17 research outputs found

    Joint view expansion and filtering for automultiscopic 3D displays

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    Multi-view autostereoscopic displays provide an immersive, glasses-free 3D viewing experience, but they require correctly filtered content from multiple viewpoints. This, however, cannot be easily obtained with current stereoscopic production pipelines. We provide a practical solution that takes a stereoscopic video as an input and converts it to multi-view and filtered video streams that can be used to drive multi-view autostereoscopic displays. The method combines a phase-based video magnification and an interperspective antialiasing into a single filtering process. The whole algorithm is simple and can be efficiently implemented on current GPUs to yield a near real-time performance. Furthermore, the ability to retarget disparity is naturally supported. Our method is robust and works well for challenging video scenes with defocus blur, motion blur, transparent materials, and specularities. We show that our results are superior when compared to the state-of-the-art depth-based rendering methods. Finally, we showcase the method in the context of a real-time 3D videoconferencing system that requires only two cameras.Quanta Computer (Firm)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS-1111415)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF IIS-1116296

    Improving visual quality of view transitions in automultiscopic displays

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    Automultiscopic screens present different images depending on the viewing direction. This enables glasses-free 3D and provides motion parallax effect. However, due to the limited angular resolution of such displays, they suffer from hot-spotting, i. e., image quality is highly affected by the viewing position. In this paper, we analyze light fields produced by lenticular and parallax-barrier displays, and show that, unlike in real world, the light fields produced by such screens have a repetitive structure. This induces visual artifacts in the form of view discontinuities, depth reversals, and excessive disparities when viewing position is not optimal. Although the problem has been always considered as inherent to the technology, we demonstrate that light fields reproduced on automultiscopic displays have enough degrees of freedom to improve the visual quality. We propose a new technique that modifies light fields using global and local shears followed by stitching to improve their continuity when displayed on a screen. We show that this enhances visual quality significantly, which is demonstrated in a series of user experiments with an automultiscopic display as well as lenticular prints.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (IIS-1111415)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (IIS-1116296)Quanta Computer (Firm)National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) (Project 2011CB302205)National Natural Science Foundation (China) (Project 61272226/61120106007)National High-Tech R&D (863) Plan of China (Project 2013AA013903)Beijing Higher Institution Engineering Research Center (Research Grant

    Light field image processing: an overview

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    Light field imaging has emerged as a technology allowing to capture richer visual information from our world. As opposed to traditional photography, which captures a 2D projection of the light in the scene integrating the angular domain, light fields collect radiance from rays in all directions, demultiplexing the angular information lost in conventional photography. On the one hand, this higher dimensional representation of visual data offers powerful capabilities for scene understanding, and substantially improves the performance of traditional computer vision problems such as depth sensing, post-capture refocusing, segmentation, video stabilization, material classification, etc. On the other hand, the high-dimensionality of light fields also brings up new challenges in terms of data capture, data compression, content editing, and display. Taking these two elements together, research in light field image processing has become increasingly popular in the computer vision, computer graphics, and signal processing communities. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview and discussion of research in this field over the past 20 years. We focus on all aspects of light field image processing, including basic light field representation and theory, acquisition, super-resolution, depth estimation, compression, editing, processing algorithms for light field display, and computer vision applications of light field data

    Depth Assisted Full Resolution Network for Single Image-based View Synthesis

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    Researches in novel viewpoint synthesis majorly focus on interpolation from multi-view input images. In this paper, we focus on a more challenging and ill-posed problem that is to synthesize novel viewpoints from one single input image. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel deep learning-based technique. We design a full resolution network that extracts local image features with the same resolution of the input, which contributes to derive high resolution and prevent blurry artifacts in the final synthesized images. We also involve a pre-trained depth estimation network into our system, and thus 3D information is able to be utilized to infer the flow field between the input and the target image. Since the depth network is trained by depth order information between arbitrary pairs of points in the scene, global image features are also involved into our system. Finally, a synthesis layer is used to not only warp the observed pixels to the desired positions but also hallucinate the missing pixels with recorded pixels. Experiments show that our technique performs well on images of various scenes, and outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques

    Widening the view angle of auto-multiscopic display, denoising low brightness light field data and 3D reconstruction with delicate details

