450 research outputs found


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    One of the main causes of blindness is diabetic retinopathy (DR) and it may affect people of any ages. In these days, both young and old ages are affected by diabetes, and the di abetes is the main cause of DR. Hence, it is necessary to have an automated system with good accuracy and less computation time to diagnose and treat DR, and the automated system can simplify the work of ophthalmologists. The objective is to present an overview of various works recently in detecting and segmenting the various lesions of DR. Papers were categorized based on the diagnosing tools and the methods used for detecting early and advanced stage lesions. The early lesions of DR are microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates, and cotton wool spots and in the advanced stage, new and fragile blood vessels can be grown. Results have been evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and receiver operating characteristic curve. This paper analyzed the various steps and different algorithms used recently for the detection and classification of DR lesions. A comparison of performances has been made in terms of sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve, and accuracy. Suggestions, future workand the area to be improved were also discussed.Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, Image processing, Morphological operations, Neural network, Fuzzy logic.Â

    Diabetic Retinopathy Image Classification with Neural Networks

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    The world is experiencing an increased life expectancy, which results in a natural increase in the chance of getting a disease. The main concern is that some of the methods to determine an affectation are not so fast and need expert people. Therefore, it is necessary to create new low-cost mechanisms of diagnosis that can give us fast and better results. Recent studies have been implemented using known architectures getting high scores of accuracies. An experimental classification model was implemented in this work using Python libraries. This is an experimental model with custom neural network architecture. This work intends to contrast the results using a model based on the AlexNet against my experimental architecture. The 2 main reasons to compare my work versus AlexNet is that during my investigation of the state of the art I did not find researches to solve the DR categorization using this architecture and also if I had chosen other architecture, I would need more powerful computing. In the end, AlexNet was not a good solution. This solution will help the healthcare industry to have a less expensive and non-invasive way to determine if a person is being affected by diabetic retinopathy, depending on the damage shown on their retinasITESO, A. C

