122,021 research outputs found

    Prospective tendencies of coal mining risk management

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    Purpose. The main purpose is to identify underground coal mining risks as well as approaches for their reasonable and efficient management taking into consideration internal production reserves in order to improve technological processes’ efficiency and operational efficiency. Methods. In order to achieve a target goal, the paper highlights and analyzes production processes involving the highest risk level. Methods of analogous risk characteristics, systematic approach towards developing a system of coal mining risk management as well as methods of distributed control have been applied to develop risk management innovative methods. Findings. The reasons stipulating coal mining risks based upon geologic, technologic, and economic aspects of mining practice as well as imperfection of human psychology, have been defined. Attention is drawn to the necessity to involve efficient counterweights relying upon additional bonuses for detecting violations, innovative trainings, and training of personnel to prevent safety inhibitions. A matrix structure has been demonstrated as the optimum structure for risk management, which should implement the idea of distributed control. Combination of effective operative information support with a system of open communication helps to develop conditions to change attitude of participants of underground coal mining towards risks to ensure safety. Originality. For the first time, the reasonability of combining matrix structure with distributed risk management has been demonstrated as well as substitution of unifactor discrete cumulative characteristic of explosion probability or methane ignition for analogous characteristic, dependent on several factors. Practical implications. Performance assessment throughout coal mines’ operations improves reliability and safety of production processes and mining practices as well as provides for proactive risk management.Мета. Виявлення ризиків підземного вуглевидобутку, а також підходів до їх раціонального та оперативного управління з урахуванням внутрішніх резервів виробництва для підвищення ефективності технологічних процесів і операцій. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети в роботі виділені та проаналізовані виробничі процеси, що володіють найбільш високим ступенем ризиків, а для розробки інноваційних шляхів управління ризиками використані методи аналогових характеристик ризику, системний підхід до створення системи керуванням ризиками вуглевидобутку, методи розподіленого управління. Результати. Надано характеристику причин, що визивають ризики вуглевидобутку, заснованих на геологічних, технологічних та економічних аспектах гірничого виробництва, а також викликаних недосконалістю людської психології. Акцентовано увагу на необхідності залучення ефективних противаг, заснованих на додатковому преміювання за виявлення порушень, на інноваційних тренінгах і навчанні персоналу для запобігання порушенню безпеки. Показано, що оптимальною структурою управління ризиками є матрична, яка повинна реалізувати принцип розподіленого управління. Поєднання ефективного оперативного інформаційного забезпечення з системою відкритої комунікації дозволяє створити умови для зміни ставлення учасників процесу підземного вуглевидобутку до ризиків для забезпечення безпеки. Наукова новизна. Вперше показана доцільність комбінування матричної структури і розподіленого управління ризиками, а також заміни однофакторної дискретної кумулятивної характеристики ймовірності вибуху або спалаху метану на аналогову, що залежить від декількох факторів. Практична значимість. Врахування результатів роботи при функціонуванні вугільних шахт підвищує надійність і безпеку виробничих процесів та операцій видобутку, а також забезпечує проактивне управління його ризиками.Цель. Выявление рисков подземной угледобычи, а также подходов к их рациональному и оперативному управлению с учетом внутренних резервов производства для повышения эффективности технологических процессов и операций. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели в работе выделены и проанализированы производственные процессы, обладающие наиболее высокой степенью рисков, а для разработки инновационных путей управления рисками использованы методы аналоговых характеристик риска, системный подход к созданию системы управлением рисков угледобычи, методы распределенного управления. Результаты. Дана характеристика причин, вызывающих риски угледобычи, основанных на геологических, технологических и экономических аспектах горного производства, а также вызванных несовершенством человеческой психологии. Акцентировано внимание на необходимости задействования эффективных противовесов, основанных на дополнительном премировании за выявление нарушений, на инновационных тренингах и обучении персонала для предотвращения нарушения безопасности. Показано, что оптимальной структурой управления рисками является матричная, которая должна реализовать принцип распределенного управления. Сочетание эффективного оперативного информационного обеспечения с системой открытой коммуникации позволяет создать условия для изменения отношения участников процесса подземной угледобычи к рискам для обеспечения безопасности. Научная новизна. Впервые показана целесообразность комбинирования матричной структуры и распределенного управления рисками, а также замены однофакторной дискретной кумулятивной характеристики вероятности взрыва или вспышки метана на аналоговую, зависящую от нескольких факторов Практическая значимость. Учет результатов работы при функционировании угольных шахт повышает надежность и безопасность производственных процессов и операций добычи, а также обеспечивает проактивное управления ее рисками.The paper did not originate from any project and no funding was raised

