430 research outputs found

    Efficient Decimation of Polygonal Models Using Normal Field Deviation

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    A simple and robust greedy algorithm has been proposed for efficient and quality decimation of polygonal models. The performance of a simplification algorithm depends on how the local geometric deviation caused by a local decimation operation is measured. As normal field of a surface plays key role in its visual appearance, exploiting the local normal field deviation in a novel way, a new measure of geometric fidelity has been introduced. This measure has the potential to identify and preserve the salient features of a surface model automatically. The resulting algorithm is simple to implement, produces approximations of better quality and is efficient in running time. Subjective and objective comparisons validate the assertion. It is suitable for applications where the focus is better speed-quality trade-off, and simplification is used as a processing step in other algorithms

    3D Modelling from Real Data

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    The genesis of a 3D model has basically two definitely different paths. Firstly we can consider the CAD generated models, where the shape is defined according to a user drawing action, operating with different mathematical “bricks” like B-Splines, NURBS or subdivision surfaces (mathematical CAD modelling), or directly drawing small polygonal planar facets in space, approximating with them complex free form shapes (polygonal CAD modelling). This approach can be used for both ideal elements (a project, a fantasy shape in the mind of a designer, a 3D cartoon, etc.) or for real objects. In the latter case the object has to be first surveyed in order to generate a drawing coherent with the real stuff. If the surveying process is not only a rough acquisition of simple distances with a substantial amount of manual drawing, a scene can be modelled in 3D by capturing with a digital instrument many points of its geometrical features and connecting them by polygons to produce a 3D result similar to a polygonal CAD model, with the difference that the shape generated is in this case an accurate 3D acquisition of a real object (reality-based polygonal modelling). Considering only device operating on the ground, 3D capturing techniques for the generation of reality-based 3D models may span from passive sensors and image data (Remondino and El-Hakim, 2006), optical active sensors and range data (Blais, 2004; Shan & Toth, 2008; Vosselman and Maas, 2010), classical surveying (e.g. total stations or Global Navigation Satellite System - GNSS), 2D maps (Yin et al., 2009) or an integration of the aforementioned methods (Stumpfel et al., 2003; Guidi et al., 2003; Beraldin, 2004; Stamos et al., 2008; Guidi et al., 2009a; Remondino et al., 2009; Callieri et al., 2011). The choice depends on the required resolution and accuracy, object dimensions, location constraints, instrument’s portability and usability, surface characteristics, working team experience, project’s budget, final goal, etc. Although aware of the potentialities of the image-based approach and its recent developments in automated and dense image matching for non-expert the easy usability and reliability of optical active sensors in acquiring 3D data is generally a good motivation to decline image-based approaches. Moreover the great advantage of active sensors is the fact that they deliver immediately dense and detailed 3D point clouds, whose coordinate are metrically defined. On the other hand image data require some processing and a mathematical formulation to transform the two-dimensional image measurements into metric three-dimensional coordinates. Image-based modelling techniques (mainly photogrammetry and computer vision) are generally preferred in cases of monuments or architectures with regular geometric shapes, low budget projects, good experience of the working team, time or location constraints for the data acquisition and processing. This chapter is intended as an updated review of reality-based 3D modelling in terrestrial applications, with the different categories of 3D sensing devices and the related data processing pipelines

    Network architecture for large-scale distributed virtual environments

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    Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs) provide 3D graphical computer generated environments with stereo sound, supporting real-time collaboration between potentially large numbers of users distributed around the world. Early DVEs has been used over local area networks (LANs). Recently with the Internet's development into the most common embedding for DVEs these distributed applications have been moved towards an exploiting IP networks. This has brought the scalability challenges into the DVEs evolution. The network bandwidth resource is the more limited resource of the DVE system and to improve the DVE's scalability it is necessary to manage carefully this resource. To achieve the saving in the network bandwidth the different types of the network traffic that is produced by the DVEs have to be considered. DVE applications demand· exchange of the data that forms different types of traffic such as a computer data type, video and audio, and a 3D data type to keep the consistency of the application's state. The problem is that the meeting of the QoS requirements of both control and continuous media traffic already have been covered by the existing research. But QoS for transfer of the 3D information has not really been considered. The 3D DVE geometry traffic is very bursty in nature and places a high demands on the network for short intervals of time due to the quite large size of the 3D models and the DVE application requirements to transmit a 3D data as quick as possible. The main motivation in carrying out the work presented in this thesis is to find a solution to improve the scalability of the DVE applications by a consideration the QoS requirements of the 3D DVE geometrical data type. In this work we are investigating the possibility to decrease the network bandwidth utilization by the 3D DVE traffic using the level of detail (LOD) concept and the active networking approach. The background work of the thesis surveys the DVE applications and the scalability requirements of the DVE systems. It also discusses the active networks and multiresolution representation and progressive transmission of the 3D data. The new active networking approach to the transmission of the 3D geometry data within the DVE systems is proposed in this thesis. This approach enhances the currently applied peer-to-peer DVE architecture by adding to the peer-to-peer multicast neny_ork layer filtering of the 3D flows an application level filtering on the active intermediate nodes. The active router keeps the application level information about the placements of users. This information is used by active routers to prune more detailed 3D data flows (higher LODs) in the multicast tree arches that are linked to the distance DVE participants. The exploration of possible benefits of exploiting the proposed active approach through the comparison with the non-active approach is carried out using the simulation­based performance modelling approach. Complex interactions between participants in DVE application and a large number of analyzed variables indicate that flexible simulation is more appropriate than mathematical modelling. To build a test bed will not be feasible. Results from the evaluation demonstrate that the proposed active approach shows potential benefits to the improvement of the DVE's scalability but the degree of improvement depends on the users' movement pattern. Therefore, other active networking methods to support the 3D DVE geometry transmission may also be required


