737 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Web vulnerability scanners based on OWASP benchmark

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    Web applications have become an integral part of everyday life, but many of these applications are deployed with critical vulnerabilities that can be fatally exploited. Web Vulnerability scanners have been widely adopted for the detection of vulnerabilities in web applications by checking through the applications with the attackers’ perspectives. However, studies have shown that vulnerability scanners perform differently on detection of vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the effectiveness of some of these scanners has become questionable due to the ever-growing cyber-attacks that have been exploiting undetected vulnerabilities in some web applications. To evaluate the effectiveness of these scanners, people often run these scanners against a benchmark web application with known vulnerabilities. This thesis first presents our results on the effectiveness of two popular web vulnerability scanners based on the OWASP benchmark, which is a benchmark developed by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project), a prestigious non-profit web security organization. The two scanners chosen in this thesis are OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (OWASP ZAP) and Arachni. As there are many categories of web vulnerabilities and we cannot evaluate the scanner performance on all of them due to time limitation, we pick the following four major vulnerability categories in our thesis: Command Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Light Weight Access Protocol (LDAP) Injection, and SQL Injection. Moreover, we compare our results on scanner effectiveness from the OWASP benchmark with the existing results from Web Application Vulnerability Security Evaluation Project (WAVSEP) benchmark, another popular benchmark used to evaluate scanner effectiveness. We are the first to make this comparison between these two benchmarks in literature. The results mainly show that: - Scanners perform differently in different vulnerability categories. That is, no scanner can serve as the all-rounder in scanning web vulnerabilities. - The benchmarks also demonstrate different capabilities in reflecting the effectiveness of scanners in different vulnerability categories. It is recommended to combine the results from different benchmarks to determine the effectiveness of a scanner. - Regarding scanner effectiveness, OWASP ZAP performs the best in CMDI, SQLI, and XSS; Arachni performs the best in LDAP. - Regarding benchmark capability, OWASP benchmark outperforms WAVSEP benchmark in all the examined categories

    Detection of the Security Vulnerabilities in Web Applications

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    The contemporary organizations develop business processes in a very complex environment. The IT&C technologies are used by organizations to improve their competitive advantages. But, the IT&C technologies are not perfect. They are developed in an iterative process and their quality is the result of the lifecycle activities. The audit and evaluation processes are required by the increased complexity of the business processes supported by IT&C technologies. In order to organize and develop a high-quality audit process, the evaluation team must analyze the risks, threats and vulnerabilities of the information system. The paper highlights the security vulnerabilities in web applications and the processes of their detection. The web applications are used as IT&C tools to support the distributed information processes. They are a major component of the distributed information systems. The audit and evaluation processes are carried out in accordance with the international standards developed for information system security assurance.security, vulnerability, web application, audit

    Detection of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Query Injection Attacks in Web Applications

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    The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a common protocol used in organizations for Directory Service. LDAP is popular because of its features such as representation of data objects in hierarchical form, being open source and relying on TCP/IP, which is necessary for Internet access. However, with LDAP being used in a large number of web applications, different types of LDAP injection attacks are becoming common. The idea behind LDAP injection attacks is to take advantage of an application not validating inputs before being used as part of LDAP queries. An attacker can provide inputs that may result in alteration of intended LDAP query structure. LDAP injection attacks can lead to various types of security breaches including (i) Login Bypass, (ii) Information Disclosure, (iii) Privilege Escalation, and (iv) Information Alteration. Despite many research efforts focused on traditional SQL Injection attacks, most of the proposed techniques cannot be suitably applied for mitigating LDAP injection attacks due to syntactic and semantic differences between LDAP and SQL queries. Many implemented web applications remain vulnerable to LDAP injection attacks. In particular, there has been little attention for testing web applications to detect the presence of LDAP query injection attacks. The aim of this thesis is two folds: First, study various types of LDAP injection attacks and vulnerabilities reported in the literature. The planned research is to critically examine and evaluate existing injection mitigation techniques using a set of open source applications reported to be vulnerable to LDAP query injection attacks. Second, propose an approach to detect LDAP injection attacks by generating test cases when developing secure web applications. In particular, the thesis focuses on specifying signatures for detecting LDAP injection attack types using Object Constraint Language (OCL) and evaluates the proposed approach using PHP web applications. We also measure the effectiveness of generated test cases using a metric named Mutation Score

    Optimizing Anti-Phishing Solutions Based on User Awareness, Education and the Use of the Latest Web Security Solutions

