3,961 research outputs found

    Classifying Higher Rank Toeplitz Operators.

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    To a higher rank directed graph (Λ, d), in the sense of Kumjian and Pask, 2000, one can associate natural noncommutative analytic Toeplitz algebras, both weakly closed and norm closed. We introduce methods for the classification of these algebras in the case of single vertex graphs

    P\'olya theory for species with an equivariant group action

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    Joyal's theory of combiantorial species provides a rich and elegant framework for enumerating combinatorial structures by translating structural information into algebraic functional equations. We present some classical and folklore results which interpret the species-theoretic cycle index series in terms of the P\'{o}lya theory of the action of the symmetric group on the label set, allowing the enumeration of "partially-labeled" structures and providing an alternate foundation for several proofs. We also extend the theory to incorporate information about "structural" group actions (i.e. those which commute with the label permutation action) on combinatorial species, using the Γ\Gamma-species of Henderson, and present P\'{o}lya-theoretic interpretations of the associated formal power series. We define the appropriate operations ++, \cdot, \circ, and \square on Γ\Gamma-species, give formulas for the associated operations on Γ\Gamma-cycle indices, and illustrate the use of this theory to study several important examples of combinatorial structures. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the Sage computer algebra system to enumerate Γ\Gamma-species and their quotients.Comment: 18 pages, with reference Sage cod

    Graph Isomorphism Restricted by Lists

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    The complexity of graph isomorphism (GraphIso) is a famous unresolved problem in theoretical computer science. For graphs GG and HH, it asks whether they are the same up to a relabeling of vertices. In 1981, Lubiw proved that list restricted graph isomorphism (ListIso) is NP-complete: for each uV(G)u \in V(G), we are given a list L(u)V(H){\mathfrak L}(u) \subseteq V(H) of possible images of uu. After 35 years, we revive the study of this problem and consider which results for GraphIso translate to ListIso. We prove the following: 1) When GraphIso is GI-complete for a class of graphs, it translates into NP-completeness of ListIso. 2) Combinatorial algorithms for GraphIso translate into algorithms for ListIso: for trees, planar graphs, interval graphs, circle graphs, permutation graphs, bounded genus graphs, and bounded treewidth graphs. 3) Algorithms based on group theory do not translate: ListIso remains NP-complete for cubic colored graphs with sizes of color classes bounded by 8. Also, ListIso allows to classify results for the graph isomorphism problem. Some algorithms are robust and translate to ListIso. A fundamental problem is to construct a combinatorial polynomial-time algorithm for cubic graph isomorphism, avoiding group theory. By the 3rd result, ListIso is NP-hard for them, so no robust algorithm for cubic graph isomorphism exists, unless P = NP

    Graph Isomorphism, Color Refinement, and Compactness

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    Color refinement is a classical technique used to show that two given graphs G and H are non-isomorphic; it is very efficient, although it does not succeed on all graphs. We call a graph G amenable to color refinement if it succeeds in distinguishing G from any non-isomorphic graph H. Tinhofer (1991) explored a linear programming approach to Graph Isomorphism and defined compact graphs: A graph is compact if its fractional automorphisms polytope is integral. Tinhofer noted that isomorphism testing for compact graphs can be done quite efficiently by linear programming. However, the problem of characterizing and recognizing compact graphs in polynomial time remains an open question. Our results are summarized below: - We show that amenable graphs are recognizable in time O((n + m)logn), where n and m denote the number of vertices and the number of edges in the input graph. - We show that all amenable graphs are compact. - We study related combinatorial and algebraic graph properties introduced by Tinhofer and Godsil. The corresponding classes of graphs form a hierarchy and we prove that recognizing each of these graph classes is P-hard. In particular, this gives a first complexity lower bound for recognizing compact graphs.Comment: 30 pages; Lemma 10 is now corrected (see Theorem 9 in the new version); P-hardness proofs for the classes Discrete, Amenable, Compact, Tinhofer, and Refinable are included; a graph separating the classes Tinhofer and Refinable is now included, we had left this open in the previous version

    Automorphism Properties of Adinkras

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    Adinkras are a graphical tool for studying off-shell representations of supersymmetry. In this paper we efficiently classify the automorphism groups of Adinkras relative to a set of local parameters. Using this, we classify Adinkras according to their equivalence and isomorphism classes. We extend previous results dealing with characterization of Adinkra degeneracy via matrix products, and present algorithms for calculating the automorphism groups of Adinkras and partitioning Adinkras into their isomorphism classes.Comment: 34 page

    On the Complexity of Matroid Isomorphism Problem

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    We study the complexity of testing if two given matroids are isomorphic. The problem is easily seen to be in Σ2p\Sigma_2^p. In the case of linear matroids, which are represented over polynomially growing fields, we note that the problem is unlikely to be Σ2p\Sigma_2^p-complete and is \co\NP-hard. We show that when the rank of the matroid is bounded by a constant, linear matroid isomorphism, and matroid isomorphism are both polynomial time many-one equivalent to graph isomorphism. We give a polynomial time Turing reduction from graphic matroid isomorphism problem to the graph isomorphism problem. Using this, we are able to show that graphic matroid isomorphism testing for planar graphs can be done in deterministic polynomial time. We then give a polynomial time many-one reduction from bounded rank matroid isomorphism problem to graphic matroid isomorphism, thus showing that all the above problems are polynomial time equivalent. Further, for linear and graphic matroids, we prove that the automorphism problem is polynomial time equivalent to the corresponding isomorphism problems. In addition, we give a polynomial time membership test algorithm for the automorphism group of a graphic matroid

