25 research outputs found


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    Financial Market Risk Measurement Using UHF Data under Multiple Dimensions Information——Based on UHF ACD Model and UHF-GARCH Model

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    超高频数据是交易的实时记录,是所有信息在股市上的最精确的表现。考虑使用高频数据来测度金融风险无疑能够提高风险测度的准确性。本文在现有研究成果的基础上,将交易者行为特征、交易量、买卖价差、交易速度等信息维度纳入金融高频风险的计量中,并与没有考虑这些信息维度时测度的准确性进行对比,结果表明,考虑多重信息维度的模型能够更准确地测度金融市场风险。UHF data are real-time trading records and the most accurate performance of all information in the stock market.Using high-frequency data to measure the financial risks can undoubtedly improve the accuracy of risk measurement.This paper,based on the results of existing research,brings the behavioral characteristics of traders,trading volume,bid-ask spread,transaction speed and other information dimension into the risk measurement model,and compares the accuracy of measurement with the model without considering such information dimensions.The results confirm that the model considered multiple dimensions of information can be more accurate for measuring financial market risk


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    Measuring Financial Risks Using Different Frequency Data——Based on Ultra-high Frequency,High Frequency and Low Frequency Data Model

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    首先计算了已实现波动率和超高频波动率,然后使用ArfIMA(0,d,0)-SkST模型计算了条件波动,最后对条件波动调整后的收益率进行了拟合并计算出了VAr值。实证结果发现,使用高频数据甚至超高频数据测量金融风险的准确性并不比低频数据高很多,如果选用模型恰当,完全能够使用低频数据得到高频数据的精度。Firstly,this paper calculate the realized volatility and the ultra-high frequency volatility,and then use the ARFIMA(0,d,0)-SKST model to calculate the conditional volatility,finally the author calculates and compare the VAR which was calculated by asset return adjusted by conditional volatility.The empirical results show that the use of high-frequency data and even ultra-high frequency data did not improve the accuracy of measurement of financial risk significantly,if selected sensibly,using low frequency data can also get the precision of high-frequency data,the article finally analyzes the applicability of the high-frequency data

    Comparing and Ranking Parametric, Nonparametric and Semi-parametric VaR Models

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    在这个机遇与风险并存的时代,在投融资环境越来越复杂多样的情况下,如何控制和管理我国股票市场上的投资风险,对各金融投资机构而言,成为其生死存亡的一个关键,各个赢利性机构都要在最大化收益的同时,严格控制好各项资产风险。 目前,测量风险应用最广泛的是VaR方法,但可用于计算VaR的模型众多且各有千秋,因此本文以寻找适合计算中国股市上股票的VaR为目标,选取发行过权证的32只股票从2000年至2007年的日数据,运用参数、非参以及半参三大类十二种模型和方法,包括正态分布和Student-t分布两种分布下的五种GARCH族模型、三种渐进演变的历史模拟法、蒙特卡罗模拟法、极值理论以及过滤的极值理论和条件...In this era, opportunities are accompanied by risks and financing environment is more and more complicated, thus as a finance institute in Chinese capital market, how to control and manage its investment risk is the key point to survive in the market. Nowadays, the most popular tool to measure the risk of assets is Value-at-Risk, however, there are so many existing models and methods to e...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130094


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    A study of the application of stress testing on securities investment risk management in China

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    VaR作为金融机构日常的风险管理工具,无法防范证券市场的极端下跌风险。当证券市场发生大幅度下跌时,使用VaR会严重低估投资组合的风险。与VaR度量正常情况下的风险不同,压力测试的目的在于量化如果某一特定的市场情况发生时对资产组合最不利的影响程度,因此压力测试能够很好的弥补VaR的不足。本文在综合分析国内外相关文献的基础上,系统介绍压力测试理论框架,并以我国证券市场数据进行实证分析,以给我国金融机构构架压力测试风险管理体系提供参考。本文从两个方面着重研究压力测试理论:第一,本文在阐明压力测试与VaR在风险管理方法上具有同样重要作用的基础上,引入国外现行的压力测试执行程序,并系统介绍压力测试的方法...As the ordinary risk management technique used by financial institutions, VaR can’t prevent extreme downside risk. When the market falls on a large scale, the VaR method will badly underestimate the risk of portfolio. Differing from VaR method for measuring the daily risk, the Stress testing measures the most disadvantageous influence on the portfolio when some specific risks occur. Therefore, the...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20034202

