8 research outputs found


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    La creciente demanda en servicios de telecomunicaciones genera la necesidad de desarrollar diferentes modelos de red. En el año 2008, la UIT-T une sinergias con la IETF para desarrollar un protocolo llamado MPLS-TP cuya arquitectura representa el resultado la agregación de la eficiencia en el transporte de paquetes de IP/MPLS con la fiabilidad en el transporte de SONET/SDH. Este trabajo presenta un estado del arte de MPLS-TP donde se plasman los estudios actuales y avances relacionados con ésta tecnología: modelos de arquitectura óptica, modelos de protección en OAM. Además se presenta la estructura, funcionamiento y características que hacen de MPLS-TP una opción para las redes de transporte de siguiente generación. El material de apoyo para el desarrollo de este artículo ha sido obtenido de la base documental de recursos electrónicos con contenido científico de apoyo a la investigación de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

    Метод управління якістю послуг в інтегрованій технології телекомунікацій

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    The paper focuses researches on multiservice telecommunication networks of future generations. The work aims to establish an enhanced policy of dynamic client’s access to the rich variety of telecommunication services of specific cost-to-quality ratio properties. To approach this idea a novel two-dimensional quality of service palette is introduced along with the original control method for data flow running over an asynchronous statistically multiplexed communication channel that is shaped in virtual connections of diverse types of switching. An algorithm of multiproduct data flow segmentation is proposed to enable the accurate data segments allocation on the channel time-slots in dynamic mode under specified time delays of different products. The results of the work tend to support the QoS requirements on the transport layer of the advanced Integrated Telecommunication Technology (UA-ITT) patented in Ukraine. The implementation of the quality of service control will improve the telecommunication channels utilization and premise customer’s cost-to-quality optimizationРассмотрена проблема обеспечения качества услуг в сетях с пакетной коммутацией. Введена двумерная классификация типов виртуальных соединений на транспортном уровне интегрированной технологии телекоммуникаций  для сетей будущих поколений. Предложен метод контроля параметров качества виртуального соединенияРозглянуто проблему забезпечення якості послуг в мультисервісних мережах з пакетною комутацією. Запроваджено двовимірну класифікацію типів віртуальних з’єднань на транспортному рівні інтегрованій технології телекомунікацій для мереж майбутніх поколінь.  Запропоновано метод контролю параметрів якості віртуальних з’єднан

    View on 5G Architecture: Version 2.0

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    The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5GPPP Initiative is looking at capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture. It also targets at presenting in a harmonized way the architectural concepts developed in various projects and initiatives (not limited to 5GPPP projects only) so as to provide a consolidated view on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 5G era. The first version of the white paper was released in July 2016, which captured novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture vision along with harmonized architectural concepts from 5GPPP Phase 1 projects and initiatives. Capitalizing on the architectural vision and framework set by the first version of the white paper, this Version 2.0 of the white paper presents the latest findings and analyses with a particular focus on the concept evaluations, and accordingly it presents the consolidated overall architecture design

    Distribuição eficiente de IPTV

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs redes de transporte de telecomunica c~oes foram inicialmente concebidas para transportar chamadas telef onicas atrav es de tecnologias baseadas em comuta c~ao de circuitos. A adapta c~ao destas redes para transportar tr afego de dados apresenta ine ci^encias que contribuem para que as receitas geradas pelos operadores n~ao acompanhem a largura de banda fornecida aos clientes. Este facto tem vindo agravar-se com o crescimento de servi cos como o IPTV, servi co que requer elevada largura de banda, varia c~ao acentuada da taxa de transmiss~ao e liga c~oes ponto-multiponto. A tecnologia Ethernet surge como ponto de partida (e chegada, pois mais de 95% do tr afego de dados e gerado ou tem como destino uma porta Ethernet [1]) para novas tecnologias de rede de transporte, chamadas tecnologias Carrier Ethernet. Neste documento e estudada a tecnologia Ethernet, os requisitos de uma tecnologia Carrier Ethernet e a promissora tecnologia MPLS-TP, ainda em processo de normaliza c~ao. Com o prop osito de otimizar a distribui c~ao do servi co IPTV e proposto um cen ario, onde se veri ca que o recurso a transmiss~ao combinada de canais unicast e multicast pode resultar num uso mais e ciente dos recursos da rede.The telecommunication aggregation networks were initially designed to transport phone calls, using technologies based on circuit switching. The adaptation of those networks to transport data trafic has some ineficiencies, which results, that the operator`s revenues do not follow the bandwidth provided to customers. This fact has become a growing problem with the development of services such as IPTV, a service which requires high bandwidth, high transmission rate variation and point-multipoint connections. The Ethernet appears as a starting point (and ending as well, since more than 95 % of the data tra c is generated or is destinated to an Ethernet port [1]) for new aggregation network's technologies, called Carrier Ethernet technologies. This paper, presents a study of the Ethernet technology, requirements for Carrier Ethernet technologies and the promising MPLS-TP, still in the standardization process. In order to optimize IPTV service distribution, there is proposed a scenario, where it was verified that the combined use of unicast and multicast transmission can result in an eficient use of network resources

    Otimização do processo de comutação em redes de transporte

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesNo presente trabalho analisam-se os custos de implementação (CAPEX) de um nó inserido numa rede de transporte. São estudadas tecnologias de comutação de pacotes (MPLS-TP), tecnologias de comutação de circuitos (OTN) e tecnologias de comutação de canais óticos (ROADM). Com estas tecnologias são analisadas três arquiteturas para um nó, e, alterando o tráfego, comparam-se os benefícios e as limitações de cada arquitetura.In the present work, the capital expenditure (CAPEX) related with the implementation of a node in a transport network is analyzed. Technologies with different kind of switching are studied, such as MPLS-TP (packet switching), OTN (circuit switching) and ROADM (optical switching). Three different architectures combining these technologies are considered and, by changing the traffic, a comparison is performed in order to identify the limitations and advantages of each one