1,522 research outputs found

    50 years of isolation

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    The traditional means for isolating applications from each other is via the use of operating system provided “process” abstraction facilities. However, as applications now consist of multiple fine-grained components, the traditional process abstraction model is proving to be insufficient in ensuring this isolation. Statistics indicate that a high percentage of software failure occurs due to propagation of component failures. These observations are further bolstered by the attempts by modern Internet browser application developers, for example, to adopt multi-process architectures in order to increase robustness. Therefore, a fresh look at the available options for isolating program components is necessary and this paper provides an overview of previous and current research on the area

    ESCUDO: A Fine-grained Protection Model for Web Browsers

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    Web applications are no longer simple hyperlinked documents. They have progressively evolved to become highly complex---web pages combine content from several sources (with varying levels of trustworthiness), and incorporate significant portions of client-side code. However, the prevailing web protection model, the same-origin policy, has not adequately evolved to manage the security consequences of this additional complexity. As a result, web applications have become attractive targets of exploitation. We argue that this disconnection between the protection needs of modern web applications and the protection models used by web browsers that manage those applications amounts to a failure of access control. In this paper, we present Escudo, a new web browser protection model designed based on established principles of mandatory access control. We describe our implementation of a prototype of Escudo in the Lobo web browser, and illustrate how web applications can use Escudo for securing their resources. Our evaluation results indicate that Escudo incurs low overhead. To support backwards compatibility, Escudo defaults to the same-origin policy for legacy applications

    ret2spec: Speculative Execution Using Return Stack Buffers

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    Speculative execution is an optimization technique that has been part of CPUs for over a decade. It predicts the outcome and target of branch instructions to avoid stalling the execution pipeline. However, until recently, the security implications of speculative code execution have not been studied. In this paper, we investigate a special type of branch predictor that is responsible for predicting return addresses. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study return address predictors and their consequences for the security of modern software. In our work, we show how return stack buffers (RSBs), the core unit of return address predictors, can be used to trigger misspeculations. Based on this knowledge, we propose two new attack variants using RSBs that give attackers similar capabilities as the documented Spectre attacks. We show how local attackers can gain arbitrary speculative code execution across processes, e.g., to leak passwords another user enters on a shared system. Our evaluation showed that the recent Spectre countermeasures deployed in operating systems can also cover such RSB-based cross-process attacks. Yet we then demonstrate that attackers can trigger misspeculation in JIT environments in order to leak arbitrary memory content of browser processes. Reading outside the sandboxed memory region with JIT-compiled code is still possible with 80\% accuracy on average.Comment: Updating to the cam-ready version and adding reference to the original pape

    Eristämismekanismeja selainpohjaisille ohjelmistoarkkitehtuureille

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    Traditional backend-oriented web applications are increasingly being replaced by frontend applications, which execute directly in the user's browser. Web application performance has been shown to directly affect business performance, and frontend applications enable unique performance improvements. However, building complex applications within the browser is still a new and poorly understood field, and engineering efforts within the field are often plagued by quality issues. This thesis addresses the current research gap around frontend applications, by investigating the applicability of isolation mechanisms available in browsers to frontend application architecture. We review the important publications around the topic, forming an overview of current research, and current best practices in the field. We use this understanding, combined with relevant industry experience, to categorize the available isolation mechanisms to four classes: state and variable isolation, isolation from the DOM, isolation within the DOM, and execution isolation. For each class, we provide background and concrete examples on both the related quality issues, as well as tools for their mitigation. Finally, we use the ISO 25010 quality standard to evaluate the impact of these isolation mechanisms on frontend application quality. Our results suggest that the application of the previously introduced isolation mechanisms has the potential to significantly improve several key areas of frontend application quality, most importantly compatibility and maintainability, but also performance and security. Many of these mechanisms also imply tradeoffs between other quality attributes, most commonly performance. Future work could include developing frontend application architectures that leverage these isolation mechanisms to their full potential.Perinteisiä palvelinorientoituneita verkko-ohjelmistoja korvataan kiihtyvällä vauhdilla selainpohjaisilla ohjelmistoilla. Verkko-ohjelmistojen suorituskyvyn on osoitettu vaikuttavan suoraan yritysten tulokseen, ja selainpohjaiset ohjelmistot mahdollistavat huomattavia parannuksia suorituskykyyn. Monimutkaisten selainpohjaisten ohjelmistojen rakentaminen on kuitenkin uusi ja huonosti ymmärretty ala, ja sillä tapahtuva kehitystyö on ollut laatuongelmien piinaamaa. Tässä diplomityössä täydennetään puutteellista tutkimusta selainpohjaisista ohjelmistoista tutkimalla selaimista löytyvien eristysmekanismien soveltuvuutta näiden ohjelmistojen arkkitehtuurin parantamiseen. Käymme läpi tärkeimmät alan julkaisut muodostaen yleiskuvan tutkimuksen tilasta ja parhaiksi katsotuista käytännöistä alan harjoittajien keskuudessa. Yhdistämällä kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset omaan työkokemukseemme alalta, luokittelemme selainten käytettävissä olevat eristysmekanismit neljään kategoriaan: tilan ja muuttujien eristäminen, eristäminen DOM:ista, eristäminen DOM:in sisällä sekä suorituksen eristäminen. Käsittelemme tämän jälkeen löydetyt kategoriat sekä esitämme niihin liittyviä konkreettisia laatuongelmia sekä työkaluja näiden ongelmien ratkaisuun. Lopuksi arvioimme näiden eristysmekanismien vaikutusta selainpohjaisten ohjelmistojen laatuun ISO 25010 -laatustandardin avulla. Tuloksemme osoittavat että työssä esitettyjen eristysmekanismien käyttö saattaisi parantaa ohjelmistojen laatua usealla tärkeällä alueella. Näistä merkittävimpiä ovat yhteensopivuus ja ylläpidettävyys, mutta hyötyjä voitaisiin saada myös suorituskyvyn sekä tietoturvan parantumisella. Toisaalta monet esitellyistä mekanismeista myös vaativat kompromisseja muiden laatuvaatimusten osalta. Jatkotutkimusta tarvittaisiin selainpohjaisista arkkitehtuureista, jotka hyödyntäisivät paremmin työssä esitettyjä eristysmekanismeja

