79 research outputs found

    Design and optimisation of scientific programs in a categorical language

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the use of advanced computer languages for scientific computing, an examination of performance issues that arise from using such languages for such a task, and a step toward achieving portable performance from compilers by attacking these problems in a way that compensates for the complexity of and differences between modern computer architectures. The language employed is Aldor, a functional language from computer algebra, and the scientific computing area is a subset of the family of iterative linear equation solvers applied to sparse systems. The linear equation solvers that are considered have much common structure, and this is factored out and represented explicitly in the lan-guage as a framework, by means of categories and domains. The flexibility introduced by decomposing the algorithms and the objects they act on into separate modules has a strong performance impact due to its negative effect on temporal locality. This necessi-tates breaking the barriers between modules to perform cross-component optimisation. In this instance the task reduces to one of collective loop fusion and array contrac

    Numerical modelling of transient low-frequency sound propagation and vibration in buildings

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    Extended Abstracts: PMCCS3: Third International Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryThe pages of the front matter that are missing from the PDF were blank

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 2: Access vocabulary

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    The access vocabulary, which is essentially a permuted index, provides access to any word or number in authorized postable and nonpostable terms. Additional entries include postable and nonpostable terms, other word entries and pseudo-multiword terms that are permutations of words that contain words within words. The access vocabulary contains almost 42,000 entries that give increased access to the hierarchies in Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 2: Access vocabulary

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    The Access Vocabulary, which is essentially a permuted index, provides access to any word or number in authorized postable and nonpostable terms. Additional entries include postable and nonpostable terms, other word entries, and pseudo-multiword terms that are permutations of words that contain words within words. The Access Vocabulary contains 40,738 entries that give increased access to the hierarchies in Volume 1 - Hierarchical Listing

    NASA thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical Listing

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    There are over 17,000 postable terms and nearly 4,000 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary and Volume 3 - Definitions

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    Use of mathematical methods in the resolution of chemical engineering problems

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    This thesis consists of a compendium of five works that illustrate the utilization of selected mathematical methods to solve specific chemical engineering problems. Hence, the thesis is intended to cover both, a review of fundamental mathematical procedures for the solution of models raised from chemical phenomena, and a demonstration of their effectiveness to obtain useful novel significant results. The opening paper explores diverse global optimization algorithms to adjust both kinetic constants and the binary interaction parameters (BIPs) for the Peng-Robinson equation of state to the experimental data. Those parameters are essential to determine the model raised from the supercritical transesterification of triolein with methanol to produce biodiesel, with CO2 as cosolvent, consisting of three reversible reaction in series. Here, a novel model merging the ordinary differential equations system raised from kinetic mechanism and the time-dependent thermodynamic state of the complex mixture is presented for diverse operating conditions. Among all results obtained, novel binary interaction coefficients for the intermediate reaction species (dioleins and monooleins) highlight. The second and fourth papers included in this thesis are aimed at the study of lanolin extraction from raw wool, using 5% ethanol in CO2. The former explores solid lanolin extraction under near-critical conditions by means of a mass-transfer model based on the shrinking-core concept, while the latter is addressed at the liquid lanolin supercritical extraction. Both models result in a partial differential equations (PDEs) system determined by the solubility of multiphasic lanolin, Henry-type partition coefficient and the lanolin mass transfer coefficient. Hence, in each paper the raised PDEs system is solved through a different method: in the second paper orthogonal collocation method is employed, while in the fourth paper finite differences method is used combined with the numerical integration of an expression previously obtained by means of the Laplace transform. Finally, an optimization procedure is used in order to fit the extraction parameters to the experimental data, achieving coherent results that agree well with those previously reported. Between the cases exposed, liquid lanolin extraction is significantly complex to model because of the diffusion phenomena that may occur inside the two lanolin fraction mixture added to the diffusion of solvent in the interphase. Therefore, in the third work a nonlinear autoregressive exogenous neural network model is designed to predict the outcoming extracted fraction of lanolin at diverse temperatures, pressures, solvent mass flow rates, wool packing densities and times. The problem with the scarce data available for training of the neural network is overcome by augmenting experimental data using an empirical Weibull function, which correctly predicts the lanolin breakthrough at the extractor exit. This hybrid Weibull - Neural Network algorithm results in a low prediction error and conform a powerful tool for optimizing operating conditions, proved by the fast convergence of genetic algorithm procedure. This thesis closes with Molecular Dynamics simulations for peptide-folding studies, followed by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis to understand the Free Energy Landscape of the peptide (FEL). Those methods are aimed at assessing the conformational profile of bombesin, a peptide with interest in drug design as a possible novel agonist and/or antagonist in the fight against cancer. Results suggest that the peptide adopts mainly helical structures at the C-terminus and, to a lesser extent, hairpin turn structures at the N-terminus. Those results agree with those available from NMR in a 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol/water (30% v/v), and point out a suitable a-helix conformation for binding where Trp8 and His12 interaction has a significant role.Aquesta tesi consta d'un compendi de cinc treballs que il·lustren la utilització de mètodes matemàtics per resoldre problemes específics d'enginyeria química. Per tant, la tesi està destinada a ser una revisió dels procediments matemàtics fonamentals per a la solució de models derivats de fenòmens químics i, a més, una demostració de la seva efectivitat per obtenir resultats útils i innovadors. L'article que obre la tesi explora diferents algoritmes d'optimització global per ajustar tant les constants cinètiques com el Paràmetres d'Interacció Binària (PIB) per a l'equació d'estat de Peng Robinsos a les dades experimentals. Aquests paràmetres són essencials per determinar el model derivat de la transesterificació supercrítica de la trioleïna amb metanol per produir biodièsel, amb CO2 com a cosolvent, que consisteix en tres reaccions reversibles en sèrie. Aquí, es presenta un nou model que fusiona el sistema d'EDOs derivat del mecanisme cinètic i l'estat termodinàmic de la barreja per a condicions de funcionament diverses. Entre tots els resultats obtinguts, destaquen els nous PIBs trobats per a les espècies de reacció intermèdies. El segon i quart treball inclosos en aquesta tesi estan destinats a l'estudi de l'extracció de lanolina de llana crua amb 5% d'etanol en CO2. El primer explora l'extracció de lanolina sòlida en condicions gairebé crítiques mitjançant un model de transferència de massa basat en el concepte del nucli minvant, mentre que el segon s'adreça al cas de l'extracció supercrítica de lanolina líquida. Ambdós models donen com a resultat un sistema d'EDPs determinat per la solubilitat de la lanolina multifàsica, el coeficient de partició de Henry i el coeficient de transferències de massa. Per tant, a cada article el sistema d'EDPs obtingut es resol mitjançant un mètode diferent: en el article s'utilitza un mètode de col·laboració ortogonal, mentre que en el quart s'utilitza el mètode de diferències finites combinat amb la integració numèrica d'una expressió obtinguda mitjançant la Transformada de Laplace. Finalment, es porta a terme una optimització per ajustar els paràmetres d'extracció a les dades experimentals, aconseguint resultats coherents que coincideixen amb els reportats anteriorment. Entre els casos expotsats, l'extracció de lanolina líquida és significativament complexa de modelar a causa dels fenòmens de difusió que es poden produir a l'interior de les dues fraccions de lanolina a més de la difusió del dissolvent en la interfase. Per tant, en el tercer treball es dissenya un model de xarxa neuronal exògena no lineal autoregressiva per predir la fracció extreta de lanlina a diverses temperatures, pressions, cabals de dissolvent, densitats d'empaquetament i temps. El problema derivat de l'escassetat de dades disponibles per a l'entrenament de la xarxa neuronal es supera amb l'augment d'aquestes mitjançant una funció de Weibull empírica, que prediu correctament l'avanç de la lanolina a la sortida de l'extractor. Aquest algoritme híbrid Weibull - xarxa neuronal resulta en un baix error de predicció i conforma una potent eina per optimitzar les condicions operatives, demostrada per la ràpida convergència de l'algoritme genètic utilitzat. Aquesta tesi tanca amb simulacions de Dinàmica Molecular per a l'estudi del plegament de pèptids seguint d'un Anàlisi de Components Principals (ACP) i del "clustering" per a l'anàlisi del Paisatge d'Energia Lliure (PEL). L'objectiu és avaluar el perfil conformacional de la bombesina, un pèptid amb interès en el disseny de fàrmacs com a possible nou agonista i/o antagonista en la lluita contra el càncer. Els resultats suggereixen que el pèptid adopta estructures helicoïdals principalment al extrem C, i també en menor mesura estructures de forquilla al extrem N. Aquests resultats coincideixen amb els disponibles de RMN en 2,2-trifluoroetanol/aigua (30% v/v) i indiquen una conformació d’hèlix a adequada per a la unió on la interacció Trp8 i His12 té un paper important

