11 research outputs found

    Political Science Collection Development Policy

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    The political science collection supports the teaching, learning, research, needs for political information, international exchanges and communications, and other related service activities of the entire university community. Its primary users are faculty, staff, and students of the Department of Political Science in the College of Arts and Sciences. Its essential focus is support for the undergraduate and graduate curricula for political science. The collection is supplemented through interlibrary loan services whenever special curriculum and research needs of political science faculty and students arise. Although the collection is not developed for the general public and community users, they may benefit from the collection for their information needs. The main focus of the collection are works classified in Library of Congress call numbers J (Political Science) and K (Law), however, curriculum and research needs of political science are substantially supported by works classified in philosophy, history, and other areas in social science

    Saltwater Intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary

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    Saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary and the impacts of river discharge, tide, wind, sea level rise, river basin, and major estuary projects on saltwater intrusion are studied in this chapter. There is a net landward flow in the NB (North Branch) when river discharge is low during spring tide, resulting in a type of saltwater intrusion known as the SSO (saltwater-spilling-over from the NB into the SB (South Branch)), which is the most striking characteristic of saltwater intrusion in the estuary. A three-dimension numerical model with HSIMT-TVD advection scheme was developed to study the hydrodynamic processes and saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary. Saltwater intrusion in the estuary is controlled mainly by river discharge and tide, but is also influenced by wind, sea level rise, river basin, and estuary projects. Saltwater intrusion is enhanced when river discharge decreases. There is more time for the reservoir to take freshwater from the river when river discharge is larger. The fortnightly spring tide generates greater saltwater intrusion than the neap tide. The saltwater intrusion in the SP (South Passage) is stronger than that in the NP (North Passage), and the intrusion in the NP is stronger than that in the NC (North Channel). The northerly wind produces southward currents along the Subei coast as well as the landward Ekman transport, which enhances the saltwater intrusion in the NC and NB and weakens the saltwater intrusion in the NP and SP. Saltwater intrusion becomes stronger as the sea level rises and is much stronger when river discharge is much small. The DWP (Deep Waterway Project) alleviates the saltwater intrusion in the NC and the lower reaches of the NP and enhances the saltwater intrusion in the SP and in the upper reaches of the NP. The Three Gorges Dam (TGD) increases river discharge in winter, which weakens saltwater intrusion, and is favorable for reducing the burden of freshwater supplement in the highly populated estuarine region. The Water Diversion South to the North Project (WDP) decreases river discharge, enhances saltwater intrusion, and is unfavorable for freshwater supply in the estuary

    Full potential methods for analysis/design of complex aerospace configurations

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    The steady form of the full potential equation, in conservative form, is employed to analyze and design a wide variety of complex aerodynamic shapes. The nonlinear method is based on the theory of characteristic signal propagation coupled with novel flux biasing concepts and body-fitted mapping procedures. The resulting codes are vectorized for the CRAY XMP and the VPS-32 supercomputers. Use of the full potential nonlinear theory is demonstrated for a single-point supersonic wing design and a multipoint design for transonic maneuver/supersonic cruise/maneuver conditions. Achievement of high aerodynamic efficiency through numerical design is verified by wind tunnel tests. Other studies reported include analyses of a canard/wing/nacelle fighter geometry

    Mission Analysis for Multiple Rendezvous of Near-Earth Asteroids Using Earth Gravity Assist

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) catalog of near-Earth objects (NEOs) such as asteroids and comets contains over 6600 asteroids and 150 comets as of February of 2010. This includes over 1000 potentially hazardous asteroids, or objects with orbits that pass close enough to Earth to pose a potential impact threat. The asteroid community believes there are a significant number of objects still undiscovered, which makes finding, tracking, and calculating missions to study these objects an active area of research. This study was based on finding orbit solutions using Earth gravity assist to visit one near-Earth object (NEO) a year for 16 years with minimal characteristic velocities for a conventional impulsive thrust propulsion system. Using a user-defined launch date, the program iterates on a number of variables to populate lists of acceptable targets and outputs key mission parameters and 3D plots of the orbits involved

    Functional CdSe and CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles capped with thiols: photophysical and photochemical properties and applications as sensors

