82 research outputs found

    Volumetric particle modeling

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    This dissertation presents a robust method of modeling objects and forces for computer animation. Within this method objects and forces are represented as particles. As in most modeling systems, the movement of objects is driven by physically based forces. The usage of particles, however, allows more artistically motivated behavior to be achieved and also allows the modeling of heterogeneous objects and objects in different state phases: solid, liquid or gas. By using invisible particles to propagate forces through the modeling environment complex behavior is achieved through the interaction of relatively simple components. In sum, 'macroscopic' behavior emerges from 'microscopic' modeling. We present a newly developed modeling framework expanding on related work. This framework allows objects and forces to be modeled using particle representations and provides the details on how objects are created, how they interact, and how they may be displayed. We present examples to demonstrate the viability and robustness of the developed method of modeling. They illustrate the breaking and fracturing of solids, the interaction of objects in different phase states, and the achievement of a reasonable balance between artistic and physically based behaviors

    A Motion Control Scheme for Animating Expressive Arm Movements

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    Current methods for figure animation involve a tradeoff between the level of realism captured in the movements and the ease of generating the animations. We introduce a motion control paradigm that circumvents this tradeoff-it provides the ability to generate a wide range of natural-looking movements with minimal user labor. Effort, which is one part of Rudolf Laban\u27s system for observing and analyzing movement, describes the qualitative aspects of movement. Our motion control paradigm simplifies the generation of expressive movements by proceduralizing these qualitative aspects to hide the non-intuitive, quantitative aspects of movement. We build a model of Effort using a set of kinematic movement parameters that defines how a figure moves between goal keypoints. Our motion control scheme provides control through Effort\u27s four dimensional system of textual descriptors, providing a level of control thus far missing from behavioral animation systems and offering novel specification and editing capabilities on top of traditional keyframing and inverse kinematics methods. Since our Effort model is inexpensive computationally, Effort-based motion control systems can work in real-time. We demonstrate our motion control scheme by implementing EMOTE (Expressive MOTion Engine), a character animation module for expressive arm movements. EMOTE works with inverse kinematics to control the qualitative aspects of end-effector specified movements. The user specifies general movements by entering a sequence of goal positions for each hand. The user then expresses the essence of the movement by adjusting sliders for the Effort motion factors: Space, Weight, Time, and Flow. EMOTE produces a wide range of expressive movements, provides an easy-to-use interface (that is more intuitive than joint angle interpolation curves or physical parameters), features interactive editing, and real-time motion generation

    Reviews on Physically Based Controllable Fluid Animation

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    In computer graphics animation, animation tools are required for fluid-like motions which are controllable by users or animator, since applying the techniques to commercial animations such as advertisement and film. Many developments have been proposed to model controllable fluid simulation with the need in realistic motion, robustness, adaptation, and support more required control model. Physically based models for different states of substances have been applied in general in order to permit animators to almost effortlessly create interesting, realistic, and sensible animation of natural phenomena such as water flow, smoke spread, etc. In this paper, we introduce the methods for simulation based on physical model and the techniques for control the flow of fluid, especially focus on particle based method. We then discuss the existing control methods within three performances; control ability, realism, and computation time. Finally, we give a brief of the current and trend of the research areas

    Interactive simulation of fire, burn and decomposition

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    This work presents an approach to effectively integrate into one unified modular fire simulation framework the major processes related to fire, namely: a burning process, chemical combustion, heat distribution, decomposition and deformation of burning solids, and rigid body simulation of the residue. Simulators for every stage are described, and the modular structure enables switching to different simulators if more accuracy or more interactivity is desired. A “Stable Fluids” based three gas system is used to model the combustion process, and the heat generated during the combustion is used to drive the flow of the hot air. Objects, if exposed to enough heat, ignite and start burning. The decomposition of the burning object is modeled as a level set method, driven by the pyrolysis process, where the burning object releases combustible gases. Secondary deformation effects, such as bending burning matches and crumpling burning paper, are modeled as a proxy based deformation. Physically based simulation, done at interactive rates, enables the user to ef- ficiently test different setups, as well as interact and change the conditions during the simulation. The graphics card is used to generate additional frames for real-time visualization. This work further proposes a method for controlling and directing high resolution simulations. An interactive coarse resolution simulation is provided to the user as a “preview” to control and achieve the desired simulation behavior. A higher resolution “final” simulation that creates all the fine scale behavior is matched to the preview simulation such that the preview and final simulations behave in a similar manner. In this dissertation, we highlighted a gap within the CG community for the simulation of fire. There has not previously been a physically based yet interactive simulation for fire. This dissertation describes a unified simulation framework for physically based simulation of fire and burning. Our results show that our implementation can model fire, objects catching fire, burning objects, decomposition of burning objects, and additional secondary deformations. The results are plausible even at interactive frame rates, and controllable


