2,106 research outputs found

    The 101 translation problems between Japanese and German/English

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    We investigate differences between Japanese and German/English and explain characteristic phenomena to Japanese. The study helps us to realize what can be problematic when translating Japanese into German/English and vice versa

    Arabic verbless sentences: is there a null VP?

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    Este trabajo pretende describir y analizar el fenómeno de la ausencia de verbo copulativo en tiempo presente en las oraciones sin verbo en árabe. Por regla general, se asume que, en árabe, las oraciones sin verbo contienen un verbo copulativo nulo o elidido. Este estudio rebate dicho supuesto y propone que, en consonancia con las bases de la sintaxis minimista (expresadas inicialmente en Chomsky 1993, 1995), las oraciones sin verbo revelan ausencia de V y, por lo tanto, de VP. La razón es que la estructura objeto de estudio presenta dos posibilidades para expresar el tiempo presente: una mediante la ausencia de verbo, y otra que conlleva la presencia de verbo copulativo con fl exión de tiempo. Palabras clave: oración sin verbo, verbo copulativo nulo, predicación, caso. The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze the absence of present tense verbal copula in Arabic verbless sentences. The Standard assumption is that Arabic verbless sentences contain a null or deleted copula. The present study argues contra this assumption. It proposes, building on the framework of minimalist syntax (fi rst proposed by Chomsky 1993, 1995), that there is no V and hence no VP in verbless sentences since the relevant construction has two alternatives to express the present tense interpretation: one is achieved without a verb and the other with a verb (copula) infl ected for tense

    Automatic Acquisition of Knowledge About Multiword Predicates

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    PACLIC 19 / Taipei, taiwan / December 1-3, 200

    The polylogue project: part 1: shortmind

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    The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten languages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-grammatical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, polysemy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correctness and coherence, in the TL culture