8 research outputs found

    Le Corbusier's Unite d'habitation: a slab for all seasons?

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    Most arguments about high-rise housing are waged in the shadow of Le Corbusier. The pervasive effects of his dogged half-century spent advocating the benefits of high-rise dwelling are still everywhere apparant. His watchwords - "soleiI, espace, verdure”, "le grand gaspi Iage du temps moderne", "les services communs", "Ies prolongements du Iogis" - are stiII in one form or another the uItimate weapons of the apologists and detractors of high-rise, and the Unites, in particular, have become the touchstone for much of the slab-building around. In view of alI this, one would expect that there exists a solid corpus of critical works explicating Le Corbusier's precise position whose meaning, as a result, would unambiguously and by common consent be implied whenever the Corbusian Freudian-father is invoked. There are not however, any such rigorous citical studies of Le Corbusier's housing proposals and among the general works that do exist, Iittle consensus and indeed some contradiction exists on the definition of the Corbusian solution; that is, on the question of the Unites proper context - the planning matrix within which it fits. The Unite itself, its genesis and its ultimate canonization, has been the subject of even less objective investigation. This study set out to fiII that gap; in the course of my research it was found that Le Corbusier's supposedly-consistent proposals concealed during their long evolution many shifts, disjunctions and non sequiturs. This uneven and disconnected dialogue between the former and latter parts of Le Corbusier's 'oeuvre' that is described in this study reveals the Unite finally as being not at alI firmly embedded in or clearly resulting from his overalI design contexts and housing proposals. It stands, finally, as a separable declaration of Le Corbusier's particular understanding of the psycho/visual nature of human perception, and this is judged to be an inadequate and over - exclusive raison d'etre

    Impact of Territorial Features on the Improvement of the Irrigation Efficiency: "What Kind of Proximity is Relevant for Improving Irrigation?" Case Study in Beheira Governorate, Egypt

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    This dissertation explores the possible differential influence of territorial features on the performance of irrigation improvement programs in Egypt. The study was conducted in El-Mahmoudia main canal, Beheira governorate which is one of the command areas in Nile Delta where Integrated Irrigation Improvement and Management Project (IIIMP) was applied in accordance with the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Three branch canals on El-Mahmoudia main canal were purposively selected to represent the current situation of improved and unimproved irrigation systems. The first is a successful improved branch canal (Kafr Nikla); the second is relatively less successful improved branch canal (Besentway), and; the third one is unimproved sub-branch canal from El-Mahmoudia canal (Ganabet Bastara & El Ziana). A simple random sample of 220 water users (25%) was drawn from the total estimated number of water users on the selected branch canals (160 from improved branch canals and 60 for unimproved ones). Mesqas' locations on branch canals, and water users' land locations on mesqas (upstream/ midstream/ downstream) were taken into account to represent the current situation of irrigation systems in these areas. Data were collected through personal interviews by using a semi-structured questionnaire designed and pretested to achieve the study objectives. Findings indicate that in improved areas, there are statistically significant and positive correlations between specific proximity dimensions (cognitive, and social) and each of IIIMP and BCWUAs' performances. Meanwhile, results point to a significant positive relationship between organizational proximity and IIIMP performance. Among the different proximity dimensions, there are significant positive relationships between: cognitive and social; cognitive and organizational, and; social and organizational proximities. Comparing the studied branch canals (Nikla and Besentway) within two different territories, there is a significant positive correlation between social proximity and mesqas' geographical location of the successful branch canal (Nikla). However, there are significant and negative relationships between Besentway's mesqas geographical locations and each of: cognitive proximity, social proximity, and IIIMPs' performance. These findings lead to an empirical evidence that cognitive, social, and organizational proximities have a strong role in supporting the implementation of IWRM

    Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Achieving regional competitiveness

