84 research outputs found


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    The analysis of approaches to the design of a logistic chain, and also the reference models realizing them is carried out. The requirements for the process of logistic chains modeling are defined. It’s noted that the feature of modeling is a need for singling out various hierarchical levels of a model: processes of a logistic chain, and also processes of the corporate systems of separate enterprises. The classificati on of reference models using this approach is presented. The universal process model that allows meeting the noted requirements is offered. The model of a stream business process considers the specific character of a logistic business process – existence of three interconnected streams: material, information and financial. The features of modeling of streams on the example of supply chains are considered. The process model of a logistic chain wh en the contours of the process coincide with the borders of a separate link of a chain is presented in the article. It’s noted that this model doesn't reflect the full interaction of streams within a logistic chain, in particular, doesn't consider the movement of returnable material flows. The example of a model that enables us to consider the detailed interaction of streams in a logistic chain, constructed with due regard to the movement of material and financial flows using IDEF0 methodology is given. The suggested model of stream business processes allows modeling logistic chains with a different level of specification and reflecting the variety of movement of all types of streams. The described approach can also be used for the improvement of methods for evaluation of the efficiency of logistic chains.В статье проведен анализ подходов к проектированию логистической цепи, а также реализующих их референтных моделей. Определены требования к процессу моделирования логистических цепей. Отмечается, что особенностью моделирования является необходимость выделения различных иерархических уровней модели: процессов логистической цепи, а также процессов внутриорганизационных систем отдельных предприятий. Представлена классификация референтных моделей, использующая данный подход. В статье предложена универсальная модель процесса, позволяющая реализовать отмеченные требования. Модель потокового бизнес-процесса учитывает специфику логистического бизнес-процесса – наличие трех взаимосвязанных потоков: материального, информационного и финансового. Рассмотрены особенности моделирования потоков на примере цепи поставок. В статье представлена процессная модель логистической цепи в случае, когда контуры процесса совпадают с границами отдельного звена цепи.Отмечается, что данная модель не отражает полного взаимодействия потоков в рамках логистической цепи, в частности, не учитывает движение возвратных материальных потоков. Приведен пример модели, позволяющей учесть детальное взаимодействие потоков в логистической цепи,построенный с учетом движения материального и финансового потоков с использованием методологии IDEF0. Предлагаемая модель потокового бизнес-процесса позволяет моделировать логистические цепи с разной степенью детализации и отражать многообразие движения все видовпотоков. Описанный подход также может быть использован для совершенствования методов оценки эффективности логистических цепей

    Comparison of Supply Chain Process Models based on Service-oriented Architecture

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    With the passage of time, supply chain processes have shifted toward IT-based business processes regarding service-oriented architecture (SOA) to augment the agility, integration, and flexibility of IT-based applications in enterprise networks. SOA, as a fast-growing paradigm in IT, uses Web service technologies and provides new pattern integration and interoperability in processes, services, and data. Consequently, many reference models have been developed in the field of SC processes to support the requirements for the related modeling, as well as to apply the development and implementation of supply chain information systems. The aim of this paper is to compare six main supply chain reference models regarding SOA and its underlying concepts and to identify which reference model can support different stages of information system development. The results show that no supply chain reference model can support both the coordination and interaction of process models in more detail and with a service-oriented approach in supply chain process modeling. Moreover, there is a need for a plausible methodology for business process modeling based on the service-oriented approach in the domain of supply chain management (SCM)

    Integration of MES and ERP in supply chains: effect assessment in the case of the automotive industry

