691 research outputs found

    Defining discovery:is Google Scholar a discovery platform? An essay on the need for a new approach to scholarly discovery

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    This essay discusses the concept of discovery, intended as content discovery, and defines it in the new context of Open Science, with a focus on Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Starting from the example of Google Scholar, the authors show that this well established service does not address the current needs, practices, and variety of discovery. Alternatives in terms of technical choices, features, and governance, do however exist, offering richer and more open discovery. The paper presents in particular the implementations and research work of the H2020 project TRIPLE (Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked Interdisciplinary Exploration). Dedicated to the building of a discovery platform for the SSH, the project is meant to address the specificities and evolution of discovery in this field. Prevailing scholarly resource platforms like Google Scholar limit discovery by focussing only on publications, and favouring through their algorithm well-cited papers, English content, and discipline-specific resources. A limitation in the context of cross-disciplinary and collaborative Open Science, such a service more specifically hinders discovery in the SSH. Characterized by a fragmented landscape, a variety of languages, data types, and outputs, research in the SSH requires services that fully exploit discovery potentialities. Moreover, a survey conducted within the TRIPLE project showed that most SSH researchers use Google Scholar as their starting point, and that they recognise the lack of control they have with this system. Beyond the extension of features and content, transparency is the other important criterion for the building of an Open Infrastructure actually serving the research community. In light of this, we present in some detail the GoTriple platform, which exploits today's technological potential and incorporates the best known functionalities in order to unveil more and innovative scholarly outputs and lead to international and interdisciplinary research project collaborations

    Going home? A systematic review of the literature on displacement, return and cycles of violence

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    Guarantees and Capital Infusions in Response to Financial Crises B: U.S. Guarantees During the Global Financial Crisis

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    During 2008-09, the federal government extended multiple guarantee programs in an effort to restore the financial market and contain the panic and crisis in the market. For example, the Treasury provided a temporary guarantee program for the money market funds, the FDIC decided to stand behind certain debts and non-interest-bearing transaction accounts, and the Treasury, the FDIC, and the Federal Reserve agreed to share losses in certain assets belonging to Citigroup. This case reviews these guarantee programs implemented during the global financial crisis by the government and explores the different rationale that shaped certain design features of each program

    The Crisis Without A Face: Emerging Narratives Of The Financial Crisis

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    The Crisis Without A Face: Emerging Narratives Of The Financial Crisis

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    DIY anthropology: Disciplinary knowledge in crisis

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    This is an account of the transformations in our anthropological practice derived from working in the many interstitial spaces that opened up in the wake of the recent Spanish economic crisis. Ambulating in void spaces of Madrid and Barcelona, our anthropological practice was there re-built in ways that blurred our disciplinary boundaries. What there emerged was anthropology not as a disciplinary field, but as a field of experimental collaborations. A practice that re-learnt its ways treating counterparts as true epistemic partners, and setting up distinct ambiances of care with them: not only to care for one another in situations of great difficulty, but mostly to care for our different forms of inquiry, addressing the very situations we were under. An anthropology done together with others, assembling from scratch a conceptual body, caring for the mundane issues that are very often forgotten and rendered invisible by disciplinary fields: A DIY anthropology?Questo è un resoconto delle trasformazioni nella nostra pratica antropologica derivate dal lavoro nei tanti spazi interstiziali che si sono aperti sulla scia della recente crisi economica spagnola. Deambulando negli spazi vuoti di Madrid e Barcellona, la nostra pratica antropologica è stata ricostruita in modi che ne hanno sfumato i confini disciplinari. L’antropologia non è emersa come campo disciplinare, ma come campo di collaborazioni sperimentali. Una pratica che ha ri-appreso il suo modo di trattare le controparti come veri partner epistemici, e di costituire con loro ambienti di cura distinti: non solo per prendersi cura l’uno dell’altro in situazioni di grande difficoltà, ma soprattutto per interessarsi alle nostre diverse forme di indagine, affrontando le specifiche situazioni in cui ci trovavamo. Una antropologia fatta insieme ad altri, assemblando da zero un corpo concettuale, prestando attenzione alle questioni mondane che molto spesso sono dimenticate e rese invisibili dai campi disciplinari: Un’antropologia fai da te