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    International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION -achieving regional competitiveness“, which was held in period 5-7th December 2013 in Topola, the Republic of Serbia, through number of presented papers mainly provides an overview of results of scientific research on the integrated and interdisciplinary project no. III 46006 „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION“. International Scientific Conference „SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN TERMS OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA STRATEGIC GOALS REALIZATION WITHIN THE DANUBE REGION - achieving regional competitiveness“, gathered number of scientific workers and experts from many countries. Besides the authors from Serbia in Thematic Proceedings are also presented the papers of authors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Russia, Moldova, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Austria. After all 92 papers were positively reviewed by the reviewers and presented on the International Scientific Conference, they were published in the Thematic Proceedings. Proceedings publisher was Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, together with 34 eminent scientific-educational institutions from Serbia and abroad. In the Plenary Section were presented 3 papers which gave significant contributions to International Scientific Conference. Rest of the papers are systematized in 3 thematic sections: IKNOWLEDGE ECONOMY AND HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE FUNCTION OF IMPROVING REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS (45 papers); II BIOREGIONALISM AND PERMACULTURE AS A CONCEPTS OF CONSERVATION OF ECOLOGICAL SPECIFICITIES OF RURAL AREAS (27 papers); III THE CONSTRUCTION OF AGRO-REGIONAL IDENTITY THROUGH INSTITUTIONAL REFORM (17 papers)

    The political and social theory of "flexible specialization" : a critical analysis

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    This thesis examines the contribution to social and political theory of the flexible specialization research programme (henceforth FSRP). It explores systematically the sociological and political underpinnings of this research programme, with a view to critically explicating its understanding of industrialisation and industrial transformations in the contemporary world. While examining the unity in diversity of the various researchers working with the FSRP it also contrasts the FSRP with other cognate research programmes (regulatory theory, post-Fordism, flexible accumulation, etc). The thesis explores further the FSRP and its relationship with political transformations, defined in the broadest sense to include meta-theoretical reflections on meaning of the political in the FSRP, the transformation in industrial relations, the trend toward economic and social dualism, polarisation, marginalisation and segmentation and the meaning of locality, industrial districts and regionalism in the FSRP. The thesis is sympathetic to the FSRP and views it as a progressively developing one (in both a political and epistemological sense) but is nevertheless critical of some of its foundational assumptions and policy prescriptions As a research programme that is still developing in a cumulative direction this thesis can only claim to be provisional in its problématisations

    The Politics of Virtue: Post-liberalism and the Human Future

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    Contemporary politics is dominated by a liberal creed that champions ‘negative liberty’ and individual happiness. This creed undergirds positions on both the right and the left – free-market capitalism, state bureaucracy and individualism in social life. The triumph of liberalism has had the effect of subordinating human association and the common good to narrow self-interest and short-term utility. By contrast, post-liberalism promotes individual fulfilment and mutual flourishing based on shared goals that have more substantive content than the formal abstractions of liberal law and contract, and yet are also adaptable to different cultural and local traditions. The book apply this analysis to the economy, politics, culture, and international affairs. In each case, having diagnosed the crisis of liberalism, it proposes post-liberal alternatives, notably new concepts and fresh policy ideas. The book demonstrates that, amid the current crisis, post-liberalism is a programme that could define a new politics of virtue and the common good

    Kant in English: An Index

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    Kant in English: An Index / By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2017. Pages 1 to 2675. Includes bibliographical references. Index. 1. Ontology. 2. Metaphysics. 3. Philosophy, German. 4. Thought and thinking. 5. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. 6. Practice (Philosophy). 7. Philosophy and civilization. 8). Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Wörterbuch. 9. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Concordances. 10. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- 1889-1976 – Indexes. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. MOTTO As a famous motto calls us back to Kant, Otto Liebmann’s writes (Kant and His Epigones of 1865): “Also muss auf Kant zurĂŒckgegangen werden.” “Therefore, must return to Kant.” Table of Contents 1). Preface and Introduction. 2. Background on Kant’s Philosophy (hermeneutical historical situation). 3). Main Index (pages, 25 to 2676). Preface and Introduction Total words indexed: 58,928; for the 12 volumes that are in the MAIN INDEX are indexed: pages 1 to 7321. This monograph by Daniel Fidel Ferrer is 2676 pages in total. The following is a machine index of 12 volumes written by Immanuel Kant and translated from German into English. Everything is indexed including the text, title pages, preface, notes, editorials, glossary, indexes, biographical notes, and even some typos. No stop words or words removed from this index. There are some German words in the text, bibliographies, and in the glossaries (also included in Main Index). Titles in English of Kant’s writings for this index (pages 1 to 7321). Anthropology, History, and Education [Starts on page 1 Correspondence [Starts on page 313 Critique of Pure Reason [Starts page 971 Critique of the Power of Judgment [Starts on page 1771 Lectures on Logic [Starts on page 2247 Lectures on Metaphysics [Starts on page 2991 Notes and Fragments [Starts on page 3670 Opus Postumum [Starts on page 4374 Practical Philosophy [Starts on page 4741 Religion and Rational Theology [Starts on page 5446 Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 [Starts on page 5990 Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 [Starts on page 6541 Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens or An Essay on the Constitution and the Mechanical Origin of the Entire Structure of the Universe Based on Newtonian Principles [Starts on page 7162 The whole single file which includes all of these books ends on page 7321. 12 volumes are pages 1 to 7321. These actual texts of these books by Kant are not include here because of copyright. This is only an index of these 7321 pages by Immanuel Kant. There are some German words in the text and in the glossaries, etc. Searching this Main Index. Please note the German words that start with umlauts are at the end of the index because of machine sorting of the words. Starting with the German word “ße” on page 2674 page of this book (see in Main Index). Use the FIND FUNCTION for all examples of the words or names you are searching. Examples from the Main Index mendacium, 5171, 5329, 5389 mendation, 220 mendax, 2702, 2800 mended, 360 Mendel, 416, 925, 965 Mendelian, 2212 Mendels, 345, 363, 417, 458, 560, 572, 588, 926, 928, 929 MENDELSSOHN, 925 Mendelssohn, 8, 9, 19, 98, 99, 100, 101

