65 research outputs found

    HPC memory systems: Implications of system simulation and checkpointing

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    The memory system is a significant contributor for most of the current challenges in computer architecture: application performance bottlenecks and operational costs in large data-centers as HPC supercomputers. With the advent of emerging memory technologies, the exploration for novel designs on the memory hierarchy for HPC systems is an open invitation for computer architecture researchers to improve and optimize current designs and deployments. System simulation is the preferred approach to perform architectural explorations due to the low cost to prototype hardware systems, acceptable performance estimates, and accurate energy consumption predictions. Despite the broad presence and extensive usage of system simulators, their validation is not standardized; either because the main purpose of the simulator is not meant to mimic real hardware, or because the design assumptions are too narrow on a particular computer architecture topic. This thesis provides the first steps for a systematic methodology to validate system simulators when compared to real systems. We unveil real-machine´s micro-architectural parameters through a set of specially crafted micro-benchmarks. The unveiled parameters are used to upgrade the simulation infrastructure in order to obtain higher accuracy in the simulation domain. To evaluate the accuracy on the simulation domain, we propose the retirement factor, an extension to a well-known application´s performance methodology. Our proposal provides a new metric to measure the impact simulator´s parameter-tuning when looking for the most accurate configuration. We further present the delay queue, a modification to the memory controller that imposes a configurable delay for all memory transactions that reach the main memory devices; evaluated using the retirement factor, the delay queue allows us to identify the sources of deviations between the simulator infrastructure and the real system. Memory accesses directly affect application performance, both in the real-world machine as well as in the simulation accuracy. From single-read access to a unique memory location up to simultaneous read/write operations to a single or multiple memory locations, HPC applications memory usage differs from workload to workload. A property that allows to glimpse on the application´s memory usage is the workload´s memory footprint. In this work, we found a link between HPC workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance. Actual trends on HPC data-center memory deployments and current HPC application’s memory footprint led us to envision an opportunity for emerging memory technologies to include them as part of the reliability support on HPC systems. Emerging memory technologies such as 3D-stacked DRAM are getting deployed in current HPC systems but in limited quantities in comparison with standard DRAM storage making them suitable to use for low memory footprint HPC applications. We exploit and evaluate this characteristic enabling a Checkpoint-Restart library to support a heterogeneous memory system deployed with an emerging memory technology. Our implementation imposes negligible overhead while offering a simple interface to allocate, manage, and migrate data sets between heterogeneous memory systems. Moreover, we showed that the usage of an emerging memory technology it is not a direct solution to performance bottlenecks; correct data placement and crafted code implementation are critical when comes to obtain the best computing performance. Overall, this thesis provides a technique for validating main memory system simulators when integrated in a simulation infrastructure and compared to real systems. In addition, we explored a link between the workload´s memory footprint and simulation performance on current HPC workloads. Finally, we enabled low memory footprint HPC applications with resilience support while transparently profiting from the usage of emerging memory deployments.El sistema de memoria es el mayor contribuidor de los desafíos actuales en el campo de la arquitectura de ordenadores como lo son los cuellos de botella en el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, así como los costos operativos en los grandes centros de datos. Con la llegada de tecnologías emergentes de memoria, existe una invitación para que los investigadores mejoren y optimicen las implementaciones actuales con novedosos diseños en la jerarquía de memoria. La simulación de los ordenadores es el enfoque preferido para realizar exploraciones de arquitectura debido al bajo costo que representan frente a la realización de prototipos físicos, arrojando estimaciones de rendimiento aceptables con predicciones precisas. A pesar del amplio uso de simuladores de ordenadores, su validación no está estandarizada ya sea porque el propósito principal del simulador no es imitar al sistema real o porque las suposiciones de diseño son demasiado específicas. Esta tesis proporciona los primeros pasos hacia una metodología sistemática para validar simuladores de ordenadores cuando son comparados con sistemas reales. Primero se descubren los parámetros de microarquitectura en la máquina real a través de un conjunto de micro-pruebas diseñadas para actualizar la infraestructura de simulación con el fin de mejorar la precisión en el dominio de la simulación. Para evaluar la precisión de la simulación, proponemos "el factor de retiro", una extensión a una conocida herramienta para medir el rendimiento de las aplicaciones, pero enfocada al impacto del ajuste de parámetros en el simulador. Además, presentamos "la cola de retardo", una modificación virtual al controlador de memoria que agrega un retraso configurable a todas las transacciones de memoria que alcanzan la memoria principal. Usando el factor de retiro, la cola de retraso nos permite identificar el origen de las desviaciones entre la infraestructura del simulador y el sistema real. Todos los accesos de memoria afectan directamente el rendimiento de la aplicación. Desde el acceso de lectura a una única localidad memoria hasta operaciones simultáneas de lectura/escritura a una o varias localidades de memoria, una propiedad que permite reflejar el uso de memoria de la aplicación es su "huella de memoria". En esta tesis encontramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de las aplicaciones de alto desempeño y su rendimiento en simulación. Las tecnologías de memoria emergentes se están implementando en sistemas de alto desempeño en cantidades limitadas en comparación con la memoria principal haciéndolas adecuadas para su uso en aplicaciones con baja huella de memoria. En este trabajo, habilitamos y evaluamos el uso de un sistema de memoria heterogéneo basado en un sistema emergente de memoria. Nuestra implementación agrega una carga despreciable al mismo tiempo que ofrece una interfaz simple para ubicar, administrar y migrar datos entre sistemas de memoria heterogéneos. Además, demostramos que el uso de una tecnología de memoria emergente no es una solución directa a los cuellos de botella en el desempeño. La implementación es fundamental a la hora de obtener el mejor rendimiento ya sea ubicando correctamente los datos, o bien diseñando código especializado. En general, esta tesis proporciona una técnica para validar los simuladores respecto al sistema de memoria principal cuando se integra en una infraestructura de simulación y se compara con sistemas reales. Además, exploramos un vínculo entre la huella de memoria de la carga de trabajo y el rendimiento de la simulación en cargas de trabajo de aplicaciones de alto desempeño. Finalmente, habilitamos aplicaciones de alto desempeño con soporte de resiliencia mientras que se benefician de manera transparente con el uso de un sistema de memoria emergente.Postprint (published version

