47 research outputs found

    New Opportunities for Investments in Solar Energy. Explorative Study of a Novel Business Model for Small Investments in Solar Energy in Switzerland and in Portugal

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    The Solar energy is playing a fundamental role in the transition to a low carbon electricity production system. Driven by rapidly decreasing prices for solar installations in the last years, the solar energy market in Europe is currently undergoing a transformation. Subsidies such as feed-in tariffs are being phased out and replaced with the possibility to self-consume solar energy, earning a profit by buying less electricity from the grid. This change creates opportunities for new innovative business models such as the one examined in this study. Concretely, this study carries out an explorative case study to assess the financial viability of a business model for small-scale investors in off-site solar energy in Switzerland and in Portugal. Additionally, interviews with potential investors have been made to explore perceived advantages and disadvantages and to analyse how the saving and investment preferences of potential investors align with this business model. The study concludes that the examined business model is financially viable for medium sized projects in Switzerland but even more for large projects in in Portugal. However, a number of challenges have been identified. For instance, legal questions in regard to ownership and guaranteeing the continued operation need to be resolved. Additionally, very efficient management procedures by the implementing company are required to bring down administrative costs and to ensure its own financial viability, which is mandatory to earn buyers’ trust and money

    Social marketing and digital platforms:donation-based crowdfunding campaigns

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Empresarial. 5008P01[Abstract] This doctoral thesis analyzes the new social marketing strategies challenging the traditional behavior of nonprofit sector organizations, through the promotion of Donation-based Crowdfunding (DCF) campaigns via digital platforms. Chapter 1 maps DCF for charitable causes, resulting from a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis. This is a very recent field of scholarship, broadly developed via empirical and quantitative research, in which individual antecedents and technological enablers are the main protagonists. An integrated conceptual framework is proposed, identifying the significant causal relationships between antecedents, processes, and outcomes of DCF. Chapters 2 and 3 explore the explanatory capacity of factors influencing the success of DCF campaigns promoted through digital platforms. In particular, of those factors traditionally explaining the success of offline fundraising campaigns for charitable causes (2), and of campaigns factors (3). Quantitative analysis is used based on a database of 360 campaigns fostered between 2012 and 2017. Results confirm the high explanatory capacity of determinants related to the geographical scope of the campaign, the volume of potential beneficiaries involved, the information provided by the promoting organizations, and the spreadability of the campaign.[Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral analiza las nuevas estrategias de marketing social que desafían el comportamiento tradicional de las organizaciones del sector no lucrativo, a través de la promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas digitales. El capítulo 1 mapea el crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado de una revisión sistemática de literatura y análisis bibliométrico. Es un campo de estudio muy reciente, desarrollado a través de investigación empírica y cuantitativa, donde los antecedentes individuales y los procesos tecnológicos son protagonistas. Se propone un marco conceptual que identifica las relaciones causales más significativas entre sus antecedentes, procesos y resultados. Los capítulos 2 y 3 exploran la capacidad explicativa de los factores que influyen el éxito de las campañas promovidas en plataformas digitales. Particularmente, de los factores que tradicionalmente explican el éxito de las campañas de captación de fondos offline para causas benéficas (2), y de los factores de las campañas (3). Se emplea análisis cuantitativo a partir de una base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 y 2017. La capacidad explicativa de los determinantes relativos al alcance geográfico, al volumen de potenciales beneficiarios, a la información proporcionada por la entidad promotora, y a la difusión online de la campaña es elevada.[Resumo] Esta tese doutoral analiza as novas estratexias de marketing social que desafían o comportamento tradicional das organizacións do sector non lucrativo, a través da promoción de campañas de crowdfunding solidario en plataformas dixitais. O capítulo 1 mapea o crowdfunding solidario para causas benéficas, resultado dunha revisión sistemática da literatura e análise bibliométrica. É un campo de estudo moi recente, desenvolvido a través de investigación empírica e cuantitativa, onde os antecedentes individuais e os procesos tecnolóxicos son protagonistas. Proponse un marco conceptual que identifica as relacións causais máis significativas entre os seus antecedentes, procesos e resultados. Os capítulos 2 e 3 exploran a capacidade explicativa dos factores que inflúen o éxito das campañas promovidas en plataformas dixitais. Particularmente, dos factores que tradicionalmente explican o éxito das campañas de captación de fondos fora de liña para causas benéficas (2), e dos factores das campañas (3). Emprégase análise cuantitativa a partir dunha base de datos de 360 campañas promovidas entre 2012 e 2017. A capacidade explicativa dos determinantes relativos ao alcance xeográfico, ao volume de potenciais beneficiarios, á información proporcionada pola entidade promotora, e á difusión en liña da campaña é elevada