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    This doctoral thesis will present the results of my work into widening the viewing angle of the auto-multiscopic display, denoising light filed data the enhancement of captured light filed data captured in low light circumstance, and the attempts on reconstructing the subject surface with delicate details from microscopy image sets. The automultiscopic displays carefully control the distribution of emitted light over space, direction (angle) and time so that even a static image displayed can encode parallax across viewing directions (light field). This allows simultaneous observation by multiple viewers, each perceiving 3D from their own (correct) perspective. Currently, the illusion can only be effectively maintained over a narrow range of viewing angles. We propose and analyze a simple solution to widen the range of viewing angles for automultiscopic displays that use parallax barriers. We insert a refractive medium, with a high refractive index, between the display and parallax barriers. The inserted medium warps the exitant lightfield in a way that increases the potential viewing angle. We analyze the consequences of this warp and build a prototype with a 93% increase in the effective viewing angle. Additionally, we developed an integral images synthesis method that can address the refraction introduced by the inserted medium efficiently without the use of ray tracing. Capturing light field image with a short exposure time is preferable for eliminating the motion blur but it also leads to low brightness in a low light environment, which results in a low signal noise ratio. Most light field denoising methods apply regular 2D image denoising method to the sub-aperture images of a 4D light field directly, but it is not suitable for focused light field data whose sub-aperture image resolution is too low to be applied regular denoising methods. Therefore, we propose a deep learning denoising method based on micro lens images of focused light field to denoise the depth map and the original micro lens image set simultaneously, and achieved high quality total focused images from the low focused light field data. In areas like digital museum, remote researching, 3D reconstruction with delicate details of subjects is desired and technology like 3D reconstruction based on macro photography has been used successfully for various purposes. We intend to push it further by using microscope rather than macro lens, which is supposed to be able to capture the microscopy level details of the subject. We design and implement a scanning method which is able to capture microscopy image set from a curve surface based on robotic arm, and the 3D reconstruction method suitable for the microscopy image set

    Motion parallax for 360° RGBD video

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    We present a method for adding parallax and real-time playback of 360° videos in Virtual Reality headsets. In current video players, the playback does not respond to translational head movement, which reduces the feeling of immersion, and causes motion sickness for some viewers. Given a 360° video and its corresponding depth (provided by current stereo 360° stitching algorithms), a naive image-based rendering approach would use the depth to generate a 3D mesh around the viewer, then translate it appropriately as the viewer moves their head. However, this approach breaks at depth discontinuities, showing visible distortions, whereas cutting the mesh at such discontinuities leads to ragged silhouettes and holes at disocclusions. We address these issues by improving the given initial depth map to yield cleaner, more natural silhouettes. We rely on a three-layer scene representation, made up of a foreground layer and two static background layers, to handle disocclusions by propagating information from multiple frames for the first background layer, and then inpainting for the second one. Our system works with input from many of today''s most popular 360° stereo capture devices (e.g., Yi Halo or GoPro Odyssey), and works well even if the original video does not provide depth information. Our user studies confirm that our method provides a more compelling viewing experience than without parallax, increasing immersion while reducing discomfort and nausea

    Depth, shading, and stylization in stereoscopic cinematography

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    Due to the constantly increasing focus of the entertainment industry on stereoscopic imaging, techniques and tools that enable precise control over the depth impression and help to overcome limitations of the current stereoscopic hardware are gaining in importance. In this dissertation, we address selected problems encountered during stereoscopic content production, with a particular focus on stereoscopic cinema. First, we consider abrupt changes of depth, such as those induced by cuts in films. We derive a model predicting the time the visual system needs to adapt to such changes and propose how to employ this model for film cut optimization. Second, we tackle the issue of discrepancies between the two views of a stereoscopic image due to view-dependent shading of glossy materials. The suggested solution eliminates discomfort caused by non-matching specular highlights while preserving the perception of gloss. Last, we deal with the problem of filmgrainmanagement in stereoscopic productions and propose a new method for film grain application that reconciles visual comfort with the idea of medium-scene separation.Aufgrund der stĂ€ndig steigenden Beachtung der stereoskopische Abbildung durch die Unterhaltungsindustrie, gewinnen Techniken und Werkzeuge an Bedeutung, die eine prĂ€zise Steuerung der Tiefenwahrnehmung ermöglichen und EinschrĂ€nkungen der gegenwĂ€rtigen stereoskopischen GerĂ€te ĂŒberwinden. In dieser Dissertation adressieren wir ausgewĂ€hlte Probleme, die wĂ€hrend der Erzeugung von stereoskopischen Inhalten auftreten, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der stereoskopischen Kinematographie. Zuerst betrachten wir abrupte TiefenĂ€nderungen, wie sie durch Filmschnitte hervergerufen werden. Wir leiten ein Modell her, das die Zeit vorhersagt, die fĂŒr das menschliche Sehsystem notwendig ist, um sich an solche Änderungen der Tiefe zu adaptieren, und schlagen vor wie dieses Modell fĂŒr Schnittoptimierung angewendet werden kann. Danach gehen wir das Problem der Unstimmigkeiten zwischen den zwei Ansichten eines stereoskopischen Bildes, infolge der sichtabhĂ€ngigen Schattierung von glĂ€nzenden Materialien, an. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung eliminiert das visuelle Unbehagen, welches von nicht zusammenpassenden Glanzlichtern verursacht wird, indessen bewahrt sie die Glanzwahrnehmung. Zuletzt behandeln wir das Problem des Filmkornsmanagements in stereoskopischen Produktionen und schlagen eine neue Methode fĂŒr das HinzufĂŒgen vom Filmkorn vor, die die visuelle Behaglichkeit mit der Idee der Medium-Szenen-Trennung in Einklang bringt