9 research outputs found

    Integrated competency-based assessment and certification in vocational high school in Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to find a model of Integrated Competency-Based Assessment (ICBA) and certification that is appropriate for implementation in Vocational High School (VHS). The model is a test of competence that is combined with a learning and assessment process. This study used research and development established by Gall et al. The results of this research found that the model of ICBA and certification was feasible for implementation in VHS. The model was created through the aspects of developing competency standards and competency-based training development in work practices. The competency standard was developed through setting standards of competence and suitability needed for the job. The development of vocational learning is achieved through the professionalism of the teacher, the development of learning resources and learning models, evaluation models, and the reporting of learning outcomes in the form of a skills passport. Developing a competency-based assessment was done in the context of the examination system by working on real jobs

    Feature Papers in Horticulturae Ⅱ

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    Horticultural research has been undergoing fundamental changes to improve crop plants as a result of the emergence of new biochemical and molecular techniques. In addition, integration of new technologies with the desire to develop more sustainable production systems has also spurred production level research. The highlighted Feature Papers here reflect the diversity of the types of research performed on horticultural plant species, spanning basic to applied studies, production systems, and postharvest studies, in addition to highlighting some critical issues facing horticultural plant species

    Blocking analysis of spin locks under partitioned fixed-priority scheduling

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    Partitioned fixed-priority scheduling is widely used in embedded multicore real-time systems. In multicore systems, spin locks are one well-known technique used to synchronize conflicting accesses from different processor cores to shared resources (e.g., data structures). The use of spin locks can cause blocking. Accounting for blocking is a crucial part of static analysis techniques to establish correct temporal behavior. In this thesis, we consider two aspects inherent to the partitioned fixed-priority scheduling of tasks sharing resources protected by spin locks: (1) the assignment of tasks to processor cores to ensure correct timing, and (2) the blocking analysis required to derive bounds on the blocking. Heuristics commonly used for task assignment fail to produce assignments that ensure correct timing when shared resources protected by spin locks are used. We present an optimal approach that is guaranteed to find such an assignment if it exists (under the original MSRP analysis). Further, we present a well-performing and inexpensive heuristic. For most spin lock types, no blocking analysis is available in prior work, which renders them unusable in real-time systems. We present a blocking analysis approach that supports eight different types and is less pessimistic than prior analyses, where available. Further, we show that allowing nested requests for FIFO- and priority-ordered locks renders the blocking analysis problem NP-hard.Partitioned Fixed-Priority Scheduling ist in eingebetteten Multicore-Echtzeitsystemen weit verbreitet. In Multicore-Systemen sind Spinlocks ein bekannter Mechanismus um konkurrierende Zugriffe von unterschiedlichen Prozessorkernen auf geteilte Resourcen (z.B. Datenstrukturen) zu koordinieren. Bei der Nutzung von Spinlocks können Blockierungen auftreten, die in statischen Analysetechniken zum Nachweis des korrekten zeitlichen Verhaltens eines Systems zu berücksichtigen sind. Wir betrachten zwei Aspekte von Partitioned Fixed-Priority Scheduling in Verbindung mit Spinlocks zum Schutz geteilter Resourcen: (1) die Zuweisung von Tasks zu Prozessorkernen unter Einhaltung zeitlicher Vorgaben und (2) die Analyse zur Entwicklung oberer Schranken für die Blockierungsdauer. Übliche Heuristiken finden bei der Nutzung von Spinlocks oft keine Taskzuweisung, bei der die Einhaltung zeitlicher Vorgaben garantiert ist. Wir stellen einen optimalen Ansatz vor, der dies (mit der ursprünglichen MSRP Analyse) garantiert, falls eine solche Zuweisung existiert. Zudem präsentieren wir eine leistungsfähige Heuristik. Die meisten Arten von Spinlocks können mangels Analyse der Blockierungsdauer nicht für Echtzeitsysteme verwendet werden. Wir stellen einen Analyseansatz vor, der acht Spinlockarten unterstützt und weniger pessimistische Schranken liefert als vorherige Analysen, soweit vorhanden. Weiterhin zeigen wir, dass die Analyse bei verschachtelten Zugriffen mit FIFO- und prioritäts-geordneten Locks ein NP-hartes Problem ist

    Scandal and Democracy

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    After a nation has transitioned from authoritarianism to democracy, how are democratic norms most effectively fostered and maintained? This book uses as its case study Indonesia after the fall of the dictator Suharto to reveal that a contentious, even scandal-obsessed press can actually prove extremely useful for an emergent democracy. A society that can tolerate and protect journalists willing to expose corruption and scandal among elites is one, the author finds, in which ordinary citizens are willing to believe in and support other democratic institutions. Based on extensive interviews and research in Indonesia, this book offers a new and surprising perspective on the role of the press and the nature of scandal-driven journalism in fledgling democracies


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    This thesis details the results of an investigation into a technique for determination of "useful" structural parameters from forced vibration testing. The implementation of this technique to full scale civil engineering structures was achieved by several developments in the experimental and computational fronts: a vibration generator and a computer-aided-testing system for the former and two computational algorithms for the latter. The experimental developments are instrumental to exciting large structures and acquisition of large quantities of useful data in digital format. These data serve as inputs to the computational algorithms whose outputs are structural parameters. These parameters are in either modal or spatial forms which cannot be measured directly but have to be extracted from the raw data. The modal-parameter-extraction method is based on direct Least-Square fitting technique and is simple to implement. The technique can yield good accuracy if the residual effects from out-of-range modes are removed from the raw data before fitting. The spatial-parameter- extraction method distinguishes itself from other conventional methods in the way that the orthogonality property is not explicitly used. This method is applicable to situations where conventional methods are not; i.e. in cases if modal matrices are not square. Some success was achieved in cases in which computer synthesized or good quality laboratory test data were used. Full scale field tests of a tall office block and a slender tower were carried out and their modal models obtained. Attempts to obtain spatial models of these structures were not carried out, however, as this task can be a separate research topic in its own right. Further research in such application is still required