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    U ovom radu procjenjujemo učinke integracije proizvodnih izvršnih sustava (MES) i cjelovitih poslovnih informacionih sustava (ERP) na primjeru srednje velikog poduzeća u automobilskom opskrbnom lancu. Ugrađeno sučelje razvijeno je za uspostavu dvosmjerne razmjene poruka između dvije baze podataka. Razmjena podataka između dva odvojena sustava realizirana je putem posebnog dokumenta – IDoc poruke. Učinci integracije MES i ERP procijenjeni su na temelju referentnog vrijednosnog modela (VRM), koji osigurava mjerljive pokazatelje u više dimenzija. Brzina, troškovi i imovina dva procesa procijenjeni su prije i poslije integracije sustava. Pozitivne promjene odabranih ključnih pokazatelja uspješnosti izmjerene su i potvrđene. Integracija MES i ERP osigurava kontrolirano upravljanje promjenama u opskrbnom lancu (SC) i omogućuje donošenje odluka u stvarnom vremenu. Na primjeru nalaza predstavljenog scenarija, utemeljeno možemo pretpostaviti, da integracija sustava MES i ERP pozitivno utječe na odabrane ključne pokazatelje uspješnosti u opskrbnom lancu.This study assesses the effects of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integration in the case of a medium-sized enterprise in the automotive supply chain. An embedded interface was developed to provide bidirectional exchange of messages between the two corresponding databases. Data exchange between the two separate systems is facilitated by an intermediate document (IDoc) message. The effects of MES–ERP integration were assessed based on the value reference model (VRM), which ensures measurable indicators in multiple dimensions. Velocity, costs and assets for two processes were evaluated before and after integration. Positive changes in the selected key performance indicators were measured and confirmed. MES–ERP integration ensures controlled change management in the supply chain (SC) and enables decision-making to be carried out in real time. Based on the findings of the presented scenario, one can reasonably assume that MES–ERP integration positively affects the selected key performance indicators of a SC

    SENS: Semantic Synthetic Benchmarking Model for Integrated Supply Chain Simulation and Analysis

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    Supply Chain (SC) modeling is essential to understand and influence SC behavior, especially for increasingly globalized and complex SCs. Existing models address various SC notions, e.g., processes, tiers and production, in an isolated manner limiting enriched analysis granted by integrated information systems. Moreover, the scarcity of real-world data prevents the benchmarking of the overall SC performance in different circumstances, especially wrt. resilience during disruption. We present SENS, an ontology-based Knowledge-Graph (KG) equipped with SPARQL implementations of KPIs to incorporate an end-to-end perspective of the SC including standardized SCOR processes and metrics. Further, we propose SENS-GEN, a highly configurable data generator that leverages SENS to create synthetic semantic SC data under multiple scenario configurations for comprehensive analysis and benchmarking applications. The evaluation shows that the significantly improved simulation and analysis capabilities, enabled by SENS, facilitate grasping, controlling and ultimately enhancing SC behavior and increasing resilience in disruptive scenarios

    Business process modelling in demand-driven agri-food supply chains : a reference framework

