8 research outputs found

    On Improving Communication Complexity in Cryptography

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    Cryptography grew to be much more than "the study of secret writing". Modern cryptography is concerned with establishing properties such as privacy, integrity and authenticity in protocols for secure communication and computation. This comes at a price: Cryptographic tools usually introduce an overhead, both in terms of communication complexity (that is, number and size of messages transmitted) and computational efficiency (that is, time and memory required). As in many settings communication between the parties involved is the bottleneck, this thesis is concerned with improving communication complexity in cryptographic protocols. One direction towards this goal is scalable cryptography: In many cryptographic schemes currently deployed, the security degrades linearly with the number of instances (e.g. encrypted messages) in the system. As this number can be huge in contexts like cloud computing, the parameters of the scheme have to be chosen considerably larger - and in particular depending on the expected number of instances in the system - to maintain security guarantees. We advance the state-of-the-art regarding scalable cryptography by constructing schemes where the security guarantees are independent of the number of instances. This allows to choose smaller parameters, even when the expected number of instances is immense. - We construct the first scalable encryption scheme with security against active adversaries which has both compact public keys and ciphertexts. In particular, we significantly reduce the size of the public key to only about 3% of the key-size of the previously most efficient scalable encryption scheme. (Gay,Hofheinz, and Kohl, CRYPTO, 2017) - We present a scalable structure-preserving signature scheme which improves both in terms of public-key and signature size compared to the previously best construction to about 40% and 56% of the sizes, respectively. (Gay, Hofheinz, Kohl, and Pan, EUROCRYPT, 2018) Another important area of cryptography is secure multi-party computation, where the goal is to jointly evaluate some function while keeping each party’s input private. In traditional approaches towards secure multi-party computation either the communication complexity scales linearly in the size of the function, or the computational efficiency is poor. To overcome this issue, Boyle, Gilboa, and Ishai (CRYPTO, 2016) introduced the notion of homomorphic secret sharing. Here, inputs are shared between parties such that each party does not learn anything about the input, and such that the parties can locally evaluate functions on the shares. Homomorphic secret sharing implies secure computation where the communication complexity only depends on the size of the inputs, which is typically much smaller than the size of the function. A different approach towards efficient secure computation is to split the protocol into an input-independent preprocessing phase, where long correlated strings are generated, and a very efficient online phase. One example for a useful correlation are authenticated Beaver triples, which allow to perform efficient multiplications in the online phase such that privacy of the inputs is preserved and parties deviating the protocol can be detected. The currently most efficient protocols implementing the preprocessing phase require communication linear in the number of triples to be generated. This results typically in high communication costs, as the online phase requires at least one authenticated Beaver triple per multiplication. We advance the state-of-the art regarding efficient protocols for secure computation with low communication complexity as follows. - We construct the first homomorphic secret sharing scheme for computing arbitrary functions in NC 1 (that is, functions that are computably by circuits with logarithmic depth) which supports message spaces of arbitrary size, has only negligible correctness error, and does not require expensive multiplication on ciphertexts. (Boyle, Kohl, and Scholl, EUROCRYPT, 2019) - We introduce the notion of a pseudorandom correlation generator for general correlations. Pseudorandom correlation generators allow to locally extend short correlated seeds into long pseudorandom correlated strings. We show that pseudorandom correlation generators can replace the preprocessing phase in many protocols, leading to a preprocessing phase with sublinear communication complexity. We show connections to homomorphic secret sharing schemes and give the first instantiation of pseudorandom correlation generators for authenticated Beaver triples at reasonable computational efficiency. (Boyle, Couteau, Gilboa, Ishai, Kohl, and Scholl, CRYPTO, 2019

