621 research outputs found

    The Theological Effort of Hafiz Ali of Korcha

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    Hafiz Ali Korcha\u27s work and activities in the fields of theology, literature, and education can be viewed, from the historical-theological perspective, as a reflection of his theological effort. This is the central category, containing as it does all of Korcha\u27s cognitive-theoretical, axiological, and cultural-theological speculations, as well as his views on science, literature, cultural policy, and religion. In his entire theological opus, one feels the fragrance of the Qur\u27an and of the life of Prophet Muhammad a.s. Theological effort, as understood by Korcha, differs from theology in that it is the source of theologizing and is a primordial tendency of the human mind. Theologizing is in the function of life and is an expression of overall experience. Indeed, it is identical with the feeling of life. Preoccupied with the question of the possibility of the realization of the tasks of theology in the history of human thought, Korcha regarded theological effort as an expression of human spirituality and, as such, a factor of integration and humanization, reaching to the very core of the idea of true theology and the human being as a cultural and historical being. Finally, this central idea inspiring Korcha\u27s work reconciles in itself his experience and thought; it applies equally to art and law, or religion, becoming their concept, an universal intellectual force and the form and content of life

    Albanian religious media in Kosovo and national identity

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    Albanian religious media in Kosovo and nacional identity Rexhep Suma (PHDc)* *Rexhep Suma, PhD  candidate in University of Pristina (Republic of Kosovo), Philological Faculty, communication studies and journalism e-mail: [email protected]   Abstract                                                                                                                        The reason for choosing this theme is the subjekt of the fact that until today has not been an objekt of special study. Even in all studies of Communication Sciences, there is no study work that has conducted a thorough analysis of this religious periodical. Hence,this scientific paper seeks to fill this gap by analyzing its objective.This contemporary scientific topic remains closely linked to the current developments of the Albanian nation and Albanian culture, which is another additional reason for selecting this topic.The main goalis the objektive recognition of the role played by the pressand the religious periodical in terms of the rigat Islamic, Catholic, cultural, educational, social and nacional formation of Kosovo Albanians and beyond. In the object of our study, the religious media in Kosovo have begun to emerge in 1970. On the part of the Muslim community; the "Edukata Islame" magazine was launched, followed by "Dituria Islame" by the Catholic community has emerged the magazine "Drita"  and the same year it also marks the beginning of the release of religious media in Kosovo after the World War II. These media have played a major role in the treasur yo four nacional culture. They were strong tribune sofreligious spirituality; arts, philosophy, thought, education, etc., and as such, have marked an event for the Islamic and Christian movement ofthought in Kosovo, but of course also for the histori of the  Albanian nacional press. Keywords: religious media, communication, identity, Albaniannation, tolerance

    Roli i medias në formimin e identitetit kombëtar shqiptar në vitet 1925-1944

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    After the overthrow of the communist regime, which was a materialistic spirit and based all development and life on its own forces, the cultural-religious life resumed. The people in this chaotic religious beginning despite having religious objects and knowledge of their religious background were still very limited in their religion. During this time many missionaries of all religious beliefs, tendentious groups, different sects took place in Albania proclaiming their platforms using many methods to attract the youth towards them. In this direction, neither words nor numerous investments were spared in the direction of initiating the youth to become part of them. During this time, the well-known religious leaders and representatives who, because of their religious attitudes, spent part of their lives in communist prisons, resumed their mission. Considering the importance of this topic the aim of this paper is to highlight the steps that were undertaken by religious communities in Albania after the end of the communist era, to revive the religious life in the country. Another important objective is to unveil the tortures and persecution that religious clergy faced from communist leaders and representatives. Actually, in Albania there are five official religious communities, but in the scope of this research paper are Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic communities

    Pemaknaan Murtad Perspektif K.H. Sholeh Darat: Telaah Terhadap Kitab Majmu’at Al-Syariat Al-Kafiyat Li Al-Awam

