5 research outputs found

    Orsa Rural Hotel: business plan

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    Serves the present report as a tool to financially evaluate the possibility of building a new, luxury, sustainable and differentiated Rural 5-Star Hotel in Guia, Albufeira. The conclusions taken from this business plan are elaborated and supported in accordance with a pertinent existent literature review about the related issues, based in an intense market and industry research as well as the assessment of the consumers’ preferences and perceptions towards the construction of a rural hotel of this type. The marketing plan designed gathers all the vital resources required for a project like this. Furthermore, it contains a detailed description with all the steps and processes to follow, the development of the adequate strategy and the legal information framework that clarifies the questions and documents to be addressed in the report. Financially, the edification of the Orsa Rural Hotel is classified as viable, with a Net Present Value of 470 438.28 €, an Internal Return Rate of 17.1% and a Payback Period inferior to 8 years. Subsequently, the familiar company José António Catuna & Filhos Lda should advance with the project.Serve o presente business plan como ferramenta para analisar a possibilidade de construção de um novo, luxuoso, sustentável e diferenciado hotel rural de 5 estrelas na região da Guia, Albufeira. As conclusões que advêm deste relatório são devidamente fundamentadas e elaboradas de acordo com a revisão da literatura existente sobre os tópicos relacionados com esta temática, baseadas ainda numa pesquisa de Mercado, da indústria e das preferências e percepções dos consumidores relativamente a uma unidade hoteleira rural deste género. O plano de marketing delineado inclui todas as componentes necessárias para a realização de um projeto desta envergadura e contém, para lá de uma detalhada descrição de todos os processos e passos a seguir, da formulação de uma estratégia adequada assim como ínumeras informações relativas ao enquadramento legal do negócio. Financeiramente, a construção do "Orsa Rural Hotel" é considerada como viável, tendo como Valor Atualizado líquido de 470 438.28 €, uma Taxa Interna de Rentabilidade de 17.1% e um Payback Period inferior a 8 anos. Assim sendo, a empresa José António Catuna & Filhos Lda deve avançar com o projeto

    The impact of economic and non-economic factors on the willingness to migrate of young people in the COVID-19 pandemic time

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    PURPOSE: The study aimed to determine the willingness to migrate of young people (students of selected research centers from Poland and Portugal) and to identify the reasons and directions for their departure.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Logical reasoning and a descriptive method were used to prepare this article. Additionally, the logistic regression results were the basis for verifying the research hypothesis, and multidimensional correspondence analysis helped with the graphical presentation of the results.FINDINGS: The analyses confirmed the hypothesis that, regardless of the country of origin, the leading cause of migration of young people are economic factors, including high earnings abroad and the intention to improve working conditions. In addition, the study results confirmed the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the willingness to migrate of young people. The disincentives were fear of falling ill and forced isolation from relatives and friends in case of a lockdown.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The study allowed us to determine how the willingness to migrate of young people has changed over time, especially in the time of the global crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Application of correspondence analysis to migration research to illustrate the influence of economic and social factors on the willingness of youth to migrate.peer-reviewe

    A multifunctional product design for performing work from home

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    Sabe-se que recentemente poucas situações tiveram um impacto tão grande na forma como as empresas trabalham como a pandemia de SARS-COV2. Numa tentativa de evitar a propagação do vírus, as empresas e os seus empregados foram forçadas a trabalhar sob o regime do trabalho remoto, o que teve um impacto positivo na produtividade dos empregados, mas nem sempre com as condições e equipamentos adequados. Hoje em dia, o trabalho híbrido que combina trabalho em casa e no escritório é uma realidade para muitas empresas, pelo que criar um local de trabalho em que as características fisiológicas, anatómicas e psicológicas sejam tão equilibradas quanto possível é uma necessidade real. Esta investigação procurou compreender como, através do design, um produto pode ser criado para oferecer condições favoráveis para se realizar trabalho a partir de casa. Da mesma forma, também se procurou compreender os fundamentos ergonómicos necessários para realizar o trabalho da forma mais apropriada. Para atingir este objetivo procurou-se compreender a forma como os espacos de trabalho evoluiram ao longo da história e que continua a evoluir até nos dias de hoje. Foram também realizados estudos de casos e uma investigação sobre os espaços de trabalho em casa usados durante o confinamento devido à pandemia, utilizando a técnica do questionário. Toda a informação e dados obtidos, contribuíram para a criação de uma proposta de produto multifuncional, que tenta oferecer as características necessárias para trabalhar a partir de casa de uma forma adequada.It is known that recently few situations have had as great an impact on the way companies work as the SARS-COV2 pandemic. In an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus, companies and their employees were forced to work under remote working, which had a positive impact on employee productivity, but not always with the right conditions and equipment. Today, hybrid work that combines work at home and in the office is a reality for many companies, so creating a workplace where physiological, anatomical and psychological characteristics are as balanced as possible is a real need. This research sought to understand how, through design, a product can be created to provide favorable conditions for doing work from home. Likewise, it also sought to understand the ergonomic fundamentals needed to perform work in the most appropriate way. To achieve this goal, we sought to understand how workspaces have evolved throughout history and continue to evolve today. Case studies and an investigation into the home workspaces used during the pandemic confinement were also conducted, using the questionnaire technique. All the information and data obtained, contributed to the creation of a multifunctional product proposal, which tries to offer the necessary characteristics to work from home in an adequate way

    Contemporary Research on Management and Business

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    This book contains 74 selected papers presented at the 5th International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2021), which was organized by the Alliance of Indonesian Master of Management Program (APMMI) and held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 18 December 2021. This online conference was hosted by the Master of Management Program of Indonesia University. This year, ISCRBM focused on research related to driving sustainable business through innovation. Business has had to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, so a new approach towards managing business to survive competition is indispensable. Innovation is the key for all organizations in surviving in the new normal and beyond. The Seminar aimed to provide a forum for leading scholars, academics, researchers, and practitioners in the business and management area to reflect on the issues, challenges and opportunities, and to share the latest innovative research and best practices. This seminar brought together participants to exchange ideas on the future development of management disciplines: human resource, marketing, operation, finance, strategic management and entrepreneurship