14 research outputs found

    Applying safe flooring in housing environments related to the independent elderly : evaluating suitability flooring technology to absorb impact in the event of a fall

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 3/6/2022This research has been developed with the intention of investigating a different generation of pavements. Most of the current pavements have the same basic standard characteristics and this ensures that living conditions are comfortable, safe, and pleasant for the majority of citizens. But a small group of pavements is designed with a specific purpose: to reduce injuries related to people's falls to the ground; They are called CF (compliant flooring in English). A detailed study of CF flooring systems is warranted to assess their usability for vulnerable groups such as the elderly. This study is structured in six chapters. The first chapter has dealt mainly with bibliographic studies and statistical data consulted on official and international websites. This section evaluates the importance of the increase in the elderly population, life expectancy, and threats to the safety and health of the elderly, especially, and their secondary effects. The scope of the research has been carried out internationally, in Europe and within Spain, and finally, specifically for Catalonia. The second chapter presents a brief overview of the interior flooring, specifically considering its comfort and safety during use. The importance and direct relationship between the sole of the foot and the gait mechanism with respect to the type of pavement have been verified. Many factors that influence this have been investigated, such as the physics and biomechanics of the body when walking, the kinematics of falls, and the dynamics of impact. In addition, a general description of the behavior of materials for use in pavements has been made to better understand the behavior of CF systems. In addition, the most suitable strategies to cope with falls and reduce injuries are discussed. Examining other products with appreciable energy-absorbing and shock-reducing capabilities has been helpful in the proposed pre-designs, all of which have been made based on numerical analysis and related standards. The third chapter is already dedicated to the study of technology and research on the most suitable CF systems; studies from academic, commercial, and architecture departments, in general, are included. In this section, some standard tests related to the various selected materials are developed and several examples of similar products are studied. The fourth chapter includes field research (on-site) and analysis of case studies. Several notable flooring companies around the world were contacted by mail, specifically examining those products whose manufacturers claimed to be shock absorbers. This part of the investigation was slowed down by the delay in shipments. Once they arrived, a real environment was sought where they could obtain the opinion of the elderly and the personnel assigned to their care. All the practice tests were carried out in a residence for the elderly in Barcelona for about two months, focusing on the study of the current pavements of the center and the current derived problems related to users.This entire process was completed by interviewing users and caregivers with predefined questionnaires. It should be noted that this allowed us to contrast the quantitative characteristics of the study in combination with the elements of qualitative research. Chapter Five deals with the results, discussions, suggestions for installation and improvement of pavement safety in risk areas. Simulations were also carried out on a possible base structure of the pavements with the finite element method (FEM). Chapter six presents guidelines for future developments. The author further investigated the materials and their structure and is presented them as a basis for future technical developments.The author considers that, with more detailed studies, it would be possible to use as CF system other materials, either natural or recycled based on agricultural products, which would increase the diversity of the CF system offer and promote more sustainable architectureEsta investigación se ha desarrollado con la intención de investigar una generación diferente de pavimentos. La mayoría de los actuales pavimentos tienen las mismas características básicas estándar y ello garantiza que las condiciones de vida sean cómodas, seguras y agradables para la mayoría de los ciudadanos. Pero un grupo reducido de pavimentos está diseñado con un propósito específico: reducir las lesiones relacionadas con las caídas al suelo de las personas; son los denominados CF (compliant flooring en inglés). Un estudio detallado de los sistemas de pavimentos CF está justificado para evaluar su posibilidad de uso para grupos vulnerables como los ancianos. Este estudio se estructura en seis capítulos. En el primer capítulo se han abordado principalmente los estudios bibliográficos y datos estadísticos consultados en sitios web oficiales e internacionales. En esta sección se evalúa la importancia del aumento de la población anciana. El ámbito de la investigación se ha realizado a nivel internacional, en Europa y dentro de España, y finalmente, específicamente para Cataluña. El segundo capítulo se presenta una breve panorámica del pavimento interior. Se ha constatado la importancia y relación directa entre la planta del pie y el mecanismo de andar con respecto al tipo de pavimento. Se han investigado muchos factores que influyen en ello. Además, se ha realizado una descripción general del comportamiento de los materiales al uso en pavimentos para comprender mejor el comportamiento de los sistemas de CF. Además, se discuten las estrategias más idóneas para hacer frente a las caídas y reducir las lesiones. Examinar otros productos con apreciables capacidades de amortiguación de energía y reducción de impactos ha sido de gran ayuda en los prediseños propuestos, todos los cuales se han realizado sobre la base de análisis numérico y los estándares relacionados. El tercer capítulo está dedicado ya al estudio de la tecnología y la investigación sobre los sistemas de C más idóneos; se incluyen estudios procedentes de departamentos académicos, comerciales y de arquitectura en general. En esta sección se desarrollan algunas pruebas estándar relacionadas con los diversos materiales seleccionados y se estudian varios ejemplos de productos similares. El cuarto capítulo incluye investigación de campo (in situ) y análisis de estudios de casos. Se contactó por correo con varias empresas notables de pavimentos en todo el mundo, y se examinaron específicamente aquellos productos cuyos fabricantes afirmaban ser amortiguadores. Esta parte de la investigación se vio ralentizada por la demora en los envíos. Una vez llegados se buscó un ámbito real donde poder recabar la opinión de las personas mayores y del personal adscrito a su cuidado. Todas las pruebas prácticas se realizaron en una residencia de ancianos de Barcelona durante unos dos meses, centrándose en el estudio de los actuales pavimentos del centro y los problemas actuales derivados relacionados con los usuarios. Todo este proceso se completó mediante entrevistas a usuarios y cuidadores con cuestionarios predefinidos. El Capítulo Cinco se refiere a los resultados, discusiones, sugerencias para la instalación y mejora de la seguridad del pavimento en áreas de riesgo. También se realizaron simulaciones sobre una posible estructura base de los pavimentos con el método elemento finito (FEM). El capítulo seis presenta directrices para desarrollos futuros. El autor investigó más a fondo sobre los materiales y su estructura, y se presenta como una base para desarrollos técnicos futuros. El autor considera que, con estudios más detallados, sería posible utilizar como CF otros materiales, bien naturales o reciclados a base de productos agrícolas, lo cual aumentaría la diversidad de la oferta de CF y fomentaría la arquitectura más sostenible.Postprint (published version

