11 research outputs found

    Towards robustness and self-organization of ESB-based solutions using service life-cycle management

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    Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is a middleware infra-structure that provides a way to integrate loosely-coupled heterogeneous software applications based on the Service Oriented Architecture principles. The life-cycle management of services in such highly changing environments is a critical issue for the component’s reuse, maintenance and operation. This work introduces a service life-cycle management module that extends the traditional functionalities with advanced monitoring and data analytics to contribute for the robustness and self-organization of networks of clusters based on ESB platforms. The realization of this module was embedded in the JBoss ESB, considering a sniffer mechanism to collect relevant details of the service messages crossing the bus. A Liferay portal was created to display information related to the services’ health.Um Barramento de Serviços (BS) Ă© um middleware que oferece uma infraestrutura que permite a integração de aplicaçÔes heterogĂ©neas, com base nos princĂ­pios das Arquiteturas Orientadas aos Serviços. A gestĂŁo do ciclo de vida dos serviços em tais ambientes altamente dinĂąmicos Ă© um problema crĂ­tico com impacto na operação e manutenção do sistema, bem como na capacidade de reutilização de componentes. Este trabalho apresenta um mĂłdulo de gestĂŁo do ciclo de vida de serviços, que acrescenta Ă s funcionalidades tradicionais a monitorização avançada e a anĂĄlise de dados, no sentido de contribuir para a robustez e auto-organização de redes de agregados computacionais baseados em plataformas BS. O mĂłdulo foi integrado no JBoss ESB e utilizou-se um sniffer para recolher os detalhes das mensagens que se encontram a ser trocadas no barramento. Foi criado um portal Liferay para apresentar a informação relativa Ă  saĂșde dos serviços.This work was supported by the European Union FP7 Programme under the ARUM project No. 31405

    Methods and Tools for Intelligent ESB

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    katedra počítač

    DetecciĂłn de Amenazas de Seguridad mediante Procesamiento de Eventos Complejos

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    En este proyecto se desarrolla un sistema para aumentar la seguridad de los equipos informåticos detectando posibles amenazas de intrusiones mediante el procesamiento de eventos complejos o Complex Event Processing (CEP), una tecnología emergente que permite procesar y correlacionar continuamente grandes cantidades de eventos para detectar y responder a las condiciones cambiantes de los procesos de negocio. En este sistema se utiliza una herramienta de monitorización del tråfico de red, concretamente Snort, que es capaz de detectar cualquier situación potencialmente peligrosa y generar alertas relativas a ellas, que serån enviadas a un bus de servicios empresarial o Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Este bus se encargarå de procesar estas alertas, transformarlas al formato adecuado y enviarlas a través de un fujo de eventos al motor de CEP. Seguidamente, este motor procesarå y correlacionarå dichos eventos y permitirå detectar los posibles ataques, a partir de unos patrones de eventos definidos previamente, y enviar un informe en tiempo real al responsable de la seguridad del sistema quien realizarå las acciones preventivas que crea oportunas

    Industrial agents in the era of service-oriented architectures and cloudbased industrial infrastructures

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    The umbrella paradigm underpinning novel collaborative industrial systems is to consider the set of intelligent system units as a conglomerate of distributed, autonomous, intelligent, proactive, fault-tolerant, and reusable units, which operate as a set of cooperating entities (Colombo and Karnouskos, 2009). These entities are forming an evolvable infrastructure, entering and/or going out (plug-in/plugout) in an asynchronous manner. Moreover, these entities, having each of them their own functionalities, data, and associated information are now connected and able to interact. They are capable of working in a proactive manner, initiating collaborative actions and dynamically interacting with each other in order to achieve both local and global objectives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MEdit4CEP: A model-driven solution for real-time decision making in SOA 2.0

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    Organizations all around the world need to manage huge amounts of data from heterogeneous sources every day in order to conduct decision making processes. This requires them to infer what the value of such data is for the business in question through data analysis as well as acting promptly for critical or relevant situations. Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a technology that helps tackle this issue by detecting event patterns in real time. However, this technology forces domain experts to define these patterns indicating such situations and the appropriate actions to be executed in their information systems, generally based on Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs). In particular, these users face the incommodity of implementing these patterns manually or by using editors which are not user-friendly enough. To deal with this problem, a model-driven solution for real-time decision making in event-driven SOAs is proposed and conducted in this paper. This approach allows the integration of CEP with this architecture type as well as defining CEP domain and event pattern through a graphical and intuitive editor, which also permits automatic code generation. Moreover, the solution is evaluated and its benefits are discussed. As a result, we can assert this is a novel solution for bringing CEP technology closer to any user, positively impacting on business decision making processes