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    In a fast-paced production studio, procedures and standard operating practices have been created to ensure maximum use of resources, while being flexible enough to account for problems that might arise. For the animation section of the pipeline, it is imperative to produce animation in a timely manner so that the other sections of the pipeline that are dependent on animation can begin at an appropriate time. Using \u27Mileena Malign\u27 and \u27SpaceCat\u27 as case studies, a possible workflow for computer animation--specifically as it pertains to preparation for cloth dynamics--is developed, with highlights on the advantages and challenges encountered. This thesis presents a method for efficiently and effectively creating animation within a multi-tiered CG production pipeline

    Animating Predator and Prey Fish Interactions

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    Schooling behavior is one of the most salient social and group activities among fish. They form schools for social reasons like foraging, mating and escaping from predators. Animating a school of fish is difficult because they are large in number, often swim in distinctive patterns that is they take the shape of long thin lines, squares, ovals or amoeboid and exhibit complex coordinated patterns especially when they are attacked by a predator. Previous work in computer graphics has not provided satisfactory models to simulate the many distinctive interactions between a school of prey fish and their predator, how does a predator pick its target? and how does a school of fish react to such attacks? This dissertation presents a method to simulate interactions between prey fish and predator fish in the 3D world based on the biological research findings. Firstly, a model is described by representing a school of fish as a complex network information flow with structural properties. Using this model, a predator fish targeting isolated peripheral fish is simulated. Secondly, the escape behavior state machine model and escape maneuvers exhibited by fish schools are described. The escape maneuvers include compact, avoid, fast avoid, skitter, fountain, flash, ball, split, join, herd, vacuole, and hourglass are identified in the biological studies. This proposed escape behavior animation model can free an animator from dealing with the low-level animations but instead, control the fish behavior on a higher level by modifying a state machine and a small set of system parameters. With the state machine and relatively few system parameters, the proposed system is stable, predictable, and easy to tune, which represent important properties for animators to control the outcome. This system is developed in Unity (3D). In addition, a plug-in is also developed for full-fledged graphics tool Blender software to simulate escape maneuvers. The animator has to simply select escape maneuvers, adjust parameters and work on animating predator using keyframe method. It does not deal with the state machine model. The proposed model is useful not only in generating group behaviors but also in scientific visualization tool for studying fish behavior

    Drawing from motion capture : developing visual languages of animation

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    The work presented in this thesis aims to explore novel approaches of combining motion capture with drawing and 3D animation. As the art form of animation matures, possibilities of hybrid techniques become more feasible, and crosses between traditional and digital media provide new opportunities for artistic expression. 3D computer animation is used for its keyframing and rendering advancements, that result in complex pipelines where different areas of technical and artistic specialists contribute to the end result. Motion capture is mostly used for realistic animation, more often than not for live-action filmmaking, as a visual effect. Realistic animated films depend on retargeting techniques, designed to preserve actors performances with a high degree of accuracy. In this thesis, we investigate alternative production methods that do not depend on retargeting, and provide animators with greater options for experimentation and expressivity. As motion capture data is a great source for naturalistic movements, we aim to combine it with interactive methods such as digital sculpting and 3D drawing. As drawing is predominately used in preproduction, in both the case of realistic animation and visual effects, we embed it instead to alternative production methods, where artists can benefit from improvisation and expression, while emerging in a three-dimensional environment. Additionally, we apply these alternative methods for the visual development of animation, where they become relevant for the creation of specific visual languages that can be used to articulate concrete ideas for storytelling in animation

    General Dynamic Surface Reconstruction: Application to the 3D Segmentation of the Left Ventricle

