563,613 research outputs found

    A Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System

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    [EN] The use of geographic data from early maps is a common approach to understanding urban geography as well as to study the evolution of cities over time. The specific goal of this paper is to provide a means for the integration of the first 1:500 urban map of the city of Valencia (Spain) on a tile-based geospatial system. We developed a workflow consisting of three stages: the digitization of the original 421 map sheets, the transformation to the European Terrestrial Reference System of 1989 (ETRS89), and the conversion to a tile-based file format, where the second stage is clearly the most mathematically involved. The second stage actually consists of two steps, one transformation from the pixel reference system to the 1929 local reference system followed by a second transformation from the 1929 local to the ETRS89 system. The last stage comprises a map reprojection to adapt to tile-based geospatial standards. The paper describes a pilot study of one map sheet and results showed that the affine and bilinear transformations performed well in both transformations with average residuals under 6 and 3 cm respectively. The online viewer developed in this study shows that the derived tile-based map conforms to common standards and lines up well with other raster and vector datasets.Villar-Cano, M.; Jiménez-Martínez, MJ.; Marqués-Mateu, Á. (2019). A Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 8(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijgi809037837889Bitelli, G., & Gatta, G. (2011). Digital Processing and 3D Modelling of an 18th Century Scenographic Map of Bologna. Advances in Cartography and GIScience. Volume 2, 129-146. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19214-2_9Brovelli, M. A., Minghini, M., Giori, G., & Beretta, M. (2012). Web Geoservices and Ancient Cadastral Maps: The Web C.A.R.T.E. Project. Transactions in GIS, 16(2), 125-142. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9671.2012.01311.xBitelli, G., Cremonini, S., & Gatta, G. (2014). Cartographic heritage: Toward unconventional methods for quantitative analysis of pre-geodetic maps. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(2), 183-195. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2013.04.003Cardesín Díaz, J. M., & Araujo, J. M. (2016). Historic Urbanization Process in Spain (1746–2013). Journal of Urban History, 43(1), 33-52. doi:10.1177/0096144215583481Villar-Cano, M., Marqués-Mateu, Á., & Jiménez-Martínez, M. J. (2019). Triangulation network of 1929–1944 of the first 1:500 urban map of València. Survey Review, 52(373), 317-329. doi:10.1080/00396265.2018.1564599Chen, W., & Hill, C. (2005). Evaluation Procedure for Coordinate Transformation. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 131(2), 43-49. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9453(2005)131:2(43)ISO 19157:2013: Geographic Information—Data Qualityhttps://www.iso.org/standard/32575.htmlASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Datahttps://www.asprs.org/news-resources/asprs-positional-accuracy-standards-for-digital-geospatial-dataEven-Tzur, G. (2018). Coordinate transformation with variable number of parameters. Survey Review, 52(370), 62-68. doi:10.1080/00396265.2018.1517477Yuanxi, Y., & Tianhe, X. (2002). Combined method of datum transformation between different coordinate systems. Geo-spatial Information Science, 5(4), 5-9. doi:10.1007/bf02826467Lehmann, R. (2014). Transformation model selection by multiple hypotheses testing. Journal of Geodesy, 88(12), 1117-1130. doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0747-

