26 research outputs found

    Practical database replication

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformáticaSoftware-based replication is a cost-effective approach for fault-tolerance when combined with commodity hardware. In particular, shared-nothing database clusters built upon commodity machines and synchronized through eager software-based replication protocols have been driven by the distributed systems community in the last decade. The efforts on eager database replication, however, stem from the late 1970s with initial proposals designed by the database community. From that time, we have the distributed locking and atomic commitment protocols. Briefly speaking, before updating a data item, all copies are locked through a distributed lock, and upon commit, an atomic commitment protocol is responsible for guaranteeing that the transaction’s changes are written to a non-volatile storage at all replicas before committing it. Both these processes contributed to a poor performance. The distributed systems community improved these processes by reducing the number of interactions among replicas through the use of group communication and by relaxing the durability requirements imposed by the atomic commitment protocol. The approach requires at most two interactions among replicas and disseminates updates without necessarily applying them before committing a transaction. This relies on a high number of machines to reduce the likelihood of failures and ensure data resilience. Clearly, the availability of commodity machines and their increasing processing power makes this feasible. Proving the feasibility of this approach requires us to build several prototypes and evaluate them with different workloads and scenarios. Although simulation environments are a good starting point, mainly those that allow us to combine real (e.g., replication protocols, group communication) and simulated-code (e.g., database, network), full-fledged implementations should be developed and tested. Unfortunately, database vendors usually do not provide native support for the development of third-party replication protocols, thus forcing protocol developers to either change the database engines, when the source code is available, or construct in the middleware server wrappers that intercept client requests otherwise. The former solution is hard to maintain as new database releases are constantly being produced, whereas the latter represents a strenuous development effort as it requires us to rebuild several database features at the middleware. Unfortunately, the group-based replication protocols, optimistic or conservative, that had been proposed so far have drawbacks that present a major hurdle to their practicability. The optimistic protocols make it difficult to commit transactions in the presence of hot-spots, whereas the conservative protocols have a poor performance due to concurrency issues. In this thesis, we propose using a generic architecture and programming interface, titled GAPI, to facilitate the development of different replication strategies. The idea consists of providing key extensions to multiple DBMSs (Database Management Systems), thus enabling a replication strategy to be developed once and tested on several databases that have such extensions, i.e., those that are replication-friendly. To tackle the aforementioned problems in groupbased replication protocols, we propose using a novel protocol, titled AKARA. AKARA guarantees fairness, and thus all transactions have a chance to commit, and ensures great performance while exploiting parallelism as provided by local database engines. Finally, we outline a simple but comprehensive set of components to build group-based replication protocols and discuss key points in its design and implementation.A replicação baseada em software é uma abordagem que fornece um bom custo benefício para tolerância a falhas quando combinada com hardware commodity. Em particular, os clusters de base de dados “shared-nothing” construídos com hardware commodity e sincronizados através de protocolos “eager” têm sido impulsionados pela comunidade de sistemas distribuídos na última década. Os primeiros esforços na utilização dos protocolos “eager”, decorrem da década de 70 do século XX com as propostas da comunidade de base de dados. Dessa época, temos os protocolos de bloqueio distribuído e de terminação atómica (i.e. “two-phase commit”). De forma sucinta, antes de actualizar um item de dados, todas as cópias são bloqueadas através de um protocolo de bloqueio distribuído e, no momento de efetivar uma transacção, um protocolo de terminação atómica é responsável por garantir que as alterações da transacção são gravadas em todas as réplicas num sistema de armazenamento não-volátil. No entanto, ambos os processos contribuem para um mau desempenho do sistema. A comunidade de sistemas distribuídos melhorou esses processos, reduzindo o número de interacções entre réplicas, através do uso da comunicação em grupo e minimizando a rigidez os requisitos de durabilidade impostos pelo protocolo de terminação atómica. Essa abordagem requer no máximo duas interacções entre as réplicas e dissemina actualizações sem necessariamente aplicá-las antes de efectivar uma transacção. Para funcionar, a solução depende de um elevado número de máquinas para reduzirem a probabilidade de falhas e garantir a resiliência de dados. Claramente, a disponibilidade de hardware commodity e o seu poder de processamento crescente tornam essa abordagem possível. Comprovar a viabilidade desta abordagem obriga-nos a construir vários protótipos e a avaliálos com diferentes cargas de trabalho e cenários. Embora os ambientes de simulação sejam um bom ponto de partida, principalmente aqueles que nos permitem combinar o código real (por exemplo, protocolos de replicação, a comunicação em grupo) e o simulado (por exemplo, base de dados, rede), implementações reais devem ser desenvolvidas e testadas. Infelizmente, os fornecedores de base de dados, geralmente, não possuem suporte nativo para o desenvolvimento de protocolos de replicação de terceiros, forçando os desenvolvedores de protocolo a mudar o motor de base de dados, quando o código fonte está disponível, ou a construir no middleware abordagens que interceptam as solicitações do cliente. A primeira solução é difícil de manter já que novas “releases” das bases de dados estão constantemente a serem produzidas, enquanto a segunda representa um desenvolvimento árduo, pois obriga-nos a reconstruir vários recursos de uma base de dados no middleware. Infelizmente, os protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo, optimistas ou conservadores, que foram propostos até agora apresentam inconvenientes que são um grande obstáculo à sua utilização. Com os protocolos optimistas é difícil efectivar transacções na presença de “hot-spots”, enquanto que os protocolos conservadores têm um fraco desempenho devido a problemas de concorrência. Nesta tese, propomos utilizar uma arquitetura genérica e uma interface de programação, intitulada GAPI, para facilitar o desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias de replicação. A ideia consiste em fornecer extensões chaves para múltiplos SGBDs (Database Management Systems), permitindo assim que uma estratégia de replicação possa ser desenvolvida uma única vez e testada em várias bases de dados que possuam tais extensões, ou seja, aquelas que são “replicationfriendly”. Para resolver os problemas acima referidos nos protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo, propomos utilizar um novo protocolo, intitulado AKARA. AKARA garante a equidade, portanto, todas as operações têm uma oportunidade de serem efectivadas, e garante um excelente desempenho ao tirar partido do paralelismo fornecido pelos motores de base de dados. Finalmente, propomos um conjunto simples, mas abrangente de componentes para construir protocolos de replicação baseados em comunicação em grupo e discutimos pontoschave na sua concepção e implementação