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    Phishing has grown significantly in volume over the time, becoming the most usual web threat today. The present economic crisis is an added argument for the great increase in number of attempts to cheat internet users, both businesses and private ones. The present research is aimed at helping the IT environment get a more precise view over the phishing attacks in Romania; in order to achieve this goal we have designed an application able to retrieve and interpret phishing related data from five other trusted web sources and compile them into a meaningful and more targeted report. As a conclusion, besides making available regular reports, we underline the need for a higher degree of awareness related to this issue.Security, Phishing, Ev-SSL, Security Solutions

    Nástroj pro penetrační testování webových aplikací

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    Abstract As hackers become more skilled and sophisticated and with cyber-attacks becoming the norm, it is more important than ever before to undertake regular vulnerability scans and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities and ensure on a regular basis that the cyber controls are working. In this thesis the importance and working of penetration testing and web application based penetration testing are discussed, followed by comparison and information’s about various testing tools and techniques and their advantages and disadvantages. The next section of the thesis mainly focuses on the past, current and future state of penetration testing in the computer systems and application security, importance of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Content Management system (CMS) followed by the main goal of the thesis which explains the existing solutions in automated tools for vulnerability detection of web application their techniques, positive and negative results of the conducted tests and their merits and demerits. In the next section, based on the comparison of various existing tools selecting appropriate algorithm for discussing the importance of scanning the ports which are usually focused in very few existing web application tools, the following section practically demonstrate the scanning of ports which gives information regarding, the state of ports to understand the service information running on the server. Finally the result of the experiment will be compared with the existing web application tools.Abstraktní Vzhledem k tomu, že se hackeři stávají zkušenějšími a sofistikovanějšími a kybernetické útoky se stávají normou, je důležitější než kdy jindy provádět pravidelné kontroly zranitelnosti a penetrační testování, aby bylo možné identifikovat zranitelná místa a pravidelně zajišťovat fungování kybernetických kontrol. V této práci je diskutován význam a fungování penetračního testování a penetračního testování založeného na webových aplikacích, následuje srovnání a informace o různých testovacích nástrojích a technikách a jejich výhodách a nevýhodách. Další část práce se zaměřuje především na minulý, současný a budoucí stav penetračního testování v počítačových systémech a zabezpečení aplikací, význam nařízení o obecné ochraně údajů (GDPR) a redakčního systému (CMS) následovaného hlavním cílem práce, která vysvětluje stávající řešení v automatizovaných nástrojích pro zjišťování zranitelnosti webové aplikace, jejich techniky, pozitivní a negativní výsledky provedených testů a jejich přednosti a nedostatky. V další části, založené na srovnání různých existujících nástrojů, které vybírají vhodný algoritmus pro diskusi o důležitosti skenování portů, které jsou obvykle zaměřeny na velmi málo stávajících webových aplikací, následující část prakticky demonstruje skenování portů, které poskytují informace týkající se, stav portů pro pochopení informací o službě běžících na serveru. Nakonec bude výsledek experimentu porovnán s existujícími nástroji webové aplikace.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Security slicing for auditing common injection vulnerabilities

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    Cross-site scripting and injection vulnerabilities are among the most common and serious security issues for Web applications. Although existing static analysis approaches can detect potential vulnerabilities in source code, they generate many false warnings and source-sink traces with irrelevant information, making their adoption impractical for security auditing. One suitable approach to support security auditing is to compute a program slice for each sink, which contains all the information required for security auditing. However, such slices are likely to contain a large amount of information that is irrelevant to security, thus raising scalability issues for security audits. In this paper, we propose an approach to assist security auditors by defining and experimenting with pruning techniques to reduce original program slices to what we refer to as security slices, which contain sound and precise information. To evaluate the proposed approach, we compared our security slices to the slices generated by a state-of-the-art program slicing tool, based on a number of open-source benchmarks. On average, our security slices are 76% smaller than the original slices. More importantly, with security slicing, one needs to audit approximately 1% of the total code to fix all the vulnerabilities, thus suggesting significant reduction in auditing costs

    Creating Synthetic Attacks with Evolutionary Algorithms for Proactive Defense of Industrial Control Systems

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    Industrial control systems (ICS) play an important role in critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity defenders can use honeypots (decoy systems) to capture and study malicious ICS traffic. A problem with existing ICS honeypots is their low interactivity, causing intruders to quickly abandon the attack attempts. This research aims to improve ICS honeypots by feeding them realistic artificially generated packets and examining their behavior to proactively identify functional gaps in defenses. Our synthetic attack generator (SAGO) uses an evolutionary algorithm on known attack traffic to create new variants of Log4j exploits (CVE-2021-44228) and Industroyer2 malware. We tested over 5,200 and 256 unique Log4j and IEC 104 variations respectively, with success rates up to 70 percent for Log4j and 40 percent for IEC 104. We identified improvements to our honeypot’s interactivity based on its responses to these attacks. Our technique can aid defenders in hardening perimeter protection against new attack variants