    On potential cognitive abilities in the machine kingdom

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11023-012-9299-6Animals, including humans, are usually judged on what they could become, rather than what they are. Many physical and cognitive abilities in the ‘animal kingdom’ are only acquired (to a given degree) when the subject reaches a certain stage of development, which can be accelerated or spoilt depending on how the environment, training or education is. The term ‘potential ability’ usually refers to how quick and likely the process of attaining the ability is. In principle, things should not be different for the ‘machine kingdom’. While machines can be characterised by a set of cognitive abilities, and measuring them is already a big challenge, known as ‘universal psychometrics’, a more informative, and yet more challenging, goal would be to also determine the potential cognitive abilities of a machine. In this paper we investigate the notion of potential cognitive ability for machines, focussing especially on universality and intelligence. We consider several machine characterisations (non-interactive and interactive) and give definitions for each case, considering permanent and temporal potentials. From these definitions, we analyse the relation between some potential abilities, we bring out the dependency on the environment distribution and we suggest some ideas about how potential abilities can be measured. Finally, we also analyse the potential of environments at different levels and briefly discuss whether machines should be designed to be intelligent or potentially intelligent.We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments, which have helped to significantly improve this paper. This work was supported by the MEC-MINECO projects CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2007-00022 and TIN 2010-21062-C02-02, GVA project PROMETEO/2008/051, the COST - European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research IC0801 AT. Finally, we thank three pioneers ahead of their time(s). We thank Ray Solomonoff (1926-2009) and Chris Wallace (1933-2004) for all that they taught us, directly and indirectly. And, in his centenary year, we thank Alan Turing (1912-1954), with whom it perhaps all began.Hernández-Orallo, J.; Dowe, DL. (2013). On potential cognitive abilities in the machine kingdom. Minds and Machines. 23(2):179-210. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-012-9299-6S179210232Amari, S., Fujita, N., Shinomoto, S. (1992). Four types of learning curves. Neural Computation 4(4), 605–618.Aristotle (Translation, Introduction, and Commentary by Ross, W.D.) (1924). Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Oxford: Clarendon Press.Barmpalias, G. & Dowe, D. L. (2012). 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    Evaluation of Bipolar, Tripolar, and Quadripolar Laplacian Estimates of Electrocardiogram via Concentric Ring Electrodes