    Towards a new spacetime paradigm : Gauge symmetries and post-Riemann geometries in gravitation

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    In this thesis the geometrical methods and symmetry principles in gravitation are explored motivating a new perspective into the spacetime paradigm. The effects of post-Riemann spacetime geometries with torsion are studied in applications to fundamental fermionic and bosonic fields, cosmology, astrophysics and gravitational waves. The physical implications and related phenomenological considerations of this study are addressed, and the fundamental ideas related to spacetime physics, motivated by geometrical methods and symmetry principles, are also discussed in the context of the possible routes towards a new spacetime paradigm in gravitation and unified field theories. We explore the analogies between the gauge approach to gravity and the pre-metric approach to electrodynamics, within the exterior calculus of forms. These analogies are developed, reinforcing the hypothesis of the primacy of the conformal structure over the metric structure. Since the conformal symmetries seem to be broken symmetries in nature, the Poincar´e gauge theories of gravity (PGTG) are taken into consideration. These presuppose a Riemann-Cartan (RC) spacetime geometry with curvature and torsion and motivate the search for torsion effects in physical systems. We study both minimal and non-minimal couplings of fermionic spinors to the background torsion and find changes in the energy levels (in the flat spacetime limit), including parity breaking effects. The Einstein-Cartan-Dirac-Maxwell theory is explored including its cosmological applications. The presence of minimal couplings to torsion induces non-linearities and non-minimal couplings in the matter fields dynamics and the resulting cosmological model is non-singular, including early and future bounces, early acceleration and torsion induced dark-energy due to fermionic vacuum condensates. Some potential astrophysical applications due to the torsion interaction with fermionic and bosonic fields are also considered as well as the effects of curvature in electromagnetic fields, including the extensions with inhomogeneous and anisotropic constitutive electromagnetic relations that respect the local isometries. In this context, the Parametrized Post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism is also implemented, making a bridge with the testing of different gravity theories. The effects of torsion are also analysed in gravitational wave (GW) physics, following the perturbations of a RC spacetime and in the field equations of a specific quadratic PGTG. The gravitational wave effects into electromagnetic fields are also studied with potential applications for non-standard detectors, which in principle could be extended for theories beyond GR, searches of extra polarizations and extra degrees of freedom
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