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    Keywords: Business process models; Supply chain management; Information systems; Reference information models; Market orientation; Mass customisation; Configuration; Coordination; Control; SCOR; Pot plants; Fruit industry Abstract The increasing volatility and diversity of demand urge agri-food supply chains to become more demand driven, i.e. sensitive and responsive to demand information of the ultimate consumer. Companies that participate in demand-driven supply chains must manage a high variety and variability of supply chain configurations to meet the specific requirements of their customers. Business process models can be valuable means to achieve this by supporting the design of customised supply chain configurations and subsequently the engineering of enabling information systems. However, existing reference process models do not sufficiently support specific requirements in demand-driven agri-food supply chains. Therefore, this dissertation aims to design a reference framework for business process modelling that i) is setup to enable the instantiation of various specific supply chain configurations, ii) supports a seamless translation of high-level supply chain designs to detailed information engineering models, and iii) is sector-specific i.e. contains domain-specific knowledge for the agri-food sector. The research started with the definition of basic design requirements based on literature review and subsequently existing reference models were assessed on these requirements. Based on this assessment and the reviewed literature, a generic framework was constructed. This generic framework was applied, evaluated and refined in three different case studies: i) an explorative multiple case study in the Dutch flower industry, ii) an in-depth multiple case study in the European fruit industry, and iii) a single case study in the Dutch flower industry on implementation of the framework in configurable process models. The main result of this thesis is the design of a framework for reference process modelling in demand-driven agri-food supply chains. The framework provides concepts and a toolkit for modelling a wide variety of supply chain configurations from standard model components. As such, it enhances shared understanding and reuse of process knowledge in supply chain design and information systems engineering. The framework consists of two parts: i) an object system definition and ii) a toolbox for modelling the defined object system. The object system definition provides typologies of the main elements of supply chain configurations, i.e. business processes, product units, control systems and coordination mechanisms. The toolbox provides the representation power for modelling the defined object system. It identifies three types of supply chain process models: 1. Product Flow Models: visualise the allocation of basic transformations to supply chain actors and the related product flows from input material into end products; 2. Thread Diagrams: visualise how order-driven and forecast-driven processes are decoupled in specific supply chain configurations (positions Customer Order Decoupling Points), and how interdependences between processes are coordinated; 3. Business Process Diagrams: depict the sequence and interaction of control and coordination activities (as identified in Thread Diagrams) in an executable notation. For each process model type, the toolbox contains i) standard model building blocks (reference components), ii) a method to configure specific diagrams (configuration tree), and iii) pre-configured models (reference templates) that capture reusable knowledge abstracted from the case studies. The toolbox also includes a conceptual architecture for implementation of enabling information systems. The main addition of this thesis to existing theory is the design of an innovative artefact: a new framework that captures the concepts needed to design adequate reference process models in demand-driven agri-food supply chains. Therefore, the thesis has defined, developed and evaluated the representation power needed to model a wide variety of supply chain configurations as specific networks with different allocations of business processes to supply chain participants and different modes of control and coordination. More specifically, three additional contributions can be mentioned. First, the research has applied the concept of mass customisation to reference process models, which implies that customised models are configured from a repository of standard building blocks i.e. predefined model components. As such, it contributes to the emerging field of process model configuration, which is a relatively new research area. Second, the research has developed a framework that combines process models at different levels of abstraction for two main purpose of usage: supply chain design and information systems engineering. As such, it contributes to the development of a common conceptualisation and consistent terminology of these two research streams. Third, the research has applied the framework to specific agri-food sectors, i.e. pot plants and fruit supply chains. As such, it has developed sector-specific reference process models for pot plants and fruit supply chains, which do not yet exist. The main practical value of the framework helps to map, in a timely, punctual and coherent way, the business processes of the supply chain configurations that a company must manage in order to fulfil the different demand requirements of their customers. The framework is designed for demand-driven supply chains that aim to provide a rapid and customised response to volatile demand. We have argued that this imposes stringent demands on information systems and requires. The designed framework supports the ability to design and implement customised supply chain configurations by supplying business and ICT professionals with concepts and a toolkit for modelling a wide range of supply chain configurations. As such, although designed for demand-driven supply chains, the framework is a general tool for supply chain modelling. <br/

    Support of advanced technologies in supply chain processes and sustainability impact

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    This paper aims to present a study of the type of advanced technologies used across manufacturing supply chains in supporting the main processes of the supply chain operations reference model (SCOR). It also intends to identify a set of sustainable performance indicators (environmental, economic, and social) suitable to evaluate a supply chain 4.0 (SC4.0). To attain this objective, based on the literature review, a conceptual model is proposed. The multiple case study is used with a cross-case comparison to identify the type of advanced technologies more commonly used in SC4.0, and the performance indicators more suitable for assessing a SC4.0 sustainability performance. A sample of ten case studies was considered with companies belonging to different manufacturing SCs, from different countries, and belonging to different echelons. Main findings revealed that the level of adoption of advanced technologies in the Supply Chain SCOR processes varies amongst the case studies. Some technologies are quite commonly used among the several SCOR processes and companies while others are seldom applied. Some indicators were also identified that are regarded as very or extremely suitable to evaluate the sustainability performance of a SC4.0. The main contribution of this research to the body of knowledge is the empirical insights on the SC4.0 field and on Supply Chain Sustainability performance measurement. The results provide guidelines for the selection of advanced technologies to support SC processes and for the design of sustainable SC4.0 performance measurement systems.This work has been funded by national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., Projects UIDB/05037/2020, UIDB/04058/2020 and UIDB/00319/2020