    Remote sensing information sciences research group

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    Research conducted under this grant was used to extend and expand existing remote sensing activities at the University of California, Santa Barbara in the areas of georeferenced information systems, matching assisted information extraction from image data and large spatial data bases, artificial intelligence, and vegetation analysis and modeling. The research thrusts during the past year are summarized. The projects are discussed in some detail

    Toward a relational concept of uncertainty: about knowing too little, knowing too differently, and accepting not to know

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    Uncertainty of late has become an increasingly important and controversial topic in water resource management, and natural resources management in general. Diverse managing goals, changing environmental conditions, conflicting interests, and lack of predictability are some of the characteristics that decision makers have to face. This has resulted in the application and development of strategies such as adaptive management, which proposes flexibility and capability to adapt to unknown conditions as a way of dealing with uncertainties. However, this shift in ideas about managing has not always been accompanied by a general shift in the way uncertainties are understood and handled. To improve this situation, we believe it is necessary to recontextualize uncertainty in a broader way¿relative to its role, meaning, and relationship with participants in decision making¿because it is from this understanding that problems and solutions emerge. Under this view, solutions do not exclusively consist of eliminating or reducing uncertainty, but of reframing the problems as such so that they convey a different meaning. To this end, we propose a relational approach to uncertainty analysis. Here, we elaborate on this new conceptualization of uncertainty, and indicate some implications of this view for strategies for dealing with uncertainty in water management. We present an example as an illustration of these concepts. Key words: adaptive management; ambiguity; frames; framing; knowledge relationship; multiple knowledge frames; natural resource management; negotiation; participation; social learning; uncertainty; water managemen

    Municipal wastewater treatment with pond technology : historical review and future outlook

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    Facing an unprecedented population growth, it is difficult to overstress the assets for wastewater treatment of waste stabilization ponds (WSPs), i.e. high removal efficiency, simplicity, and low cost, which have been recognized by numerous scientists and operators. However, stricter discharge standards, changes in wastewater compounds, high emissions of greenhouse gases, and elevated land prices have led to their replacements in many places. This review aims at delivering a comprehensive overview of the historical development and current state of WSPs, and providing further insights to deal with their limitations in the future. The 21st century is witnessing changes in the way of approaching conventional problems in pond technology, in which WSPs should no longer be considered as a low treatment technology. Advanced models and technologies have been integrated for better design, control, and management. The roles of algae, which have been crucial as solar-powered aeration, will continue being a key solution. Yet, the separation of suspended algae to avoid deterioration of the effluent remains a major challenge in WSPs while in the case of high algal rate pond, further research is needed to maximize algal growth yield, select proper strains, and optimize harvesting methods to put algal biomass production in practice. Significant gaps need to be filled in understanding mechanisms of greenhouse gas emission, climate change mitigation, pond ecosystem services, and the fate and toxicity of emerging contaminants. From these insights, adaptation strategies are developed to deal with new opportunities and future challenges

    Real Option Valuation of a Portfolio of Oil Projects

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    Various methodologies exist for valuing companies and their projects. We address the problem of valuing a portfolio of projects within companies that have infrequent, large and volatile cash flows. Examples of this type of company exist in oil exploration and development and we will use this example to illustrate our analysis throughout the thesis. The theoretical interest in this problem lies in modeling the sources of risk in the projects and their different interactions within each project. Initially we look at the advantages of real options analysis and compare this approach with more traditional valuation methods, highlighting strengths and weaknesses ofeach approach in the light ofthe thesis problem. We give the background to the stages in an oil exploration and development project and identify the main common sources of risk, for example commodity prices. We discuss the appropriate representation for oil prices; in short, do oil prices behave more like equities or more like interest rates? The appropriate representation is used to model oil price as a source ofrisk. A real option valuation model based on market uncertainty (in the form of oil price risk) and geological uncertainty (reserve volume uncertainty) is presented and tested for two different oil projects. Finally, a methodology to measure the inter-relationship between oil price and other sources of risk such as interest rates is proposed using copula methods.Imperial Users onl