    Minicrypt Primitives with Algebraic Structure and Applications

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    Algebraic structure lies at the heart of much of Cryptomania as we know it. An interesting question is the following: instead of building (Cryptomania) primitives from concrete assumptions, can we build them from simple Minicrypt primitives endowed with additional algebraic structure? In this work, we affirmatively answer this question by adding algebraic structure to the following Minicrypt primitives: • One-Way Function (OWF) • Weak Unpredictable Function (wUF) • Weak Pseudorandom Function (wPRF) The algebraic structure that we consider is group homomorphism over the input/output spaces of these primitives. We also consider a “bounded” notion of homomorphism where the primitive only supports an a priori bounded number of homomorphic operations in order to capture lattice-based and other “noisy” assumptions. We show that these structured primitives can be used to construct many cryptographic protocols. In particular, we prove that: • (Bounded) Homomorphic OWFs (HOWFs) imply collision-resistant hash functions, Schnorr-style signatures, and chameleon hash functions. • (Bounded) Input-Homomorphic weak UFs (IHwUFs) imply CPA-secure PKE, non-interactive key exchange, trapdoor functions, blind batch encryption (which implies anonymous IBE, KDM-secure and leakage-resilient PKE), CCA2 deterministic PKE, and hinting PRGs (which in turn imply transformation of CPA to CCA security for ABE/1-sided PE). • (Bounded) Input-Homomorphic weak PRFs (IHwPRFs) imply PIR, lossy trapdoor functions, OT and MPC (in the plain model). In addition, we show how to realize any CDH/DDH-based protocol with certain properties in a generic manner using IHwUFs/IHwPRFs, and how to instantiate such a protocol from many concrete assumptions. We also consider primitives with substantially richer structure, namely Ring IHwPRFs and L-composable IHwPRFs. In particular, we show the following: • Ring IHwPRFs with certain properties imply FHE. • 2-composable IHwPRFs imply (black-box) IBE, and LL-composable IHwPRFs imply non-interactive (L+1)(L + 1)-party key exchange. Our framework allows us to categorize many cryptographic protocols based on which structured Minicrypt primitive implies them. In addition, it potentially makes showing the existence of many cryptosystems from novel assumptions substantially easier in the future

    Cryptography with Auxiliary Input and Trapdoor from Constant-Noise LPN

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    Dodis, Kalai and Lovett (STOC 2009) initiated the study of the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem with (static) exponentially hard-to-invert auxiliary input. In particular, they showed that under a new assumption (called Learning Subspace with Noise) the above is quasi-polynomially hard in the high (polynomially close to uniform) noise regime. Inspired by the ``sampling from subspace\u27\u27 technique by Yu (eprint 2009 / 467) and Goldwasser et al. (ITCS 2010), we show that standard LPN can work in a mode (reducible to itself) where the constant-noise LPN (by sampling its matrix from a random subspace) is robust against sub-exponentially hard-to-invert auxiliary input with comparable security to the underlying LPN. Plugging this into the framework of [DKL09], we obtain the same applications as considered in [DKL09] (i.e., CPA/CCA secure symmetric encryption schemes, average-case obfuscators, reusable and robust extractors) with resilience to a more general class of leakages, improved efficiency and better security under standard assumptions. As a main contribution, under constant-noise LPN with certain sub-exponential hardness (i.e., 2ω(n1/2)2^{\omega(n^{1/2})} for secret size nn) we obtain a variant of the LPN with security on poly-logarithmic entropy sources, which in turn implies CPA/CCA secure public-key encryption (PKE) schemes and oblivious transfer (OT) protocols. Prior to this, basing PKE and OT on constant-noise LPN had been an open problem since Alekhnovich\u27s work (FOCS 2003)

    Theory and Practice of Cryptography and Network Security Protocols and Technologies

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    In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, effective protection of information has become a critical requirement. When used in coordination with other tools for ensuring information security, cryptography in all of its applications, including data confidentiality, data integrity, and user authentication, is a most powerful tool for protecting information. This book presents a collection of research work in the field of cryptography. It discusses some of the critical challenges that are being faced by the current computing world and also describes some mechanisms to defend against these challenges. It is a valuable source of knowledge for researchers, engineers, graduate and doctoral students working in the field of cryptography. It will also be useful for faculty members of graduate schools and universities

    KDM-CCA Security of the Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem, Revisited

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