    A strategy for space biology and medical science for the 1980s and 1990s

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    A guideline is provided for developing NASA's long-term mission plans and a rational, coherent research program. Ten topical areas for research are addressed: developmental biology, gravitropism in plants, sensorimotor integration, bone and mineral metabolism, cardiovascular/pulmonary function, muscle remodeling, nutrition, human reproduction, space anemia, and human behavior. Scientific goals, objectives, and required measurements and facilities for each of the major areas of space biology and medicine are identified and described along with primary goals and objectives for each of these disciplines. Proposals are made concerning the use of scientific panels to oversee the implementation of the strategy, life sciences' need for continuous access to spaceflight opportunities, the advantages of a focused mission strategy, certain design features that will enhance spaceflight experimentation, and general facilities. Other topics that are considered include mission planning, crew selection and training, and interagency and international cooperation

    Stable, high-force, low-impedance robotic actuators for human-interactive machines

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 347-359).Robots that engage in significant physical interaction with humans, such as robotic physical therapy aids, must exhibit desired mechanical endpoint impedance while simultaneously producing large forces. In most practical robot configurations, this requires actuators with high force-to-weight ratios and low intrinsic impedance. This thesis explores several approaches to improve the tradeoff between actuator force capacity, weight, and ability to produce desired impedance. Existing actuators that render impedance accurately generally have poor force densities while those with high force densities often have high intrinsic impedance. Aggressive force feedback can reduce apparent endpoint impedance, but compromises coupled stability. The common standard for ensuring coupled stability, passivity, can limit performance severely. An alternative measure of coupled stability is proposed that uses limited knowledge of environment dynamics (e.g. a human limb) and applies robust stability tools to port functions. Because of structural differences between interaction control and servo control, classical single-input, single-output control tools cannot be directly applied for design. Instead, a search method is used to select controller parameters for an assumed structure.(cont.) Simulations and experiments show that this new approach can be used to design a force-feedback controller for a robot actuator that improves performance, reduces conservatism, and maintains coupled stability. Adding dynamics in series to change an actuator's physical behavior can also improve performance. The design tools developed for controller design are adapted to select parameters for physical series dynamics and the control system simultaneously. This design procedure is applied to both spring-damper and inertial series dynamics. Results show that both structures can be advantageous, and that the systematic design of hardware and control together can improve performance dramatically over prior work. A remote transmission design is proposed to reduce actuator weight directly. This design uses a stationary direct-drive electromagnetic actuator and a passive, flexible hydraulic transmission with low intrinsic impedance, thereby utilizing the impedance- rendering capabilities of direct-drive actuation and the force density of hydraulic actuation. The design, construction and characterization of a low-weight, low-friction prototype for a human arm therapy robot are discussed. Recommendations and tradeoffs are presented.by Stephen Paul Buerger.Ph.D