    Fault tolerant software technology for distributed computing system

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    Issued as Monthly reports [nos. 1-23], Interim technical report, Technical guide books [nos. 1-2], and Final report, Project no. G-36-64

    Cross-Layer Rapid Prototyping and Synthesis of Application-Specific and Reconfigurable Many-accelerator Platforms

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    Technological advances of recent years laid the foundation consolidation of informatisationof society, impacting on economic, political, cultural and socialdimensions. At the peak of this realization, today, more and more everydaydevices are connected to the web, giving the term ”Internet of Things”. The futureholds the full connection and interaction of IT and communications systemsto the natural world, delimiting the transition to natural cyber systems and offeringmeta-services in the physical world, such as personalized medical care, autonomoustransportation, smart energy cities etc. . Outlining the necessities of this dynamicallyevolving market, computer engineers are required to implement computingplatforms that incorporate both increased systemic complexity and also cover awide range of meta-characteristics, such as the cost and design time, reliabilityand reuse, which are prescribed by a conflicting set of functional, technical andconstruction constraints. This thesis aims to address these design challenges bydeveloping methodologies and hardware/software co-design tools that enable therapid implementation and efficient synthesis of architectural solutions, which specifyoperating meta-features required by the modern market. Specifically, this thesispresents a) methodologies to accelerate the design flow for both reconfigurableand application-specific architectures, b) coarse-grain heterogeneous architecturaltemplates for processing and communication acceleration and c) efficient multiobjectivesynthesis techniques both at high abstraction level of programming andphysical silicon level.Regarding to the acceleration of the design flow, the proposed methodologyemploys virtual platforms in order to hide architectural details and drastically reducesimulation time. An extension of this framework introduces the systemicco-simulation using reconfigurable acceleration platforms as co-emulation intermediateplatforms. Thus, the development cycle of a hardware/software productis accelerated by moving from a vertical serial flow to a circular interactive loop.Moreover the simulation capabilities are enriched with efficient detection and correctiontechniques of design errors, as well as control methods of performancemetrics of the system according to the desired specifications, during all phasesof the system development. In orthogonal correlation with the aforementionedmethodological framework, a new architectural template is proposed, aiming atbridging the gap between design complexity and technological productivity usingspecialized hardware accelerators in heterogeneous systems-on-chip and networkon-chip platforms. It is presented a novel co-design methodology for the hardwareaccelerators and their respective programming software, including the tasks allocationto the available resources of the system/network. The introduced frameworkprovides implementation techniques