    Beyond Good and Evil: Formalizing the Security Guarantees of Compartmentalizing Compilation

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    Compartmentalization is good security-engineering practice. By breaking a large software system into mutually distrustful components that run with minimal privileges, restricting their interactions to conform to well-defined interfaces, we can limit the damage caused by low-level attacks such as control-flow hijacking. When used to defend against such attacks, compartmentalization is often implemented cooperatively by a compiler and a low-level compartmentalization mechanism. However, the formal guarantees provided by such compartmentalizing compilation have seen surprisingly little investigation. We propose a new security property, secure compartmentalizing compilation (SCC), that formally characterizes the guarantees provided by compartmentalizing compilation and clarifies its attacker model. We reconstruct our property by starting from the well-established notion of fully abstract compilation, then identifying and lifting three important limitations that make standard full abstraction unsuitable for compartmentalization. The connection to full abstraction allows us to prove SCC by adapting established proof techniques; we illustrate this with a compiler from a simple unsafe imperative language with procedures to a compartmentalized abstract machine.Comment: Nit

    Apiary: Easy-to-use Desktop Application Fault Containment on Commodity Operating Systems

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    Desktop computers are often compromised by the interaction of untrusted data and buggy software. To address this problem, we present Apiary, a system that provides transparent application fault containment while retaining the ease of use of a traditional integrated desktop environment. Apiary accomplishes this with three key mechanisms. It isolates applications in containers that integrate in a controlled manner at the display and file system. It introduces ephemeral containers that are quickly instantiated for single application execution and then removed, to prevent any exploit that occurs from persisting and to protect user privacy. It introduces the virtual layered file system to make instantiating containers fast and space efficient, and to make managing many containers no more complex than having a single traditional desktop. We have implemented Apiary on Linux without any application or operating system kernel changes. Our results from running real applications, known exploits, and a 24-person user study show that Apiary has modest performance overhead, is effective in limiting the damage from real vulnerabilities to enable quick recovery, and is as easy to use as a traditional desktop while improving desktop computer security and privacy

    Protection Models for Web Applications

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    Early web applications were a set of static web pages connected to one another. In contrast, modern applications are full-featured programs that are nearly equivalent to desktop applications in functionality. However, web servers and web browsers, which were initially designed for static web pages, have not updated their protection models to deal with the security consequences of these full-featured programs. This mismatch has been the source of several security problems in web applications. This dissertation proposes new protection models for web applications. The design and implementation of prototypes of these protection models in a web server and a web browser are also described. Experiments are used to demonstrate the improvements in security and performance from using these protection models. Finally, this dissertation also describes systematic design methods to support the security of web applications

    Leaps and bounds: Analyzing WebAssembly’s performance with a focus on bounds checking

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