    Banking and Finance

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    The banking and finance industry plays a significant role in the economy of a nation. As such, continuous research and up-to-date feeds are necessary for it to stay competitive and resilient. Due to its revolving and dynamic nature as well as its significance and interlinkages with other industries, a well-functioning banking and finance system is vital in safeguarding the interest of all stakeholders. Banking and Finance covers a wide range of essential topics highlighting major issues related to banking and finance. The book is rich with empirical evidence, scientific researches, best practices, and recommendations, making it a compact yet handy reference for readers, especially those who are in the field of banking and finance

    Development Co-operation Report 2014: Mobilising Resources for Sustainable Development

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    The Millennium Development Goals come of age in 2015, yet many development challenges remain and others are emerging. The post-2015 goals currently being discussed by the international community under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly will integrate social, environmental and economic concerns into a single set of Sustainable Development Goals. This Development Co-operation Report (the second in a trilogy on the post-2015 goals) asks what can be done to mobilise the resources needed to finance the achievement of these goals

    Methodology for Creating a FairShares Lab (Full Report)

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    Welcome to the full version of the first intellectual output (IO1) of the Erasmus+ project FairShares Labs for Social and Blue Innovation Project (Project 2016-1-DE02-KA204-003397). IO1 has been prepared by project partners to describe their methodology for creating FairShares Labs. Work started in Erfurt, Germany (7-9 December 2016) and has been discussed in three further transnational meetings in Sheffield (26-28 June 2017), Berlin (27-28 August 2017) and Osijek (20-22 Feb 2018). In this document, we set out the purpose of IO1. This document provides any person involved in the creation and development of a FairShares Lab (partners, coordinators, trainers and advisers) with an overview of the methodology for creating their lab. This includes an account of the FairShares Model itself as well as processes for setting up, recruiting people to and marketing a FairShares Lab, and supporting lab participants as they incubate new FairShares enterprises and contribute to building an ecosystem for FairShares. Section 1 provides background information and an overview of the methodology. Section 2 provides an overview of five elements of a FairShares Lab. Three elements come from the FairShares Model of social enterprise development (created by FairShares Association Ltd) - values and principles; key questions and; legal choices. The other two elements are social and technical support systems selected by the partners for this project. Social support is provided through learning and development methods (elaborated further in Section 3). These generate ideas, improve the effectiveness of team work and enable stakeholders to make decisions together. In Section 4, we examine the process of establishing a lab, inviting people to it, running activities, selecting projects, producing prototypes of goods and services, planning and incorporating (social) enterprises. In Section 5, we consider the marketing of FairShares Labs, who they are for, what needs they serve, what messages should be communicated to target groups (and future lab organisers)

    Is safety a value proposition?:The case of fire inspection

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    Covid-19: reinforcing the impact of Islamic banking through value-based intermediation

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    The novel Covid-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented human crisis around the globe. The necessary actions implemented to contain the virus have sparked both economic and social downturn. It shows the fragility and unpreparedness of the economy to face such a pandemic. Significant weakening of economic conditions has escalated the pressure on households, businesses and financial markets. However, before the Covid-19 outbreak, Bank Negara Malaysia has taken a new initiative by introducing Value-Based Intermediation (VBI). VBI’s strategy opens up a new holistic layer for Islamic banks in providing the public at large with impactful and profitable services. This paper discusses VBI’s strategy and its potential application from the viewpoint of Sharīʽah. This paper also discusses Islamic banks' activities in implementing VBI as well as their response to the Covid-19 pandemic, based on qualitative inquiry. The paper concludes that VBI is a long journey that requires significant transformation of mindset among key stakeholders. As Covid-19 has adversely impacted communities in several ways, Islamic banks could empower communities through provision of financial solutions that create positive impact