for the accelerators, using either conventionalprogramming flows with hardware description language or abstract programmingmodel flows, using techniques from high-level synthesis. In any case, it is providedthe option of systemic measures optimization, such as the processing speed,the throughput, the reliability, the power consumption and the design silicon area.Finally, on addressing the increased complexity in design tools of reconfigurablesystems, there are proposed novel multi-objective optimization evolutionary algo-rithms which exploit the modern multicore processors and the coarse-grain natureof multithreaded programming environments (e.g. OpenMP) in order to reduce theplacement time, while by simultaneously grouping the applications based on theirintrinsic characteristics, the effectively explore the design space effectively.The efficiency of the proposed architectural templates, design tools and methodologyflows is evaluated in relation to the existing edge solutions with applicationsfrom typical computing domains, such as digital signal processing, multimedia andarithmetic complexity, as well as from systemic heterogeneous environments, suchas a computer vision system for autonomous robotic space navigation and manyacceleratorsystems for HPC and workstations/datacenters. The results strengthenthe belief of the author, that this thesis provides competitive expertise to addresscomplex modern - and projected future - design challenges.Οι τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις των τελευταίων ετών έθεσαν τα θεμέλια εδραίωσης της πληροφοριοποίησης της κοινωνίας, επιδρώντας σε οικονομικές,πολιτικές, πολιτιστικές και κοινωνικές διαστάσεις. Στο απόγειο αυτής τη ςπραγμάτωσης, σήμερα, ολοένα και περισσότερες καθημερινές συσκευές συνδέονται στο παγκόσμιο ιστό, αποδίδοντας τον όρο «Ίντερνετ των πραγμάτων».Το μέλλον επιφυλάσσει την πλήρη σύνδεση και αλληλεπίδραση των συστημάτων πληροφορικής και επικοινωνιών με τον φυσικό κόσμο, οριοθετώντας τη μετάβαση στα συστήματα φυσικού κυβερνοχώρου και προσφέροντας μεταυπηρεσίες στον φυσικό κόσμο όπως προσωποποιημένη ιατρική περίθαλψη, αυτόνομες μετακινήσεις, έξυπνες ενεργειακά πόλεις κ.α. . Σκιαγραφώντας τις ανάγκες αυτής της δυναμικά εξελισσόμενης αγοράς, οι μηχανικοί υπολογιστών καλούνται να υλοποιήσουν υπολογιστικές πλατφόρμες που αφενός ενσωματώνουν αυξημένη συστημική πολυπλοκότητα και αφετέρου καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα μεταχαρακτηριστικών, όπως λ.χ. το κόστος σχεδιασμού, ο χρόνος σχεδιασμού, η αξιοπιστία και η επαναχρησιμοποίηση, τα οποία προδιαγράφονται από ένα αντικρουόμενο σύνολο λειτουργικών, τεχνολογικών και κατασκευαστικών περιορισμών. Η παρούσα διατριβή στοχεύει στην αντιμετώπιση των παραπάνω σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων, μέσω της ανάπτυξης μεθοδολογιών και εργαλείων συνσχεδίασης υλικού/λογισμικού που επιτρέπουν την ταχεία υλοποίηση καθώς και την αποδοτική σύνθεση αρχιτεκτονικών λύσεων, οι οποίες προδιαγράφουν τα μετα-χαρακτηριστικά λειτουργίας που απαιτεί η σύγχρονη αγορά. Συγκεκριμένα, στα πλαίσια αυτής της διατριβής, παρουσιάζονται α) μεθοδολογίες επιτάχυνσης της ροής σχεδιασμού τόσο για επαναδιαμορφούμενες όσο και για εξειδικευμένες αρχιτεκτονικές, β) ετερογενή αδρομερή αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα επιτάχυνσης επεξεργασίας και επικοινωνίας και γ) αποδοτικές τεχνικές πολυκριτηριακής σύνθεσης τόσο σε υψηλό αφαιρετικό επίπεδο προγραμματισμού,όσο και σε φυσικό επίπεδο πυριτίου.