847 research outputs found

    A fast adaptive convex hull algorithm on two-dimensional processor arrays with a reconfigurable BUS system

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    A bus system that can change dynamically to suit computational needs is referred to as reconfigurable. We present a fast adaptive convex hull algorithm on a two-dimensional processor array with a reconfigurable bus system (2-D PARBS, for short). Specifically, we show that computing the convex hull of a planar set of n points taken O(log n/log m) time on a 2-D PARBS of size mn x n with 3 less than or equal to m less than or equal to n. Our result implies that the convex hull of n points in the plane can be computed in O(1) time in a 2-D PARBS of size n(exp 1.5) x n

    Parallel Algorithms for Constructing Convex Hulls.

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    For a given set of planar points S, the convex hull of S, CH(S), is defined to be a list of ordered points which represents the smallest convex polygon that contains all of the points. The convex hull problem, one of the most important problems in computational geometry, has many applications in areas such as computer graphics, simulation and pattern recognition. There are two strategies used in designing parallel convex hull algorithms. One strategy is the divide-and-conquer paradigm. The disadvantage to this strategy is that the recursive merge step is complicated and difficult to implement on current parallel machines. The second strategy is to parallelize sequential convex hull algorithms. The algorithms designed using the second strategy are often iterative algorithms which can be more easily implemented on the current parallel machines. This research focuses on designing parallel convex hull algorithms using the second strategy because we intend to facilitate the implementation of the newly designed algorithms on massively parallel machines. We first design a sequential algorithm for constructing a convex hull of a simple polygon, which is a special case of a set of planar points. This optimal algorithm is extended to handle a set of planar points without increasing the time complexity. Next, the sequential algorithm is converted for linear array and two or more dimensional mesh-array architectures. The algorithms for the case where the number of points is greater than the number of processors is also addressed. Each of the algorithms developed is optimal. To analyze the performance of the algorithms compared to previous algorithms, a system called the Parallel Convex Hull Simulation System was developed. The results of the analysis indicate that the new algorithms exhibit better performance than previous algorithms

    Polylidar3D -- Fast Polygon Extraction from 3D Data

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    Flat surfaces captured by 3D point clouds are often used for localization, mapping, and modeling. Dense point cloud processing has high computation and memory costs making low-dimensional representations of flat surfaces such as polygons desirable. We present Polylidar3D, a non-convex polygon extraction algorithm which takes as input unorganized 3D point clouds (e.g., LiDAR data), organized point clouds (e.g., range images), or user-provided meshes. Non-convex polygons represent flat surfaces in an environment with interior cutouts representing obstacles or holes. The Polylidar3D front-end transforms input data into a half-edge triangular mesh. This representation provides a common level of input data abstraction for subsequent back-end processing. The Polylidar3D back-end is composed of four core algorithms: mesh smoothing, dominant plane normal estimation, planar segment extraction, and finally polygon extraction. Polylidar3D is shown to be quite fast, making use of CPU multi-threading and GPU acceleration when available. We demonstrate Polylidar3D's versatility and speed with real-world datasets including aerial LiDAR point clouds for rooftop mapping, autonomous driving LiDAR point clouds for road surface detection, and RGBD cameras for indoor floor/wall detection. We also evaluate Polylidar3D on a challenging planar segmentation benchmark dataset. Results consistently show excellent speed and accuracy.Comment: 40 page

    Geometric-based Optimization Algorithms for Cable Routing and Branching in Cluttered Environments

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    The need for designing lighter and more compact systems often leaves limited space for planning routes for the connectors that enable interactions among the system’s components. Finding optimal routes for these connectors in a densely populated environment left behind at the detail design stage has been a challenging problem for decades. A variety of deterministic as well as heuristic methods has been developed to address different instances of this problem. While the focus of the deterministic methods is primarily on the optimality of the final solution, the heuristics offer acceptable solutions, especially for such problems, in a reasonable amount of time without guaranteeing to find optimal solutions. This study is an attempt to furthering the efforts in deterministic optimization methods to tackle the routing problem in two and three dimensions by focusing on the optimality of final solutions. The objective of this research is twofold. First, a mathematical framework is proposed for the optimization of the layout of wiring connectors in planar cluttered environments. The problem looks at finding the optimal tree network that spans multiple components to be connected with the aim of minimizing the overall length of the connectors while maximizing their common length (for maintainability and traceability of connectors). The optimization problem is formulated as a bi-objective problem and two solution methods are proposed: (1) to solve for the optimal locations of a known number of breakouts (where the connectors branch out) using mixed-binary optimization and visibility notion and (2) to find the minimum length tree that spans multiple components of the system and generates the optimal layout using the previously-developed convex hull based routing. The computational performance of these methods in solving a variety of problems is further evaluated. Second, the problem of finding the shortest route connecting two given nodes in a 3D cluttered environment is considered and addressed through deterministically generating a graphical representation of the collision-free space and searching for the shortest path on the found graph. The method is tested on sample workspaces with scattered convex polyhedra and its computational performance is evaluated. The work demonstrates the NP-hardness aspect of the problem which becomes quickly intractable as added components or increase in facets are considered

