7 research outputs found

    Non-cooperative identification of civil aircraft using a generalised mutual subspace method

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    The subspace-based methods are effectively applied to classify sets of feature vectors by modelling them as subspaces. However, their application to the field of non-cooperative target identification of flying aircraft is barely seen in the literature. In these methods, setting the subspace dimensionality is always an issue. Here, it is demonstrated that a modified mutual subspace method, which uses softweights to set the importance of each subspace basis, is a promising classifier for identifying sets of range profiles coming from real in-flight targets with no need to set the subspace dimensionality in advance. The assembly of a recognition database is also a challenging task. In this study, this database comprises predicted range profiles coming from electromagnetic simulations. Even though the predicted and actual profiles differ, the high recognition rates achieved reveal that the algorithm might be a good candidate for its application in an operational target recognition system

    Subspace-based methodologies for the non-cooperative identification of aircraft by means of a synthetic database of radar signatures

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    Una de las principales preocupaciones dentro del mundo de la aviación es la identificación rápida, eficaz y fiable de cualquier objeto observado que se encuentre a cualquier distancia y bajo cualquier condición atmosférica. Gracias a los avances en tecnología radar, esto se ha conseguido. De hecho, los radares son los sensores más adecuados para el reconocimiento de blancos en vuelo ya que pueden operar en cualquier condición. El reconocimiento de blancos mediante radar es hoy un hecho, existiendo sistemas IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) capaces de comunicarse con una aeronave haciendo posible que ella misma se identifique por sí sola. Sin embargo, esta necesidad de comunicación directa puede ser un inconveniente en ciertos momentos. Así, aparecen las técnicas no cooperativas o NCTI (Non-Cooperative Target Identification), que no establecen ninguna comunicación con el blanco y normalmente hacen uso de radares de alta resolución. Éstos ven los blancos como compuestos por diversos puntos que dispersan la energía emitida por el radar, generando así una imagen de la reflectividad de un blanco, lo que se ha llamado su firma radar. Comparando dicha firma radar con una base de datos de firmas radar de blancos conocidos es posible establecer, mediante una serie de algoritmos de identificación, el tipo de blanco iluminado por el radar. Uno de los temas más cuestionados es cómo poblar y actualizar esta base de datos de firmas radar. De manera ideal, la base de datos debería de contener medidas de blancos reales en vuelo; desafortunadamente, la principal desventaja de esta estrategia radica en la dificultad de obtener firmas radar de aviones neutrales o enemigos. Por esta razón, esta tesis propone utilizar firmas radar de blancos ideales, generadas mediante simulaciones electromagnéticas, como base de datos. Con el avance de las herramientas de predicción electromagnética es posible obtener de manera rápida y a bajo coste firmas radar de cualquier blanco deseado y en cualquier orientación. De este modo, el principal objetivo de esta tesis yace en el desarrollo de algoritmos eficientes de identificación de aeronaves en vuelo de manera no cooperativa, con altas tasas de acierto y empleando una base de datos de blancos obtenida mediante simulación electromagnética. El escenario propuesto consiste en la comparación de firmas radar reales obtenidas en una campaña de medidas con una base de datos compuesta por firmas radar simuladas, con ello se pretende por un lado, simular un escenario más realista, en el que las firmas de los blancos recogidas por el radar no tienen porqué tener la misma calidad que aquellas de la base de datos y por otro, comprobar que la identificación de un avión real mediante simulaciones es posible

    Radar target classification by micro-Doppler contributions

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    This thesis studies non-cooperative automatic radar target classification. Recent developments in silicon-germanium and monolithic microwave integrated circuit technologies allows to build cheap and powerful continuous wave radars. Availability of radars opens new applications in different areas. One of these applications is security. Radars could be used for surveillance of huge areas and detect unwanted moving objects. Determination of the type of the target is essential for such systems. Microwave radars use high frequencies that reflect from objects of millimetre size. The micro-Doppler signature of a target is a time-varying frequency modulated contribution that arose in radar backscattering and caused by the relative movement of separate parts of the target. The micro-Doppler phenomenon allows to classify non-rigid moving objects by analysing their signatures. This thesis is focused on designing of automatic target classification systems based on analysis of micro-Doppler signatures. Analysis of micro-Doppler radar signatures is usually performed by second-order statistics, i.e. common energy-based power spectra and spectrogram. However, the information about phase coupling content in backscattering is totally lost in these energy-based statistics. This useful phase coupling content can be extracted by higher-order spectral techniques. We show that this content is useful for radar target classification in terms of improved robustness to various corruption factors. A problem of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) classification using continuous wave radar is covered in the thesis. All steps of processing required to make a decision out of the raw radar data are considered. A novel feature extraction method is introduced. It is based on eigenpairs extracted from the correlation matrix of the signature. Different classes of UAVs are successfully separated in feature space by support vector machine. Within experiments or real radar data, achieved high classification accuracy proves the efficiency of the proposed solutions. Thesis also covers several applications of the automotive radar due to very high growth in technologies for intelligent vehicle radar systems. Such radars are already build-in in the vehicle and ready for new applications. We consider two novel applications. First application is a multi-sensor fusion of video camera and radar for more efficient vehicle-to-vehicle video transmission. Second application is a frequency band invariant pedestrian classification by an automotive radar. This system allows us to use the same signal processing hardware/software for different countries where regulations vary and radars with different operating frequency are required. We consider different radar applications: ground moving target classification, aerial target classification, unmanned aerial vehicles classification, pedestrian classification. The highest priority is given to verification of proposed methods on real radar data collected with frequencies equal to 9.5, 10, 16.8, 24 and 33 GHz

    ESSE 2017. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy

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    Environmental science is an interdisciplinary academic field that integrates physical-, biological-, and information sciences to study and solve environmental problems. ESSE - The International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy provides a platform for experts, professionals, and researchers to share updated information and stimulate the communication with each other. In 2017 it was held in Suzhou, China June 23-25, 2017