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    [EN] Surface Laplacian estimates via concentric ring electrodes (CREs) have proven to enhance spatial resolution compared to conventional disc electrodes, which is of great importance for P-wave analysis. In this study, Laplacian estimates for traditional bipolar configuration (BC), two tripolar configurations with linearly decreasing and increasing inter-ring distances (TCLDIRD and TCLIIRD, respectively), and quadripolar configuration (QC) were obtained from cardiac recordings with pentapolar CREs placed at CMV1 and CMV2 positions. Normalized P-wave amplitude (NAP) was computed to assess the contrast to study atrial activity. Signals were of good quality (20-30 dB). Atrial activity was more emphasized at CMV1 (NAP similar or equal to 0.19-0.24) compared to CMV2 (NAP similar or equal to 0.08-0.10). Enhanced spatial resolution of TCLIIRD and QC resulted in higher NAP values than BC and TCLDIRD. Comparison with simultaneous standard 12-lead ECG proved that Laplacian estimates at CMV1 outperformed all the limb and chest standard leads in the contrast to study P-waves. Clinical recordings with CRE at this position could allow more detailed observation of atrial activity and facilitate the diagnosis of associated pathologies. Furthermore, such recordings would not require additional electrodes on limbs and could be performed wirelessly, so it should also be suitable for ambulatory monitoring, for example, using cardiac Holter monitors.This research was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Human Resource Development (HRD) Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP), grants number 1622481 and 1914787 to O.M.Garcia-Casado, J.; Ye Lin, Y.; Prats-Boluda, G.; Makeyev, O. (2019). Evaluation of Bipolar, Tripolar, and Quadripolar Laplacian Estimates of Electrocardiogram via Concentric Ring Electrodes. Sensors. 19(17):1-11. https://doi.org/10.3390/s19173780S1111917Roth, G. A., Johnson, C., Abajobir, A., Abd-Allah, F., Abera, S. F., Abyu, G., … Alam, K. (2017). Global, Regional, and National Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases for 10 Causes, 1990 to 2015. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 70(1), 1-25. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2017.04.052Lopez, A. D., Mathers, C. D., Ezzati, M., Jamison, D. T., & Murray, C. J. (2006). Global and regional burden of disease and risk factors, 2001: systematic analysis of population health data. The Lancet, 367(9524), 1747-1757. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(06)68770-9Bhatnagar, P., Wickramasinghe, K., Wilkins, E., & Townsend, N. (2016). Trends in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease in the UK. Heart, 102(24), 1945-1952. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-309573https://healthmetrics.heart.org/cardiovascular-disease-a-costly-burden/Leal, J., Luengo-Fernández, R., Gray, A., Petersen, S., & Rayner, M. (2006). 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Towards the clinical use of concentric electrodes in ECG recordings: influence of ring dimensions and electrode position. Measurement Science and Technology, 27(2), 025705. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/2/025705Zena-Giménez, V., Garcia-Casado, J., Ye-Lin, Y., Garcia-Breijo, E., & Prats-Boluda, G. (2018). A Flexible Multiring Concentric Electrode for Non-Invasive Identification of Intestinal Slow Waves. Sensors, 18(2), 396. doi:10.3390/s18020396Ye-Lin, Y., Alberola-Rubio, J., Prats-boluda, G., Perales, A., Desantes, D., & Garcia-Casado, J. (2014). Feasibility and Analysis of Bipolar Concentric Recording of Electrohysterogram with Flexible Active Electrode. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 43(4), 968-976. doi:10.1007/s10439-014-1130-5Wang, K., Parekh, U., Pailla, T., Garudadri, H., Gilja, V., & Ng, T. N. (2017). Stretchable Dry Electrodes with Concentric Ring Geometry for Enhancing Spatial Resolution in Electrophysiology. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 6(19), 1700552. doi:10.1002/adhm.201700552Lidón-Roger, J., Prats-Boluda, G., Ye-Lin, Y., Garcia-Casado, J., & Garcia-Breijo, E. (2018). Textile Concentric Ring Electrodes for ECG Recording Based on Screen-Printing Technology. Sensors, 18(1), 300. doi:10.3390/s18010300Makeyev, O., Ding, Q., & Besio, W. G. (2016). Improving the accuracy of Laplacian estimation with novel multipolar concentric ring electrodes. Measurement, 80, 44-52. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2015.11.017Makeyev, O., & Besio, W. (2016). Improving the Accuracy of Laplacian Estimation with Novel Variable Inter-Ring Distances Concentric Ring Electrodes. Sensors, 16(6), 858. doi:10.3390/s16060858Makeyev, O. (2018). Solving the general inter-ring distances optimization problem for concentric ring electrodes to improve Laplacian estimation. BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 17(1). doi:10.1186/s12938-018-0549-6Ye-Lin, Y., Bueno-Barrachina, J. 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    Neutrosophic Completion Technique for Incomplete Higher-Order AHP Comparison Matrices

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    [EN] After the recent establishment of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030, the sustainable design of products in general and infrastructures in particular emerge as a challenging field for the development and application of multicriteria decision-making tools. Sustainability-related decision problems usually involve, by definition, a wide variety in number and nature of conflicting criteria, thus pushing the limits of conventional multicriteria decision-making tools practices. The greater the number of criteria and the more complex the relations existing between them in a decisional problem, the less accurate and certain are the judgments required by usual methods, such as the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The present paper proposes a neutrosophic AHP completion methodology to reduce the number of judgments required to be emitted by the decision maker. This increases the consistency of their responses, while accounting for uncertainties associated to the fuzziness of human thinking. The method is applied to a sustainable-design problem, resulting in weight estimations that allow for a reduction of up to 22% of the conventionally required comparisons, with an average accuracy below 10% between estimates and the weights resulting from a conventionally completed AHP matrix, and a root mean standard error below 15%.The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business, along with FEDER funding (DIMALIFE Project: BIA2017-85098-R).Navarro, IJ.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes, V. (2021). Neutrosophic Completion Technique for Incomplete Higher-Order AHP Comparison Matrices. Mathematics. 9(5):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/math905049611995Worrell, E., Price, L., Martin, N., Hendriks, C., & Meida, L. O. (2001). CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS FROM THE GLOBAL CEMENT INDUSTRY. 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    The potential mapping of the needs of appropriate technology of cattle farm