Αναφορικά προς την επιτάχυνση της ροής σχεδιασμού, προτείνεται μια μεθοδολογία που χρησιμοποιεί εικονικές πλατφόρμες, οι οποίες αφαιρώντας τις αρχιτεκτονικές λεπτομέρειες καταφέρνουν να μειώσουν σημαντικά το χρόνο εξομοίωσης. Παράλληλα, εισηγείται η συστημική συν-εξομοίωση με τη χρήση επαναδιαμορφούμενων πλατφορμών, ως μέσων επιτάχυνσης. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, ο κύκλος ανάπτυξης ενός προϊόντος υλικού, μετατεθειμένος από την κάθετη σειριακή ροή σε έναν κυκλικό αλληλεπιδραστικό βρόγχο, καθίσταται ταχύτερος, ενώ οι δυνατότητες προσομοίωσης εμπλουτίζονται με αποδοτικότερες μεθόδους εντοπισμού και διόρθωσης σχεδιαστικών σφαλμάτων, καθώς και μεθόδους ελέγχου των μετρικών απόδοσης του συστήματος σε σχέση με τις επιθυμητές προδιαγραφές, σε όλες τις φάσεις ανάπτυξης του συστήματος. Σε ορθογώνια συνάφεια με το προαναφερθέν μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο, προτείνονται νέα αρχιτεκτονικά πρότυπα που στοχεύουν στη γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ της σχεδιαστικής πολυπλοκότητας και της τεχνολογικής παραγωγικότητας, με τη χρήση συστημάτων εξειδικευμένων επιταχυντών υλικού σε ετερογενή συστήματα-σε-ψηφίδα καθώς και δίκτυα-σε-ψηφίδα. Παρουσιάζεται κατάλληλη μεθοδολογία συν-σχεδίασης των επιταχυντών υλικού και του λογισμικού προκειμένου να αποφασισθεί η κατανομή των εργασιών στους διαθέσιμους πόρους του συστήματος/δικτύου. Το μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο προβλέπει την υλοποίηση των επιταχυντών είτε με συμβατικές μεθόδους προγραμματισμού σε γλώσσα περιγραφής υλικού είτε με αφαιρετικό προγραμματιστικό μοντέλο με τη χρήση τεχνικών υψηλού επιπέδου σύνθεσης. Σε κάθε περίπτωση, δίδεται η δυνατότητα στο σχεδιαστή για βελτιστοποίηση συστημικών μετρικών, όπως η ταχύτητα επεξεργασίας, η ρυθμαπόδοση, η αξιοπιστία, η κατανάλωση ενέργειας και η επιφάνεια πυριτίου του σχεδιασμού. Τέλος, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπισθεί η αυξημένη πολυπλοκότητα στα σχεδιαστικά εργαλεία επαναδιαμορφούμενων συστημάτων, προτείνονται νέοι εξελικτικοί αλγόριθμοι πολυκριτηριακής βελτιστοποίησης, οι οποίοι εκμεταλλευόμενοι τους σύγχρονους πολυπύρηνους επεξεργαστές και την αδρομερή φύση των πολυνηματικών περιβαλλόντων προγραμματισμού (π.χ. OpenMP), μειώνουν το χρόνο επίλυσης του προβλήματος της τοποθέτησης των λογικών πόρων σε φυσικούς,ενώ ταυτόχρονα, ομαδοποιώντας τις εφαρμογές βάση των εγγενών χαρακτηριστικών τους, διερευνούν αποτελεσματικότερα το χώρο σχεδίασης.Η αποδοτικότητά των προτεινόμενων αρχιτεκτονικών προτύπων και μεθοδολογιών επαληθεύτηκε σε σχέση με τις υφιστάμενες λύσεις αιχμής τόσο σε αυτοτελής εφαρμογές, όπως η ψηφιακή επεξεργασία σήματος, τα πολυμέσα και τα προβλήματα αριθμητικής πολυπλοκότητας, καθώς και σε συστημικά ετερογενή περιβάλλοντα, όπως ένα σύστημα όρασης υπολογιστών για αυτόνομα διαστημικά ρομποτικά οχήματα και ένα σύστημα πολλαπλών επιταχυντών υλικού για σταθμούς εργασίας και κέντρα δεδομένων, στοχεύοντας εφαρμογές υψηλής υπολογιστικής απόδοσης (HPC). Τα αποτελέσματα ενισχύουν την πεποίθηση του γράφοντα, ότι η παρούσα διατριβή παρέχει ανταγωνιστική τεχνογνωσία για την αντιμετώπιση των πολύπλοκων σύγχρονων και προβλεπόμενα μελλοντικών σχεδιαστικών προκλήσεων

