655,684 research outputs found

    Astrometry with the Keck-Interferometer: the ASTRA project and its science

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    The sensitivity and astrometry upgrade ASTRA of the Keck Interferometer is introduced. After a brief overview of the underlying interferometric principles, the technology and concepts of the upgrade are presented. The interferometric dual-field technology of ASTRA will provide the KI with the means to observe two objects simultaneously, and measure the distance between them with a precision eventually better than 100 uas. This astrometric functionality of ASTRA will add a unique observing tool to fields of astrophysical research as diverse as exo-planetary kinematics, binary astrometry, and the investigation of stars accelerated by the massive black hole in the center of the Milky Way as discussed in this contribution.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures (low resolution), contribution to the summerschool "Astrometry and Imaging with the Very Large Telescope Interferometer", 2 - 13 June, 2008, Keszthely, Hungary, corrected authorlis

    Could cellular proliferation be a predictive index for the relapse of nasal polyposis and down-regulated by nasal steroid treatment?

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    The aim of this article is to identify the cellular mitotic activity using Ki-67 monoclonal antibody for predicting relapses of nasal polyposis after surgery. A prospective study was conducted at Kartal Training and Research Hospital Otolaryngology Department between January 2006 and September 2008. Nasal polyps were obtained from all patients and pathological materials were analyzed for the Ki-67 staining using immunohistochemistry. Patients were followed after surgery for 12 months for relapse. There was no statistically significant difference between recurrent and nonrecurrent polyps. Polyp recurrence has a multifactorial origin. Ki-67 index alone does not provide sufficient information about polyp recurrence before the operation. © 2012 Association of Otolaryngologists of India

    Vpliv globalne krize na zunanjetrgovinske tokove

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    Svetovno gospodarstvo se sooča z globalno krizo, ki se je v zadnjem četrtletju leta 2008 iz finančnega sektorja razširila v realnega. Posledično sta se zmanjšala industrijska proizvodnja ter obseg naložb, opaziti je tudi precejšen upad globalnih trgovinskih tokov. V prispevku bomo opredelili razloge za zmanjšanje obsega globalne trgovine, analizirali spremembe v obsegu trgovinskih tokov, odzive držav v smislu sprememb na področju zunanjetrgovinskih politik (tudi v primerjavi s krizama leta 1929 in leta 1970) ter dejavnosti, ki jih v povezavi z globalno krizo in zunanjo trgovino izvajajo mednarodne institucije: Svetovna trgovinska organizacija (WTO), Organizacija za ekonomsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD), Mednarodni denarni sklad (IMF), Svetovna banka (WB) ter Evropska komisija (EK)


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    Detection of recessive mutations that causes complex vertebral malformation (CVM) and bovine leukocyte adhesion defi ciency (BLAD) in Holstein cattle is especially required for bulls, which are used for artifi cial insemination (A.I.); these enable elimination of carriers from the A.I. programs and therefore prevent transmission of unwanted mutations to a large number of offspring. Some breeders are also interested in the identifi cation of carriers of recessive allele for red and white coat colour (Red factor). Here, we performed genetic tests for detection of mutations associated with CVM, BLAD and Red factor using methods previously reported or modifi ed methods. Analysis of Holstein bulls, which were recommended for A.I in Slovenia in the years 2007 and 2008, revealed four (10 %) carriers of CVM, and two (5.4 %) carriers of red gene, while all bulls were non-carriers of BLAD.Pri bikih, ki so namenjeni za osemenjevanje, je zaželena detekcija mutacij povezanih s CVM (prirojena kompleksna vretenčna anomalija) in BLAD sindromom (odsotnost sposobnosti obrambe levkocitov), ker s pravočasnim izločanjem nosilcev, lahko preprečimo prenos nezaželenih mutacij na veliko število potomcev. V interesu nekaterih rejcev je tudi identifi kacija nosilcev recesivnega alela za rdeče-belo barvo dlake (Red factor). V tem delu smo izvedli detekcijo mutacij povezanih s CVM in BLAD oz. rdečo-belo barvo dlake (Red factor) z genetskimi testi po že znanih metodah oz. s spremenjenimi metodami. Rezultati analize vzorcev plemenskih bikov črno-bele pasme, ki so bili priporočeni za osemenjevanje v Sloveniji v letih 2007 in 2008 so bili naslednji: štirje biki (10 %) so nosilci mutacije, ki povzroča CVM, dva bika (5,4 %) sta nosilca alela za rdečo barvo, medtem ko so vsi biki prosti mutacije, ki povzroča BLAD