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    Journal of Physics: Conference Series PAPER • THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE ISOPEN ACCESS The potential mapping of the needs of appropriate technology of cattle farm R A Purnomo1, J J Sarungu2, B R Samodro2, T Mulyaningsih2, E Gravitiani2 and A Gunardi2 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1517, 2019 1st Borobudur International Symposium on Applied Science and Engineering (BIS-ASE) 2019 16 October 2019, Magelang, Indonesia Citation R A Purnomo et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1517 012076 DownloadArticle PDF References 77 Total downloads Turn on MathJax Share this article Share this content via email Share on Facebook (opens new window) Share on Twitter (opens new window) Share on Mendeley (opens new window) Article information Abstract The purpose of research "The Potential Mapping of the Needs of Appropriate Technology of Cattle Farm" is to describe the profile of dairy farmers, evaluate and measure the level of technological readiness ability of cattle ranchers which doing in Pudak sub-district, Ponorogo. The analytical tool used is a teknometer that serves to measure the level of technological readiness capability used for the production of milk, meat, skin and feces of the cows that are divided into three stages, basic (level 1 to level 3), medium (level 4 to level 6) and ready (Level 7 to Level 9). By using teknometer is expected to provide basic information about the mapping of potential needs and the use of appropriate technology both tools, process and cow production in Pudak, Ponorogo. The results of the evaluation and measurement of TK2T Cattle Farm in Pudak, Ponorogo showed that all samples had not passed the measurement at level 1 to level 3. In addition, no one has passed the middle level 4 to level 6, while the top-level measurement, Namely level 7 to level 9 only get a maximum score of 60 percent. This explains that milk and meat production in Pudak still needs government intervention both in the use of appropriate technology, as well as supporting indicators such as management, hygiene in production, and human resources

    On environment difficulty and discriminating power

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10458-014-9257-1This paper presents a way to estimate the difficulty and discriminating power of any task instance. We focus on a very general setting for tasks: interactive (possibly multiagent) environments where an agent acts upon observations and rewards. Instead of analysing the complexity of the environment, the state space or the actions that are performed by the agent, we analyse the performance of a population of agent policies against the task, leading to a distribution that is examined in terms of policy complexity. This distribution is then sliced by the algorithmic complexity of the policy and analysed through several diagrams and indicators. The notion of environment response curve is also introduced, by inverting the performance results into an ability scale. We apply all these concepts, diagrams and indicators to two illustrative problems: a class of agent-populated elementary cellular automata, showing how the difficulty and discriminating power may vary for several environments, and a multiagent system, where agents can become predators or preys, and may need to coordinate. Finally, we discuss how these tools can be applied to characterise (interactive) tasks and (multi-agent) environments. These characterisations can then be used to get more insight about agent performance and to facilitate the development of adaptive tests for the evaluation of agent abilities.I thank the reviewers for their comments, especially those aiming at a clearer connection with the field of multi-agent systems and the suggestion of better approximations for the calculation of the response curves. The implementation of the elementary cellular automata used in the environments is based on the library 'CellularAutomaton' by John Hughes for R [58]. I am grateful to Fernando Soler-Toscano for letting me know about their work [65] on the complexity of 2D objects generated by elementary cellular automata. I would also like to thank David L. Dowe for his comments on a previous version of this paper. This work was supported by the MEC/MINECO projects CONSOLIDER-INGENIO CSD2007-00022 and TIN 2010-21062-C02-02, GVA project PROMETEO/2008/051, the COST - European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research IC0801 AT, and the REFRAME project, granted by the European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies ERA-Net (CHIST-ERA), and funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad in Spain (PCIN-2013-037).José Hernández-Orallo (2015). On environment difficulty and discriminating power. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. 29(3):402-454. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-014-9257-1S402454293Anderson, J., Baltes, J., & Cheng, C. T. (2011). 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