    Using program behaviour to exploit heterogeneous multi-core processors

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    Multi-core CPU architectures have become prevalent in recent years. A number of multi-core CPUs consist of not only multiple processing cores, but multiple different types of processing cores, each with different capabilities and specialisations. These heterogeneous multi-core architectures (HMAs) can deliver exceptional performance; however, they are notoriously difficult to program effectively. This dissertation investigates the feasibility of ameliorating many of the difficulties encountered in application development on HMA processors, by employing a behaviour aware runtime system. This runtime system provides applications with the illusion of executing on a homogeneous architecture, by presenting a homogeneous virtual machine interface. The runtime system uses knowledge of a program's execution behaviour, gained through explicit code annotations, static analysis or runtime monitoring, to inform its resource allocation and scheduling decisions, such that the application makes best use of the HMA's heterogeneous processing cores. The goal of this runtime system is to enable non-specialist application developers to write applications that can exploit an HMA, without the developer requiring in-depth knowledge of the HMA's design. This dissertation describes the development of a Java runtime system, called Hera-JVM, aimed at investigating this premise. Hera-JVM supports the execution of unmodified Java applications on both processing core types of the heterogeneous IBM Cell processor. An application's threads of execution can be transparently migrated between the Cell's different core types by Hera-JVM, without requiring the application's involvement. A number of real-world Java benchmarks are executed across both of the Cell's core types, to evaluate the efficacy of abstracting a heterogeneous architecture behind a homogeneous virtual machine. By characterising the performance of each of the Cell processor's core types under different program behaviours, a set of influential program behaviour characteristics is uncovered. A set of code annotations are presented, which enable program code to be tagged with these behaviour characteristics, enabling a runtime system to track a program's behaviour throughout its execution. This information is fed into a cost function, which Hera-JVM uses to automatically estimate whether the executing program's threads of execution would benefit from being migrated to a different core type, given their current behaviour characteristics. The use of history, hysteresis and trend tracking, by this cost function, is explored as a means of increasing its stability and limiting detrimental thread migrations. The effectiveness of a number of different migration strategies is also investigated under real-world Java benchmarks, with the most effective found to be a strategy that can target code, such that a thread is migrated whenever it executes this code. This dissertation also investigates the use of runtime monitoring to enable a runtime system to automatically infer a program's behaviour characteristics, without the need for explicit code annotations. A lightweight runtime behaviour monitoring system is developed, and its effectiveness at choosing the most appropriate core type on which to execute a set of real-world Java benchmarks is examined. Combining explicit behaviour characteristic annotations with those characteristics which are monitored at runtime is also explored. Finally, an initial investigation is performed into the use of behaviour characteristics to improve application performance under a different type of heterogeneous architecture, specifically, a non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architecture. Thread teams are proposed as a method of automatically clustering communicating threads onto the same NUMA node, thereby reducing data access overheads. Evaluation of this approach shows that it is effective at improving application performance, if the application's threads can be partitioned across the available NUMA nodes of a system. The findings of this work demonstrate that a runtime system with a homogeneous virtual machine interface can reduce the challenge of application development for HMA processors, whilst still being able to exploit such a processor by taking program behaviour into account


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    Today’s computers have gigabytes of main memory due to improved DRAM density. As density increases, smaller bit cells become more susceptible to errors. With an increase in error susceptibility, the need for memory resiliency also increases. Self-testing of memory health can proactively check for errors to improve resiliency. Developing a memory diagnostic is challenging due to requirements for transparency, scalability and low performance overheads. In my thesis, I developed a software-only self-test to continuously test memory. I present the challenges and the design for two approaches, called COMeT and Asteroid, that are built on a common software framework for memory diagnostic and target chip multiprocessors. COMeT tests memory health simultaneously with single-threaded and multi-threaded application execution in anticipation of memory allocation requests. The approach guarantees that memory is tested within a fixed time interval to limit exposure to lurking errors. On the SPEC CPU2006 and the PARSEC benchmarks, COMeT has a low 4% average performance overhead. Despite the promising results, COMeT showed poor scalability on multi-programmed workload environment with high memory pressure. I developed another novel approach, Asteroid, which can adapt at runtime to workload behavior and resource availability to maximize test quality while reducing performance overhead. Asteroid is designed to support control policies to dynamically configure a diagnostic. Asteroid is seamlessly integrated with a hierarchical memory allocator in modern operating systems and is optimized to achieve higher memory test speed than COMeT. Using an adaptive policy, in a 16-core server, Asteroid has modest overhead of 1% to 4% for workloads with low to high memory demand. For these workloads, Asteroid’s adaptive policy shows good error coverage and can thoroughly test memory. Thorough evaluation of my techniques provides experimental justification that a transparent and online software-based strategy for memory diagnostic can be achievable by utilizing over-provisioned system resources

