36 research outputs found

    Information Technology for Development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Development is a concept that is often used to describe growth in organizations and the regions in which they reside. While research in Information Systems (IS) recognizes the importance of Information Technology (IT) in improving the organizational performance, a great deal of emphasis is given towards understanding large organizations. While social-economic development and transformation relies on new technological infrastructures and organizational changes, there is still a weak link between the organization studies with Information Technology (IT) as it relates to the growth of organizations. It appears that a greater research focus is needed in understanding the use of IT in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). It is critical to understand the role of IT artifacts in SMEs and whether the use of IT could lead to their growth and development. This research-in-progress study provides an overview of what is known about Information Technology for Development (IT4D) in SMEs, identifies the knowledge gaps, and proposes a framework for future research. The contribution of this paper is in identifying how do IS researchers approach and conceptualize IT4D research on SMEs

    Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: A meta-analytic evaluation of UTAUT2

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    YesDespite being regarded as the most comprehensive theory in understanding individual technology adoption – UTAUT2 theory with growing number of citations and impetus beyond IS domain face strong criticism on usage of the model in its entirety. This study located UTAUT2 based empirical studies in the Scopus and Web of Science bibliographic database through citied reference search in order to evaluate appropriate usage of UTAUT2 constructs. The meta-analysis results spanning across 60 studies with more than 122,000 cumulative observations found BI→UB as the strongest path with all significant values. PE→BI emerged as the most utilized path with most significant values underscoring the emphasis placed by consumers on utilitarian value. Meanwhile, with most non-significant path values the future usage of EE→BI path is been cautioned and questioned. Finally, trust, personal innovativeness, perceived risk, attitude, and self-efficacy were found as the five topmost UTAUT2 extensions

    Developing the mUTAUT model – a mobile shopping perspective

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    Smartphones and tablets (mobile devices) worldwide usage has reached an all-time high, of which the services they provide to users are also increasing in popularity. While mobile banking and mobile payments are increasing in consumer adoption in the UK, mobile shopping (m-shopping) surprisingly remains an under-utilised commodity. Responding to the call for specific theoretical understanding in the mobile context, this study seeks to examine the factors influencing consumers’ mobile shopping (m-shopping) adoption intention, through development of the mUTAUT model, to incorporate more consumer-orientated constructs of innovativeness, risk and trust. The research model is tested using quantitative data (n = 435) and structural equation modelling analysis. Findings reveal performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, habit, risk and trust to be significant influencers of consumer m-shopping intention. Despite inclusion of three control variables of age, gender and experience, only age is found to have a partial moderating effect

    Determining factors contributing to software adoption on a personal level: testing TAM and UTAUT and a new combined model based on the two models

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    This study uses UTAUT and TAM and a combined model based on them to test, which factors contribute to the adoption of a new software on an employee’s personal level. The data is gathered in a company-wide survey that uses a 7-point Likert scale. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares is applied to the data to find out the causalities between the constructs and to test how well UTAUT and TAM perform. The combined model is created to test how well the two models perform together and whether there are new causalities between the variables. Based on the results, the models partially succeeded to find significant relations between constructs. All the relations in TAM were found significant, whereas half of the relations in UTAUT were not found to be significant. The majority of the relations presented in the combined model we found significant. This study suggests that UTAUT and TAM can be used to assess the adoption process of a new technology, but using new variables and different frameworks would be in the benefit of the field of technology adoption research

    Mobile applications in government services (mG-App) from user's perspectives: A predictive modelling approach

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    YesMobile applications are becoming a preferred delivery method for the government sector and contributing to more convenient and timely services to citizens. This study examines the intention to use mobile applications for the government services (mG-App) in Oman. This study extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model by including two constructs namely trust and information quality. Data were collected from 513 mobile application users across Oman. The research model was analysed in two stages. First, structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to determine significant determinants affecting users’ acceptance of mG-App. In the second stage, a neural network model was used to validate SEM results and determine the relative importance of determinants of acceptance of mG-App. The findings revealed that trust and performance expectancy are the strongest determinants influencing the acceptance of mG-App. The findings of this research have provided theoretical contributions to the existing research on mG-App and practical implications to decision-makers involved in the development and implementation of mG-App in in Oman

    Generasi Z Dan Pendidikan: Menginvestigasi Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi Pembelajaran Digital Dan Ketaatan Terhadap Aturan Anti Pembajakan