    Maqasid Shariah in Human Rights Perpsective

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    This Conference is an excellent platform to bring together the World scholars in one meeting to share and exchange views and subsequently collaborate in research and publications on the issues centered on Human Right

    Parental Awareness on Teenage Smoking Behavior in Yogyakarta and Bali

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    Smoking or being healthy is not a suitable offers to young teenagers (ages 13-15 years), because they have not able to take responsibility for the negative impacts of their choices on smoking behaviors. In addition, they have not been well informed about cigarettes and their dangers. The data indicate that there was a high rate of smoking behavior for adolescents aged 13-15 years (55.71%), including trial smoking behavior. However, only 39% of parents are aware of their children smoking behavior. This study aims were determining the awareness of parents and its form on the smoking behavior of their teenage children after treatment. The design of this study was a pre-posttest experiment with control group design. Around 301 parents of 8th grade boy student from 7 junior high schools were considered respondents. The latter came from 2 locations namely Yogyakarta and Tabanan Bali. For determining the respondents, cluster random sampling was used. The respondents were grouped into 3 groups (X1 treatment group, X2 treatment group and control group). The treatment is to provide information about cigarettes and its danger. It was given once by health workers. The measured variable is the respondent awareness and its form that was obtained from the students using selfreported questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square test with 0.05 level of significant. The results showed that there was a significant increase the parental awareness after treatment (p value 0.0001). This can happen because the intervention strengthened the predisposing factor to realize the respondents’ caring behavior as well as the concept of behavioral determinant of LW Green. In the X2 treatment group (non-smoker respondents) showed a higher increase of parental awareness than X1 treatment group (smoker respondents) and control group. This happens because they get support from health workers and get healthy conditions as resulted from their behavior. They will continue to remain as nonsmokers and encourage their teenage children to look up to them in order to get a similar reward, as the law of effect theory by E.L Thorndike made it clear. The form of awareness that many parents chose is the message upholding the primary prevention. The conclusion of the research stresses on continuously fetching more knowledge about cigarettes and its dangers, as one of the best mechanisms that can increase the parental awareness against teenage smoking behavior

    Kampaye Terselebung (Kajian Tentang Kuis Kebangsaan di RCTI)

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    Tahun 2013, banyak tokoh bangsa ini yang menyebut sebagai tahun politik. Tentu hal ini tidak sepenuhnya salah. Mengingat tahun depan, tepatnya bulan April 2014 akan diselengarakan pemilihan umum. Maka tentu sebagai tahun politik banyak kegiatan maupun langkah-langkah terkait dengan aktiftas politik. Banyak tokoh maupun partai politik yang mulai turun gunung untuk sekedar konsolidasi maupun mendekatkan diri dengan masyarakat guna meraih simpati. Bahkan sudah banyak yang mulai memasang baliho, pamphlet dan iklan untuk membuat diri menjadi popular dan membuat citra positif. Tentu ujung-ujungnya adalah ingin dipilih dan mendulang suara sebanyakbanyaknya guna meraih tampuk kekuasaan. Tidak sedikit orang yang merasa jijik atau apatis dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh politisi tersebut. Mengingat kesejahteraan masyarakat selama ini belum teratasi, ditambah dengan banyaknya para politisi yang masuk bui gara-gara korupsi. Namun inilah dunia politik di bangsa ini. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, dalam paper ini akan diuraikan tentang kampanye terselubung ditahun politik tersebut. Banyak iklan terbuka yang disiarkan media nasional. Dan ada juga kampanye yang dilakukan secara sembunyi-sembunyi. Padahal sekarang bukan masa untuk kampanye. Yang menjadi permasalahan adalah bukan sekedar melangar waktu kampanye, melainkan juga penggunaan ruang public, dalam hal ini adalah media, yang seharusnya digunakan untuk mencerdaskan, member informasi tetapi digunakan oleh segelintir elit untuk mencari popularitas dan merengkuh kekuasaan. Tidak peduli mereka adalah penguasa media atau bukan. Kata kunci: UU penyiaran, media, peran KP

    Fluktuasi Relasi Islam-Kristen Pasca Kerusuhan Situbondo 1996: Studi di Basis Desa Kristen Ranurejo Banyuputih Situbondo

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    The relationship between Islam and Christian Ranurejo Village of Situbondo fluctuated after the riot in 1996. This study focuses on understanding the history of Muslim-Christian relations, the cultural terrain of creating religious harmony, supporting and inhibiting factors for creating harmony, and riot implications for inter-religious harmony in this village. Research data were collected by using qualitative approach through in-depth interview, observation and documentation.The results reveal: 1)the portrait of Muslim-Christian relation in Ranurejo has a strong historical base as it can build harmonious relation and mutual understanding, since the village was opened by Christians and built along with the Muslims who came later; 2)the religious harmonious is created through two terrains of culture, religious and social activities; 3)Religious harmony created by tolerance and mutual respect, the wisdom of preaching, and intensive inter-religious dialogue; 4)barriers to the creation of religious harmony are due to the misperception and the emergence of religious conflict after the riot; 5)Situbondo riot has negative and positive implications for Muslim-Christian relations. On the one hand, it sprouts up psychological trauma for some people of the society. On the other hand, the riot strengthens the relationship of both religions with the growing awareness to respect the principles of each religion. Although it seems fluctuated due to many problems, but Muslim-Christian relation in this village tends to be harmoniou