    Industrial automation based on cyber-physical systems technologies: Prototype implementations and challenges

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) is an emergent approach that focuses on the integration of computational applications with physical devices, being designed as a network of interacting cyber and physical elements. CPS control and monitor real-world physical infrastructures and thus is starting having a high impact in industrial automation. As such design, implementation and operation of CPS and management of the resulting automation infrastructure is of key importance for the industry. In this work, an overview of key aspects of industrial CPS, their technologies and emerging directions, as well as challenges for their implementation is presented. Based on the hands-on experiences gathered from four European innovation projects over the last decade (i.e. SOCRADES, IMC-AESOP, GRACE and ARUM), a key challenges have been identified and a prioritization and timeline are pointed out with the aim to increase Technology Readiness Levels and lead to their usage in industrial automation environments.The authors would like to thank for their support the European Commission, and the partners of the EU FP6 SOCRADES (www.socrades.net), EU FP7 GRACE (www.grace-project.org), EU FP7 IMC-AESOP (www.imc-aesop.eu) and EU FP7 ARUM (www.arum-project.eu) projects, for their fruitful support and discussions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Model-Driven Development of Domain-Specific Interfaces for Complex Event Processing in Service-Oriented Architectures

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    Juan Boubeta-Puig has been honoured with the Extraordinary PhD Award.En la actualidad, las empresas y organizaciones de todo el planeta necesitan gestionar cada dĂ­a una ingente cantidad de datos provenientes de fuentes muy diversas, tales como aplicaciones propias y de terceros, servicios web, sensores, plataformas de Internet de las cosas o redes sociales, con el fin de llevar a cabo la toma de decisiones. Un buen proceso de toma de decisiones requiere, entre otros factores, conocer tan pronto como sea posible cuĂĄl es el valor que tienen dichos datos para el negocio empresarial. La realizaciĂłn de un exhaustivo anĂĄlisis de datos, asĂ­ como una actuaciĂłn temprana en relaciĂłn a las situaciones crĂ­ticas o relevantes que supongan una amenaza para la empresa, permitirĂĄ que esta se posicione por encima de sus competidores. No obstante, se trata de un proceso bastante complejo, debido, entre otras razones, a que gran parte de estos datos son heterogĂ©neos - no comparten un formato comĂșn - y ademĂĄs deberĂ­an procesarse en tiempo real. En este contexto, el procesamiento de eventos complejos o CEP (Complex Event Processing) es una de las tecnologĂ­as software que permite analizar y correlacionar grandes volĂșmenes de datos en forma de eventos con el propĂłsito de detectar situaciones de una mayor complejidad semĂĄntica, asĂ­ como inferir conocimiento valioso que ayudarĂĄ en el proceso de toma de decisiones. Para ello, se hace uso de los denominados patrones de eventos en los que se especifican las condiciones que han de cumplirse para detectar dichas situaciones de interĂ©s. A pesar de las grandes ventajas que CEP puede aportar en el ĂĄmbito empresarial, supone un gran reto para los usuarios que son expertos en el negocio, pero que carecen de la experiencia y los conocimientos necesarios para el uso de esta tecnologĂ­a. Uno de los principales problemas a los que deben enfrentarse estos usuarios es precisamente la definiciĂłn de dichos patrones usando algĂșn lenguaje concreto, los denominados lenguajes de procesamiento de eventos o EPL (Event Processing Language). Aunque algunas soluciones software actuales ofrecen herramientas grĂĄficas con la finalidad de solventar este problema, estas no son lo suficientemente amigables, puesto que requieren que el usuario escriba manualmente, al menos, una parte del cĂłdigo necesario para la definiciĂłn de los patrones. Por otra parte, los sistemas de informaciĂłn actuales tienden a estar basados en arquitecturas orientadas a servicios o SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), debido a que este tipo de arquitectura software permite desarrollar sistemas distribuidos altamente escalables e integrables con otros sistemas propios o de terceros. Recientemente, estas se estĂĄn combinando con las arquitecturas dirigidas por eventos o EDA (Event-Driven Architecture) dando como resultado las denominadas arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y dirigidas por eventos - ED-SOA (Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture) o SOA 2.0, que se caracterizan porque las comunicaciones entre los usuarios, las aplicaciones y los servicios se realizan por medio de eventos de una forma totalmente desacoplada. Para detectar, en tiempo real, situaciones crĂ­ticas o relevantes en estos sistemas complejos y heterogĂ©neos, asĂ­ como de ejecutar las acciones pertinentes, se hace necesaria la integraciĂłn de CEP con SOA 2.0. Con el fin de dar respuesta a estas necesidades, la investigaciĂłn llevada a cabo en esta tesis doctoral se ha centrado en el desarrollo dirigido por modelos