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    Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana kaum muda, khususnya Generasi Z, dan aktivitasnya di dunia pendidikan tinggi. Pada penelitian ini, objek yang dieksplorasi adalah faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi Generasi Z dalam mengadopsi teknologi pembelajaran digital dan bagaimana aspek perilaku Generasi Z dalam menaati aturan anti-pembajakan perangkat lunak pendidikan. Dua model penelitian diajukan dengan pendekatan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) dan Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Pendekatan Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) dilakukan dan sampling data primer dikoleksi pada 150 dan 167 responden untuk masing-masing objek. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa UTAUT dapat menjelaskan 33% niat Generasi Z untuk mengadopsi pembelajaran digital. Untuk persepsi ketaatan terhadap aturan anti-pembajakan, sebanyak 72.1% niat Generasi Z dapat terjabarkan. Beberapa poin penting yang ditemukan pada objek pertama dengan model UTAUT adalah bagaimana kondisi fasilitas, infrastruktur, dan sumber daya yang ada sangat mempengaruhi niat Generasi Z dalam mengadopsi pembelajaran digital. Terlebih, pada objek dengan model PMT, hasil yang menarik adalah bagaimana Generasi Z tidak memedulikan faktor penilaian ancaman dalam niat untuk taat, mereka lebih berfokus kepada faktor penanganan dari model PMT. Detail dari penelitian dan implikasi manajerial dibahas lebih dalam pada penelitian ini. ================================================================================================================================= This research explores how young people, especially Generation Z, and their activities in the world of higher education. In this study, the object explored is what factors influence Generation Z in adopting digital learning technology and how aspects of Generation Z's behavior in obeying the anti-piracy law in an educational setting. Two research models are proposed using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) approaches. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) approach was performed and primary data sampling was collected at 150 and 167 respondents for each object. The results show that UTAUT can explain 33% of Generation Z's intention to adopt digital learning. For the perception of adherence to anti-piracy rules, as much as 72.1% of Generation Z's intentions can be elaborated. Some important points found in the first object with the UTAUT model are how the condition of existing facilities, infrastructure, and resources greatly affects the intention of Generation Z in adopting digital learning. Moreover, on objects with the PMT model, the interesting result is that Generation Z does not care about threat assessment factors in the intention to obey, they are more focused on the handling factors of the PMT model. Details of the study and managerial implications are discussed more deeply in this study

    Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge Management : A Comparative Analysis of Web 2.0 In Russian and Anglo-Saxon Contexts.

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    This research aims at establishing whether national culture has an impact on the internal adoption and use of Web 2. 0 in organizations, and providing an explanation to how this may be happening. The rationale for it was derived from two factors. The initial indication that such impact can exist came from the evident skewness in the distribution of levels of activity on Wikipedia shown by representatives of different countries. The analysis of the literature dedicated to Knowledge Management, national culture and Web 2. 0 also highlighted theoretical reasons for culture-dependence in Web 2. 0's adoption and use. Achieving the aim in a robust manner required fulfilling a number of objectives. First, it had to be proven that there was a correlation between the national culture and the propensity to use Web 2. 0 sites. Second, it was necessary to verify whether the same trends held in an organizational context, and (third) an explanation had to be sought as to what the underlying mechanisms could be. The evidence gathered via a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods shows that indeed, there is evidence that the national culture does play a role in the degree and the way Web 2. 0 is used in organizations, and provides an explanation of the mechanisms involved. The thesis makes a fundamental contribution by expanding the existing body of literature into an unexplored area lying at the intersection of national culture, Web 2. 0 and Knowledge Management, and by highlighting and addressing the limitations in the theories used

    Understanding the Role of Information Technology for Sustainable Development in Small Businesses and Micro-Enterprises

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    Small businesses, including micro-enterprises, represent the majority of all firms in the world. This study investigates how Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can impact the performance of small businesses, including micro-enterprises. This research introduces an updated Information Technology for Development (IT4D) framework to investigate the key factors that influence the adoption of technology in small businesses. Through structural equation modeling (SEM) and factor analysis of 118 microenterprises in China, facilitating conditions, attitude toward using technology, and anxiety is positively related to the behavior intention to use IT. Also, the usage of ICTs and human capital have a positive effect towards the development of small businesses. In order to understand why, in-depth case analysis of China and the United States based microenterprises was carried out using a qualitative research strategy. Case study data was gathered from 11 Chinese, Native American, African American, and Caucasian owned micro-enterprises and small businesses in the United States and China. In order to find out how the growth of those micro-enterprises varies, a comparative analysis was carried out. The results suggest that the characteristics of ICTs, the access to ICTs, and personal inequalities impact the process of economic development and empowerment of the small businesses. Contributions of the dissertation are as follows: the theoretical contribution of this dissertation is an updated framework for IT4D. The practical contribution is in the interventions that providing IT training opportunities are critical for the growth of small businesses. Finally, this research identifies gaps in the IT4D in small businesses and proposes a framework to guide future research