    Differences between normal and demineralized dentine pretreated with silver fluoride and potassium iodide after an in vitro challenge by Streptococcus mutans

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    The document attached has been archived with permission from the Australian Dental Association (8 March 2008). An external link to the publisher’s copy is included.Background: The application of diamine silver fluoride (Ag(NH3)2F) and potassium iodide (KI) to demineralized dentine has been shown to inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans. The purpose of this study was to observe the differences between demineralized and non-demineralized dentine treated with AgF/KI. Methods: Thirty-five dentine discs were bonded to the bases of 5mL polycarbonate screw top vials which were filled with nutrient medium, sterilized and placed into the overflow from a continuous culture of S. mutans. Samples were divided as follows: 10 samples of demineralized dentine; 10 samples of demineralized dentine treated with AgF/KI; 5 samples of non-demineralized dentine; and 10 samples of non-demineralized dentine treated with AgF/KI. Following two weeks connected to the Chemostat, an electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) of percentage weights and penetration depths of calcium, phosphorous silver and fluoride was conducted. Bacterial growth was monitored by taking optical density readings of the growth medium in each vial and outer surfaces of the specimens were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: AgF/KI treatment of demineralized and non-demineralized dentine prevented biofilm formation and reduced further demineralization by S. mutans. AgF/KI treatment of demineralized dentine was more effective in reducing dentine breakdown and the growth of S. mutans. Significantly higher levels of silver and fluoride were deposited within demineralized dentine. Conclusions: A topical treatment with AgF/KI on dentine reduced in vitro caries development and inhibited surface biofilm formation. Reduction of in vitro caries development and viability of S. mutans was more pronounced on the dentine samples that had been demineralized prior to the application of AgF/KI.GM Knight, JM McIntyre, GG Craig, Mulyani, PS Zilm and NJ Gull

    Külső HR-szolgáltatók összehasonlító vizsgálata a világ régiójában, közép-kelet-európai sajátosságokat keresve, két Cranet-felmérés alapján

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    A HR területén a cégek és más szervezetek növekvő számban alkalmaznak külső szolgáltatókat, tanácsadókat. A közel százéves tanácsadás más területeihez képest viszonylag későn alakult ki a HR-tanácsadás hazánkban és a kelet-európai régióban. A jelen tanulmányban a szerzők azt vizsgálják, hogy a Cranet nemzetközi HR-adatbázis két legutóbbi felmérése (2004–2005 és 2008–2010) tükrében milyen hasonló és eltérő trendek figyelhetők meg a világ különböző régiói között

    Kaj menijo tožilci in sodniki o policijski korupciji na Gorenjskem?

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    Korupcija je družbeni pojav, ki ga lahko zasledimo na vseh družbenih področjih, sodobnih, demokratičnih družb. Najpogosteje si jo predstavljamo kot dejanja z negativnim predznakom na področju politike, gospodarstva, zasebnega sektorja in javne uprave. Policijska korupcija ima na tem področju svojo vlogo. Predstavlja resen problem, ker se pojavlja v instituciji, ki ima nalogo preprečevati, odkrivati in preganjati tako kazniva kot tudi koruptivna dejanja. Policijska korupcija je prikrita in pogosto povezana s kodeksom molčečnosti (blue code). Z namenom, da bi pridobili mnenje strokovnjakov o policijski korupciji na Gorenjskem, smo v letu 2008, na območju Gorenjske izvedli raziskavo med tožilci in sodniki. Naš cilj je bil ugotoviti, kako tožilci in sodniki zaznavajo policijsko korupcijo in kakšno je njihovo zaupanje v policijo. Namen prispevka je predstaviti rezultate raziskave in povezavo med posameznimi hipotezam

    Deveta znanstvena konferenca Globalizacija kulture

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    Sredi oktobra 2008 je v organizaciji Centra za politološke raziskave (CPI) iz Zagreba na univerzi v Dubrovniku potekala deveta znanstvena konferenca z naslovom Globalizacija kulture. Dvajset izbranih referatov je osvetljevalo različne vidike medsebojnih razmerij globalizacije in kulture. Uvodničar Robertson je eden od pionirjev raziskovanja na področju kulturne globalizacije, ki je v zahodno kulturo uvedel tudi japonski pojem glokalizacije. Z aktivno udeležbo na konferenci se avtorji referatov prelevijo v sodelavce centra