de interfaces especĂ­ficas de dominio para CEP en SOA 2.0, con el objeto de facilitar a los expertos en el negocio la definiciĂłn tanto de los patrones que necesiten detectar en sus sistemas de informaciĂłn, como de las alertas que deban notificarse en tiempo real. Para lograrlo, se ha propuesto un enfoque dirigido por modelos para CEP en SOA 2.0, un lenguaje de modelado y un editor grĂĄfico para la definiciĂłn de dominios CEP, un lenguaje de modelado y un editor grĂĄfico reconfigurable para la definiciĂłn y la generaciĂłn de cĂłdigo de patrones de eventos, asĂ­ como una soluciĂłn tecnolĂłgica que integra CEP con SOA 2.0. Para la evaluaciĂłn del enfoque se han desarrollado dos casos de estudio que confirman que este es independiente del dominio donde se aplique. Asimismo, se concluye que los lenguajes definidos son independientes del cĂłdigo que implemente los patrones de eventos y las acciones a llevar a cabo, asĂ­ como que los editores grĂĄficos facilitan todo esto de una forma amigable e intuitiva, y haciendo los detalles de implementaciĂłn totalmente transparentes para los expertos en el negocio. Se trata, por tanto, de un enfoque novedoso que pone la tecnologĂ­a CEP al alcance de cualquier usuario, repercutiendo beneficiosamente en el proceso de toma de decisiones.Nowadays, companies and organizations all around the world need to manage huge amounts of data from heterogeneous sources - such as own and third-party applications, web services, sensors, Internet of things platforms or social networks - every day in order to conduct the decision-making process. To be successful, a decision-making process requires, among other factors, prompt information regarding what the value of such data is for the business in question. A thorough analysis of data, as well as early action for critical or relevant situations considered as threats for an organization, will allow the organization to be positioned above its competitors. Nevertheless, it is a complex process since, among other reasons, data are heterogeneous - they do not share a common format - and they should be processed in real time. In this context, Complex Event Processing (CEP) is a technology that allows the analysis and correlation of large volumes of data with the aim of detecting complex and meaningful events, and of inferring valuable knowledge for end users. This knowledge will be really helpful in the decision-making process. To do this, so-called event patterns are used. These patterns specify which conditions must be met in order to detect such situations of interest. Despite the great advantages that CEP can bring to a business, it is a substantial challenge for users who are business experts, but do not have the necessary experience and knowledge for the use of this technology. One of the main problems these users have to face is precisely the definition of these event patterns using particular languages, those called Event Processing Languages (EPLs). Although some current software solutions provide graphical tools in order to solve this problem, none of them are user-friendly enough, since they require users to hand-write at least a portion of the code for the pattern definition. On the other hand, current information systems tend to be based on Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) due to the fact that this type of software architecture allows the development of highly scalable distributed systems as well as their integration with own and third-party systems. Recently, these are being combined with Event-Driven Architectures (EDAs), what is known as Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architectures (ED-SOAs or SOAs 2.0). The latter enable us to establish decoupled communications between users, applications and services. The integration of CEP with SOA 2.0 is a requirement to be able to detect real-time, relevant or critical situations in these complex and heterogeneous systems, as well as for the execution of the appropriate actions. In order to respond to these needs, the research carried out in this thesis has focused on the model-driven development of domain-specific interfaces for CEP in SOAs 2.0, with the aim of facilitating the task of defining both event patterns to be detected and alerts for real time notification for domain experts. To reach this goal, the following contributions have been supplied: a model-driven approach for CEP in SOA 2.0, a modeling language and a graphical editor for CEP domain definition, a modeling language and a reconfigurable graphical editor for event pattern definition and code generation, as well as a technological solution integrating CEP with SOA 2.0. The approach has been evaluated through the development of two case studies that have confirmed independence of the approach from the application domain. Besides, we can assert that the proposed languages are independent of event patterns and actions implementation code and that user-friendly and intuitive graphical editors hide all the implementation details from end users. This is therefore a novel approach for bringing CEP technology closer to any user, positively impacting the decision making process

    JBoss ESB Sniffer

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