32 research outputs found

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Enhanced stiffness modeling of manipulators with passive joints

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    The paper presents a methodology to enhance the stiffness analysis of serial and parallel manipulators with passive joints. It directly takes into account the loading influence on the manipulator configuration and, consequently, on its Jacobians and Hessians. The main contributions of this paper are the introduction of a non-linear stiffness model for the manipulators with passive joints, a relevant numerical technique for its linearization and computing of the Cartesian stiffness matrix which allows rank-deficiency. Within the developed technique, the manipulator elements are presented as pseudo-rigid bodies separated by multidimensional virtual springs and perfect passive joints. Simulation examples are presented that deal with parallel manipulators of the Ortholide family and demonstrate the ability of the developed methodology to describe non-linear behavior of the manipulator structure such as a sudden change of the elastic instability properties (buckling)

    Modèles élastiques et élasto‐dynamiques de robots porteurs

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    The report presents an advanced stiffness modeling technique for parallel manipulators composed of perfect and non-perfect serial chains. The developed technique contributes both to the stiffness modeling of serial and parallel manipulators under internal and external loadings. Particular attention has been done to enhancement of VJM-based stiffness modeling technique for the case of auxiliary loading (applied to the intermediate points). The obtained results allows us to take into account gravity forces induced by the link weights which are assumed to be applied in the intermediate points. In contrast to other works, the developed technique is able to take into account deviation of the end-platform location because of inaccuracy in the geometry of serial chains, which does not allow to assemble manipulator without internal stresses. The developed aggregation procedure combines the chain stiffness models and produces the relevant force-deflection relation, the aggregated Cartesian stiffness matrix and the reference point displacements caused by inaccuracy in kinematic chains. The developed technique can be applied to both over-constrained and under-constrained manipulators, and is suitable for the cases of both small and large deflections.ANR COROUSS

    Compliant behaviour of redundant robot arm: Experiments with null-space

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    This paper presents theoretical and experimental aspects of Jacobian nullspace use in kinematically redundant robots for achieving kinetostatically consistent control of their compliant behavior. When the stiffness of the robot endpoint is dominantly influenced by the compliance of the robot joints, generalized stiffness matrix can be mapped into joint space using appropriate congruent transformation. Actuation stiffness matrix achieved by this transformation is generally nondiagonal. Off-diagonal elements of the actuation matrix can be generated by redundant actuation only (polyarticular actuators), but such kind of actuation is very difficult to realize practically in technical systems. The approach of solving this problem which is proposed in this paper is based on the use of kinematic redundancy and nullspace of the Jacobian matrix. Evaluation of the developed analytical model was done numerically by a minimal redundant robot with one redundant d.o.f. and experimentally by a 7 d.o.f. Yaskawa SIA 10F robot arm

    Configuration-based compliance control of kinematically redundant robot arm Part I: Theoretical framework

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    Kada je popustljivost vrha robota dominantno određena popustljivošću njegovih zglobova, generalizovana matrica krutosti robota može se preslikati iz prostora radnog zadatka u prostor unutrašnjih koordinata robota primenom kongruentne transformacije. Generisana na ovaj način, matrica krutosti u unutrašnjim koordinatama je u opštem slučaju nedijagonalna. Nedijagonalni elementi se mogu generisati samo redundantnom aktuacijom (poliartikulacioni aktuatori). Mada je ova vrsta aktuatora široko rasprostranjena kod bioloških sistema, njena praktična primena kod robota i sličnih veštačkih sistema je ekstremno problematična. Da bi se prevazišao ovaj problem, predlaže se rešenje bazirano na kinematskoj redundansi. U okviru ovog rada koji se sastoji iz dva dela, prikazuje se novi pristup upravljanja popustljivošću vrha robota, odnosno elastomehaničkom interakcijom vrha robota i njegovog okruženja, primenom kinematske redundanse umesto aktuacione. U prvom delu ovaj pristup je prikazan kroz koncipiranje metode upravljanja krutošću promenom konfiguracije (CSC) za slučaj kinetosatičke konzistentnosti, primenom projekcije gradijenta optimizacione funkcije koja minimizira Euklidovu normu nedijagonalnih elemenata matrice krutosti robota izražene u unutrašnjim koordinatama.When the robot endpoint compliance is dominantly influenced by the flexibility of its joints, the robot taskspace generalized stiffness matrix can be mapped onto jointspace using appropriate congruence transformation. Thus produced, the jointspace stiffness matrix is generally nondiagonal. Off-diagonal elements can be generated by redundant actuation only (polyarticular actuators). Although this kind of actuation is widely present in biological systems, its practical implementation in engineering systems is very difficult. To overcome this problem, use of kinematic redundancy is proposed. This two-part paper presents an approach to the control of robot endpoint compliance, i.e., elasto-mechanical interaction between a robot and its environment using kinematic redundancy instead of actuation redundancy. In Part I this approach is developed by proposing the Configuration-based Stiffness Control (CSC) method for kinetostatically consistent control of robot compliant behaviour, based on the gradient projection of the cost function which minimizes the norm of off-diagonal elements of the jointspace matrix

    Dynamically Feasible Trajectories of Fully-Constrained Cable-Suspended Parallel Robots