    Impact of rubber tree dominated land-use on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation analysiert den Einfluss von steigendem Kautschukanbau (Hevea brasiliensis) hinsichtlich Biodiversität und Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSD) in der Greater Mekong Subregion. Kautschukplantagen beeinflussen die Bereitstellung verschiedener Ökosystemdienstleistungen wie Kohlenstoffspeicherung, Wasserverfügbarkeit und qualität und beeinträchtigt die Biodiversität. Um diese Einflüsse zu untersuchen war die erste Aufgabe die Erstellung eines Überblicks über Veröffentlichungen bezüglich ÖSD und Biodiversität in Kautschuk-Anbaugebieten. Die Literaturübersicht zeigte, dass die Mehrzahl der Publikationen nur eine einzige oder sehr wenige ÖSD behandelt. Dies entspricht nicht den Anforderungen von Entscheidungsträgern, die für fundierte Entscheidungen hinsichtlich Landnutzungsplanung oder die Entwicklung von Zahlungen für ÖSD ein holistisches Bild brauchen, das mehrere ÖSD simultan betrachtet. Um einen Beitrag zu einer holistischeren Sichtweise zu leisten, war die zweite Aufgabe die Analyse des Einflusses von Kautschuk auf die ÖSD Kohlenstoffspeicherung, Bodenerosion, Wasserverfügbarkeit und -qualität, sowie Einkommen und Existenzsicherung. Obwohl es bezüglich der Kohlenstoffbindung in verschiedenen Landnutzungsformen noch große Unsicherheiten gibt, verdichten sich die Hinweise darauf, dass in Kautschukplantagen weniger Kohlenstoff gespeichert ist, als in natürlichen Wäldern. Das Risiko von Erodibilität von Böden in Kautschukanlagen ist im Vergleich zu natürlichen Wäldern höher. Der lokale und regionale Wasserkreislauf wird von Kautschukplantagen ebenfalls beeinflusst. Die Wasserqualität für Menschen und wasserlebende Organismen wird ebenfalls beeinträchtigt. Zweifelsfrei hat die Einführung von Kautschuk eine signifikante Steigerung des Farmeinkommens bewirkt. Allerdings legen sich die Bauern mit der Kautschukproduktion auf Jahrzehnte fest und sind somit abhängig von einer einzelnen Kultur. Weitere ökologische Gefahren bestehen durch Pflanzenkrankheiten und schädlinge, ungünstige Witterung oder Klimaveränderung. Die Auswertung der Studien zeigte deutlich, dass der zunehmende Kautschukanbau in der GMS von verschiedenen Problemen und Bedrohungen für die Bauern und die Umwelt begleitet wird. Die Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Landnutzungskonzepten ist daher unabdingbar. Aufgrund der beschriebenen Ergebnisse basieren Vorschläge für eine nachhaltigere Landnutzung auf Diversifizierung der Plantagen und die Wiederaufforstungen von Wäldern, beides erfordert aber ökonomische Anreize für die Bauern. Ein weiterer Teil der Dissertation behandelt die Entwicklung eines Biodiversitäts-Indikators, der in bestehenden Biodiversitätsmodellen verwendet werden kann. Unser Datensatz umfasste Flora, Vertebraten und Invertebraten. Der resultierende Indikator wurde als Eingabe in ein bestehendes Modell zur Bewertung von ÖSD verwendet. Abschließend wurde eine Landnutzungskarte aus dem Jahr 2007 mit zwei Szenarien verglichen. Um ein differenzierteres Bild zu erhalten wurden zusätzlich Untergruppen analysiert. Die erste Untergruppe Arten für den menschlichen Gebrauch beinhaltete nur die Arten, die der Mensch direkt nutzt (Wildbienen für die Honigproduktion und Pflanzen für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin). Die zweite Unter-gruppe Rote Liste Arten, bestehend aus Pflanzen und Säuger die auf der roten Liste verzeichnet sind, wurde getrennt untersucht, um Naturschutzaspekte mit einzubeziehen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass es bei einer Beschränkung auf die Arten für den menschlichen Gebrauch weniger Unterschiede zwischen den Szenarien gibt, da die Medizinalpflanzen auch in Kautschukplantagen vorkommen, wenn auch mit anderen Arten (Generalisten und Ruderalpflanzen). Dies führt zu einer wichtigen Schlussfolgerung: Allein die Entscheidung Was untersucht wird ist nicht ausreichend (Biodiversität), sondern auch das Wie (Gruppierung von verschiedenen Artgruppen) ist wichtig, da es erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Ergebnisse hat. In einem letzten Aspekt wurde die Übertragbarkeit der Projektergebnisse auf andere Regionen der Welt untersucht, um die Relevanz des Kautschukanbaus auch für Gebiete außerhalb des eigentlichen Untersuchungsgebietes zu ermitteln. Dafür wurde das System der Land-Archetypen benutzt, das eine große Auswahl von Landnutzungsintensitäten verwendet und gleichzeitig ökologische und sozio-ökonomische Gegebenheiten mit einbezieht. In einem ersten Schritt wurde der Projekt-Archetyp definiert, basierend auf der Zusammenführung von globalen Indikatoren mit deren Hilfe Landnutzung und Landeigenschaften beschrieben werden können. Für das Verbundprojekt Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in the Mekong Region wichen nur wenige der 32 untersuchten globalen Indikatoren von den realen lokalen Werten ab. Das Übertragbarkeitspotenzial für die GMS