    Unmet goals of tracking: within-track heterogeneity of students' expectations for

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    Educational systems are often characterized by some form(s) of ability grouping, like tracking. Although substantial variation in the implementation of these practices exists, it is always the aim to improve teaching efficiency by creating homogeneous groups of students in terms of capabilities and performances as well as expected pathways. If students’ expected pathways (university, graduate school, or working) are in line with the goals of tracking, one might presume that these expectations are rather homogeneous within tracks and heterogeneous between tracks. In Flanders (the northern region of Belgium), the educational system consists of four tracks. Many students start out in the most prestigious, academic track. If they fail to gain the necessary credentials, they move to the less esteemed technical and vocational tracks. Therefore, the educational system has been called a 'cascade system'. We presume that this cascade system creates homogeneous expectations in the academic track, though heterogeneous expectations in the technical and vocational tracks. We use data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), gathered during the 2013-2014 school year from 2354 pupils of the tenth grade across 30 secondary schools in the city of Ghent, Flanders. Preliminary results suggest that the technical and vocational tracks show more heterogeneity in student’s expectations than the academic track. If tracking does not fulfill the desired goals in some tracks, tracking practices should be questioned as tracking occurs along social and ethnic lines, causing social inequality

    Impact on the micro and smes service companies

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Design, com a especialização em Design apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor.Com base na teoria do Design, o objectivo desta investigação consistiu em projectar um modelo para as PME portuguesas de serviços. Foi desenvolvido para ser utilizado facilmente, permitindo que o utilizador tenha uma visão geral e holística de diferentes áreas de conhecimento relacionadas com negócios e saiba a importância das suas inter-relações. A capacitação dos utilizadores pode prevenir e evitar a morte prematura das empresas. Esta investigação resultou do ambiente resultante da crise social e económica nacional, nomeadamente através do número de empresas que faliram e das altas taxas de desemprego. Apostar no Crescimento Sustentável e na Longevidade, e nos benefícios comprovados integração do Design nas empresas é um aliado para a superação das dificuldades existentes. A revisão da literatura focou no Design e o contexto actual português, nomeadamente nas dificuldades existentes e nas necessidades futuras. No estado da arte relacionado com o Design, deu-se maior importância às áreas relevantes para a investigação como o Design Thinking, Design de Serviços e Benefícios do Design através de Design Estratégico. Outras questões também foram estudadas, nomeadamente as relativas aos processos, influência, uso e integração em empresas, outros benefícios e modelos relacionados. Foi seleccionado um grupo de empresas, com características específicas associadas ao Crescimento Sustentável e Longevidade. As PME de serviços já existentes, foram estudadas através de questionário e as empresas mais jovens que se destacaram, foram estudadas através da análise de dados públicos existentes. Estes estudos permitiram obter alguns resultados. Foi possível definir que o modelo deveria ser teórico, simples e amplo e incluir algumas características nomeadamente conhecimentos da área empresarial e do Design.  O modelo deveria ser facilmente compreendido por um público vasto e usado por decisores distintos e por empresas diversas e deveria permitir relacionar a empresa com o modelo. No que diz respeito às empresas, o modelo foca nas questões intrínsecas (empreendedor e equipa), assuntos internos (empresa / negócio), questões extrínsecas ou para processos e estágios de evolução da empresa (ciclo de vida e desenvolvimento). Em termos de Design, o modelo centra-se no Design Thinking, Design de Serviços e Benefícios do Design nomeadamente através do Design Estratégico. O modelo multidimensional foi projectado com especial atenção no seu uso. Pretende-se que os utilizadores compreendam o modelo, identifiquem e visualizem a posição da empresa no modelo e, finalmente, relacionem a empresa com as várias valências do modelo. Também, foi pretendido que os utilizadores aumentem os conhecimentos em Design e a consciência dos benefícios da sua integração na empresa, com foco no Crescimento Sustentado e Longevidade. Os vectores tempo e fase de desenvolvimento da empresa também foram destacados, permitindo ao utilizador relacionar o modelo com a situação da empresa, apresentando futuros cenários e melhorias potenciais. As entrevistas aos especialistas foram conduzidas com base na primeira versão do modelo, para a sua validação e inclusão das críticas construtivas numa versão seguinte. As informações relevantes obtidas, relativas a esta etapa da investigação e de todo o processo, foram inseridas na versão 1.2 do Modelo Atena, que tendo sido melhorado é apresentado neste documento. O modelo pode ser usado como referência e pode ser aplicado a um amplo universo de empresas e negócios que tenham como objectivo a sua melhoria. A investigação baseou-se nas etapas metodológicas apresentadas, respondendo à hipótese e às questões da investigação.   