378 research outputs found

    Context-Aware Mobile Games Using Android, Arduino and HTML5

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    Mobiilitehnoloogiate areng ja nutitelefonide kiire levik loob uusi vĂ”imalusi mobiilirakenduste arendamiseks ning palju rĂ”hku pannakse mĂ€ngudele. Loodavad mĂ€ngud muutuvad aga keerulisemaks, sest ĂŒha enam kasutatakse keskkonnast tulevat informatsiooni, et kohandada mĂ€ngu vastavalt kasutaja asukohale ja kontekstile. MĂ€nge, mis seovad kasutaja fĂŒĂŒsile asukoha ja oleku virtuaalmaailmaga keskkonnateadlikuks mĂ€nguks. Üha enam luuakse rakendusi veebiplatvormile, mitte kindlatele operatsioonisĂŒsteemidele, sest veebitehnoloogiad vĂ”imaldavad luua vĂ”rdvÀÀrse funktsionaalsuse ning kasutajamugavusega rakendusi. VeebipĂ”histe rakenduste suurimaks eeliseks on see, et nende tööks on vaja ainult veebibrauserit ning igale operastioonisĂŒteemile ei pea kirjutama eraldi programmi. Antud tehnoloogiad on jĂ”udnud ka mobiilimaailma, kus iga operatsioonisĂ”steemi jaoks peab arendama eraldiseisva rakenduse, sest iga tootja sĂŒsteem on teistest erinev. Antud bakalaurusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks on luua veebitehnoloogiaid kasutades mobiilimĂ€ng, mille juhtimiseks kasutatakse nutitelefonis olevaid sensoreid ning lisaks Arduino mikrokontrolleritest tulevat vĂ€liskeskoona informatsiooni. Antud bakalaurusetöö suurimaks panuseks on PhoneGap raamistikule loodud moodul, mis vĂ”imaldab pĂ€rida Arduino mikrokontrollerist saadetud sensorite informatsiooni kliendipoolsest koodist, mis tavaliste lahendustega pole vĂ”imalik.Latest technological achievements in mobile and open-source electronics platforms made it possible to develop pervasive applications that use environmental information to enhance software usability aspects in real-time, like in the case of context-aware mobile games. However, the development of this kind of pervasive applications is tied to speci c aspects owned by each mobile platform (e.g. programming language, SDK and tools, etc.). Moreover, a considerable effort and knowledge in low-level programming techniques is required for porting the applications between platforms, and thus in general most of the solutions are targeted at particular platform. In order to investigate the possibility of creating portable pervasive applications that combine sensor information from the multiple micromechanical artefacts embedded within the smartphones, we used contextual sensor data provided by Arduino Microcontroller. The current thesis proposed extending the existing implementation of PhoneGap to create hybrid mobile applications based on HTML5 that are easy to port, maintain and reuse

    Mobile map client API : design and implementation for Android

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    The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone makes it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating system (OS) Android from a geographic information aspect and relates it to other major mobile OS. Available map client application programming interfaces (API) are investigated. It is concluded that Android is a good platform choice for implementing mobile map applications. But there is need of a generic open source API for Android. Such an API is implemented, resulting in a good performing map client. Though it needs additional development to perform all features aimed for in the suggested API design.PopulÀrvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Dagens datorlika mobiltelefoner lÀmpar sig utmÀrkt för att visa olika typer av kartor. Det Àr inte svÄrt att hitta tillÀmpningar för bÄde privatpersoner och professionella anvÀndare med behov som att till exempel hitta lÀmpliga fÀrdvÀgar eller visa information om platsen man befinner sig pÄ. Det hÀr examensarbetet gÄr ut pÄ att undersöka hur geografisk data kan behandlas och visas som kartor pÄ Android-mobiler. MÄlet Àr att skapa ett generellt programmeringsverktyg som ska kunna anvÀndas för att snabbt och enkelt kunna utveckla specialiserade kartapplikationer för Android. Ett sÄdant verktyg kallas inom databranschen för API, vilket stÄr för Application Programming Interface. Ett API Àr ett grÀnssnitt som ger programmerare smidig tillgÄng till grundlÀggande funktioner i ett system eller en typ av applikation. I det hÀr fallet fÄr programmeraren tillgÄng till grundlÀggande kartfunktioner, som t.ex. kartdataladdning eller panorering och zoom, utan att behöva programmera hela logiken bakom dessa funktioner. IstÀllet kan programmeraren fokusera sitt arbete pÄ de delarna som gör just den kartapplikationen unik. Arbetet Àr uppdelat i en undersökande del för att klarlÀgga var utvecklingen av tekniken befinner sig idag och vilka liknande försök som gjorts tidigare och en mer praktisk utvecklingsdel med mÄlet att implementera ett API för kartapplikationer pÄ Android. I undersökningen jÀmförs Android med andra mobila plattformar, t.ex. Apples iPhone och Nokias Symbian. Det konstateras att Android stÄr sig bra i konkurens med de andra och lÀmpar sig vÀl för kartapplikationer men att det skulle behövas ett generellt kartverktyg som inte Àr sÄ hÄrt styrt som Google maps, som Àr det vanligaste kartverktyget för Android. För att tydliggöra vad API:et borde innehÄlla och klara av att utföra gjordes först en teoretisk modell av dess olika delar. De viktigaste delarna, t.ex. dataladdning och anvÀndargrÀnssnitt med kartbildsvisning, panorering och zoom, implementerades sedan för att kunna testköras och vidareutvecklas pÄ en Android-mobil. En demoapplikation utvecklades för att demonstrera anvÀndningen av API:et. Resultatet Àr ett verktyg för ett energibolags servicepersonal att ha med sig i fÀlt för att se deras fjÀrrvÀrmenÀts geografiska utstrÀckning och info om nÀtets olika delar, kopplingar och kunder.Scientific summary: The fast development of computational power of the mobile phone have made it a suitable platform for running map applications. Both public and field working professionals can benefit from easy access to a mobile map client application with features such as route planning, location based services and simple GIS operations. This master's thesis describes the mobile operating system (OS) Android from a geographic information aspect and relates it to other major mobile OS. A map client application programming interfaces (API) is implemented, resulting in a good performing map client. Though it needs additional development to perform all features aimed for in the suggested API design. The study is divided into a state-of-the-art investigation of available technology, and an effort to design and implement a map client API for Android. The investigation was made by referencing available scientific papers, technical articles and websites. Available OS's and API's are investigated. It is concluded that Android is a good platform choice for implementing mobile map applications. But there is need of a generic open source API for Android. Another objective of the study was to compare a map client running as a web application to the native client developed regarding performance. Unfortunately no suiting API for setting up the web application was found. Since then the OpenLayers community have made a great effort for running OpenLayers clients on mobile devices, which would have been an ideal choice for doing the comparison. The work on the API contains a theoretical model which is partly implemented. The aim of the model is to define the overall functionality, some specialized features and cohesive data structures. Then the base functionality, such as data loading, map drawing, panning and zooming, was implemented. The implementation was carried out in an iterative manner. Starting with complementing a basic, incomplete open source map API to gain understanding of mobile map API design and avoid re-inventing the wheel. Added was support for coordinate systems and projections other than WGS 84 Web Mercator (EPSG 4326), better Web Map Service (WMS) support, vector data loading and improved responsiveness when loading data. A demo application was put together in order to test performance on the hardware emulator integrated in the Android SDK and on a real device, Motorola Milestone running Android version 2.1. The scenario for the demo application is a district heating pipe system, an useful field application for a city energy company. The application shows a raster background map loaded from a tiled WMS with the pipe system as vector overlays loaded from a custom Keyhole Markup Language (KML) service. The vector data is click-able in order to show information about different parts of the pipe system

