1,024 research outputs found

    Enhancing pharmaceutical packaging through a technology ecosystem to facilitate the reuse of medicines and reduce medicinal waste

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    The idea of reusing dispensed medicines is appealing to the general public provided its benefits are illustrated, its risks minimized, and the logistics resolved. For example, medicine reuse could help reduce medicinal waste, protect the environment and improve public health. However, the associated technologies and legislation facilitating medicine reuse are generally not available. The availability of suitable technologies could arguably help shape stakeholders’ beliefs and in turn, uptake of a future medicine reuse scheme by tackling the risks and facilitating the practicalities. A literature survey is undertaken to lay down the groundwork for implementing technologies on and around pharmaceutical packaging in order to meet stakeholders’ previously expressed misgivings about medicine reuse (’stakeholder requirements’), and propose a novel ecosystem for, in effect, reusing returned medicines. Methods: A structured literature search examining the application of existing technologies on pharmaceutical packaging to enable medicine reuse was conducted and presented as a narrative review. Results: Reviewed technologies are classified according to different stakeholders’ requirements, and a novel ecosystem from a technology perspective is suggested as a solution to reusing medicines. Conclusion: Active sensing technologies applying to pharmaceutical packaging using printed electronics enlist medicines to be part of the Internet of Things network. Validating the quality and safety of returned medicines through this network seems to be the most effective way for reusing medicines and the correct application of technologies may be the key enabler

    Blockchain Technology in the Intrusion Detection Domain

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    The ability of blockchain technology to improve security and transparency across a range of industries has receivedA great deal of attention has been garnered lately in correcting the sentence.. In the domain of intrusion detection, where the identification and mitigation of cyber threats are paramount, blockchain has emerged as a promising solution. This abstract examines how blockchain is used in intrusion detection systems and emphasizes its advantages. Blockchain technology improves the security and integrity of intrusion detection systems by using a decentralized and immutable ledger. It provides an immutable audit trail, distributed consensus, and increased resilience to attacks. Moreover, blockchain fosters trust, transparency, and collaboration among stakeholders, enabling faster threat detection and response. This research can explore novel approaches to integrating blockchain into intrusion detection systems, providing stronger protection against cyber threats.Immutable Audit Trail: In the context of intrusion detection, the capacity of blockchain to produce an unalterable and transparent audit trail is of enormous value. Research in this area can focus on developing techniques to leverage the blockchain's audit trail for effective incident response, forensic investigations, and attribution of cyberattacks. We will use theweighted product model in this study, which is a research approach that gives weights to various factors and combines them to make conclusions based on their relative relevance in a weighted way. Taken as alternative is“IDS1, IDS2, IDS3, IDS4, IDS5, IDS6, IDS7, and IDS8”.Detection Quality, Performance, Stability, User Interface, Profile update, ConvenienceThe By this we can see that IDS4 has 1 RANK and IDS5 has the 8th RANK.In conclusion, blockchain technology holds great potential in the intrusion detection domain. Its decentralized and immutable nature can enhance the security and reliability of intrusion detection systems by providing transparent and tamper-proof logs of network activity. Blockchain-based solutions can improve threat detection, facilitate secure information sharing among entities, and enhance the overall resilience of intrusion detection systems. As the technology continues to evolve, further research and development in integrating blockchain with intrusion detection will unlock new possibilities for combating cyber threats

    Blockchain for Healthcare: Securing Patient Data and Enabling Trusted Artificial Intelligence

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    Advances in information technology are digitizing the healthcare domain with the aim of improved medical services, diagnostics, continuous monitoring using wearables, etc., at reduced costs. This digitization improves the ease of computation, storage and access of medical records which enables better treatment experiences for patients. However, it comes with a risk of cyber attacks and security and privacy concerns on this digital data. In this work, we propose a Blockchain based solution for healthcare records to address the security and privacy concerns which are currently not present in existing e-Health systems. This work also explores the potential of building trusted Artificial Intelligence models over Blockchain in e-Health, where a transparent platform for consent-based data sharing is designed. Provenance of the consent of individuals and traceability of data sources used for building and training the AI model is captured in an immutable distributed data store. The audit trail of the data access captured using Blockchain provides the data owner to understand the exposure of the data. It also helps the user to understand the revenue models that could be built on top of this framework for commercial data sharing to build trusted AI models

    A Novel System for Confidential Medical Data Storage Using Chaskey Encryption and Blockchain Technology