    Human perception-oriented segmentation for triangle meshes

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    A segmentação de malhas é um tópico importante de investigação em computação gráfica, em particular em modelação geométrica. Isto deve-se ao facto de as técnicas de segmentaçãodemalhasteremváriasaplicações,nomeadamentenaproduçãodefilmes, animaçãoporcomputador, realidadevirtual, compressãodemalhas, assimcomoemjogosdigitais. Emconcreto, asmalhastriangularessãoamplamenteusadasemaplicações interativas, visto que sua segmentação em partes significativas (também designada por segmentação significativa, segmentação perceptiva ou segmentação perceptualmente significativa ) é muitas vezes vista como uma forma de acelerar a interação com o utilizador ou a deteção de colisões entre esses objetos 3D definidos por uma malha, bem como animar uma ou mais partes significativas (por exemplo, a cabeça de uma personagem) de um dado objeto, independentemente das restantes partes. Acontece que não se conhece nenhuma técnica capaz de segmentar correctamente malhas arbitrárias −ainda que restritas aos domínios de formas livres e não-livres− em partes significativas. Algumas técnicas são mais adequadas para objetos de forma não-livre (por exemplo, peças mecânicas definidas geometricamente por quádricas), enquanto outras são mais talhadas para o domínio dos objectos de forma livre. Só na literatura recente surgem umas poucas técnicas que se aplicam a todo o universo de objetos de forma livre e não-livre. Pior ainda é o facto de que a maioria das técnicas de segmentação não serem totalmente automáticas, no sentido de que quase todas elas exigem algum tipo de pré-requisitos e assistência do utilizador. Resumindo, estes três desafios relacionados com a proximidade perceptual, generalidade e automação estão no cerne do trabalho descrito nesta tese. Para enfrentar estes desafios, esta tese introduz o primeiro algoritmo de segmentação baseada nos contornos ou fronteiras dos segmentos, cuja técnica se inspira nas técnicas de segmentação baseada em arestas, tão comuns em análise e processamento de imagem,porcontraposiçãoàstécnicasesegmentaçãobaseadaemregiões. Aideiaprincipal é a de encontrar em primeiro lugar a fronteira de cada região para, em seguida, identificar e agrupar todos os seus triângulos internos. As regiões da malha encontradas correspondem a saliências e reentrâncias, que não precisam de ser estritamente convexas, nem estritamente côncavas, respectivamente. Estas regiões, designadas regiões relaxadamenteconvexas(ousaliências)eregiõesrelaxadamentecôncavas(oureentrâncias), produzem segmentações que são menos sensíveis ao ruído e, ao mesmo tempo, são mais intuitivas do ponto de vista da perceção humana; por isso, é designada por segmentação orientada à perceção humana (ou, human perception- oriented (HPO), do inglês). Além disso, e ao contrário do atual estado-da-arte da segmentação de malhas, a existência destas regiões relaxadas torna o algoritmo capaz de segmentar de maneira bastante plausível tanto objectos de forma não-livre como objectos de forma livre. Nesta tese, enfrentou-se também um quarto desafio, que está relacionado com a fusão de segmentação e multi-resolução de malhas. Em boa verdade, já existe na literatura uma variedade grande de técnicas de segmentação, bem como um número significativo de técnicas de multi-resolução, para malhas triangulares. No entanto, não é assim tão comum encontrar estruturas de dados e algoritmos que façam a fusão ou a simbiose destes dois conceitos, multi-resolução e segmentação, num único esquema multi-resolução que sirva os propósitos das aplicações que lidam com malhas simples e segmentadas, sendo que neste contexto se entende que uma malha simples é uma malha com um único segmento. Sendo assim, nesta tese descreve-se um novo esquema (entenda-seestruturasdedadosealgoritmos)demulti-resoluçãoesegmentação,designado por extended Ghost Cell (xGC). Este esquema preserva a forma das malhas, tanto em termos globais como locais, ou seja, os segmentos da malha e as suas fronteiras, bem como os seus vincos e ápices são preservados, não importa o nível de resolução que usamos durante a/o simplificação/refinamento da malha. Além disso, ao contrário de outros esquemas de segmentação, tornou-se possível ter segmentos adjacentes com dois ou mais níveis