O modelo aumenta o conhecimento da importância e dos benefícios da integração do Design nas empresas, demonstrando que é possível projectar empresas e negócios mais rentáveis incentivando o Crescimento Sustentável e a Longevidade e, consequentemente, promover o desenvolvimento social e económico do país.ABSTRACT: Based on Design knowledge, the aim of this research was to develop a model with special focus on service SMEs. Its simplicity and ease of use were purpose-built to allow the user a holistic view of different areas, namely business knowledge, and to be aware of their importance and relationships. The users’ empowerment has the potential to prevent and avoid companies’ premature death. The original concerns of this research emerged from the national environment of social and economic crisis (company bankruptcies, high unemployment rates, etc.), the extensive need to pursue Sustainable Growth and Longevity, and the proven benefits of the use and integration of design in companies. The literature review was performed on Design and in the global context, with a special focus on contemporary Portuguese difficulties and future needs. In the State of the Art, the focus was on Design relevant issues for the research, such as: Design Thinking, Service Design, Benefits raised by Design, namely through Strategic Design. Other issues regarding Design were also studied: processes, influence, use and integration in companies, other benefits, and related models. A group of companies with specific characteristics associated with Sustainable Growth and Longevity were selected and deeply analysed: existing Portuguese service SMEs studied through questionnaires, and prominent young companies studied through analysis of public data. The main focus was on a selected set of companies with specific characteristics leading theoretically to Sustainable Growth and Longevity. Several findings could be drawn from these two studies. Following this work, it was possible to specify that the model should include business and Design knowledge, and should be theoretical, simple and broad.  Some particulars were also defined: the model should be easily understood by a wide public, used by a wide range of decision-makers and companies, and allow the companies to be easily and quickly identified and placed within the model. The Model should focus on: intrinsic matters (entrepreneur/team), internal subjects (company/business), external issues, and the evolution process and stages (lifecycle and development) of the company. With regards to Design, the Model should focus on: Design Thinking, Design Process, Service Design, as well as the beneficial relation Design - companies, namely through Strategic Design. The multi-dimensional model was designed with special focus on its use. It was intended that the users could understand the model, identify and visualize the company’s position in the model, and lastly to characterize the company using several facets of the model. It was also intended that users could raise their knowledge and awareness of design and of the benefits of design integration in the company, focusing on company Sustainable Growth and Longevity. The model also focused on the time and development stage vectors, allowing the user to relate the model to the company’s current situation and presenting future scenarios and potential improvements. Expert interviews were conducted in order to validate the Model and to feed into its first draft version. The relevant inputs concerning this research and process stage were incorporated into the Athena Model, the version presented in this document. The model can be used as a reference and can be applied to a wide spectrum of companies and businesses with improvement objectives. The research was based on the methodological steps presented, responding to the research hypothesis and questions. The Model raises knowledge and awareness of the importance and benefits of design integration in companies, linked to Business knowledge, demonstrating that it is possible to design better companies and businesses, encourage Sustainable Growth and Longevity, and thereby foster social and economic development.N/