    Data Storage and Dissemination in Pervasive Edge Computing Environments

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    Nowadays, smart mobile devices generate huge amounts of data in all sorts of gatherings. Much of that data has localized and ephemeral interest, but can be of great use if shared among co-located devices. However, mobile devices often experience poor connectivity, leading to availability issues if application storage and logic are fully delegated to a remote cloud infrastructure. In turn, the edge computing paradigm pushes computations and storage beyond the data center, closer to end-user devices where data is generated and consumed. Hence, enabling the execution of certain components of edge-enabled systems directly and cooperatively on edge devices. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of resilient and efficient data storage and dissemination solutions for pervasive edge computing environments, operating with or without access to the network infrastructure. In line with this dichotomy, our goal can be divided into two specific scenarios. The first one is related to the absence of network infrastructure and the provision of a transient data storage and dissemination system for networks of co-located mobile devices. The second one relates with the existence of network infrastructure access and the corresponding edge computing capabilities. First, the thesis presents time-aware reactive storage (TARS), a reactive data storage and dissemination model with intrinsic time-awareness, that exploits synergies between the storage substrate and the publish/subscribe paradigm, and allows queries within a specific time scope. Next, it describes in more detail: i) Thyme, a data storage and dis- semination system for wireless edge environments, implementing TARS; ii) Parsley, a flexible and resilient group-based distributed hash table with preemptive peer relocation and a dynamic data sharding mechanism; and iii) Thyme GardenBed, a framework for data storage and dissemination across multi-region edge networks, that makes use of both device-to-device and edge interactions. The developed solutions present low overheads, while providing adequate response times for interactive usage and low energy consumption, proving to be practical in a variety of situations. They also display good load balancing and fault tolerance properties.Resumo Hoje em dia, os dispositivos móveis inteligentes geram grandes quantidades de dados em todos os tipos de aglomerações de pessoas. Muitos desses dados têm interesse loca- lizado e efêmero, mas podem ser de grande utilidade se partilhados entre dispositivos co-localizados. No entanto, os dispositivos móveis muitas vezes experienciam fraca co- nectividade, levando a problemas de disponibilidade se o armazenamento e a lógica das aplicações forem totalmente delegados numa infraestrutura remota na nuvem. Por sua vez, o paradigma de computação na periferia da rede leva as computações e o armazena- mento para além dos centros de dados, para mais perto dos dispositivos dos utilizadores finais onde os dados são gerados e consumidos. Assim, permitindo a execução de certos componentes de sistemas direta e cooperativamente em dispositivos na periferia da rede. Esta tese foca-se no desenho e avaliação de soluções resilientes e eficientes para arma- zenamento e disseminação de dados em ambientes pervasivos de computação na periferia da rede, operando com ou sem acesso à infraestrutura de rede. Em linha com esta dico- tomia, o nosso objetivo pode ser dividido em dois cenários específicos. O primeiro está relacionado com a ausência de infraestrutura de rede e o fornecimento de um sistema efêmero de armazenamento e disseminação de dados para redes de dispositivos móveis co-localizados. O segundo diz respeito à existência de acesso à infraestrutura de rede e aos recursos de computação na periferia da rede correspondentes. Primeiramente, a tese apresenta