    Resource management and application customization for hardware accelerated systems

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    Computational demands are continuously increasing, driven by the growing resource demands of applications. At the era of big-data, big-scale applications, and real-time applications, there is an enormous need for quick processing of big amounts of data. To meet these demands, computer systems have shifted towards multi-core solutions. Technology scaling has allowed the incorporation of even larger numbers of transistors and cores into chips. Nevertheless, area constrains, power consumption limitations, and thermal dissipation limit the ability to design and sustain ever increasing chips. To overpassthese limitations, system designers have turned towards the usage of hardware accelerators. These accelerators can take the form of modules attached to each core of a multi-core system, forming a network on chip of cores with attached accelerators. Another option of hardware accelerators are Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). GPUs can be connected through a host-device model with a general purpose system, and are used to off-load parts of a workload to them. Additionally, accelerators can be functionality dedicated units. They can be part of a chip and the main processor can offload specific workloads to the hardware accelerator unit.In this dissertation we present: (a) a microcoded synchronization mechanism for systems with hardware accelerators that provide distributed shared memory, (b) a Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) allocation policy for single application execution on GPUs, (c) an SM allocation policy for concurrent applications that execute on GPUs, and (d) a framework to map neural network (NN) weights to approximate multiplier accuracy levels. Theaforementioned mechanisms coexist in the resource management domain. Specifically, the methodologies introduce ways to boost system performance by using hardware accelerators. In tandem with improved performance, the methodologies explore and balance trade-offs that the use of hardware accelerators introduce

    In-Production Continuous Testing for Future Telco Cloud

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    Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm to design, build and operate networks. The driving motivation of SDN was the need for a major change in network technologies to support a configuration, management, operation, reconfiguration and evolution than in current computer networks. In the SDN world, performance it is not only related to the behaviour of the data plane. As the separation of control plane and data plane makes the latter significantly more agile, it lays off all the complex processing workload to the control plane. This is further exacerbated in distributed network controller, where the control plane is additionally loaded with the state synchronization overhead. Furthermore, the introduction of SDNs technologies has raised advanced challenges in achieving failure resilience, meant as the persistence of service delivery that can justifiably be trusted, when facing changes, and fault tolerance, meant as the ability to avoid service failures in the presence of faults. Therefore, along with the “softwarization” of network services, it is an important goal in the engineering of such services, e.g. SDNs and NFVs, to be able to test and assess the proper functioning not only in emulated conditions before release and deployment, but also “in-production”, when the system is under real operating conditions.   The goal of this thesis is to devise an approach to evaluate not only the performance, but also the effectiveness of the failure detection, and mitigation mechanisms provided by SDN controllers, as well as the capability of the SDNs to ultimately satisfy nonfunctional requirements, especially resiliency, availability, and reliability. The approach consists of exploiting benchmarking techniques, such as the failure injection, to get continuously feedback on the performance as well as capabilities of the SDN services to survive failures, which is of paramount importance to improve the effective- ness of the system internal mechanisms in reacting to anomalous situations potentially occurring in operation, while its services are regularly updated or improved. Within this vision, this dissertation first presents SCP-CLUB (SDN Control Plane CLoUd-based Benchmarking), a benchmarking frame- work designed to automate the characterization of SDN control plane performance, resilience and fault tolerance in telco cloud deployments. The idea is to provide the same level of automation available in deploying NFV function, for the testing of different configuration, using idle cycles of the telco cloud infrastructure. Then, the dissertation proposes an extension of the framework with mechanisms to evaluate the runtime behaviour of a Telco Cloud SDN under (possibly unforeseen) failure conditions, by exploiting the software failure injection

    Comprendre et Guider la Gestion des Ressources de Calcul dans unContexte Multi-Modèles de Programmation