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    Esta tesis se centra en el efecto simbi贸tico entre los QDs de CdSe o CdSe/ZnS y sus ligandos org谩nicos, y las ventajas de este efecto para mejorar la funcionalidad del QD y/o del ligando, o crear una nueva funcionalidad del sistema. As铆 : 1. la superficie de las nanopart铆cula recubierta con ligandos org谩nicos puede permitir al QD i) permanecer estable en disolventes org谩nicos o acuosos, debido a la repulsi贸n est茅rica o i贸nica entre las nanopart铆culas, ii) mantener o aumentar sus propiedades emisivas (pasivaci贸n de los defectos de superficie, aumento de distancia entre nanopart铆cula y mol茅culas desactivadoras), y/o iii) para proporcionar funcionalidad a la nanopart铆cula. 2. la forma esf茅rica de la nanopart铆cula favorece la localizaci贸n de un elevado n煤mero de ligandos en la superficie del QD. Por lo tanto, es posible tener una alta concentraci贸n local de un grupo funcional en la periferia QD, incluso en soluci贸n diluidas. 3. la acci贸n combinada del QD y el ligando puede permitir la encapsulaci贸n o interdigitalizaci贸n de otras mol茅culas, acerc谩ndolas a la superficie del QD. Adem谩s, el ligando funcional puede modificar reversiblemente las propiedades emisivas de las nanopart铆culas y esto ser utilizado para la detecci贸n de analitos, entre otras aplicaciones. Existe una gran inter茅s en la pasivaci贸n de los QDs de CdSe y CdSe/ZnS con ligandos org谩nicos que poseen en uno de sus extremos un grupo mercapto debido a la alta afinidad de este grupo por la superficie del QD, principalmente cuando est谩 como tiolato. Sin embargo, el intercambio de ligandos de los QDs (generalmente preparados con ligandos amino) por tiol (QDs tipo core ) o tiolatos (QDs tipo core-shell) produce una considerable reducci贸n de las propiedades luminiscentes de ambos QDs. En el caso de los QDs tipo core, el tiol atrapa el hueco formado tras la excitaci贸n del QD, y por lo tanto evita la recombinaci贸n electr贸n-hueco. La baja emisi贸n del QD tipo core-shell es atribuida a una alteraci贸n en la superficie del QD durante intercambio de ligando. Durante esta tesis, hemos desarrollado una nueva estrategia para obtener QDs de CdSe/ZnS pasivados con tiolatos, altamente fluorescentes, solubles en medios org谩nicos y en agua, basada en la quimisorci贸n de tioles en la superficie QD. En esta estrategia el ligando nativo amina del QD juega un papel clave, ya que ayuda a la disociaci贸n el tiol cerca de la superficie QD. La sustituci贸n de las aminas de cadena larga por tioles se llev贸 a cabo bajo condiciones de reacci贸n suaves, lo que permite preservar o incluso mejorar las propiedades luminiscentes de los QD. Esta metodolog铆a se llevo a cabo con 茅xito tanto en nanopart铆culas sintetizadas en el laboratorio como en aquellas disponibles comercialmente. Adem谩s, estos QDs mostraron mayor fotoestabilidad que los QDs funcionalizados con amina. Estos resultados son de gran inter茅s para la fabricaci贸n de nuevos dispositivos para la detecci贸n o reconocimiento molecular, basado en procesos de transferencia de energ铆a o de electrones. As铆 pues, esta estrategia fue utilizada para la preparaci贸n de QDs de CdSe/ZnS, altamente fluorescentes y soluble en agua, pasivados con un ligando bifuncional, con un grupo mercapto (grupo de anclaje) en un extremo y una benzofenona en el otro. Este QD se us贸 para desarrollar un sistema supramolecular, basado en una nanopart铆cula de CdSe/ZnS funcionalizada con ketoprofeno y una 尾-ciclodextrina modificada con una mol茅cula de pireno. Las unidades de ketoprofeno favorecen el reconocimiento molecular entre la nanopart铆cula y la ciclodextrina y, al mismo tiempo, sit煤an la unidad de pireno cerca a la superficie de nanopart铆culas, provocando la desactivaci贸n de la fluorescencia del QD. Este efecto simbi贸tico se utiliz贸 con 茅xito para la detecci贸n molecular de diferentes analitos. El proceso de detecci贸n de este sistema h铆brido, eficaz y f谩cil de preparar, se basa en la recuperaci贸n de la intensidad de fluorescencia del QD en respuesta a diferentes analitos. Adem谩s, la metodolog铆a dise帽ada permiti贸 la recuperaci贸n individual de todos los componentes utilizados en este sistema, lo cual es muy deseable tanto desde el punto de visto econ贸mico como medioambiental. Como se mencion贸 anteriormente el QD puede ser utilizado como nano-transportador de un grupo funcional, lo que conduce a un aumento de la concentraci贸n local del grupo funcional en una soluci贸n diluida. En esta