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    Büyükanne ve büyükbabalarda torun bakmanın depresyon ve yaşam kalitesine etkisi

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    Başlangıç seviyesi projesiAmaç: Bu araştırma “Büyükanne ve büyükbabalarda torun bakmanın depresyon ve yasam kalitesine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Materiyal ve Metod: Araştırma tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel niteliktedir. Denizli il merkezinde 60 yas üzeri torun bakan ve bakmayan büyükanne ve büyük babalar araştırmanın evrenini oluşturmuştur. Toplum sağlığı merkezlerinden rastlantısal olarak birer aile sağlığı merkezi seçilmiş ve her birinden ikişer aile hekimliği bölgesi randomizasyon örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenmiştir. Örnekleme çıkan her bir aile hekimliği bölgesinde kayıtlı olan 60 yas üzeri yaslı nüfus, toplam nüfusa orantılanmış ve bölgelerden kaçar yaslının örnekleme alınacağı belirlenmiştir. Evreni bilinen örneklem formülüne göre araştırmaya alınacak örneklem sayısı 920 olarak bulunmuştur. Veri toplama araçları olarak; Birinci bölümde “Büyükanne, büyükbaba ve toruna yönelik tanıtıcı bilgi formu” “, İkinci bölümde Büyükanne ve babaların depresyon düzeylerini ölçebilmek için “Geriatrik Depresyon Ölçeği, Üçüncü bölümde ise, Büyük anne ve babaların yasam kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla Dünya Sağlık Örgütü Yasam kalitesi Ölçeği (WHOQOL –OLD ) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya başlamadan önce benzer örneklemde ön uygulama yapılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, SPSS 11.0 programı kullanılmış ve veriler sayı yüzde dağılımları, Independent t testi, varyans analizi, ki kare ve korelasyon analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Arastırmaya katılan büyük anne ve büyükbabaların yas ortalaması 62.20±7.71dir. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların %59.6’sını bayanlar, %42.2’si ilkokul mezunu, %91.9’u gelir getiren herhangi bir iste çalısmıyor, %46.2’sinin aylık geliri 500-999TL arasındadır. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların %49.6’sı torun baktığını, %50.4’ü torun bakmadığını belirtmiştir. %40.3’ü torun bakmanın ekonomik yük getirmediğini, %47.4’ü bundan kazanç elde etmediğini, %17.5’i torun bakmanın kendisini daha mutlu hissettirdiğini, %11.0’ı ise torun bakmanın aşırı yorgunluğa neden olduğunu belirtmiştir. Büyükanne ve büyükbabaların yasam kalitesi değerlendirildiğinde, yasam kalitesi ölçeğinin duygusal işlevler ile ölüm ve ölmek alt boyutlarında torun bakan ve bakmayanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olduğu saptanmıştır ( p<0.05). Torun bakanların %23.6’sında depresyon riski görülürken, %76.4’ünde depresyon riski yoktur. Torun bakmayanların %33.4’ünde depresyon riski görülürken, %66.6’sında depresyon riski yoktur. Algılanan sağlık durumu ile depresyon görülme riski ve yasam kalitesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç ve Öneriler: Sonuç olarak, torun bakan büyükanne ve babalarda bakmayanlara göre depresyon görülme riskinin daha az olduğu, yine torun bakmanın yasam kalitesi ölçeğinin duygusal işlevler ile ölüm ve ölmek alt boyutlarında etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Subjektif sağlık algısı hem depresyon görülme riskinde hem de yaşam kalitesinde etkili bulunmuştur. Projenin bulguları ülkemizde bir ilki oluşturmuştur. Bu yüzden bu arastırmanın farklı örneklemlerde yapılması önerilmektedir.Purpose: This study was planned and carried out in order to observe the effect of grandmother and grandfather’s looking after grandchildren on depression and life quality. Material and Method: The study is descriptive and cross-sectional. The universe of the study was composed of grandmothers and grandfather over the age of 60 years and who look and do not look after grandchildren in Denizli. One family health center was chosen randomly from public health centers and two family practice areas per each center were detected with randomization sampling method. Population over the age of 60 years registered in each family practice area for sampling was proportioned to total population and how many elder people was to be taken for sampling was determined. Sampling to be included in the study according sampling formula was determined to be 920. As data collection tool; In the first section “Identifying Information Form for the grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchild; in the second section “Geriatric Depression Scale” in order to measure grandmothers and grandfathers’ depression level, in the third section World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale (WHOQOL – OLD) in order to determine life quality of grandmothers and grandfathers were used. For the evaluation of data; SPSS 11.0 program was used and data were evaluated with percentage distribution, Independent t test, variance analysis, chi square and correlation analysis. Findings: Average of age of grandmothers and grandfathers who are involved in the study is 62.20±7.71. 59.6% of the grandparents are female, 42.2% of them are graduate of primary education, 91.9% of them do not work in a job that brings an income, monthly income of 46.2% of them is between 500-900 TL. It was detected that 49.6% of the grandparents look after grandchildren and 50.4% do not. 40.3% of grandparents expressed that looking after grandchildren do not bring any economic burden to them, 47.4% expressed that they do not gain profit from it, 17.5% expressed that they feel themselves happy for looking after their grandchildren, 11.0% expressed that looking after children brought overfatigue. When life quality of grandparents were considered, it was detected that there was a statistically meaningful difference in the lower dimensions of emotional functions and death and dying of life quality scale between grandparents who look and do not after grandchildren ( p<0.05). There is a risk of depression in 23.6% of grandparents who do not look after grandchildren while there was no risk of depression in 66.6% of them. It was detected that there was a statistically meaningful relation between health condition and risk of depression and life quality. Results and Suggestions: As a result, it was detected that the risk of depression is lower in grandparents who look after grandchildren compared with those who do not look after grandchildren and that looking after grandchildren is effective in the lower dimensions of emotional functions and death and dying of life quality scale. Subjective health perception was found to be effective in both the risk of depression and life quality. Findings of the project were a first in our country. Therefore the study was suggested to be carried out in different samplings as well

