10 research outputs found

    Intelligent X-ray imaging inspection system for the food industry.

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    The inspection process of a product is an important stage of a modern production factory. This research presents a generic X-ray imaging inspection system with application for the detection of foreign bodies in a meat product for the food industry. The most important modules in the system are the image processing module and the high-level detection system. This research discusses the use of neural networks for image processing and fuzzy-logic for the detection of potential foreign bodies found in x-ray images of chicken breast meat after the de-boning process. The meat product is passed under a solid-state x-ray sensor that acquires a dual-band two-dimensional image of the meat (a low- and a high energy image). A series of image processing operations are applied to the acquired image (pre-processing, noise removal, contrast enhancement). The most important step of the image processing is the segmentation of the image into meaningful objects. The segmentation task is a difficult one due to the lack of clarity of the acquired X-ray images and the resulting segmented image represents not only correctly identified foreign bodies but also areas caused by overlapping muscle regions in the meat which appear very similar to foreign bodies in the resulting x-ray image. A Hopfield neural network architecture was proposed for the segmentation of a X-ray dual-band image. A number of image processing measurements were made on each object (geometrical and grey-level based statistical features) and these features were used as the input into a fuzzy logic based high-level detection system whose function was to differentiate between bones and non-bone segmented regions. The results show that system's performance is considerably improved over non-fuzzy or crisp methods. Possible noise affecting the system is also investigated. The proposed system proved to be robust and flexible while achieving a high level of performance. Furthermore, it is possible to use the same approach when analysing images from other applications areas from the automotive industry to medicine

    Integrative (Synchronisations-)Mechanismen der (Neuro-)Kognition vor dem Hintergrund des (Neo-)Konnektionismus, der Theorie der nichtlinearen dynamischen Systeme, der Informationstheorie und des Selbstorganisationsparadigmas

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    Der Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, aufbauend auf dem (Haupt-)Thema, der Darlegung und Untersuchung der Lösung des Bindungsproblems anhand von temporalen integrativen (Synchronisations-)Mechanismen im Rahmen der kognitiven (Neuro-)Architekturen im (Neo-)Konnektionismus mit Bezug auf die Wahrnehmungs- und Sprachkognition, vor allem mit Bezug auf die dabei auftretende Kompositionalitäts- und Systematizitätsproblematik, die Konstruktion einer noch zu entwickelnden integrativen Theorie der (Neuro-)Kognition zu skizzie-ren, auf der Basis des Repräsentationsformats einer sog. „vektoriellen Form“, u.z. vor dem Hintergrund des (Neo-)Konnektionismus, der Theorie der nichtlinearen dynamischen Systeme, der Informationstheorie und des Selbstorganisations-Paradigmas

    Systems Engineering and Informatics Institute annual report 1992. EUR 15218 EN

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    Classifying the suras by their lexical semantics :an exploratory multivariate analysis approach to understanding the Qur'an

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    PhD ThesisThe Qur'an is at the heart of Islamic culture. Careful, well-informed interpretation of it is fundamental both to the faith of millions of Muslims throughout the world, and also to the non-Islamic world's understanding of their religion. There is a long and venerable tradition of Qur'anic interpretation, and it has necessarily been based on literary-historical methods for exegesis of hand-written and printed text. Developments in electronic text representation and analysis since the second half of the twentieth century now offer the opportunity to supplement traditional techniques by applying the newly-emergent computational technology of exploratory multivariate analysis to interpretation of the Qur'an. The general aim of the present discussion is to take up that opportunity. Specifically, the discussion develops and applies a methodology for discovering the thematic structure of the Qur'an based on a fundamental idea in a range of computationally oriented disciplines: that, with respect to some collection of texts, the lexical frequency profiles of the individual texts are a good indicator of their semantic content, and thus provide a reliable criterion for their conceptual categorization relative to one another. This idea is applied to the discovery of thematic interrelationships among the suras that constitute the Qur'an by abstracting lexical frequency data from them and then analyzing that data using exploratory multivariate methods in the hope that this will generate hypotheses about the thematic structure of the Qur'an. The discussion is in eight main parts. The first part introduces the discussion. The second gives an overview of the structure and thematic content of the Qur'an and of the tradition of Qur'anic scholarship devoted to its interpretation. The third part xvi defines the research question to be addressed together with a methodology for doing so. The fourth reviews the existing literature on the research question. The fifth outlines general principles of data creation and applies them to creation of the data on which the analysis of the Qur'an in this study is based. The sixth outlines general principles of exploratory multivariate analysis, describes in detail the analytical methods selected for use, and applies them to the data created in part five. The seventh part interprets the results of the analyses conducted in part six with reference to the existing results in Qur'anic interpretation described in part two. And, finally, the eighth part draws conclusions relative to the research question and identifies directions along which the work presented in this study can be developed

    Flow-3D CFD model of bifurcated open channel flow: setup and validation

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    Bifurcation is a morphological feature present in most of fluvial systems; where a river splits into two channels, each bearing a portion of the flow and sediments. Extensive theoretical studies of river bifurcations were performed to understand the nature of flow patterns at such diversions. Nevertheless, the complexity of the flow structure in the bifurcated channel has resulted in various constraints on physical experimentation, so computational modelling is required to investigate the phenomenon. The advantages of computational modelling compared with experimental research (e.g. simple variable control, reduced cost, optimize design condition etc.) are widely known. The great advancement of computer technologies and the exponential increase in power, memory storage and affordability of high-speed machines in the early 20th century led to evolution and wide application of numerical fluid flow simulations, generally referred to as Computational Fluid Dynamics {CFD). In this study, the open-channel flume with a lateral channel established by Momplot et al (2017) is modelled in Flow-3D. The original investigation on divided flow of equal widths as simulated in ANSYS Fluent and validated with velocity measurements