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    In these last years, video games have become one of the most popular entertainment for children/teenagers/adults thanks to their appealing and seductive features and, in this context, the Serious Games (SG) have become an important research field. The most popular SGs in Cultural Heritage (CH) used the historical building like scenario where the game is playing. In this paper we show the procedure to achieve a CH video game where the Cultural Heritage is the main actor and not the scenario of the game. Furthermore, the game is not a SG but an Action-Adventure Game (AAG) or Survival Game (SuG), in a largest heading it can be classified as Entertainment Games (EGs). The novelty of this study is not only in the original application of the CH within the AAG sector but also consists of the experimentation of the Virtual Reality (VR) algorithm and of the application of Augmented Reality (AR) within the VR scenario used in the form of an avatar. Furthermore, in this paper we overcome the technical problems due to the different size of the environment and the work art

    Proxy-guided Image-based Rendering for Mobile Devices

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    VR headsets and hand-held devices are not powerful enough to render complex scenes in real-time. A server can take on the rendering task, but network latency prohibits a good user experience. We present a new image-based rendering (IBR) architecture for masking the latency. It runs in real-time even on very weak mobile devices, supports modern game engine graphics, and maintains high visual quality even for large view displacements. We propose a novel server-side dual-view representation that leverages an optimally-placed extra view and depth peeling to provide the client with coverage for filling disocclusion holes. This representation is directly rendered in a novel wide-angle projection with favorable directional parameterization. A new client-side IBR algorithm uses a pre-transmitted level-of-detail proxy with an encaging simplification and depth-carving to maintain highly complex geometric detail. We demonstrate our approach with typical VR / mobile gaming applications running on mobile hardware. Our technique compares favorably to competing approaches according to perceptual and numerical comparisons


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    Terrestrial Laser Scanning data are increasingly used in building survey not only in cultural heritage domain but also for as-built modelling of large and medium size civil structures. However, raw point clouds derived from laser scanning generally not directly ready for the generation of such models. A time-consuming manual modelling phase has to be taken into account. In addition the large presence of occlusion and clutter may turn out in low-quality building models when state-of-the-art automatic modelling procedures are applied. This paper presents an automated procedure to convert raw point clouds into semantically-enriched building models. The developed method mainly focuses on a geometrical complexity typical of modern buildings with clear prevalence of planar features A characteristic of this methodology is the possibility to work with outdoor and indoor building environments. In order to operate under severe occlusions and clutter a couple of completion algorithms were designed to generate a plausible and reliable model. Finally, some examples of the developed modelling procedure are presented and discussed

    An Investigation into Animating Plant Structures within Real-time Constraints

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    This paper is an analysis of current developments in rendering botanical structures for scientic and entertainment purposes with a focus on visualising growth. The choices of practical investigations produce a novel approach for parallel parsing of difficult bracketed L-Systems, based upon the work of Lipp, Wonka and Wimmer (2010). Alongside this is a general overview of the issues involved when looking at growing systems, technical details involving programming for the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and other possible solutions for further work that also could achieve the project's goals

    Real-time rendering and simulation of trees and snow

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    Tree models created by an industry used package are exported and the structure extracted in order to procedurally regenerate the geometric mesh, addressing the limitations of the application's standard output. The structure, once extracted, is used to fully generate a high quality skeleton for the tree, individually representing each section in every branch to give the greatest achievable level of freedom of deformation and animation. Around the generated skeleton, a new geometric mesh is wrapped using a single, continuous surface resulting in the removal of intersection based render artefacts. Surface smoothing and enhanced detail is added to the model dynamically using the GPU enhanced tessellation engine. A real-time snow accumulation system is developed to generate snow cover on a dynamic, animated scene. Occlusion techniques are used to project snow accumulating faces and map exposed areas to applied accumulation maps in the form of dynamic textures. Accumulation maps are xed to applied surfaces, allowing moving objects to maintain accumulated snow cover. Mesh generation is performed dynamically during the rendering pass using surface o�setting and tessellation to enhance required detail

    A reduced basis localized orthogonal decomposition

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    In this work we combine the framework of the Reduced Basis method (RB) with the framework of the Localized Orthogonal Decomposition (LOD) in order to solve parametrized elliptic multiscale problems. The idea of the LOD is to split a high dimensional Finite Element space into a low dimensional space with comparably good approximation properties and a remainder space with negligible information. The low dimensional space is spanned by locally supported basis functions associated with the node of a coarse mesh obtained by solving decoupled local problems. However, for parameter dependent multiscale problems, the local basis has to be computed repeatedly for each choice of the parameter. To overcome this issue, we propose an RB approach to compute in an "offline" stage LOD for suitable representative parameters. The online solution of the multiscale problems can then be obtained in a coarse space (thanks to the LOD decomposition) and for an arbitrary value of the parameters (thanks to a suitable "interpolation" of the selected RB). The online RB-LOD has a basis with local support and leads to sparse systems. Applications of the strategy to both linear and nonlinear problems are given
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