    Novel Research in Sexuality and Mental Health

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    Sexuality is considered as a great human value related to happiness and satisfaction, but unfortunately, when affecting mental disorders, they tend to be associated with second level human functions. Nevertheless, sexual dysfunction often accompanies psychiatric disorder, intensely influencing compliance, quality of life and human relationships. Sexuality could be influenced either by a mental disorder itself, difficulties to get and maintain couple relationships or by the use of psychotropic treatments. Treatment-related adverse events are unfortunately under-recognized by clinicians, scarcely spontaneously communicated by patients, and rarely investigated in clinical trials. The most frequent psychotropic compounds that could deteriorate sexuality and quality of life include antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood regulators. There are important differences between them related to some variations in mechanisms of action including serotonin, dopamine and prolactin levels. Little is known about the relevance of sexuality and its dysfunctions in chronic and frequent mental and neurological disorders, such as psychosis, mood disorders, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, alcohol or drug dependencies, epilepsy and childhood pathology. Poor sexual life, low satisfaction and more frequent risky sex behavior than in the general population are associated with severe mental diseases. There is a need for increasing research in this field, including epidemiological, psychological, neurophysiological, neuroanatomical and genetic variables related to sexual life to get a better understanding of the implicated mechanisms. To increase the sensibility of clinicians, the identification and management of sexual disturbances after the onset of any mental disorder should be highlighted. This would avoid unnecessary suffering and deterioration of quality of life

    Implicaciones de la calidad de vida en las decisiones quirúrgicas del cáncer de pulmón

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    Available evidence suggests that the patients with a forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1] over 60% or in which a postoperative FEV1 is predicted over 45%, they do not develop severe disability after lung resection surgery; nevertheless, currently some groups are operating patients with EPOC and FEV1 less than 35%. In emphysema patients can occur that the function improve, as in the volume reduction lung surgery, but in the cases that it does not occur, they can remain with chronic shortness of breath until a 10%. At present, there are not any functional or effort test that be able to predict what patients will present satisfactory residual pulmonary function or chronic shortness of breath or important exercise limitations. It has been noticed that medical team opinion is not satisfactory to predict defi cit in postoperative quality of life. Nevertheless, long-term survivors (more than one year) inform relatively good quality of life, even in which they have pulmonary function reduced. In comparison with other chronic respiratory diseases, the survivors of lung cancer seem to be in better psychological state, the defi cit in quality of life is caused mainly by depression, and not for physical limitation. Therefore, empirical evidence does not justify excluding undergoing surgery on basis of medical team suppositions about a postoperative poor Quality of life. In addition, studies about Quality of Life suggests patients who is undergo lung cancer surgery are willing to assume risks for their survival, although, they want to receive information about how surgery may affect them