    The creation of a framework for assessing innovation capability maturity of supply chains. Analysing the status quo and developing an improvement strategy for the Scottish aerospace industry during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    In days of more interconnectivity of supply chains, competition is considered happening more between different supply chains than only between different single organisations. To be com-petitive and to remain competitive, organisations and supply chains need to change, need to develop new products and processes; in short, they need to innovate. Innovation, just like competition, already takes place along supply chains. This way single or-ganisations can leverage their own resources. Consequently, the question arises what makes a supply chain innovative or more precisely how to measure innovation capability of a supply chain. Whereas innovation capability of single organisations has gained considerable atten-tion in academia, little investigation has been carried out into innovation capability of supply chains. There are few spill overs from innovation capability research of single organisations into supply chains and spill overs from supply chain management namely supply chain inte-gration literature focussing on innovation capability. What is missing is a framework that allows to measure the innovation capability in terms of its maturity for the whole end-to-end supply chain. As a result, the manufacturing supply chain innovation capability maturity assessment framework (MaSCICMAF) is created using a systems approach to supply chains with an understanding of supply chains based on the SCOR model and its supply chain planning level. MaSCICMAF, based on academic literature, is a framework that is built on the idea that innovation capability of a supply chain consists out of individual innovation capability of single organisations and their interactions. Hence, MaS-CICMAF offers are company scoring model and a supply chain scoring model. For validation of MaSCICMAF, the Covid-19 pandemic offered an unexpected opportunity as surviving through Covid-19 and rebuilding afterwards was a dominant topic. In this context, innovation capability of supply chains is extremely relevant. For maximum practical impact of the research, more investigation into which Scottish manufacturing sector needed the most innovation capability building support was carried out. This resulted in the aerospace sector, precisely one Scottish aerospace supply chain, being the subject of application of MaSCICMAF and its field validation. This supply chain’s innovation capability was analysed in a total of six workshops with two companies of the four TIER supply chain and a supply chain delegation group. In a next step, improvement strategies are developed for each company and the supply chain setup. These are based on the future scenario approach to strategizing. For further prac-tical relevance of the research, these strategies are turned into direct policy making advice. Four main areas for changes in policies are identified. These are open innovation support, building more supply chain resilience, changing funding practices, and advice on skills short-ages and education. It must be clarified that there are certain limitations to the present research. MaSCICMAF must be used more in different industries to enable comparison between supply chains as MaSCICMAF only allows relative assessments at present. Derived policy advice should be con-firmed further as it is only built on two of four companies of one supply chain. Nevertheless, MaSCICMAF evidently and verifiably offers to analyse innovation capability of supply chains and effectively create improvement strategies. Hence, MaSCICMAF contributes to academia in a way that it clearly defines which factors contribute to innovation capability of supply chains and more over defines maturity levels which can be used as basis for strategy making to im-prove innovation capability across a supply chain.In days of more interconnectivity of supply chains, competition is considered happening more between different supply chains than only between different single organisations. To be com-petitive and to remain competitive, organisations and supply chains need to change, need to develop new products and processes; in short, they need to innovate. Innovation, just like competition, already takes place along supply chains. This way single or-ganisations can leverage their own resources. Consequently, the question arises what makes a supply chain innovative or more precisely how to measure innovation capability of a supply chain. Whereas innovation capability of single organisations has gained considerable atten-tion in academia, little investigation has been carried out into innovation capability of supply chains. There are few spill overs from innovation capability research of single organisations into supply chains and spill overs from supply chain management namely supply chain inte-gration literature focussing on innovation capability. What is missing is a framework that allows to measure the innovation capability in terms of its maturity for the whole end-to-end supply chain. As a result, the manufacturing supply chain innovation capability maturity assessment framework (MaSCICMAF) is created using a systems approach to supply chains with an understanding of supply chains based on the SCOR model and its supply chain planning level. MaSCICMAF, based on academic literature, is a framework that is built on the idea that innovation capability of a supply chain consists out of individual innovation capability of single organisations and their interactions. Hence, MaS-CICMAF offers are company scoring model and a supply chain scoring model. For validation of MaSCICMAF, the Covid-19 pandemic offered an unexpected opportunity as surviving through Covid-19 and rebuilding afterwards was a dominant topic. In this context, innovation capability of supply chains is extremely relevant. For maximum practical impact of the research, more investigation into which Scottish manufacturing sector needed the most innovation capability building support was carried out. This resulted in the aerospace sector, precisely one Scottish aerospace supply chain, being the subject of application of MaSCICMAF and its field validation. This supply chain’s innovation capability was analysed in a total of six workshops with two companies of the four TIER supply chain and a supply chain delegation group. In a next step, improvement strategies are developed for each company and the supply chain setup. These are based on the future scenario approach to strategizing. For further prac-tical relevance of the research, these strategies are turned into direct policy making advice. Four main areas for changes in policies are identified. These are open innovation support, building more supply chain resilience, changing funding practices, and advice on skills short-ages and education. It must be clarified that there are certain limitations to the present research. MaSCICMAF must be used more in different industries to enable comparison between supply chains as MaSCICMAF only allows relative assessments at present. Derived policy advice should be con-firmed further as it is only built on two of four companies of one supply chain. Nevertheless, MaSCICMAF evidently and verifiably offers to analyse innovation capability of supply chains and effectively create improvement strategies. Hence, MaSCICMAF contributes to academia in a way that it clearly defines which factors contribute to innovation capability of supply chains and more over defines maturity levels which can be used as basis for strategy making to im-prove innovation capability across a supply chain