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    يعد التخزين الآمن للمعلومات الطبية السرية أمرًا بالغ الأهمية لمنظمات الرعاية الصحية التي تسعى إلى حماية خصوصية المريض والامتثال للمتطلبات التنظيمية. في هذا البحث، نقدم نظامًا جديدًا للتخزين الآمن للبيانات الطبية باستخدام تقنية تشفير Chaskey و blockchain. يستخدم النظام تشفير Chaskey لضمان سرية وسلامة البيانات الطبية، وتكنولوجيا blockchain لتوفير حلول تخزين البيانات الطبية بحيث يكون قابل للتطوير ويتميز باللامركزية. يستخدم النظام أيضًا تقنيات Bflow للتجزئة ومنها التجزئة الرأسية لتعزيز قابلية التوسع وإدارة البيانات المخزنة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يستخدم النظام العقود الذكية لفرض سياسات التحكم في الوصول والتدابير الأمنية الأخرى. سنقدم وصف للنظام المقترح بالتفصيل ونقدم تحليلاً لخصائصه الأمنية والأداء. تظهر نتائجنا أن النظام يوفر حلاً آمنًا للغاية وقابل للتطوير لتخزين البيانات الطبية السرية، مع تطبيقات محتملة في مجموعة واسعة من إعدادات الرعاية الصحية.Secure storage of confidential medical information is critical to healthcare organizations seeking to protect patient's privacy and comply with regulatory requirements. This paper presents a new scheme for secure storage of medical data using Chaskey cryptography and blockchain technology. The system uses Chaskey encryption to ensure integrity and confidentiality of medical data, blockchain technology to provide a scalable and decentralized storage solution. The system also uses Bflow segmentation and vertical segmentation technologies to enhance scalability and manage the stored data. In addition, the system uses smart contracts to enforce access control policies and other security measures. The description of the system detailing and provide an analysis of its security and performance characteristics. The resulting images were tested against a number of important metrics such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Squared Error (MSE), bit error rate (BER), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Normalization Correlation (NC) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). Our results showing that the system provides a highly secure and scalable solution for storing confidential medical data, with potential applications in a wide range of healthcare settings

    A patient agent controlled customized blockchain based framework for internet of things

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    Although Blockchain implementations have emerged as revolutionary technologies for various industrial applications including cryptocurrencies, they have not been widely deployed to store data streaming from sensors to remote servers in architectures known as Internet of Things. New Blockchain for the Internet of Things models promise secure solutions for eHealth, smart cities, and other applications. These models pave the way for continuous monitoring of patient’s physiological signs with wearable sensors to augment traditional medical practice without recourse to storing data with a trusted authority. However, existing Blockchain algorithms cannot accommodate the huge volumes, security, and privacy requirements of health data. In this thesis, our first contribution is an End-to-End secure eHealth architecture that introduces an intelligent Patient Centric Agent. The Patient Centric Agent executing on dedicated hardware manages the storage and access of streams of sensors generated health data, into a customized Blockchain and other less secure repositories. As IoT devices cannot host Blockchain technology due to their limited memory, power, and computational resources, the Patient Centric Agent coordinates and communicates with a private customized Blockchain on behalf of the wearable devices. While the adoption of a Patient Centric Agent offers solutions for addressing continuous monitoring of patients’ health, dealing with storage, data privacy and network security issues, the architecture is vulnerable to Denial of Services(DoS) and single point of failure attacks. To address this issue, we advance a second contribution; a decentralised eHealth system in which the Patient Centric Agent is replicated at three levels: Sensing Layer, NEAR Processing Layer and FAR Processing Layer. The functionalities of the Patient Centric Agent are customized to manage the tasks of the three levels. Simulations confirm protection of the architecture against DoS attacks. Few patients require all their health data to be stored in Blockchain repositories but instead need to select an appropriate storage medium for each chunk of data by matching their personal needs and preferences with features of candidate storage mediums. Motivated by this context, we advance third contribution; a recommendation model for health data storage that can accommodate patient preferences and make storage decisions rapidly, in real-time, even with streamed data. The mapping between health data features and characteristics of each repository is learned using machine learning. The Blockchain’s capacity to make transactions and store records without central oversight enables its application for IoT networks outside health such as underwater IoT networks where the unattended nature of the nodes threatens their security and privacy. However, underwater IoT differs from ground IoT as acoustics signals are the communication media leading to high propagation delays, high error rates exacerbated by turbulent water currents. Our fourth contribution is a customized Blockchain leveraged framework with the model of Patient-Centric Agent renamed as Smart Agent for securely monitoring underwater IoT. Finally, the smart Agent has been investigated in developing an IoT smart home or cities monitoring framework. The key algorithms underpinning to each contribution have been implemented and analysed using simulators.Doctor of Philosoph