489 research outputs found

    Making Data Accessible: An Overview of Interactive Data Visualization Using D3.js as Applied to a Scientific Dataset : Making a Static Visualization Interactive

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    Technology is moving at a very fast pace, but data is still represented as tables, static graphs and infographics that do not create an impact on the population at large. Excluding the scientific and educational communities, to the common individual information should be displayed in an entertaining manner. This project set out to fulfill this goal by using known technologies from D3js, design guidelines, CSS3 animations, and HTML5 elements to real scientific data from the United States National Climate Data Center. The final product is a one page web application displaying 3,000,000 years of global temperatures in a visual format. The data was plotted using D3js, made interactive with JavaScript and laid out using Twitter Bootstrap. What can be concluded is that it is possible to create interactive content with current technologies, but the process is still only achievable after extensive study of the technologies involved. Further development has to be made for data interactive tools to become easier to use and to produce large-scale interactive web applications involving data display and analysis. The advancement of interactive visualizations are also relevant as studies have shown that engaging lectures lead to a statistically significant higher average on unit exams compared with traditional didactic lectures. This could be hypothesized to be the same for interactive data and this was confirmed by a small questionnaire

    Aesthetic Programming

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    Aesthetic Programming explores the technical as well as cultural imaginaries of programming from its insides. It follows the principle that the growing importance of software requires a new kind of cultural thinking — and curriculum — that can account for, and with which to better understand the politics and aesthetics of algorithmic procedures, data processing and abstraction. It takes a particular interest in power relations that are relatively under-acknowledged in technical subjects, concerning class and capitalism, gender and sexuality, as well as race and the legacies of colonialism. This is not only related to the politics of representation but also nonrepresentation: how power differentials are implicit in code in terms of binary logic, hierarchies, naming of the attributes, and how particular worldviews are reinforced and perpetuated through computation. Using p5.js, it introduces and demonstrates the reflexive practice of aesthetic programming, engaging with learning to program as a way to understand and question existing technological objects and paradigms, and to explore the potential for reprogramming wider eco-socio-technical systems. The book itself follows this approach, and is offered as a computational object open to modification and reversioning

    From native to cross-platform hybrid development : CodeGT, design and development of a mobile app for ERP

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    The current trend towards mobility of individuals, together with the exponential growth of the number of mobile devices led the market to a boom in the demand for the development of mobile applications. Moreover, with the expansion and heterogeneity of the mobile devices and platforms, software companies need to search for faster and cheaper ways to develop applications that can span as many devices as possible to capture the market. Currently, the Android and iOS Operating Systems roughly share and dominate the mobile market, with timid expressions of other competitors. Each of these mobile operating systems were developed using their own languages, strategy and SDKs for development of applications using their libraries – known as Native apps. On the other hand, the evolution of HTML5, CSS and JavaScript created generic alternatives to create mobile apps that run on devices on all operating systems, although lacking the capability to access the device’s full potential. Alongside came the new Hybrid cross-platform development frameworks, which try to take the best of both worlds. This dissertation describes the evolution of the different mobile app development approaches and the state-of-the-art in their development techniques, and compares them with the Hybrid app approach, then highlighting the trends in mobile app development using Hybrid platforms and their advantages. This research includes the development of a mobile Hybrid application, CodeGT, which interacts with an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to access the Transport Documents registered in this ERP and access to the code transmitted by the Portuguese Tax Authority (AT), therefore not requiring the printing of documents and meeting a need of the business market. This application does already have customer industry companies interested in it.As tendências atuais em direção à grande mobilidade dos indivíduos, juntamente com o crescimento exponencial do número de dispositivos móveis, levaram ao enorme crescimento na procura do desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis. Além disso, com a expansão e heterogeneidade dos dispositivos e das plataformas móveis, as empresas de desenvolvimento de software necessitam de encontrar formas mais rápidas e baratas de desenvolver aplicações capazes de abranger o maior número de dispositivos para ir ao encontro da elevada procura do mercado. Atualmente, os sistemas operativos Android e iOS dividem e dominam o mercado de dispositivos móveis com expressões tímidas de outros concorrentes. Cada um desses sistemas operativos móveis foi desenvolvido especificamente para linguagens de programação e estratégias próprias e oferecem um conjunto de ferramentas de desenvolvimento com as suas bibliotecas, para a criação de aplicações nativas. Por outro lado, a evolução do HTML5, CSS e do JavaScript criaram oportunidades para o surgimento de alternativas genéricas para criação de aplicações multiplataforma que correm em todos os dispositivos e em todos os sistemas operativos, mas sem a capacidade de aceder todo o potencial nativo do dispositivo. Paralelamente surgiram as novas plataformas de desenvolvimento híbridas, que tentam tirar o melhor partido dos dois mundos. Esta dissertação descreve a evolução das diferentes abordagens no desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis mais concretamente na utilização de ferramentas multiplataformas para a criação de aplicações móveis híbridas e as suas vantagens. A pesquisa incluiu ainda o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação móvel, CodeGT, desenvolvido numa plataforma híbrida para interagir com um software ERP, acedendo aos Documentos de Transporte registados nesse ERP, assim como ao código transmitido pela Autoridade Tributária (AT), que assim dispensa a impressão de documentos e indo ao encontro de uma necessidade do mercado. Esta aplicação já tem empresas clientes interessadas nela