    Expected Shortfall based on Adaptive FIGARCH model

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    在风险管理领域,在险价值(VAR)是最常见的风险度量方法之一。在险价值(VAR)指的是在一定时期内,对一个固定概率而言的预期最大损失值。与常见的在险价值(VAR)方法相比,期望损失法(ES)和有条件的在险价值法(CVAR)更常被采用,这是因为它们估计了超过在险价值时的预期损失。本文介绍了基于适应性FIGARCH模型的期望损失,该模型比FIGARCH模型更能准确的估计波动率。 在后验测试中,我们采用了国际市场数据,对其进行Kupiec检验和百分之九十五和百分之九十九置信区间下的动态分位数回归检验。 本文进一步显示了基于适应性FIGARCH模型和基本FIGARCH模型估计的不同预期损失结果。In risk management, the most common type of measurement is Value-at-Risk (VaR). This is the amount of risk over a period of time with a fixed probability. In comparison to the common VaR, Expected Shortfall (ES) or Conditional Vaue-at-Risk (CVaR) is more popular to use because it predicts the amount of loss as it exceedsVaR value. This paper showsthe Expected Shortfall from the Adaptive-FIGARCH mo...学位:金融硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_金融工程学号:2772012115427

    RMB exchange rate risk assessment based on CAViaR model

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    2005年人民币汇率改革至今,我国的外汇市场机制不断发展和完善,我国 更加主动地参与国际范围内的资源配置,汇率变得市场化。而与此同时,人民币 汇率波动也变得更大,增大外汇交易者的风险。2015年8月11日,央行将外汇 交易中心的人民币汇率中间价下调1.9%,次日再度下调中间价1.6%,两天之内 美元对人民币升值幅度超过3%。近期人民币汇率呈现出波动更加频繁更加剧烈 的趋势,人民币汇率风险管理显得越来越重要。2015年11月30日,IMF宣布 同意将人民币纳入“特别提款权”(SDR)篮子,这将减少对资本流动的管制,将 使人民币更加国际化。然而越来越市场化、国际化的人民币,也给外汇风...Since 2005, the RMB exchange rate reform, China's foreign exchange market mechanism of continuous development and improvement, China actively participate in the market of the international exchange rate, RMB exchange rate become market oriented.At the same time, the RMB exchange rate fluctuation becomes larger, increase the risk of foreign exchange traders. Aug...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_资产评估硕士学号:1552013115193

    Realized Volatility and Its Information Content:A Study on Chinese Equity Markets

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    波动率是金融研究中最重要的参数之一,无论在资产定价还是风险管理中都有重要的应用。然而,波动率却是无法直接观测的。因此对波动率的估计与预测一直都是金融研究的热点。由于具有充分利用信息和模型依赖程度低这些优势,近年来已实现波动率成为估计历史波动率的常见方法之一。 本文运用调整的HAR-RV模型对我国沪深300指数的已实现波动率进行了估计,然后将得到的已实现波动率同GARCH模型得到的波动率运用回归检验和VaR方法进行了较为全面的对比,发现当收益率的分布假设为正态分布时,HAR-RV模型的预测结果优于EGARCH模型的预测结果;反之,当收益率的分布假设为T分布时,HAR-RV模型的预测结果劣于EG...Volatility is a very important variable in finance and economy, which have important applications in both asset pricing and risk management. However, volatility is not a directly observable. So the estimation and prediction volatility of has been a hot financial research spot. Realized volatility has been one of the most common method in estimating historical volatility, for it’s high information ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融工程学号:1562008115210