armazenamento reativo ciente do tempo (ARCT), um modelo reativo de armazenamento e disseminação de dados com percepção intrínseca do tempo, que explora sinergias entre o substrato de armazenamento e o paradigma pu- blicação/subscrição, e permite consultas num escopo de tempo específico. De seguida, descreve em mais detalhe: i) Thyme, um sistema de armazenamento e disseminação de dados para ambientes sem fios na periferia da rede, que implementa ARCT; ii) Pars- ley, uma tabela de dispersão distribuída flexível e resiliente baseada em grupos, com realocação preventiva de nós e um mecanismo de particionamento dinâmico de dados; e iii) Thyme GardenBed, um sistema para armazenamento e disseminação de dados em redes multi-regionais na periferia da rede, que faz uso de interações entre dispositivos e com a periferia da rede. As soluções desenvolvidas apresentam baixos custos, proporcionando tempos de res- posta adequados para uso interativo e baixo consumo de energia, demonstrando serem práticas nas mais diversas situações. Estas soluções também exibem boas propriedades de balanceamento de carga e tolerância a faltas

    Discovering attacks on security protocols by refuting incorrect inductive conjectures

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    Currency management system: a distributed banking service for the grid

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    Market based resource allocation mechanisms require mechanisms to regulate and manage the usage of traded resources. One mechanism to control this is the definition of some kind of currency. Within this context, we have implemented a first prototype of our Currency Management System, which stands for a decentralized and scalable banking service for the Grid. Basically, our system stores user accounts within a DHT and its basic operation is the transferFunds which, as its name suggests, transfers virtual currency from an account to one another

    Explorer l’hétérogénéité dans la réplication de données décentralisées faiblement cohérentes

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    Decentralized systems are scalable by design but also difficult to coordinate due to their weak coupling. Replicating data in these geo-distributed systems is therefore a challenge inherent to their structure. The two contributions of this thesis exploit the heterogeneity of user requirements and enable personalizable quality of services for data replication in decentralized systems. Our first contribution Gossip Primary-Secondary enables the consistency criterion Update consistency Primary-Secondary to offer differentiated guarantees in terms of consistency and message delivery latency for large-scale data replication. Our second contribution Dietcoin enriches Bitcoin with diet nodes that can (i) verify the correctness of entire subchains of blocks while avoiding the exorbitant cost of bootstrap verification and (ii) personalize their own security and resource consumption guarantees.Les systèmes décentralisés sont par nature extensibles mais sont également difficiles à coordonner en raison de leur faible couplage. La réplication de données dans ces systèmes géo-répartis est donc un défi inhérent à leur structure. Les deux contributions de cette thèse exploitent l'hétérogénéité des besoins des utilisateurs et permettent une qualité de service personnalisable pour la réplication de données dans les systèmes décentralisés. Notre première contribution Gossip Primary-Secondary étend le critère de cohérence Update consistency Primary-Secondary afin d'offrir des garanties différenciées de cohérence et de latence de messages pour la réplication de données à grande échelle. Notre seconde contribution Dietcoin enrichit Bitcoin avec des nœuds diet qui peuvent (i) vérifier la validité de sous-chaînes de blocs en évitant le coût exorbitant de la vérification initiale et (ii) choisir leur propres garanties de sécurité et de consommation de ressources