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    Aquesta tesi descriu la nostra contribució a la reconstrucció tridimensional de les superfícies interna i externa del ventricle esquerre humà. La reconstrucció és un primer procés dins d'una aplicació global de Realitat Virtual dissenyada com una important eina de diagnòstic per a hospitals. L'aplicació parteix de la reconstrucció de les superfícies i proveeix a l'expert de manipulació interactiva del model en temps real, a més de càlculs de volums i de altres paràmetres d'interès. El procés de recuperació de les superfícies es caracteritza per la seva velocitat de convergència, la suavitat a les malles finals i la precisió respecte de les dades recuperades. Donat que el diagnòstic de patologies cardíaques requereix d'experiència, temps i molt coneixement professional, la simulació és un procés clau que millora la eficiència.Els nostres algorismes i implementacions han estat aplicats a dades sintètiques i reals amb diferències relatives a la quantitat de dades inexistents, casuístiques presents a casos patològics i anormals. Els conjunts de dades inclouen adquisicions d'instants concrets i de cicles cardíacs complets. La bondat del sistema de reconstrucció ha estat avaluada mitjançant paràmetres mèdics per a poder comparar els nostres resultats finals amb aquells derivats a partir de programari típic utilitzat pels professionals de la medicina.A més de l'aplicació directa al diagnòstic mèdic, la nostra metodologia permet reconstruccions de tipus genèric en el camp dels Gràfics 3D per ordinador. Les nostres reconstruccions permeten generar models tridimensionals amb un baix cost en quant a la interacció manual necessària i a la càrrega computacional associada. Altrament, el nostre mètode pot entendre's com un robust algorisme de triangularització que construeix superfícies partint de núvols de punts que poden obtenir-se d'escàners làser o sensors magnètics, per exemple.Esta tesis describe nuestra contribución a la reconstrucción tridimensional de las superficies interna y externa del ventrículo izquierdo humano. La reconstrucción es un primer proceso que forma parte de una aplicación global de Realidad Virtual diseñada como una importante herramienta de diagnóstico para hospitales. La aplicación parte de la reconstrucción de las superficies y provee al experto de manipulación interactiva del modelo en tiempo real, además de cálculos de volúmenes y de otros parámetros de interés. El proceso de recuperación de las superficies se caracteriza por su velocidad de convergencia, la suavidad en las mallas finales y la precisión respecto de los datos recuperados. Dado que el diagnóstico de patologías cardíacas requiere experiencia, tiempo y mucho conocimiento profesional, la simulación es un proceso clave que mejora la eficiencia.Nuestros algoritmos e implementaciones han sido aplicados a datos sintéticos y reales con diferencias en cuanto a la cantidad de datos inexistentes, casuística presente en casos patológicos y anormales. Los conjuntos de datos incluyen adquisiciones de instantes concretos y de ciclos cardíacos completos. La bondad del sistema de reconstrucción ha sido evaluada mediante parámetros médicos para poder comparar nuestros resultados finales con aquellos derivados a partir de programario típico utilizado por los profesionales de la medicina.Además de la aplicación directa al diagnóstico médico, nuestra metodología permite reconstrucciones de tipo genérico en el campo de los Gráficos 3D por ordenador. Nuestras reconstrucciones permiten generar modelos tridimensionales con un bajo coste en cuanto a la interacción manual necesaria y a la carga computacional asociada. Por otra parte, nuestro método puede entenderse como un robusto algoritmo de triangularización que construye superficies a partir de nubes de puntos que pueden obtenerse a partir de escáneres láser o sensores magnéticos, por ejemplo.This thesis describes a contribution to the three-dimensional reconstruction of the internal and external surfaces of the human's left ventricle. The reconstruction is a first process fitting in a complete VR application that will serve as an important diagnosis tool for hospitals. Beginning with the surfaces reconstruction, the application will provide volume and interactive real-time manipulation to the model. We focus on speed, precision and smoothness for the final surfaces. As long as heart diseases diagnosis requires experience, time and professional knowledge, simulation is a key-process that enlarges efficiency.The algorithms and implementations have been applied to both synthetic and real datasets with differences regarding missing data, present in cases where pathologies and abnormalities arise. The datasets include single acquisitions and complete cardiac cycles. The goodness of the reconstructions has been evaluated with medical parameters in order to compare our results with those retrieved by typical software used by physicians.Besides the direct application to medicine diagnosis, our methodology is suitable for generic reconstructions in the field of computer graphics. Our reconstructions can serve for getting 3D models at low cost, in terms of manual interaction and CPU computation overhead. Furthermore, our method is a robust tessellation algorithm that builds surfaces from clouds of points that can be retrieved from laser scanners or magnetic sensors, among other available hardware