tesis, QDs de CdSe fueron utilizados como soportes de mol茅culas de pireno, y, como consecuencia, se observ贸 la formaci贸n del exc铆mero del pireno utilizando concentraciones muy bajas del ligando pireno. La luminiscencia de los QDs de CdSe se redujo dr谩sticamente debido al uso de un ligando pireno que posee un grupo mercapto como grupo de anclaje. Este sistema fue utilizado para estudiar la influencia del QD en la fotoestabilidad del pireno en diferentes disolventes clorados y se compararon con los resultados obtenidos con pireno libre. Estos estudios demuestran que la combinaci贸n de cloroformo y la luz produce una alta fotodegradaci贸n de todos los sistemas de pireno, mientras que en diclorometano son altamente estables. Finalmente, se estudiaron sistemas h铆bridos QD-organogel, altamente fluorescentes, a partir de un macrociclo pseudopept铆dico, y ambos tipos de QDs (CdSe y CdSe/ZnS pasivados con diferentes ligandos). Estos organogeles h铆bridos se prepararon f谩cilmente por calentamiento del organogelante en tolueno, seguido de la adici贸n de los QDs y del posterior enfriamiento del sistema a temperatura ambiente. La presencia del QD en el sistema QD-organogel disminuye la concentraci贸n cr铆tica del organogelante necesaria para formar los organogeles estables y termorreversibles, sin afectar significativamente el interior de la red fibrilar del organogel. Adem谩s, el efecto del organogelante en las propiedades luminiscentes de los QDs depende de la presencia de la capa de ZnS. Las propiedades fotof铆sicas de los QDs de CdSe/ZnS se mantuvieron en el medio organogel, mientras que en el caso de los QDs de CdSe se observ贸 un importante aumento de la intensidad de fluorescencia. Demostramos que el macrociclo interact煤a con los ligandos del QD de CdSe incluso antes de la gelificaci贸n, mediante el uso de metodolog铆as usuales, tales como IR y RMN. Esta es la primera vez que se reporta la interacci贸n entre un organogel y un QD.This thesis focuses on the symbiotic effect between CdSe/ZnS core-shell QDs or CdSe core QDs and their organic ligands, and the advantages of this effect to improve the functionality of the QD or/and of the ligand, or create a new functionality of the device. Thus, 1. the nanoparticle surface capping with organic ligands can allow the QD i) to remain stable in organic solvents or water, by providing steric or ionic repulsion between the nanoparticles, ii) to preserve/enhance their emissive properties (passivation of the surface defects, isolation from quenchers), and/or iii) to add functionality to the nanoparticle. 2. the spherical shape of the nanoparticle makes the location of an elevated number of ligands on the QD surface possible. Therefore, it is possible to have a high local concentration of a functional group at the QD periphery, in an otherwise diluted solution. 3. the combined action of the QD and the ligand can permit the encapsulation/interdigitation of other molecules, bringing them closer to the QD surface. In addition, the functional ligand can reversibly modify the nanoparticles emissive properties and this can be used, for example, for sensing applications. There is great interest on the passivation of CdSe core and CdSe/ZnS core-shell QDs with organic ligands possessing a mercapto group at one end, because of the high affinity of this anchoring group to the QD surface, mainly when it is as thiolate. Nevertheless, exchange of the ligands of the QDs (usually prepared with amino ligands) by thiol (core) or thiolates (core-shell) causes a remarkable reduction of the luminescent properties of both type of QDs. In the case of the core QDs, the thiol traps the hole of the excited QD, and therefore prevents the electron-hole recombination. The low emission of the core-shell QD has been attributed to the alteration of the QD shell during the ligand exchange. We have developed a new strategy to obtain highly fluorescent organic-soluble and water-soluble CdSe/ZnS QDs passivated with thiolates, based on the chemisorption of thiols on the QD surface. In this strategy the QD amine native ligand plays a key role, by dissociating the thiol in the vicinity to the QD surface. The replacement of the long chain amines by thiols was performed under mild conditions, and it allows preserve or even improve the QD luminescent properties. This methodology was tested in home-made and commercially available nanoparticles. Moreover, the QDs were more photostable than those capped