    Hermann Hesse’s Orient: Western Crisis and Eastern Redemption

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    The German-born Nobel-Laureate author Hermann Hesse enjoyed three major waves of popularity in the twentieth century. The first surge in reception took place in the Weimar Republic following the Great War. The second, arose mostly in Germany during the period of Nazi rule and just after the Second World War. Finally, the third surge happened in the 1960s and 1970s, when Hesse reached a large readership at the time of the American Counterculture movement. In all these receptions, Hesse’s novels were seen as guides to help navigate crises in western civilisation. The resolutions offered in Hesse’s novels, particularly Demian, Siddhartha, Steppenwolf and The Indian Life (the appendix to The Glass Bead Game) are either anchored in a narrative Orient or influenced by Vendānta and Buddhist philosophies. Framing the research within reception theory (Jauss 1967), the study of crisis in the West (Spengler 1919; Graf and Föllmer 2012) and Orientalism (Said 1978; Sardar 1999), I argue that Hesse’s readers across each of these waves of reception share a sense of social and existential crisis, and that Hesse’s novels functioned as a means of resolving this sense of crisis in the diverse socio-cultural environments of the West. They did so through the invocation of various understandings of the East as the Oriental other. Further, by way of conclusion, I suggest that a new wave of Hesse reception is in the making, and that these earlier surges of popularity can help us understand what Hesse’s Orient might offer in today’s pervasive sense of global crisis in academic and socio-cultural spheres

    From Lever to Club?: conditionality in the European Union during the financial crisis

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    How did the European Union come to develop so many instruments of conditionality during the Eurozone debt crisis, despite the well-documented limitations of such measures in other contexts? This article argues that major EU actors–Council, Commission, and Central Bank–were influenced by their own recent and positive experiences with conditionality, especially in the EU’s enlargement in the early 2000s and the early phase of the global financial crisis. However, despite the promise of conditional instruments in these two earlier episodes, further EU reliance on conditional policies has not brought the positive outcomes the main European institutions had hoped for. As EU institutions turned to harder and harder forms of conditionality in the Euro crisis, they relearned many of the familiar negative lessons of conditionality and ultimately had to concede that the apparent success of its conditionality tools in the two earlier phases was exceptional. The article documents the evolution of conditionality over these periods, showing how EU conditionality instruments changed over time, beginning as a ‘lever’ to assist the accession of candidate states in the enlargement period, and evolving into a ‘club’ used to impose macroeconomic discipline in the late 2000s. It shows why this approach to the Euro crisis failed and was ultimately downgraded as Eurozone policy shifted in favour of monetary measures in which conditionality played only a marginal role

    Polityka przemysłowa państw Azji Wschodniej: analiza krytyczna developmental state

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    In the times of discrediting neo-liberalism as the preferred guiding doctrine in economic policy and systemic arrangements, the industrial policy, understood as a set of state interventions to supervise the process of developmental advancements, may come back to the fore as a favoured instrument. It is the East Asian industrial policy which brought by far the most spectacular developmental results in the second half of the twentieth century. In the scholarly literature on the so-called East Asian miracle, this success is explained by the concept of the developmental state. This paper examines the main threads of the East Asian industrial policy and tackles the issue of its contemporary applicability. It starts with the explanation as to why industrial policy as such is becoming more popular. It then examines the history of the formation of the concept of the developmental state. It analyses its most important elements, mainly, the strategy of imitating and innovating, the targeting of industrial sectors for development, the trade policy and the utilisation of subsidies. In conclusion, it is claimed that the provisions of the East Asian industrial policy may well be employed contemporarily, despite the fact that the concept of developmental state is primarily seen as a historical phenomenon.Współcześnie, gdy zdyskredytowana doktryna neoliberalna przestała pełnić funkcję dominującego wzorca polityki ekonomicznej oraz modelu systemowego, być może nadszedł moment wielkiego powrotu polityki przemysłowej, rozumianej jako interwencje państwa mające za cel stymulowanie rozwoju. W II połowie XX w. to właśnie polityka przemysłowa prowadzona w państwach Azji Wschodniej przyniosła najbardziej spektakularny rozwój. W literaturze przedmiotu sukces ten - zwany wschodnioazjatyckim cudem - wyjaśniany jest na gruncie koncepcji developmental state (państwa rozwojowego, czy też prorozwojowego). W niniejszym artykule Autor omawia główne kierunki polityki przemysłowej państw Azji Wschodniej. Stawia też pytanie, czy takie podejście może być stosowane współcześnie. Wymaga to wyjaśnienia, dlaczego polityka przemysłowa zyskuje na popularności. Następnie Autor omawia dzieje powstania pojęcia państwa rozwojowego, aby przejść do analizy najważniejszych jego elementów, tj. przede wszystkim strategii naśladownictwa i innowacji, wybierania gałęzi przemysłu, w które należy inwestować, polityki handlowej oraz wykorzystania subsydiów. W konkluzji stwierdza, że chociaż koncepcja developmental state uznawana jest za zjawisko historyczne, to zasady, którymi kierowały się państwa Azji Wschodniej w swojej polityce przemysłowej, nadal mogą być z powodzeniem stosowane w innych częściach świata