    The Homomorphism Poset of K_{2,n}

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    A geometric graph is a simple graph G together with a straight line drawing of G in the plane with the vertices in general position. Two geometric realizations of a simple graph are geo-isomorphic if there is a vertex bijection between them that preserves vertex adjacencies and non-adjacencies, as well as edge crossings and non-crossings. A natural extension of graph homomorphisms, geo-homomorphisms, can be used to define a partial order on the set of geo-isomorphism classes of realizations of a given simple graph. In this paper, the homomorphism poset of the complete bipartite graph K_{2,n} is determined by establishing a correspondence between realizations of K_{2,n} and permutations of S_n, in which crossing edges correspond to inversions. Through this correspondence, geo-isomorphism defines an equivalence relation on S_n, which we call geo-equivalence. The number of geo-isomorphism classes is provided for all n <= 9. The modular decomposition tree of permutation graphs is used to prove some results on the size of geo-equivalence classes. A complete list of geo-equivalence classes and a Hasse diagrams of the poset structure are given for n <= 5.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figures; added connections to permutation graphs; added a new section 4; new co-autho

    Constructive and analytic enumeration of circulant graphs with p3p^3 vertices; p=3,5p=3,5

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    Two methods, structural (constructive) and multiplier (analytical), of exact enumeration of undirected and directed circulant graphs of orders 27 and 125 are elaborated and represented in detail here together with intermediate and final numerical data. The first method is based on the known useful classification of circulant graphs in terms of SS-rings and results in exhaustive listing (with the use of COCO and GAP) of all corresponding SS-rings of the indicated orders. The latter method is conducted in the framework of a general approach developed earlier for counting circulant graphs of prime-power orders. It is a Redfield--P\'olya type of enumeration based on an isomorphism criterion for circulant graphs of such orders. In particular, five intermediate enumeration subproblems arise, which are refined further into eleven subproblems of this type (5 and 11 are, not accidentally, the 3d Catalan and 3d little Schr\"oder numbers, resp.). All of them are resolved for the four cases under consideration (again with the use of GAP). We give a brief survey of some background theory of the results which form the basis of our computational approach. Except for the case of undirected circulant graphs of orders 27, the numerical results obtained here are new. In particular the number (up to isomorphism) of directed circulant graphs of orders 27, regardless of valency, is shown to be equal to 3,728,891 while 457 of these are self-complementary. Some curious and rather unexpected identities are established between intermediate valency-specified enumerators (both for undirected and directed circulant graphs) and their validity is conjectured for arbitrary cubed odd prime p3p^3. We believe that this research can serve as the crucial step towards explicit uniform enumeration formulae for circulant graphs of orders p3p^3 for arbitrary prime p>2p>2.Comment: 72 pages, 5 figure, 12 tables, 46 references, 2 appendice

    A Generalisation of Isomorphisms with Applications

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    In this paper, we study the behaviour of TF-isomorphisms, a natural generalisation of isomorphisms. TF-isomorphisms allow us to simplify the approach to seemingly unrelated problems. In particular, we mention the Neighbourhood Reconstruction problem, the Matrix Symmetrization problem and Stability of Graphs. We start with a study of invariance under TF-isomorphisms. In particular, we show that alternating trails and incidence double covers are conserved by TF-isomorphisms, irrespective of whether they are TF-isomorphisms between graphs or digraphs. We then define an equivalence relation and subsequently relate its equivalence classes to the incidence double cover of a graph. By directing the edges of an incidence double cover from one colour class to the other and discarding isolated vertices we obtain an invariant under TF-isomorphisms which gathers a number of invariants. This can be used to study TF-orbitals, an analogous generalisation of the orbitals of a permutation group.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figure

    Nonlocal Games and Quantum Permutation Groups

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    We present a strong connection between quantum information and quantum permutation groups. Specifically, we define a notion of quantum isomorphisms of graphs based on quantum automorphisms from the theory of quantum groups, and then show that this is equivalent to the previously defined notion of quantum isomorphism corresponding to perfect quantum strategies to the isomorphism game. Moreover, we show that two connected graphs XX and YY are quantum isomorphic if and only if there exists xV(X)x \in V(X) and yV(Y)y \in V(Y) that are in the same orbit of the quantum automorphism group of the disjoint union of XX and YY. This connection links quantum groups to the more concrete notion of nonlocal games and physically observable quantum behaviours. We exploit this link by using ideas and results from quantum information in order to prove new results about quantum automorphism groups, and about quantum permutation groups more generally. In particular, we show that asymptotically almost surely all graphs have trivial quantum automorphism group. Furthermore, we use examples of quantum isomorphic graphs from previous work to construct an infinite family of graphs which are quantum vertex transitive but fail to be vertex transitive, answering a question from the quantum group literature. Our main tool for proving these results is the introduction of orbits and orbitals (orbits on ordered pairs) of quantum permutation groups. We show that the orbitals of a quantum permutation group form a coherent configuration/algebra, a notion from the field of algebraic graph theory. We then prove that the elements of this quantum orbital algebra are exactly the matrices that commute with the magic unitary defining the quantum group. We furthermore show that quantum isomorphic graphs admit an isomorphism of their quantum orbital algebras which maps the adjacency matrix of one graph to that of the other.Comment: 39 page