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    The work of the Nusantrara clerics cannot be separated from the background conditions at that time. The 19th century was the final chapter of colonialism in Indonesia, the quality and spirit of the Ulama's struggle became one of the determinants of independence. One of them is K.H. Sholeh Darat, is an Nusantara cleric who has a firm view of deviant understandings of both the issue of faith and something that smells of colonialism. This research is a literature research with hermeneutics as the data analysis. The primary source in this study is a book by K.H. Sholeh Darat entitled Majmu'at al Syariat al-Kafiyat Li Al-Awam. This paper is equipped with the hermeneutic method of the book. The author intends to see the background of the opinion on the concept of apostasy when it was drawn in the situation of the Indonesian nation. Indonesia at that time facing colonialism at that time. In the Book of Majmu'at al Syariat al-Kafiyat Li Al-Awam K.H. Sholeh wrote that apostasy has three categories: apostasy by itiqod (belief) and second, apostasy by speech and thirdly apostasy by action. Such a view certainly does not come from a vacuum time, but because of the background and situation that demands it. It can be concluded that the thinking style of KH. Muhammad Sholeh al-Samarani is responsive, simple, upholds cultural values, nationalism, and locality, and tends to be SufisticKarya ulama Nusantrara tidak terlepas dari kondisi yang melatar belakangi pada saat itu. Abad 19  merupakan babak akhir kolonialisme di Indonesia, kualitas dan semangat perjuangan Ulama menjadi salah satu penentu kemerdekaan. Salah satunya adalah K.H. Sholeh Darat, K.H. Sholeh Darat merupakan ulama Nusantara yang mempunyai pandangan tegas terhadap pemahaman yang menyimpang baik permasalahan terhadap akidah maupun terhadap sesuatu yang berbau kolonialisme. Penelitian ini berjenis riset pustaka dengan hermeneutik sebagai analisis datanya. Sumber primer dalam kajian ini adalah kitab karangan K.H. Sholeh Darat yang berjudul Majmu’at al Syariat al-Kafiyat Li Al-Awam. Dengan metode hermeneutik terhadap kitab tersebut penulis bermaksud melihat latar belakang pendapat tersebut tentang Konsep Murtad ketika ditarik dalam situasi bangsa Indonesia yang sedang menghadapi kolonialisme pada saat itu. Dalam Kitab Majmu’at al Syariat al-Kafiyat Li Al-Awam K.H. Sholeh menuliskan bahwa Murtad mempunyai tiga kategoti, pertama, murtad secara itiqod (keyakinan), kedua, murtad karena Ucapan dan ketiga murtad secara perbuatan. Pandangan semacam itu tentu bukan berasal dari ruang yang hampa, melaikan karena latar belakang dan situasi yang menuntut demikian. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa corak pemikiran KH. Muhammad Sholeh al-Samarani bersifat responsif, sederhana, menjunjung nilai budaya, nasionalis, dan lokalitas serta cenderung sufisti

    Zyra e marrëdhënieve me publikun e institucioneve fetare, roli i medias së komuniteteve fetare nga viti 2010 – 2016