with amine. These results are of interest for constructing new devices of application in sensing or molecular recognition, based on energy or electron transfer processes. Thus, that strategy was used in the preparation of highly fluorescent water-soluble CdSe/ZnS QDs capped with a bifunctional ligand, with a mercapto group (the anchoring group) at one end and a benzophenone moiety at the other. The QD was used to develop a supramolecular system, based on ketoprofen-functionalized CdSe/ZnS QDs and pyrene-modified cyclodextrin (CD). The ketoprofen units play a key role, ensuring the molecular recognition between the nanoparticle and the cyclodextrin and, at the same time, places the pyrene unit near to the nanoparticle surface, resulting in QD fluorescence quenching. This symbiotic effect was successfully used for molecular sensing of different analytes. The sensing of this easy-to-prepare and effective hybrid system is based in the recovery of the QD fluorescence intensity in response to different analytes. In addition of this, the methodology proposed allows the individual recovery of all the components used in the mentioned system, which is highly desirable both from the commercial and environmental points of view. As stated before, the QD can be used as nano-carrier of a functional group, leading to increase of the local concentration of the functional group in an otherwise diluted solution. In this thesis, CdSe QDs were used as carriers of pyrene moieties, and, as a consequence, making the formation of the pyrene excimer possible by using a very low concentration of the pyrene ligand. The CdSe QD luminescence was drastically reduced by using a pyrene ligand with mercapto group as the anchoring group. The system was used to study the influence of the QD on the photostability of the pyrene in chlorinated solvents and the results were compared to those of the free pyrene. These studies evidenced that the combination of chloroform and light produces a high photodegradation of all the pyrene systems, while they were highly stable in dichloromethane. Finally, we studied highly fluorescent QDs-organogels prepared from a pseudopeptidic macrocycle and both types of QDs, i.e. CdSe and CdSe/ZnS capped with different ligands. These hybrid organogels were easily prepared, by heating the organogelator in toluene, followed by the addition of the QDs and the cooling of the system to room temperature. The presence of the QD in the organogel system decreases the critical concentration of the gelator needed to form stable and thermoreversible organogels, without affecting significantly the internal fibrillar network of the organogel. In addition, the effect of the organogel on the luminescent properties of the QDs depends on the presence of the ZnS shell. The photophysical properties of CdSe/ZnS core-shell QDs are preserved in the organogel media, while in the case of CdSe core QDs, an enormous increase of the fluorescence intensity was observed. We demonstrate that the macrocycle interacts with the CdSe QD ligand even before gelation, by using common methodologies, such as IR and NMR spectroscopies. This is the first time that the interaction between an organogel and a QD has been reported

    State v. Baker Clerk\u27s Record Dckt. 39877

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    Franciscan Literature Checklist

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    A list of Franciscan books to be used in compiling a union catalogue of Franciscana. The list supplements the 1952 Franciscan Literature preliminary check-list containing over 9,000 books beyond the first, including manuscripts and theses by or about Franciscans. Reproduced typescript

    GVSU Press Releases, 1972

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    A compilation of press releases for the year 1972 submitted by University Communications (formerly News & Information Services) to news agencies concerning the people, places, and events related to Grand Valley State University

    LANDSAT 2 cumulative non-US standard catalog

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    The Non-U.S. Standard Catalog lists imagery acquired by LANDSAT 1 and LANDSAT 2 which has been processed and input to the data files during the referred month. Data, such as data acquired, cloud cover and image quality are given for each scene. The microfilm roll and frame on which the scene may be found is also given