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    Cable-Driven Parallel Robots employ multiple cables, whose lengths are controlled by winches, to move an end-effector (EE). In addition to the advantages of other parallel robots, such as low moving inertias and the potential for high dynamics, they also provide specific advantages, such as large workspaces and lower costs. Thus, over the last 30 years, they have been the object of academic research; also, they are being employed in industrial applications. The main issue with cable actuation is its unilaterality, as cables must remain in tension: if they become slack, there is a risk of losing control of the EE's pose. This complicates the control of cable-driven robots and is among the most studied topics in this field. Most previous works resort to extra cables or rigid elements pushing on the EE to guarantee that cables remain taut, but this complicates robot design. An alternative is to use the gravitational and inertial forces acting on the EE to keep cables in tension. This thesis shows that the robot's workspace can be greatly increased, by considering two model architectures. Moreover, practical limits to the feasibility of a motion, such as singularities of the kinematic chain and interference between cables, are considered. Even if a motion is feasible, there is no guarantee that it can be performed with an acceptable precision in the end-effector's pose, due to the inevitable errors in the positioning of the actuators and the elastic deflections of the structure. Therefore, a set of indexes are evaluated to measure the sensitivity of the end-effector's pose to actuation errors. Finally, the stiffness of one of the two architectures is modeled and indexes to measure the global compliance of the robot due to the elasticity of the cables are presented.I robot paralleli a cavi impiegano cavi, la cui lunghezza è controllata da argani, per muovere un elemento terminale o end-effector (EE). Oltre ai vantaggi degli altri robot paralleli, come basse inerzie in movimento e la possibilità di raggiungere velocità e accelerazioni elevate, possono anche fornire vantaggi specifici, come ampi spazi di lavoro e costi inferiori. Pertanto, negli ultimi 30 anni, questi robot sono stati oggetto di ricerche accademiche e stanno trovando applicazione anche in campo industriale. Il problema principale dell'azionamento mediante cavi è che è unilaterale, poiché i cavi possono essere tesi ma non compressi: quando diventano laschi, si rischia di perdere il controllo della posa dell'EE. Questo complica il controllo dei robot ed è uno dei temi più studiati nel settore. Gli studi compiuti sinora ricorrono prevalentemente a cavi addizionali o a elementi rigidi che spingono sull'EE per garantire che i cavi rimangano tesi, ma questo complica la progettazione dei robot. Un'alternativa è sfruttare le forze gravitazionali e inerziali che agiscono sull'EE per mantenere i cavi in tensione. Questa tesi dimostra che, in questo caso, lo spazio di lavoro del robot può essere notevolmente aumentato, applicando questo concetto a due architetture modello. Inoltre, vengono considerati i limiti imposti all'effettiva realizzabilità di un movimento, come le singolarità della catena cinematica e l'interferenza tra i cavi. Anche se un movimento è fattibile, non è garantito che si possa eseguire con precisione accettabile, a causa degli inevitabili errori di posizionamento degli attuatori e delle deformazioni elastiche della struttura. Si valutano quindi alcuni indici per misurare la sensibilità della posizione dell'elemento terminale agli errori di azionamento. Infine, è modellata la rigidezza di una delle due architetture proposte e sono presentati indici per misurare la cedevolezza globale del robot dovuta all'elasticità dei cavi


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    International audienceThe paper is devoted to the analysis of robotic manipulator behavior under internal and external loadings. The main contributions are in the area of stability analysis of manipulator configurations corresponding to the loaded static equilibrium. In contrast to other works, in addition to usually studied the end-platform behavior with respect to the disturbance forces, the problem of configuration stability for each kinematic chain is considered. The proposed approach extends the classical notion of the stability for the static equilibrium configuration that is completely defined the properties of the Cartesian stiffness matrix only. The advantages and practical significance of the proposed approach are illustrated by several examples that deal with serial kinematic chains and parallel manipulators. It is shown that under the loading the manipulator workspace may include some specific points that are referred to as elastostatic singularities where the chain configurations become unstable


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    International audienceThe paper is devoted to the analysis of robotic manipulator behavior under internal and external loadings. The main contributions are in the area of stability analysis of manipulator configurations corresponding to the loaded static equilibrium. In contrast to other works, in addition to usually studied the end-platform behavior with respect to the disturbance forces, the problem of configuration stability for each kinematic chain is considered. The proposed approach extends the classical notion of the stability for the static equilibrium configuration that is completely defined the properties of the Cartesian stiffness matrix only. The advantages and practical significance of the proposed approach are illustrated by several examples that deal with serial kinematic chains and parallel manipulators. It is shown that under the loading the manipulator workspace may include some specific points that are referred to as elastostatic singularities where the chain configurations become unstable

    Stiffness modeling for perfect and non-perfect parallel manipulators under internal and external loadings

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    International audienceThe paper presents an advanced stiffness modeling technique for perfect and non-perfect parallel manipulators under internal and external loadings. Particular attention is paid to the manipulators composed of non-perfect serial chains, whose geometrical parameters differ from the nominal ones and do not allow to assemble manipulator without internal stresses that considerably affect the stiffness properties and also change the end-effector location. In contrast to other works, several types of loadings are considered simultaneously: an external force applied to the end-effector, internal loadings generated by the assembling of non-perfect serial chains and external loadings applied to the intermediate points (auxiliary loading due to the gravity forces and relevant compensator mechanisms, etc.). For this type of manipulators, a non-linear stiffness modeling technique is proposed that allows to take into account inaccuracy in the chains and to aggregate their stiffness models for the case of both small and large deflections. Advantages of the developed technique and its ability to compute and compensate the compliance errors caused by the considered factors are illustrated by an example that deals with parallel manipulators of the Orthoglide family