war relativ hoch und unterstützt damit die Wichtigkeit der Projektergebnisse für diese große Region.The present dissertation analyzes the impact of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) dominated land-use on biodiversity and ecosystem services (ESS) in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Although originating from South-America natural rubber is mainly cultivated in South-East Asia. This expansion of rubber plantations affects different ESS such as carbon storage, availability and quality of water and threatens biodiversity in this highly biodiverse region. In order to analyze these impacts the first task was to give a comprehensive overview about publications concerning ESS and biodiversity in rubber cultivation systems. A thorough literature review showed that the majority of publications concentrated on single or few ESS, which does not match the demands of decision-makers. In order to make sound decisions for land-use planning or developing Payments for Ecosystem Services Schemes a holistic view including multiple services. In order to fill this knowledge gap, the second task was to analyze the impacts of rubber on the ESS carbon storage, soil erosion, water availability and water quality and economically and socially related ESS, such as income and livelihood security. Although there are still great uncertainties about carbon storage in different land-use systems there are hints that the carbon storage in rubber plantations is lower than in natural forests. Concerning erodibility, rubber plantations increase the soil erosion risk compared to natural forests. Rubber cultivation also affects the local and regional water balance. Since rubber production in monocultures requires the use of huge amounts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers which enter the aquatic system by rainfall-induced run-off, water quality for humans and aquatic organisms is as well threatened. Undoubtedly, from an economic point of view the introduction of rubber resulted in significant increases in household income and is hence a possibility to move households and communities out of poverty. However, by deciding to grow rubber, farmers are committing themselves for decades to come and are thus dependent on a single product, which exposes them to further risks. In addition, there are ecological hazards due to crop diseases, pests, unfavorable weather conditions or changes in climate. The review of studies clearly indicates that increasing rubber cultivation in the GMS is accompanied by various problems and threats to farmers and the environment. Therefore, the development of more sustainable land-use concepts is required. Concordantly, suggestions for land-use change are based on system diversification and forest restoration, which both require economic incentives for farmers. The next part of this dissertation deals with the development of a biodiversity indicator (based on selected flora and fauna species) that can be included in existing biodiversity models to show the impact that different rubber cultivation scenarios will have on various species groups. A combination of multi-species data supplemented with literature data was used and included flora, vertebrates and invertebrates. The resulting indicator was used as input into an established ESS assessment framework. Finally, a current land-use map from 2007 was compared with two scenarios. In order to get a more detailed picture, sub-groups of biodiversity were analyzed as well. First, a sub-group of human use species category was assessed which included only species which are directly used by humans. Second, the sub-group red list species, consisting of red list plants and mammals was analyzed separately to include the conservational aspect. The results showed that when considering the indices from the category human use species there is less of an impact between the scenarios, because medicinal plants for example are still commonly distributed within rubber plantations, albeit with different species (generalists, ruderal flora). This leads to an important conclusion: not only the decision on what is analyzed (biodiversity), but also how it is analyzed (groups of different species) considerably influences the results. To complete this dissertation the transferability of this place-based research to other regions of the world was tested to assess the relevance beyond the study area. To do this the system of land archetypes was used, which utilizes a wide range of land-use intensity metrics and incorporates simultaneously environmental and socio-economic conditions. In a first step, the project archetype was defined, based on a synthesis of global land system indicators. For the project Sustainable Rubber Cultivation in the Mekong Region, only few of the 32 global indicators did not closely match the local reality. The transferability potential for the GMS was quite high and therefore emphasizes the importance of the project results for this huge region