    Tools for fluid simulation control in computer graphics

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    L’animation basée sur la physique peut générer des systèmes aux comportements complexes et réalistes. Malheureusement, contrôler de tels systèmes est une tâche ardue. Dans le cas de la simulation de fluide, le processus de contrôle est particulièrement complexe. Bien que de nombreuses méthodes et outils ont été mis au point pour simuler et faire le rendu de fluides, trop peu de méthodes offrent un contrôle efficace et intuitif sur une simulation de fluide. Étant donné que le coût associé au contrôle vient souvent s’additionner au coût de la simulation, appliquer un contrôle sur une simulation à plus haute résolution rallonge chaque itération du processus de création. Afin d’accélérer ce processus, l’édition peut se faire sur une simulation basse résolution moins coûteuse. Nous pouvons donc considérer que la création d’un fluide contrôlé peut se diviser en deux phases: une phase de contrôle durant laquelle un artiste modifie le comportement d’une simulation basse résolution, et une phase d’augmentation de détail durant laquelle une version haute résolution de cette simulation est générée. Cette thèse présente deux projets, chacun contribuant à l’état de l’art relié à chacune de ces deux phases. Dans un premier temps, on introduit un nouveau système de contrôle de liquide représenté par un modèle particulaire. À l’aide de ce système, un artiste peut sélectionner dans une base de données une parcelle de liquide animé précalculée. Cette parcelle peut ensuite être placée dans une simulation afin d’en modifier son comportement. À chaque pas de simulation, notre système utilise la liste de parcelles actives afin de reproduire localement la vision de l’artiste. Une interface graphique intuitive a été développée, inspirée par les logiciels de montage vidéo, et permettant à un utilisateur non expert de simplement éditer une simulation de liquide. Dans un second temps, une méthode d’augmentation de détail est décrite. Nous proposons d’ajouter une étape supplémentaire de suivi après l’étape de projection du champ de vitesse d’une simulation de fumée eulérienne classique. Durant cette étape, un champ de perturbations de vitesse non-divergent est calculé, résultant en une meilleure correspondance des densités à haute et à basse résolution. L’animation de fumée résultante reproduit fidèlement l’aspect grossier de la simulation d’entrée, tout en étant augmentée à l’aide de détails simulés.Physics-based animation can generate dynamic systems of very complex and realistic behaviors. Unfortunately, controlling them is a daunting task. In particular, fluid simulation brings up particularly difficult problems to the control process. Although many methods and tools have been developed to convincingly simulate and render fluids, too few methods provide efficient and intuitive control over a simulation. Since control often comes with extra computations on top of the simulation cost, art-directing a high-resolution simulation leads to long iterations of the creative process. In order to shorten this process, editing could be performed on a faster, low-resolution model. Therefore, we can consider that the process of generating an art-directed fluid could be split into two stages: a control stage during which an artist modifies the behavior of a low-resolution simulation, and an upresolution stage during which a final high-resolution version of this simulation is driven. This thesis presents two projects, each one improving on the state of the art related to each of these two stages. First, we introduce a new particle-based liquid control system. Using this system, an artist selects patches of precomputed liquid animations from a database, and places them in a simulation to modify its behavior. At each simulation time step, our system uses these entities to control the simulation in order to reproduce the artist’s vision. An intuitive graphical user interface inspired by video editing tools has been developed, allowing a nontechnical user to simply edit a liquid animation. Second, a tracking solution for smoke upresolution is described. We propose to add an extra tracking step after the projection of a classical Eulerian smoke simulation. During this step, we solve for a divergence-free velocity perturbation field resulting in a better matching of the low-frequency density distribution between the low-resolution guide and the high-resolution simulation. The resulting smoke animation faithfully reproduces the coarse aspect of the low-resolution input, while being enhanced with simulated small-scale details
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