    The evolving nature of competition in the wireless ecosystem : emergent opportunities and threats

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, System Design and Management Program, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references.By the end of 2008, there are over 4 billion mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide, translating into a penetration rate of 61%. In developed economies like the United States, the penetration rate has reached over 85%. Even though the subscriber numbers are reaching saturation levels, the revenues of mobile operators continue to grow at a double-digit rate. This is primarily because of an increase in data usage over cellular networks. Mobile handsets have become increasingly powerful and rival the capabilities of personal computers from just a few years ago. These devices can be used to run a variety of applications and are fast becoming the medium of choice for accessing the Internet. Cellular networks are also becoming increasingly powerful in their ability to carry large amounts of data. This evolution in capabilities has attracted a variety of new players to the wireless ecosystem changing the nature of interaction within the ecosystem. The central role played by the wireless operators is increasingly challenged by these new entrants creating both new opportunities and new threats for all the participants in the ecosystem. This thesis will explore the structure of the wireless ecosystem as it exists today and analyze how competition between various layers and within each layer has played out. Further, it will look at the new ways in which the participants are competing with each other and how this results in emergent opportunities and threats. Finally, the thesis will draw lessons from the Internet revolution and the personal computing ecosystem to predict how the platform wars are likely to play out and who has the opportunity to become the dominant player in the new ecosystem.by Nagarjuna Venna.S.M

    The Dark Side(-Channel) of Mobile Devices: A Survey on Network Traffic Analysis

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    In recent years, mobile devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets) have met an increasing commercial success and have become a fundamental element of the everyday life for billions of people all around the world. Mobile devices are used not only for traditional communication activities (e.g., voice calls and messages) but also for more advanced tasks made possible by an enormous amount of multi-purpose applications (e.g., finance, gaming, and shopping). As a result, those devices generate a significant network traffic (a consistent part of the overall Internet traffic). For this reason, the research community has been investigating security and privacy issues that are related to the network traffic generated by mobile devices, which could be analyzed to obtain information useful for a variety of goals (ranging from device security and network optimization, to fine-grained user profiling). In this paper, we review the works that contributed to the state of the art of network traffic analysis targeting mobile devices. In particular, we present a systematic classification of the works in the literature according to three criteria: (i) the goal of the analysis; (ii) the point where the network traffic is captured; and (iii) the targeted mobile platforms. In this survey, we consider points of capturing such as Wi-Fi Access Points, software simulation, and inside real mobile devices or emulators. For the surveyed works, we review and compare analysis techniques, validation methods, and achieved results. We also discuss possible countermeasures, challenges and possible directions for future research on mobile traffic analysis and other emerging domains (e.g., Internet of Things). We believe our survey will be a reference work for researchers and practitioners in this research field.Comment: 55 page

    Cross Platform Applications With IBM Worklight

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    There is a tremendous increase in users with an iPhone, Android-based phone, Smartphone and tablet computers. The mobile operating system companies provide more resources for the creation of applications as per the users requirement. But due to the use of various operating system, it becomes problem for developers to develop the application for each operating system individually. So this has been solved by the cross platform mobile application development tool using Single source code, "Build Once, Run many ", Platform independent, which provide more scope in less time. The applications created by IBM Work light which helps avoid developing same type of application separately. This paper aims at developing an app that makes user to remind and book tickets(travel, movie) recharges mobiles and send free sms