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    Institucionet fetare shqiptare pas viteve 1990, patën një hov me rikthimin e lirisë së adhurimit dhe ushtrimit të fesë, e cila në 1967 me anë të një neni kushtetues ktheu Shqipërinë në vendin e vetëm ateist në botë, gjë e cila gjeti jehonë në mediat ndërkombëtare. Të ngritura në formë institucionale, bashkësitë fetare pas viteve ’90, filluan të zhvillonin zyrat e komunikimit dhe marrëdhënieve me publikun, mediat e tyre deri më sot, operojnë me programe të veçanta në mediat publike e private në raste të ndryshe. Si një instrument i rëndësishëm i komunikimit mes institucionit si përçues i mesazhit fetar tek besimtarët (audienca), sot numërohen me dhjetra kanale të ndryshme transmetimi. Duke nisur nga mediat tradicionale si zyra e pritjes – zyra e marrëdhënieve me publikun, gazetat dhe revistat, radiot, hapësirat televizive, interneti, deri tek mediat sociale të ditëve të sotshme, janë bërë një mjet mjaft konktret dhe i vizituar për përcjelljen e mesazheve të të gjitha karaktereve. Por, sa dhe si po i përcjellin këto mesazhe? Ku qëndron “ngërçi” në disa nga këto institucione fetare? Sa nga këto mesazhe janë publike dhe a u drejtohen të gjithëve, e jo vetëm predikatit (predikuesit) të tyre? Cilat janë ndërhyrjet e jashtme? Bashkëpunimi me organizatat e shoqërisë civile, biznesin? Këto dhe disa të tjera, janë disa nga qasjet që përcjell ndërthurja mes marrëdhënieve me publikun dhe mediave të istitucioneve fetare në vitet e fundit, për audiencën që u drejtohen

    Country Snapshot Kosovo

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    A brief summary of the history and current status of religion in Kosovo

    Rukopis' v kontekste sibirskogo islama

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    Supporting the development and adoption of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy cattle : effect of system cost and performance on potential market shares

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    Most automatic lameness detection system prototypes have not yet been commercialized, and are hence not yet adopted in practice. Therefore, the objective of this study was to simulate the effect of detection performance (percentage missed lame cows and percentage false alarms) and system cost on the potential market share of three automatic lameness detection systems relative to visual detection: a system attached to the cow, a walkover system, and a camera system. Simulations were done using a utility model derived from survey responses obtained from dairy farmers in Flanders, Belgium. Overall, systems attached to the cow had the largest market potential, but were still not competitive with visual detection. Increasing the detection performance or lowering the system cost led to higher market shares for automatic systems at the expense of visual detection. The willingness to pay for extra performance was (sic)2.57 per % less missed lame cows, (sic)1.65 per % less false alerts, and (sic)12.7 for lame leg indication, respectively. The presented results could be exploited by system designers to determine the effect of adjustments to the technology on a system's potential adoption rate


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    Ka një mungesë të studimeve në lidhje me sistemin bankar Islam dhe performoncën e tyre në ekonominë aktuale. Ky punim bën përpjekje për të mbushur atë zbrastinë në një masë të arsyeshme dhe të dobishme. Duke përdorur të dhënat për periudhën e kaluar, kryesisht periudhën e viteve 2014 - 2016,janë nxjerrë hipoteza në lidhje me praktikën dhe performancën e bankave Islame, të cilat janë testuar dhe vlerësuar. Performanca dhe funksionaliteti i bankave Islame eshtë vlerësuar duke përdorur analizat e detajuara.Për me tepër, unë u përpoqa të shpalos menaxhimin e bankave me anë të tabelave dhe grafikëve. Si të gjeturat kryesore janë përdorur raportet zyrtare të punës dhe statistikat e bankave Islame në periudhën e kohës 1998 prej autorëve tëfamshëm.Punimi reflekton të gjetura oficionale të instuticioneve hulumtuse dhe autorëve të besueshëm siq janë Hamm,Iqbal edhe Wilson.Për këtë ,disa standarde për analizim janë zhvilluar për herë të parë. Jam munduar të bëjë krahasiminstatistikorë midis bankave Islame dhe bankave konvencionale (përmes analizave dhe materialeve nga hulumtimet e ndryshme që kam trajtuar). Në këtë punim jam përpjekur që sadopak të vë në pah përparsitë dhe mangësitë e këtyre dy sistemeve bankarenë raport me njëra tjetrën, duke ditur rëndësinë e sistemit bankar në kuadër të ekonomisë së një shteti si dhe faktin se ekonomia është një nga shtyllat kryesore të cilido shtet. Prandaj, besoj se ky punim si dhe qështjet e trajtuara në të e bëjnë tërheqës për qdo studiues të apasionuar
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