions to yield significant offloading of LTE – here, DSRC technology can support local data aggregation. We propose distributed clustering algorithms that use both LTE and DSRC networks in the cluster head selection process. We target robustness, optimizing the amount of data and the value of the collection period, keeping in mind the goals of autonomous node operation and minimal coordination effort. Our results clearly indicate that it is crucial to consider parameters drawn from both networking platforms for selecting the right forwarders. We demonstrate that our solutions are able to significantly reduce the LTE channel utilization with respect to other state-of-the-art approaches. The impact of the proposed protocols on the DSRC channels’ load is evaluated and proved to be quite small, so that it does not interfere with other VANET-specific messages