99 research outputs found

    Fast Arithmetics in Artin-Schreier Towers over Finite Fields

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    An Artin-Schreier tower over the finite field F_p is a tower of field extensions generated by polynomials of the form X^p - X - a. Following Cantor and Couveignes, we give algorithms with quasi-linear time complexity for arithmetic operations in such towers. As an application, we present an implementation of Couveignes' algorithm for computing isogenies between elliptic curves using the p-torsion.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, uses mathdots.sty, yjsco.sty Submitted to J. Symb. Compu

    Fast algorithms for computing isogenies between ordinary elliptic curves in small characteristic

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    The problem of computing an explicit isogeny between two given elliptic curves over F_q, originally motivated by point counting, has recently awaken new interest in the cryptology community thanks to the works of Teske and Rostovstev & Stolbunov. While the large characteristic case is well understood, only suboptimal algorithms are known in small characteristic; they are due to Couveignes, Lercier, Lercier & Joux and Lercier & Sirvent. In this paper we discuss the differences between them and run some comparative experiments. We also present the first complete implementation of Couveignes' second algorithm and present improvements that make it the algorithm having the best asymptotic complexity in the degree of the isogeny.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Submitted to J. Number Theor

    Finite Fields: Theory and Applications

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    Finite fields are the focal point of many interesting geometric, algorithmic and combinatorial problems. The workshop was devoted to progress on these questions, with an eye also on the important applications of finite field techniques in cryptography, error correcting codes, and random number generation

    Computing in Algebraic Closures of Finite Fields

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    We present algorithms to construct and perform computations in algebraic closures of finite fields. Inspired by algorithms for constructing irreducible polynomials, our approach for constructing closures consists of two phases; First, extension towers of prime power degree are built, and then they are glued together using composita techniques. To be able to move elements around in the closure we give efficient algorithms for computing isomorphisms and embeddings. In most cases, our algorithms which are based on polynomial arithmetic, rather than linear algebra, have quasi-linear complexity