    Original biographies from the Dictionary of African Christian Biography

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    A publication of the Dictionary of African Christian Biography with U.S. offices located at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University. The editors are pleased to offer the first annual cumulative volume of the Journal of African Christian Biography, the monthly scholarly publication that was launched in June of 2016. Since then, the life stories of twelve individuals who played vital roles in and through their faith communities have been published online as free downloads. But it is important that a selection of DACB stories be more readily available to those without access to the internet. As I mentioned in the fall 2016 newsletter of the DACB, each issue of the journal is available in its e-journal, on-line version, where it is configured either as A4 or 8.5 x 11 format printable as booklets, ready for local printing and binding or stapling. Our intention is to make it easy for academics and church leaders in various parts of Africa to make print copies of the journal available to their students, colleagues or church members. And so it is with this cumulative volume.This issue focuses on: 1. "Walatta Petros and Hakalla Amale, Pious Women of Ethiopia," with commentary by Dr. Jonathan Bonk, Project Director. 2. Walatta Petros. 3. Hakalla Amale. 4. Bishop Josiah Kibira of Tanzania, Ecumenical Statesman. 5. Josiah Mutabuzi Isaya Kibira. 6. Josiah Kibira. 7. David Lonkibiri Windibiziri. 8. Abiodun Babatunde Lawrence. 9. Dominic Ignatius Ekandem. 10. William Wadé Harris, Prophet-Evangelist of West Africa: His Life, Message, Praxis, Heritage, and Legacy. 11. William Wadé Harris. 12. Michael Timneng and Jeremiah Chi Kangsen: Christianity Beyond the Missionary Presence in Cameroon. 13. Michael Timneng. 14. Jeremiah Chi Kangsen. 15. Rainisoalambo, Ravelonjanahary, and Volahavana Germaine (Nenilava): Revival Leaders of Madagascar. 16. Rainisoalambo. 17. Ravelonjanahary. 18. Volahavana Germaine (Nenilava). 19. Recent Print and Digital Resourcews Related to Christianity in Africa

    State College Times, January 15, 1932

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    Volume 20, Issue 21https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_1932/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Recovery and serious mental illness: a review of current clinical and research paradigms and future directions

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    Introduction: Recovery from serious mental illness has historically not been considered a likely or even possible outcome. However, a range of evidence suggests the courses of SMI are heterogeneous with recovery being the most likely outcome. One barrier to studying recovery in SMI is that recovery has been operationalized in divergent and seemingly incompatible ways, as an objective outcome, versus a subjective process. Areas Covered: This paper offers a review of recovery as a subjective process and recovery as an objective outcome; contrasts methodologies utilized by each approach to assess recovery; reports rates and correlates of recovery; and explores the relationship between objective and subjective forms of recovery. Expert Commentary: There are two commonalities of approaching recovery as a subjective process and an objective outcome: (i) the need to make meaning out of one’s experiences to engage in either type of recovery and (ii) there exist many threats to engaging in meaning making that may impact the likelihood of moving toward recovery. We offer four clinical implications that stem from these two commonalities within a divided approach to the concept of recovery from SMI

    v. 24, no. 15, June 10, 1964

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    Fear of exercise and health-related quality of life in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator

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    Several studies have reported improved survival rates thanks to the use of an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in the treatment of patients with life-threatening arrhythmia. However, the effects of the ICD on health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) of these patients are not clear. The aim of this study is to describe HR-QoL and fear of exercise in ICD patients. Eighty-nine ICD patients from the University Hospital in Groningen, the Netherlands, participated in this study. HR-QoL was measured using the Rand-36 and the Quality of Life After Myocardial Infarction Dutch language version questionnaires. Fear of exercise was measured using the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, Dutch version and the Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire, Dutch version. Association between outcome variables was analysed by linear regression analyses. Study results show that the HR-QoL of patients with ICDs in our study population is significantly worse than that of normal healthy people. Furthermore, fear of exercise is negatively associated with HR-QoL corrected for sex, age and number of years living with an ICD. After implantation of the ICD, patients with a clear fear of exercise should be identified and interventions should be considered in order to increase their HR-QoL

    State College Times, January 15, 1932

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    Volume 20, Issue 21https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12707/thumbnail.jp

    State College Times, January 15, 1932

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    Volume 20, Issue 21https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/12707/thumbnail.jp