    Técnicas de análise de imagens para detecção de retinopatia diabética

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    Orientadores: Anderson de Rezende Rocha. Jacques WainerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Retinopatia Diabética (RD) é uma complicação a longo prazo do diabetes e a principal causa de cegueira da população ativa. Consultas regulares são necessárias para diagnosticar a retinopatia em um estágio inicial, permitindo um tratamento com o melhor prognóstico capaz de retardar ou até mesmo impedir a cegueira. Alavancados pela evolução da prevalência do diabetes e pelo maior risco que os diabéticos têm de desenvolver doenças nos olhos, diversos trabalhos com abordagens bem estabelecidas e promissoras vêm sendo desenvolvidos para triagem automática de retinopatia. Entretanto, a maior parte dos trabalhos está focada na detecção de lesões utilizando características visuais particulares de cada tipo de lesão. Além do mais, soluções artesanais para avaliação de necessidade de consulta e de identificação de estágios da retinopatia ainda dependem bastante das lesões, cujo repetitivo procedimento de detecção é complexo e inconveniente, mesmo se um esquema unificado for adotado. O estado da arte para avaliação automatizada de necessidade de consulta é composto por abordagens que propõem uma representação altamente abstrata obtida inteiramente por meio dos dados. Usualmente, estas abordagens recebem uma imagem e produzem uma resposta ¿ que pode ser resultante de um único modelo ou de uma combinação ¿ e não são facilmente explicáveis. Este trabalho objetivou melhorar a detecção de lesões e reforçar decisões relacionadas à necessidade de consulta, fazendo uso de avançadas representações de imagens em duas etapas. Nós também almejamos compor um modelo sofisticado e direcionado pelos dados para triagem de retinopatia, bem como incorporar aprendizado supervisionado de características com representação orientada por mapa de calor, resultando em uma abordagem robusta e ainda responsável para triagem automatizada. Finalmente, tivemos como objetivo a integração das soluções em dispositivos portáteis de captura de imagens de retina. Para detecção de lesões, propusemos abordagens de caracterização de imagens que possibilitem uma detecção eficaz de diferentes tipos de lesões. Nossos principais avanços estão centrados na modelagem de uma nova técnica de codificação para imagens de retina, bem como na preservação de informações no processo de pooling ou agregação das características obtidas. Decidir automaticamente pela necessidade de encaminhamento do paciente a um especialista é uma investigação ainda mais difícil e muito debatida. Nós criamos um método mais simples e robusto para decisões de necessidade de consulta, e que não depende da detecção de lesões. Também propusemos um modelo direcionado pelos dados que melhora significativamente o desempenho na tarefa de triagem da RD. O modelo produz uma resposta confiável com base em respostas (locais e globais), bem como um mapa de ativação que permite uma compreensão de importância de cada pixel para a decisão. Exploramos a metodologia de explicabilidade para criar um descritor local codificado em uma rica representação em nível médio. Os modelos direcionados pelos dados são o estado da arte para triagem de retinopatia diabética. Entretanto, mapas de ativação são essenciais para interpretar o aprendizado em termos de importância de cada pixel e para reforçar pequenas características discriminativas que têm potencial de melhorar o diagnósticoAbstract: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a long-term complication of diabetes and the leading cause of blindness among working-age adults. A regular eye examination is necessary to diagnose DR at an early stage, when it can be treated with the best prognosis and the visual loss delayed or deferred. Leveraged by the continuous expansion of diabetics and by the increased risk that those people have to develop eye diseases, several works with well-established and promising approaches have been proposed for automatic screening. Therefore, most existing art focuses on lesion detection using visual characteristics specific to each type of lesion. Additionally, handcrafted solutions for referable diabetic retinopathy detection and DR stages identification still depend too much on the lesions, whose repetitive detection is complex and cumbersome to implement, even when adopting a unified detection scheme. Current art for automated referral assessment resides on highly abstract data-driven approaches. Usually, those approaches receive an image and spit the response out ¿ that might be resulting from only one model or ensembles ¿ and are not easily explainable. Hence, this work aims at enhancing lesion detection and reinforcing referral decisions with advanced handcrafted two-tiered image representations. We also intended to compose sophisticated data-driven models for referable DR detection and incorporate supervised learning of features with saliency-oriented mid-level image representations to come up with a robust yet accountable automated screening approach. Ultimately, we aimed at integrating our software solutions with simple retinal imaging devices. In the lesion detection task, we proposed advanced handcrafted image characterization approaches to detecting effectively different lesions. Our leading advances are centered on designing a novel coding technique for retinal images and preserving information in the pooling process. Automatically deciding on whether or not the patient should be referred to the ophthalmic specialist is a more difficult, and still hotly debated research aim. We designed a simple and robust method for referral decisions that does not rely upon lesion detection stages. We also proposed a novel and effective data-driven model that significantly improves the performance for DR screening. Our accountable data-driven model produces a reliable (local- and global-) response along with a heatmap/saliency map that enables pixel-based importance comprehension. We explored this methodology to create a local descriptor that is encoded into a rich mid-level representation. Data-driven methods are the state of the art for diabetic retinopathy screening. However, saliency maps are essential not only to interpret the learning in terms of pixel importance but also to reinforce small discriminative characteristics that have the potential to enhance the diagnosticDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Diabetic Reinopathy Classification using Deep Learning

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    With diabetes growing at an alarming rate, changes in the retina of diabetic patients causes a condition called diabetic retinopathy which eventually leads to blindness. Early detection of diabetic retinopathy is the best way to provide good timely treatment and thus prevent blindness. Many developed countries have put forward well-structured screening programs which screens every person diagnosed with diabetes at regular intervals. However, the cost of running these programs is increasing with ever increasing disease burden. These screening programs require well trained opticians or ophthalmologist which are expensive especially in developing countries. A global shortage of health care professionals is putting a pressing need to develop fast and efficient screening methods. Using artificial intelligent screening tools will help process and generate a plan for the patients thus skipping the health care provider needed to just classify the disease and will lower the burden on health care professional’s shortage significantly. A plethora of research exists to classify severity of diabetic retinopathy using traditional and end to end methods. In this thesis, we first trained and compared the performance of lightweight architecture MobileNetV2 with other classifiers like DenseNet121 and VGG16 using the Retinal fundus APTOS 2019 Kaggle dataset. We experimented with different image reprocessing techniques and employed various hyperparameter tuning techniques, and found the lightweight architecture MobileNetV2 to give better results in terms of AUC score which defines the ability of the classifier to separate between the classes. We then trained MobileNetV2 using handpicked custom dataset which was an amalgamation of 3 different publicly available datasets viz. the EyePacs Kaggle dataset, the APTOS 2019 Blindness detection dataset and the Messidor2 dataset. We enhanced the retinal features using bio-inspired retinal filters and tuned the hyper-parameters to achieve an accuracy of 91.68% and AUC score of 0.9 when tested on unseen data. The macro precision, recall, and f1-scores are 77.6%, 83.1%, and 80.1% respectively. Our results demonstrate that our computational efficient light weight model achieves promising results and can be deployed as a mobile application for clinical testing

    Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Based Artificial Intelligent Techniques