    Kant in English: An Index

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    Kant in English: An Index / By Daniel Fidel Ferrer. ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2017. Pages 1 to 2675. Includes bibliographical references. Index. 1. Ontology. 2. Metaphysics. 3. Philosophy, German. 4. Thought and thinking. 5. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804. 6. Practice (Philosophy). 7. Philosophy and civilization. 8). Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Wörterbuch. 9. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- Concordances. 10. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 -- 1889-1976 – Indexes. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. MOTTO As a famous motto calls us back to Kant, Otto Liebmann’s writes (Kant and His Epigones of 1865): “Also muss auf Kant zurĂŒckgegangen werden.” “Therefore, must return to Kant.” Table of Contents 1). Preface and Introduction. 2. Background on Kant’s Philosophy (hermeneutical historical situation). 3). Main Index (pages, 25 to 2676). Preface and Introduction Total words indexed: 58,928; for the 12 volumes that are in the MAIN INDEX are indexed: pages 1 to 7321. This monograph by Daniel Fidel Ferrer is 2676 pages in total. The following is a machine index of 12 volumes written by Immanuel Kant and translated from German into English. Everything is indexed including the text, title pages, preface, notes, editorials, glossary, indexes, biographical notes, and even some typos. No stop words or words removed from this index. There are some German words in the text, bibliographies, and in the glossaries (also included in Main Index). Titles in English of Kant’s writings for this index (pages 1 to 7321). Anthropology, History, and Education [Starts on page 1 Correspondence [Starts on page 313 Critique of Pure Reason [Starts page 971 Critique of the Power of Judgment [Starts on page 1771 Lectures on Logic [Starts on page 2247 Lectures on Metaphysics [Starts on page 2991 Notes and Fragments [Starts on page 3670 Opus Postumum [Starts on page 4374 Practical Philosophy [Starts on page 4741 Religion and Rational Theology [Starts on page 5446 Theoretical Philosophy after 1781 [Starts on page 5990 Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 [Starts on page 6541 Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens or An Essay on the Constitution and the Mechanical Origin of the Entire Structure of the Universe Based on Newtonian Principles [Starts on page 7162 The whole single file which includes all of these books ends on page 7321. 12 volumes are pages 1 to 7321. These actual texts of these books by Kant are not include here because of copyright. This is only an index of these 7321 pages by Immanuel Kant. There are some German words in the text and in the glossaries, etc. Searching this Main Index. Please note the German words that start with umlauts are at the end of the index because of machine sorting of the words. Starting with the German word “ße” on page 2674 page of this book (see in Main Index). Use the FIND FUNCTION for all examples of the words or names you are searching. Examples from the Main Index mendacium, 5171, 5329, 5389 mendation, 220 mendax, 2702, 2800 mended, 360 Mendel, 416, 925, 965 Mendelian, 2212 Mendels, 345, 363, 417, 458, 560, 572, 588, 926, 928, 929 MENDELSSOHN, 925 Mendelssohn, 8, 9, 19, 98, 99, 100, 101