de resolução de diferença. Isto é particularmente útil em animação por computador, compressão e transmissão de malhas, operações de modelação geométrica, visualização científica e computação gráfica. Em suma, esta tese apresenta um esquema genérico, automático, e orientado à percepção humana, que torna possível a simbiose dos conceitos de segmentação e multiresolução de malhas trianguladas que sejam representativas de objectos 3D.The mesh segmentation is an important topic in computer graphics, in particular in geometric computing. This is so because mesh segmentation techniques find many applications in movies, computer animation, virtual reality, mesh compression, and games. Infact, trianglemeshesarewidelyusedininteractiveapplications, sothattheir segmentation in meaningful parts (i.e., human-perceptually segmentation, perceptive segmentationormeaningfulsegmentation)isoftenseenasawayofspeedinguptheuser interaction, detecting collisions between these mesh-covered objects in a 3D scene, as well as animating one or more meaningful parts (e.g., the head of a humanoid) independently of the other parts of a given object. It happens that there is no known technique capable of correctly segmenting any mesh into meaningful parts. Some techniques are more adequate for non-freeform objects (e.g., quadricmechanicalparts), whileothersperformbetterinthedomainoffreeform objects. Only recently, some techniques have been developed for the entire universe of objects and shapes. Even worse it is the fact that most segmentation techniques are not entirely automated in the sense that almost all techniques require some sort of pre-requisites and user assistance. Summing up, these three challenges related to perceptual proximity, generality and automation are at the core of the work described in this thesis. In order to face these challenges, we have developed the first contour-based mesh segmentation algorithm that we may find in the literature, which is inspired in the edgebased segmentation techniques used in image analysis, as opposite to region-based segmentation techniques. Its leading idea is to firstly find the contour of each region, and then to identify and collect all of its inner triangles. The encountered mesh regions correspond to ups and downs, which do not need to be strictly convex nor strictly concave, respectively. These regions, called relaxedly convex regions (or saliences) and relaxedly concave regions (or recesses), produce segmentations that are less-sensitive to noise and, at the same time, are more intuitive from the human point of view; hence it is called human perception- oriented (HPO) segmentation. Besides, and unlike the current state-of-the-art in mesh segmentation, the existence of these relaxed regions makes the algorithm suited to both non-freeform and freeform objects. In this thesis, we have also tackled a fourth challenge, which is related with the fusion of mesh segmentation and multi-resolution. Truly speaking, a plethora of segmentation techniques, as well as a number of multiresolution techniques, for triangle meshes already exist in the literature. However, it is not so common to find algorithms and data structures that fuse these two concepts, multiresolution and segmentation, into a symbiotic multi-resolution scheme for both plain and segmented meshes, in which a plainmeshisunderstoodasameshwithasinglesegment. So, weintroducesuchanovel multiresolution segmentation scheme, called extended Ghost Cell (xGC) scheme. This scheme preserves the shape of the meshes in both global and local terms, i.e., mesh segments and their boundaries, as well as creases and apices are preserved, no matter the level of resolution we use for simplification/refinement of the mesh. Moreover, unlike other segmentation schemes, it was made possible to have adjacent segments with two or more resolution levels of difference. This is particularly useful in computer animation, mesh compression and transmission, geometric computing, scientific visualization, and computer graphics. In short, this thesis presents a fully automatic, general, and human perception-oriented scheme that symbiotically integrates the concepts of mesh segmentation and multiresolution

    Aspects of Unstructured Grids and Finite-Volume Solvers for the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations

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    One of the major achievements in engineering science has been the development of computer algorithms for solving nonlinear differential equations such as the Navier-Stokes equations. In the past, limited computer resources have motivated the development of efficient numerical schemes in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) utilizing structured meshes. The use of structured meshes greatly simplifies the implementation of CFD algorithms on conventional computers. Unstructured grids on the other hand offer an alternative to modeling complex geometries. Unstructured meshes have irregular connectivity and usually contain combinations of triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, and hexahedra. The generation and use of unstructured grids poses new challenges in CFD. The purpose of this note is to present recent developments in the unstructured grid generation and flow solution technology

    Efficient parallel processing with optical interconnections

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    With the advances in VLSI technology, it is now possible to build chips which can each contain thousands of processors. The efficiency of such chips in executing parallel algorithms heavily depends on the interconnection topology of the processors. It is not possible to build a fully interconnected network of processors with constant fan-in/fan-out using electrical interconnections. Free space optics is a remedy to this limitation. Qualities exclusive to the optical medium are its ability to be directed for propagation in free space and the property that optical channels can cross in space without any interference. In this thesis, we present an electro-optical interconnected architecture named Optical Reconfigurable Mesh (ORM). It is based on an existing optical model of computation. There are two layers in the architecture. The processing layer is a reconfigurable mesh and the deflecting layer contains optical devices to deflect light beams. ORM provides three types of communication mechanisms. The first is for arbitrary planar connections among sets of locally connected processors using the reconfigurable mesh. The second is for arbitrary connections among N of the processors using the electrical buses on the processing layer and N2 fixed passive deflecting units on the deflection layer. The third is for arbitrary connections among any of the N2 processors using the N2 mechanically reconfigurable deflectors in the deflection layer. The third type of communication mechanisms is significantly slower than the other two. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid reconfiguring this type of communication during the execution of the algorithms. Instead, the optical reconfiguration can be done before the execution of each algorithm begins. Determining a right configuration that would be suitable for the entire configuration of a task execution is studied in this thesis. The basic data movements for each of the mechanisms are studied. Finally, to show the power of ORM, we use all three types of communication mechanisms in the first O(logN) time algorithm for finding the convex hulls of all figures in an N x N binary image presented in this thesis

    Novel approaches for constructing persistent Delaunay triangulations by applying different equations and different methods

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    “Delaunay triangulation and data structures are an essential field of study and research in computer science, for this reason, the correct choices, and an adequate design are essential for the development of algorithms for the efficient storage and/or retrieval of information. However, most structures are usually ephemeral, which means keeping all versions, in different copies, of the same data structure is expensive. The problem arises of developing data structures that are capable of maintaining different versions of themselves, minimizing the cost of memory, and keeping the performance of operations as close as possible to the original structure. Therefore, this research aims to aims to examine the feasibility concepts of Spatio-temporal structures such as persistence, to design a Delaunay triangulation algorithm so that it is possible to make queries and modifications at a certain time t, minimizing spatial and temporal complexity. Four new persistent data structures for Delaunay triangulation (Bowyer-Watson, Walk, Hybrid, and Graph) were proposed and developed. The results of using random images and vertex databases with different data (DAG and CGAL), proved that the data structure in its partial version is better than the other data structures that do not have persistence. Also, the full version data structures show an advance in the state of the technique. All the results will allow the algorithms to minimize the cost of memory”--Abstract, page iii

    Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants.

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    Camera-based 3D reconstruction of physical objects is one of the most popular computer vision trends in recent years. Many systems have been built to model different real-world subjects, but there is lack of a completely robust system for plants. This paper presents a full 3D reconstruction system that incorporates both hardware structures (including the proposed structured light system to enhance textures on object surfaces) and software algorithms (including the proposed 3D point cloud registration and plant feature measurement). This paper demonstrates the ability to produce 3D models of whole plants created from multiple pairs of stereo images taken at different viewing angles, without the need to destructively cut away any parts of a plant. The ability to accurately predict phenotyping features, such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf size and internode distances, is also demonstrated. Experimental results show that, for plants having a range of leaf sizes and a distance between leaves appropriate for the hardware design, the algorithms successfully predict phenotyping features in the target crops, with a recall of 0.97 and a precision of 0.89 for leaf detection and less than a 13-mm error for plant size, leaf size and internode distance