    GEOMAR Jahresbericht / Annual Report 1992

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    Where is cognition? Towards an embodied, situated, and distributed interactionist theory of cognitive activity

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    In recent years researchers from a variety of cognitive science disciplines have begun to challenge some of the core assumptions of the dominant theoretical framework of cognitivism including the representation-computational view of cognition, the sense-model-plan-act understanding of cognitive architecture, and the use of a formal task description strategy for investigating the organisation of internal mental processes. Challenges to these assumptions are illustrated using empirical findings and theoretical arguments from the fields such as situated robotics, dynamical systems approaches to cognition, situated action and distributed cognition research, and sociohistorical studies of cognitive development. Several shared themes are extracted from the findings in these research programmes including: a focus on agent-environment systems as the primary unit of analysis; an attention to agent-environment interaction dynamics; a vision of the cognizer's internal mechanisms as essentially reactive and decentralised in nature; and a tendency for mutual definitions of agent, environment, and activity. It is argued that, taken together, these themes signal the emergence of a new approach to cognition called embodied, situated, and distributed interactionism. This interactionist alternative has many resonances with the dynamical systems approach to cognition. However, this approach does not provide a theory of the implementing substrate sufficient for an interactionist theoretical framework. It is suggested that such a theory can be found in a view of animals as autonomous systems coupled with a portrayal of the nervous system as a regulatory, coordinative, and integrative bodily subsystem. Although a number of recent simulations show connectionism's promise as a computational technique in simulating the role of the nervous system from an interactionist perspective, this embodied connectionist framework does not lend itself to understanding the advanced 'representation hungry' cognition we witness in much human behaviour. It is argued that this problem can be solved by understanding advanced cognition as the re-use of basic perception-action skills and structures that this feat is enabled by a general education within a social symbol-using environment

    Undergraduate Catalog of Studies, 2023-2024

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    Undergraduate Catalog of Studies, 2023-2024

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