2,385 research outputs found

    The refitting of plans by a human expert

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    During the course of the development of a Case-Oriented Expert System for situated applications additional cases were needed. The required cases were obtained by having a human expert refit old solutions to new problems and the structural relations between source and target cases were analyzed: A higher degree of reuse of the old cases was found when the expert could apply derivational reasoning and a uniform design rationale (i.e. the solution of the source was generated by the expert himself) than when the expert could only analyze structural relationships (i.e. the source solution was constructed by some one else). Except with very obvious cases, it was also found, that different experts perceive different cases as the most similar source to a given target problem. The results also indicate for user-situated applications of expert systems

    Using integrated knowledge acquisition to prepare sophisticated expert plans for their re-use in novel situations

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    Plans which were constructed by human experts and have been repeatedly executed to the complete satisfaction of some customer in a complex real world domain contain very valuable planning knowledge. In order to make this compiled knowledge re-usable for novel situations, a specific integrated knowledge acquisition method has been developed: First, a domain theory is established from documentation materials or texts, which is then used as the foundation for explaining how the plan achieves the planning goal. Secondly, hierarchically structured problem class definitions are obtained from the practitioners\u27 highlevel problem conceptualizations. The descriptions of these problem classes also provide operationality criteria for the various levels in the hierarchy. A skeletal plan is then constructed for each problem class with an explanation-based learning procedure. These skeletal plans consist of a sequence of general plan elements, so that each plan element can be independently refined. The skeletal plan thus accounts for the interactions between the various concrete operations of the plan at a general level. The complexity of the planning problem is thereby factored in a domain-specific way and the compiled knowledge of sophisticated expert plans can be re-used in novel situations

    Hierarchical skeletal plan refinement : task- and inference structures

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    This paper presents the task- and inference structure for skeletal plan refinement which was developed for lathe production planning, the application domain of the ARC-TEC project. Two inference structures are discussed: a global inference structure which was developed in the first phase of knowledge acquisition and a more detailed inference structure which builds on the hierarchical organization of the skeletal plans. The described models are evaluated with respect to their cognitive adequacy and their scope of application. The benefits and limitations of the KADS knowledge acquisition methodology are discussed with respect to the development of the two models

    Integrated knowledge acquisition for lathe production planning : a picture gallery

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    Diese Bildergalerie veranschaulicht den Einsatz der im ARC-TEC Projekt entwickelten integrativen Wissensakquisitionsmethode. Geleitet durch ein Modell der Expertise, wird das Wissen zur Fertigungsplanung für Drehteile aus Texten, Fallsammlungen und Expertenurteilen akquiriert. Drei aufeinander abgestimmte Tools unterstützen die Erhebung, Dokumentation, Überprüfung und Formalisierung des relevanten Wissens.This picture gallery illustrates the application of the integrated knowledge acquisition procedure which was developed in the ARC-TEC project. Guided by a model of expertise, the knowledge for lathe production planning is acquired from texts, previously solved cases, and expert memories. Three coordinated tools support the elicitation, documentation, verification and formalization of the relevant knowledge

    Ein Multiagentenansatz zum Lösen von Fleet-Scheduling-Problemen

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    ARC-TEC : acquisition, representation and compilation of technical knowledge

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    A global description of an expert system shell for the domain of mechanical engineering is presented. The ARC-TEC project constitutes an AI approach to realize the CIM idea. Along with conceptual solutions, it provides a continuous sequence of software tools for the acquisition, representation and compilation of technical knowledge. The shell combines the KADS knowledge-acquisition methodology, the KL-ONE representation theory and the WAM compilation technology. For its evaluation a prototypical expert system for production planning is developed. A central part of the system is a knowledge base formalizing the relevant aspects of common sense in mechanical engineering. Thus, ARC-TEC is less general than the CYC project but broader than specific expert systems for planning or diagnosis

    The model-based construction of a case-oriented expert system

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    Second generation expert systems should be based upon an expert\u27s high level understanding of the application domain and upon specific real world experiences. By having an expert categorize different types of relevant experiences and their components, hierarchies of abstract problems and operator classes are determined on the basis of the expert\u27s accumulated problem solving experiences. The expert\u27s global understanding of the domain is integrated with the experiences by a model of expertise. This model postulates problem classes at different levels of abstractions and associated skeletal plans. During a consultation with the expert system previously unseen types of input may be used to delineate a new problem. The application of the expert system can thus be situated in changing environments and contexts. With increasing dissimilarity between the cases that were analyzed during knowledge acquisition and the specific problem that is processed at the time of the application of the system, its performance gracefully degrades by supplying a more and more abstract skeletal plan. More specifically, the search space which is represented by the skeletal plan increases until the competence of the system is exceeded. This paper describes how such a case-oriented expert system is developed for production planning in mechanical engineering

    Intelligent documentation as a catalyst for developing cooperative knowledge-based systems

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    In the long run, the development of cooperative knowledge-based systems for complex real world domains such as production planning in mechanical engineering should yield significant economic returns. However, large investments have already been made into the conventional technology. Intelligent documentation, which abstracts the current practice of the industry, is suggested as a stepping stone for developing such knowledge-based systems. A set of coordinated knowledge acquisition tools has been developed by which intelligent documents are constructed as an intermediate product, which by itself is already useful. Within the frame of the conventional technology, the task- and domain specific hypertext structures allow the reuse of production plans while simultaneously starting the development process for knowledge based systems

    Konzeption einer deklarativen Wissensbasis über recyclingrelevante Materialien

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    Das Recycling von Produkten und Produktionsreststoffen erlangt als Einflußfaktor für wirtschaftliche Entscheidungsprozesse eine immer größere Bedeutung. Die Integration von recyclingrelevanten Daten in betriebliche Informationsstrukturen sollte in Zukunft durch wissensbasierte Methoden unterstützt werden. Wir stellen Ansätze für eine Wissensbasis zur recyclinggerechten Produkt- und Produktionsplanung vor, und gehen dann genauer auf das grundlegende Modul über Materialien ein. Es wird untersucht, welche Evolutionstechniken sich zur Pflege derartiger Wissensbestände eignen, z.B. zur Validierung vorhandener und Exploration neuer Materialien im Hinblick auf ihre Recycelbarkeit