    Visual Programming Language for Tacit Subset of J Programming Language

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    Visual programming is the idea of using graphical icons to create programs. I take a look at available solutions and challenges facing visual languages. Keeping these challenges in mind, I measure the suitability of Blockly and highlight the advantages of using Blockly for creating a visual programming environment for the J programming language. Blockly is an open source general purpose visual programming language designed by Google which provides a wide range of features and is meant to be customized to the user’s needs. I also discuss features of the J programming language that make it suitable for use in visual programming language. The result is a visual programming environment for the tacit subset of the J programming language

    Coding policies for secure web applications

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    Vývoj moderních webových aplikací

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    This thesis focuses on the development of modern web applications, providing a guide on how to select a suitable technology framework and utilize it effectively. The thesis analyzes and describes current web frameworks and related technologies/tools, selects a particular framework for detailed description, and presents a case study for the development process, including environment and related tools. The designed application is implemented and evaluated, with the selected framework and environment being subject to analysis.Tato práce se zaměřuje na vývoj moderních webových aplikací, poskytuje návod, jak vybrat vhodný technologický rámec a efektivně jej využívat. Práce analyzuje a popisuje současné webové frameworky a související technologie/nástroje, vybírá konkrétní framework pro detailní popis a představuje případovou studii vývojového procesu, včetně prostředí a souvisejících nástrojů. Navržená aplikace je implementována a vyhodnocena, přičemž se analyzuje vybraný framework a prostředí.460 - Katedra informatikydobř

    Applying GIS Concept In Creating Info Kiosk: Medical Centre

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    This project dissertation report was entitled Applying GIS Concept in Creating Info Kiosk: Medical Centre, The system should be implemented as a server side client method. It consists of graphical representation of informative and knowledge about medical centerallocated aroundMalaccathat coveredalmost major area around the state. The system concludes some of the basic point or base station for mobile interaction among wireless connection throughout three different coverage areas. They're also some useful query for finding the best route and few other queries in term of medical information and allocation of places regard to map that was illustrated. This system will help people to make their life become easier in doing their routine job. The system helps people by using devices to guide them to find the way to the location or destination that they want to go. It will be control by the central system that remotely to the mapdatabase server and required the combination of various kind of technology like the integrated wireless LAN system, geographical information system (GIS), and satellite positioning technology. The system will respond to instructions verbally so that the people can be easily finding his/her way to the hospital. It keeps track of the user location while giving directions to a destination and may even warn the user against veering off a sidewalk or stepping into a road

    How Open is ‘Open API’? A Critique of the Political Economy of Openness in Programming

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    As a way to provide services or data to third party developers, Open Application Programming Interfaces (Open APIs) have gained popularity among programming community in recent years. Some advocates regard Open APIs as an alternative to open source as it facilitates collaboration between different software. Nowadays many corporations such as Google, Facebook and Twitter are developing Open APIs for their existing services, and most of them are free of charge. As an API usually takes effort to be developed and exposes proprietary data to public, then why would for-profit companies be interested in investing in these kinds of projects? Indeed, Open APIs can help external programs integrate with proprietary software. Many developers, however, have found this collaboration risky, and some of them have started to think about the openness of API compared with open source. More importantly, the definition of Open API is rendered ambiguous through the discursive practices that define ‘openness’ in contemporary digital culture. Drawing on a critical political economy perspective, this study begins with the discussion of theories of openness in programming. It then identifies the ‘openness’ in Open API when compared with other collaborative ways of software production, including open source. It concludes by discussing how corporations are using Open API as a marketing strategy to incorporate external developers into their business