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    With the advent of multicore and manycore processors as buildingblocks of HPC supercomputers, many applications shift from relying solely on a distributed programming model (e.g., MPI) to mixing distributed and shared-memory models (e.g., MPI+OpenMP). This leads to a better exploitation of shared-memory communications and reduces the overall memory footprint.However, this evolution has a large impact on the software stack as applications’ developers do typically mix several programming models to scale over a largenumber of multicore nodes while coping with their hiearchical depth. Oneside effect of this programming approach is runtime stacking: mixing multiplemodels involve various runtime libraries to be alive at the same time. Dealing with different runtime systems may lead to a large number of execution flowsthat may not efficiently exploit the underlying resources.We first present a study of runtime stacking. It introduces stacking configurations and categories to describe how stacking can appear in applications.We explore runtime-stacking configurations (spatial and temporal) focusing on thread/process placement on hardware resources from different runtime libraries. We build this taxonomy based on the analysis of state-of-the-artruntime stacking and programming models.We then propose algorithms to detect the misuse of compute resources when running a hybrid parallel application. We have implemented these algorithms inside a dynamic tool, called the Overseer. This tool monitors applications,and outputs resource usage to the user with respect to the application timeline, focusing on overloading and underloading of compute resources.Finally, we propose a second external tool called Overmind, that monitors the thread/process management and (re)maps them to the underlyingcores taking into account the hardware topology and the application behavior. By capturing a global view of resource usage the Overmind adapts theprocess/thread placement, and aims at taking the best decision to enhance the use of each compute node inside a supercomputer. We demonstrate the relevance of our approach and show that our low-overhead implementation is able to achieve good performance even when running with configurations that would have ended up with bad resource usage.La simulation numérique reproduit les comportements physiquesque l’on peut observer dans la nature. Elle est utilisée pour modéliser des phénomènes complexes, impossible à prédire ou répliquer. Pour résoudre ces problèmes dans un temps raisonnable, nous avons recours au calcul haute performance (High Performance Computing ou HPC en anglais). Le HPC regroupe l’ensemble des techniques utilisées pour concevoir et utiliser les super calcula-teurs. Ces énormes machines ont pour objectifs de calculer toujours plus vite,plus précisément et plus efficacement.Pour atteindre ces objectifs, les machines sont de plus en plus complexes. La tendance actuelle est d’augmenter le nombre cœurs de calculs sur les processeurs,mais aussi d’augmenter le nombre de processeurs dans les machines. Les ma-chines deviennent de plus en hétérogènes, avec de nombreux éléments différents à utiliser en même temps pour extraire le maximum de performances. Pour pallier ces difficultés, les développeurs utilisent des modèles de programmation,dont le but est de simplifier l’utilisation de toutes ces ressources. Certains modèles, dits à mémoire distribuée (comme MPI), permettent d’abstraire l’envoi de messages entre les différents nœuds de calculs, d’autres dits à mémoire partagée, permettent de simplifier et d’optimiser l’utilisation de la mémoire partagée au sein des cœurs de calcul.Cependant, ces évolutions et cette complexification des supercalculateurs à un large impact sur la pile logicielle. Il est désormais nécessaire d’utiliser plusieurs modèles de programmation en même temps dans les applications.Ceci affecte non seulement le développement des codes de simulations, car les développeurs doivent manipuler plusieurs modèles en même temps, mais aussi les exécutions des simulations. Un effet de bord de cette approche de la programmation est l’empilement de modèles (‘Runtime Stacking’) : mélanger plusieurs modèles implique que plusieurs bibliothèques fonctionnent en même temps. Gérer plusieurs bibliothèques peut mener à un grand nombre de fils d’exécution utilisant les ressources sous-jacentes de manière non optimaleL’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’empilement des modèles de programmation et d’optimiser l’utilisation de ressources de calculs par ces modèles au cours de l’exécution des simulations numériques. Nous avons dans un premier temps caractérisé les différentes manières de créer des codes de calcul mélangeant plusieurs modèles. Nous avons également étudié les différentes interactions que peuvent avoir ces modèles entre eux lors de l’exécution des simulations.De ces observations nous avons conçu des algorithmes permettant de détecter des utilisations de ressources non optimales. Enfin, nous avons développé un outil permettant de diriger automatiquement l’utilisation des ressources par les différents modèles de programmation

    Deming Graphic, 05-31-1912

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