    Developing an Organizational Reference Model by Selecting and Integrating Multiple References

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    Relationship of supply chain capabilities and supply chain technology adoption towards supply chain operational performance in textile and apparel industry

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    In today’s dynamic business environment, competition is no longer between firms, but between supply chains. The supply chain dependency leads the business focused on supply chain performance. Considering the importance given to the third industrial master plan by the Malaysia government, current supply chain environment accentuated the need of supply chain technology adoption to facilitate supply chain management. To explain the concerns, this study examined the impact of supply chain capabilities namely, relational capability, information technology capability, and organizational culture capability on supply chain operational performance and supply chain technology adoption. This study also examines the successive impact of supply chain technology adoption on supply chain operational performance and investigates whether supply chain technology adoption mediates supply chain capabilities and performance relationship under study. In order to achieve the research objectives, a two-step approach namely quantitative research method and a triangulation research approach are necessitated. 201 survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents in Malaysian textile and apparel organizations. 121 usable responses representing 60% response rate were empirically tested through structural equation modeling by using SPSS and SmartPLS. Research findings revealed that relational capability, organizational culture capability, and supply chain technology adoption contributed to firm’s supply chain operational performance, whereas, information technology capability was insignificant. The findings further revealed that supply chain capabilities have a positive influence to supply chain technology adoption. The findings also revealed a significant mediation effect of supply chain technology adoption in the model under study. A triangulation research approach was employed through face-to-face interviews with four industry practitioners to get their in-depth experiences and perceptions on the model under study. ATLAS.ti results showed that developed model had achieved agreement of industry experts with the suggestion of two emerging terms (human support and work experience) as moderators for future study on the model. Limitations and recommendations for future study are discussed

    What Are The Rules Of National And International Law Regarding The Duty Of Counsel To Raise Issues In A Timely Manner?

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