    Simulation Modelling of Distributed-Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureDistributed shared memory (DSM) systems have been recognised as a compelling platform for parallel computing due to the programming advantages and scalability. DSM systems allow applications to access data in a logically shared address space by abstracting away the distinction of physical memory location. As the location of data is transparent, the sources of overhead caused by accessing the distant memories are difficult to analyse. This memory locality problem has been identified as crucial to DSM performance. Many researchers have investigated the problem using simulation as a tool for conducting experiments resulting in the progressive evolution of DSM systems. Nevertheless, both the diversity of architectural configurations and the rapid advance of DSM implementations impose constraints on simulation model designs in two issues: the limitation of the simulation framework on model extensibility and the lack of verification applicability during a simulation run causing the delay in verification process. This thesis studies simulation modelling techniques for memory locality analysis of various DSM systems implemented on top of a cluster of symmetric multiprocessors. The thesis presents a simulation technique to promote model extensibility and proposes a technique for verification applicability, called a Specification-based Parameter Model Interaction (SPMI). The proposed techniques have been implemented in a new interpretation-driven simulation called DSiMCLUSTER on top of a discrete event simulation (DES) engine known as HASE. Experiments have been conducted to determine which factors are most influential on the degree of locality and to determine the possibility to maximise the stability of performance. DSiMCLUSTER has been validated against a SunFire 15K server and has achieved similarity of cache miss results, an average of +-6% with the worst case less than 15% of difference. These results confirm that the techniques used in developing the DSiMCLUSTER can contribute ways to achieve both (a) a highly extensible simulation framework to keep up with the ongoing innovation of the DSM architecture, and (b) the verification applicability resulting in an efficient framework for memory analysis experiments on DSM architecture

    A Pattern-based Foundation for Language-Driven Software Engineering

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    This work brings together two fundamental ideas for modelling, programming and analysing software systems. The first idea is of a methodological nature: engineering software by systematically creating and relating languages. The second idea is of a technical nature: using patterns as a practical foundation for computing. The goal is to show that the systematic creation and layering of languages can be reduced to the elementary operations of pattern matching and instantiation and that this pattern-based approach provides a formal and practical foundation for language-driven modelling, programming and analysis. The underpinning of the work is a novel formalism for recognising, deconstructing, creating, searching, transforming and generally manipulating data structures. The formalism is based on typed sequences, a generic structure for representing trees. It defines basic pattern expressions for matching and instantiating atomic values and variables. Horizontal, vertical, diagonal and hierarchical operators are different ways of combining patterns. Transformations combine matching and instantiating patterns and they are patterns themselves. A quasiquotation mechanism allows arbitrary levels of meta-pattern functionality and forms the basis of pattern abstraction. Path polymorphic operators are used to specify fine-grained search of structures. A range of core concepts such as layering, parsing and pattern-based computing can naturally be defined through pattern expressions. Three language-driven tools that utilise the pattern formalism showcase the applicability of the pattern-approach. Concat is a self-sustaining (meta-)programming system in which all computations are expressed by matching and instantiation. This includes parsing, executing and optimising programs. By applying its language engineering tools to its own meta-language, Concat can extend itself from within. XMF (XML Modeling Framework) is a browser-based modelling- and meta-modelling framework that provides flexible means to create and relate modelling languages and to query and validate models. The pattern functionality that makes this possible is partly exposed as a schema language and partly as a JavaScript library. CFR (Channel Filter Rule Language) implements a language-driven approach for layered analysis of communication in complex networked systems. The communication on each layer is visible in the language of an “abstract protocol” that is defined by communication patterns

    Structured Intuition: A Methodology to Analyse Entity Authentication

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