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    The eye is impacted by several disorders, either directly or indirectly. As a result, eye exams are a crucial component of general healthcare. One of the effects of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which affects the blood vessels that supply and nourish the retina and causes severe visual loss. One of the prevalent eye conditions and a consequence of diabetes that affects the eyes is diabetic retinopathy. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy may be absent or minimal. It may eventually result in blindness. Therefore, seeing symptoms early could aid in preventing blindness. This paper aims to research automatic methods for detecting diabetic retinopathy and create a reliable system for doing so. A modified extracted feature for the automatic identification of DR in digital fundus pictures is presented. The properties of exudates, blood vessels, and microaneurysms—three elements of diabetic retinopathy—are reported utilizing a variety of image processing techniques. Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers are used to categorize the phases. SVM, which has accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 96.5, 97.2, and 93.3 percent, respectively, is the model that performs the best overall.The eye is impacted by several disorders, either directly or indirectly. As a result, eye exams are a crucial component of general healthcare. One of the effects of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which affects the blood vessels that supply and nourish the retina and causes severe visual loss. One of the prevalent eye conditions and a consequence of diabetes that affects the eyes is diabetic retinopathy. The symptoms of diabetic retinopathy may be absent or minimal. It may eventually result in blindness. Therefore, seeing symptoms early could aid in preventing blindness. This paper aims to research automatic methods for detecting diabetic retinopathy and create a reliable system for doing so. A modified extracted feature for the automatic identification of DR in digital fundus pictures is presented. The properties of exudates, blood vessels, and microaneurysms—three elements of diabetic retinopathy—are reported utilizing a variety of image processing techniques. Back Propagation Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine classifiers are used to categorize the phases. SVM, which has accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 96.5, 97.2, and 93.3 percent, respectively, is the model that performs the best overall.

    Leveraging Semi-Supervised Graph Learning for Enhanced Diabetic Retinopathy Detection

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    Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a significant cause of blindness globally, highlighting the urgent need for early detection and effective treatment. Recent advancements in Machine Learning (ML) techniques have shown promise in DR detection, but the availability of labeled data often limits their performance. This research proposes a novel Semi-Supervised Graph Learning SSGL algorithm tailored for DR detection, which capitalizes on the relationships between labelled and unlabeled data to enhance accuracy. The work begins by investigating data augmentation and preprocessing techniques to address the challenges of image quality and feature variations. Techniques such as image cropping, resizing, contrast adjustment, normalization, and data augmentation are explored to optimize feature extraction and improve the overall quality of retinal images. Moreover, apart from detection and diagnosis, this work delves into applying ML algorithms for predicting the risk of developing DR or the likelihood of disease progression. Personalized risk scores for individual patients are generated using comprehensive patient data encompassing demographic information, medical history, and retinal images. The proposed Semi-Supervised Graph learning algorithm is rigorously evaluated on two publicly available datasets and is benchmarked against existing methods. Results indicate significant improvements in classification accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity while demonstrating robustness against noise and outlie rs.Notably, the proposed algorithm addresses the challenge of imbalanced datasets, common in medical image analysis, further enhancing its practical applicability.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Applying supervised contrastive learning for the detection of diabetic retinopathy and its severity levels from fundus images

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    Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a major complication in human eyes among the diabetic patients. Early detection of the DR can save many patients from permanent blindness. Various artificial intelligent based systems have been proposed and they outperform human analysis in accurate detection of the DR. In most of the traditional deep learning models, the cross-entropy is used as a common loss function in a single stage end-to-end training method. However, it has been recently identified that this loss function has some limitations such as poor margin leading to false results, sensitive to noisy data and hyperparameter variations. To overcome these issues, supervised contrastive learning (SCL) has been introduced. In this study, SCL method, a two-stage training method with supervised contrastive loss function was proposed for the first time to the best of authors' knowledge to identify the DR and its severity stages from fundus images (FIs) using “APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection” dataset. “Messidor-2” dataset was also used to conduct experiments for further validating the model's performance. Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE) was applied for enhancing the image quality and the pre-trained Xception CNN model was deployed as the encoder with transfer learning. To interpret the SCL of the model, t-SNE method was used to visualize the embedding space (unit hyper sphere) composed of 128 D space into a 2 D space. The proposed model achieved a test accuracy of 98.36%, and AUC score of 98.50% to identify the DR (Binary classification) and a test accuracy of 84.364%, and AUC score of 93.819% for five stages grading with the APTOS 2019 dataset. Other evaluation metrics (precision, recall, F1-score) were also determined with APTOS 2019 as well as with Messidor-2 for analyzing the performance of the proposed model. It was also concluded that the proposed method achieved better performance in detecting the DR compared to the conventional CNN without SCL and other state-of-the-art methods
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